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CEO’s message A call to action: collaboration, performance, and accountability for South Africa's water security

As a professional body dedicated to the responsible management of South Africa's water resources, WISA witnesses the daily challenges facing this vital sector. While strides have been made, providing secure and equitable access to water remains a complex and pressing issue. By Dr Lester Goldman, CEO, WISA

We believe a fundamental shift in approach is needed, one built on three pillars: collaboration, performance improvement, and robust accountability.

Collaboration is key: Fragmented governance, with water management spread across various entities, often leads to disjointed planning and implementation. WISA urges a collaborative effort, bringing together national, provincial, and local government, water utilities, engineering professionals, and communities. Knowledge sharing, joint planning for infrastructure development, and coordinated water resource management are crucial.

Performance improvement: Leakage, ageing infrastructure, and inefficient water use plague our systems. We must prioritise infrastructure revitalisation, leak detection and repair, and widespread adoption of water-saving technologies. We must employ the correct people and ensure that we invest in them. Data-driven decision making must become the norm, coupled with continuous improvement methodologies, can optimize water treatment and distribution.

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