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Getting to Know the New CEO
Most everyone in the INS/INCC community already knows Chris Hunt, the incoming CEO. He has been with INS since 1995 and has served as the meetings manager, the director of meetings, the director of marketing, and the executive vice president. We decided to ask him a few informal questions so the membership might get to know him even better.

What is your favorite restaurant and why?
Abe & Louie’s in Boston is my go-to restaurant for special occasions and celebrations with family and friends. The food is outstanding, and the atmosphere is exciting and energetic. There’s always a buzz that fills the restaurant and everyone has a smile on their face. The restaurant is always filled so it is not unusual to get a 9:30 p.m. reservation. Thank goodness for OpenTable!
What kind of books do you like to read?
Far and away, novels are my favorite. I am always amazed at how authors can make a story come to life. I am a huge fan of John Irving. I remember going to one of his readings while I was in college. It was right after he wrote his blockbuster novel, The World According to Garp. Fast forward to 2009 and I attended his reading for Last Night in Twisted River along with my son, who is also a big fan. It was at this reading where I learned that he always writes the end of his novels first, then goes back to write the beginning. Hands down, my favorite John Irving novel, in fact my favorite novel of all-time is A Prayer for Owen Meany.
What kind of music do you like to listen to?
Seventies music as well as alternative rock are high on my list, but my favorite recording artist is, and always will be, Boz Scaggs.
Where is your favorite place to vacation?
Italy! My wife and I have been there twice with our best friends and absolutely loved it each time. Venice, Sorrento, and Tuscany were the highlight cities for us.
What was your first job?
I began my working career at the age of 11 as a caddie! While lugging golf bags around a course for 4-5 hours (sometimes twice a day) wasn’t work for the faint of heart, it taught me to appreciate hard work, concentration, and discipline. It also afforded me the opportunity to earn the Francis Ouimet Caddie Scholarship that helped defray the cost of college years later.
How originally did you start working for INS?
What was it like at that time—how was it different than now?
One of the questions that people who work in the association/nonprofit space ask each other is “how did you end up here?” And the most common response is “by accident!” My response was no different. When I applied to INS, I did not know anything about associations. I had the requisite skills (sales and administration) for the position they were seeking to fill (meetings manager) but not the background in association management. One month and one Annual Meeting after I was hired, I was hooked! When I began working for INS we had one product, Standards of Practice, and two in-person meetings. There was no internet, email, website, or online learning. I would say it is quite a bit different today! However, the constant that did exist back then, and still exists today, is our commitment to change, flexibility, strategic planning/growth, and most importantly teamwork.
What are changes that have occurred on the business side of INS since you began?
From a business standpoint in the late 90s early 2000s, most of INS’s revenue was generated from our Annual Meeting and Industrial Exhibition and our National Academy of Infusion Therapy. Many members received financial support from their employer to become and remain members and to attend in person meetings. However, as employer support decreased and technology continued to increase, it was incumbent upon INS to develop new modes of education delivery and new revenue streams. The creation of the INS LEARNING CENTER did just that.
What motivates you every day?
The opportunity to have a better day than the day before motivates me both from a personal and work aspect. As I look back on my career at INS/INCC and see how far we have come as an organization, I am motivated to take it even further. In addition, having the opportunity to work with a tremendous staff who are committed to advancing INS/INCC’s missions motivates me. Business writer Patrick Lencioni has said, “Not finance. Not strategy. Not technology. It is teamwork that remains the ultimate competitive advantage, both because it is so powerful and so rare.” Without question, INS’s and INCC’s strength lies in its staff of committed professionals. It is what makes us tick, and I have been privileged to have a front row seat to watch all that they have accomplished.
What would you like the membership to know about the months ahead?
We are tremendously excited that the revision of Infusion Therapy Standards of Practice and all 5 versions of Policies and Procedures for Infusion Therapy will be completed and ready for publication in 2024. All members will receive a free copy of the print version of the Standards as well as free access to the digital version. In addition, members will receive a significant discount on the P&Ps. The publication of these resources is another example of INS’s commitment to education, our members, and the entire infusion community.
Is there anything else you’d like to share?
I am extremely appreciative of the opportunity to serve as the new CEO of INS and INCC. As INS celebrates its 50th anniversary in 2023, it is important to not only celebrate our successes and our position as the leading voice for infusion nursing, but also to look forward to ensure that we continue our path. This will require us to be forward thinking, engaged, solutions-based, connected, and value centric. It will also require us to reflect on what we do and how well we do it. Looking at short-term accomplishments and long-term change is critical to success and growth. It is also part of INS’s and INCC’s continuing self-assessment process and a major component of what will help us deliver meaningful results.
With the help and support of our truly engaged membership, we look forward to the start of the next 50 years of setting the standard for infusion care!