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Uruguay has excellent conditions for livestock production. Here we produce 100% grass-fed Aberdeen Angus beef. Our cattle spend all their life outside, where they graze on well-managed pastures and natural grasslands. Free from hormones and antibiotics, the good life quality of our animals results in natural, healthy and high quality beef.


In Uruguay, we breed our own, unique Aberdeen Angus cattle. They are the result of many years of work improving our genetics, tracing back the roots of the original Aberdeen Angus bloodlines.

The original Aberdeen Angus were a robust but smaller framed animal, well adapted to grazing on natural grasslands. Compared to the modern, larger Aberdeen Angus, our animals calve easier, can be raised and fattened entirely on grass, and need less care.

We have received good responses from the markets to our genetics. By returning to the origin of the breed, we can maintain our commitment to animal welfare while producing a sustainable, high quality grass-fed beef with good nutritional properties, marbling and distinctive flavour.


In 2015, we entered the Natural Meat Certification Programme, which is bestowed by the INAC (Uruguay National Institute of Meat) and recognised by the USDA. This programme certifies that: > Cattle are raised and kept open range for their entire lifetime > Cattle has full and verifiable traceability > Cattle do not receive any animal protein in their feed > Cattle do not receive any hormones

Gauchos, cattle and natural grasslands, Uruguay. Photographer: Douglas Sibbald


Our 100% grass-fed Angus beef has also achieved the Never Ever 3 certification. As well as the requirements in the Natural Meat Certification, this certification guarantees that our cattle are free from antibiotics.

Together with full traceability, we can ensure the health and quality of our meat from start to finish.


Research shows that, 100% grass-fed beef contains a lower fat content and higher levels of heart-healthy fatty acids such as Omega-3 than grain-fed beef. It is also a good source of antioxidants and vitamin A and E ingredients.


Our farms in Uruguay sit on the Uruguayan savanna, an ecoregion in the South American Pampas, which is one of the world’s most important grassland biomes. The pristine natural grasslands are a refuge for indigenous flora and fauna.

Over the centuries, the grasslands have also become important areas for beef production. The native grasses have a low, but stable forage production. We are strongly committed to the protection and preservation of these natural grasslands, and conservation is deeply integrated in our livestock production.

We give alternating areas a rest from grazing during flowering and seeding. This way, different species can recover and regenerate. We do not fertilise, spray or introduce improved forage species, regardless of the potential to increase productivity.


Throughout evolution, the digestive system of a cow has been perfected to supply the animal with all it needs from grass.

When a cow eats grass, it chews the grass just enough to swallow. The unchewed grass then goes to the cow's first two stomachs, where it is stored until later. After eating its fill of grass, the cow lies down to digest it. This happens through a process called rumination, where the cow coughs up bits of the unchewed grass and then chews it again thoroughly. Once swallowed, the chewed grass then goes to the third and fourth stomachs, where it is fully digested. Rumination enables cows to chew grass completely, which improves nutrition intake and digestion.

Grass-based diets are naturally healthier for cattle, making grass-fed beef a superior meat when it comes to animal welfare.


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