1 minute read
Newsle琀琀ers, ar琀椀cles, mailers mundate our mailboxes daily. We o昀琀en don’t have a chance to open them before another arrives.
I hope you open this and enjoy a quick short read. June has been a busy month; the ul琀椀mate human race, Fathers Day, mid year celebra琀椀ons for many organiza琀椀ons and for me, a fun filled experience of a life琀椀me experiencing Israel. Whilst all this sounds exhilira琀椀ng, there’s nothing I get to celebrate more than Denzel Samuel’s twenty year Ingwe anniversary.
In twenty years we have grown together, laughed together and held each other up. Denzel’s commitment, dedica琀椀on and loyalty speaks to his character. Filled with integrity he extends this graciously to his team mates and clients alike. His passion for excellence has not just preserved his career but also caused him to have a track record that we all aspire to.
Denzel is a role model, he’s our manager, he’s our team leader, he’s a dependable professional whose clients can count on BUT most of all he’s my brother, my go to person when I need a sounding board, a voice of reason and the one who will say it the way it needs to be heard.
Denzel has chosen a good name rather than great riches, he has found favour with God and man and for this he is honoured and respected.
I will always be roo琀椀ng, suppor琀椀ng, encouraging and praying for him in the next 20 years of doing life together.