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Monthly Reflection
From The Desk Of Our Bond Consultant
The month of June is a special one for us young South Africans. It is the month in which we celebrate the youth of this country, as well as honour fathers, be it our own fathers, father figures in our lives or the forefathers of our beautiful South Africa. I was born on the cusp of democratic freedom in South Africa, and at Ingwe Property Group, a large part of our team are ‘born frees’. It is a privilege for each one of us but also a great responsibility. For those of us born around or after 1994, there was always an expectation placed. What would we do differently without the shackles of apartheid? What would we do with this birthright of freedom? It is no secret that the current state of our country was never the goal of anyone who fought for our freedom, be it our forefathers or those brave youth that protested in Soweto on that historical day in June 1976. The corruption, the poverty and the inadequate leadership was never the dream. It poses a unique opportunity for us born free’s, however, in that soon, this government will be ours to lead and that is when we can truly shake off the perils of the past and embrace the future that great fathers like Nelson Mandela dreamt of. Aside from all these political struggles, the greatest aspect of being born free in South Africa is the ability to both witness and enjoy the opportunities given to us youth that our fathers never had. Being a part of this amazing industry of real estate exposes us to previously disadvantaged races and groups being able to accomplish goals that those bound by apartheid never dreamt of. We have the equal opportunity to be educated, something the youth of 1976 fought hard for. We have the privilege of turning that education into successful careers that enable us to become homeowners wherever our hearts desire. What a privilege indeed! This June, let us look to the past, to the fights our fathers fought and to the sacrifices of young adults like Hastings Ndlovu and Hector Pieterson. Let us honor their struggles by fully embracing every opportunity given to us that were born into democracy.