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Ardenglen Housing Association Facebook

We have a new Ardenglen Facebook account!

You might have noticed that we haven’t been as active on Facebook over the last year or so. This is due to some changes made by Facebook to their Business accounts. We are sorry if you have been trying to engage with us or contact us using Facebook and we haven’t responded. We simply couldn’t access our old Facebook account to talk to you but we are delighted to announce that we have set up a brand new Facebook account for Ardenglen so that you can keep in contact with us and keep up to date with what is happening. Some of you have already found our new Facebook page but for those of you who have still to find us. Look no further, simply click on this link and you’ll be taken straight to our new Facebook profile Ardenglen Facebook (https://m.


Association-102918612196567/). Hit like on our page and you will be entered into a free prize draw where you can win a £20 for B&M stores. Winner will be announced in August.

AGM 2022

Our AGM is being held in the Maureen Cope Hall on 20 September at 6.45pm.

Shareholders are welcome to join us from 6pm as we announce the winners of this year’s garden competition. All members of Ardenglen are welcome at the AGM where a buffet and refreshments will be served. If you are a member, we’ll be in touch over the next few weeks with AGM papers.

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