Ardenglen HA - Spring 24 newsletter

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Page 1 Ardenglen Housing Association, 355 Tormusk Road, Castlemilk, Glasgow G45 0HF • TEL: 0141 634 8016 • FAX: 0141 634 9016 E-mail: • A recognised charity no. SC032542 • Property Factor Registration No. PF000168 Vision Ardenglen SPRING/ SUMMER 2024 EVENTS CALENDAR 2024/25 .................. P10-11 WHAT’S NEW AT ARDENGLEN ........ P4-5 RENT INCREASE ................. P2-3 TWO NEW CYCLE SHELTERS ...................P13 OFFICIAL NEWSLETTER OF ARDENGLEN HOUSING ASSOCIATION Spring on into the year with us!


In January 2024, we consulted with you on the proposed level of rent increase for 2024/2025 of 6%.

As part of our tenant consultation process, we held an afternoon / evening in person event, to discuss the proposed rent increase. We sent a survey via email and text and Research Resource (survey company) also contacted 100 tenants on our behalf by telephone. We managed to achieve a response rate of 23%.

Q1 Can you tell us your view on the proposed rent increase of 6%?

Neither agree nor disgree 31%

Agree 17%

Disgree 52%

Following the consultation, a report was taken to the board of management where a difficult decision was reached to implement the 6% increase. This increase will allow us to continue to invest in our properties and to ensure our homes remain safe. We would like to thank all tenants who took the time to complete this survey, your views are very important to us.

The winners of the 3 x £50 vouchers as part of the prize draw were selected at random and were...

• Michelle Ramsay

• Pola Beia

• Christine Donaghey

INCREASE 2024/25


If you are in receipt of housing benefit you do not have to take any action as we have informed Glasgow City Council of the change.


If you pay by direct debit we have arranged for your amount to be increased automatically. You will receive a confirmation notice from Allpay please check the dates, amounts, and let us know as soon as possible if there are any problems.


If you are in receipt of Universal Credit, please log into your journal on 01 April 2024 to update your monthly rent charge. You will see the following “To Do” list, please follow the instructions shown below. You will find your new rent charge which is due from 01 April 2024 in the notice sent to you in February.

If you do not make this change, this will not be backdated and you will then you will accrue rent arrears which you will be liable for.

If you require any assistance with this, please contact a member of the Housing Team.

If you are concerned about your ability to afford rent, please get in touch with us and we will support you in any way we can.

Our Community Investment Team have access to fuel / food support as well as other funds. We can also arrange for a full benefit check to be carried out via our Financial Inclusion Service.

What’s New At Ardenglen

Staff Update

Angela Mooney has been appointed as the permanent Senior Housing Officer. Day to day, Angela will be responsible for the housing and front of house team ensuring customers receive the best possible service.

William Boale (Housing Officer) secured a secondment opportunity to another organisation for a 6 month period. We wish William all the best in his new promoted post. Hayleigh Rennie is currently covering the Housing Officer post on a temporary basis. Nicole Babes is also covering the Housing Assistant for this patch on a temporary basis.

We also welcomed a few new faces recently..

Pauline Boyle is our temporary Customer Services Assistant at the front desk. Pauline is friendly and very customer focussed.

Hayleigh Nicole

Asset Management

Christopher Paterson joined us in February taking on the new role of Senior Asset Officer. Christopher brings with him a wealth of Asset Management experience having worked with Elderpark Housing Association previously.

Amy McCann has been permanently appointed as Asset and Compliance Assistant and helps form part of our new Asset Management Team. Congratulations Amy.

Scott Linens – Is currently gaining some experience with us as a Customer Services Assistant through a paid work placement. He will be supporting at the front desk and with the Community Investment Team.

Janice Herriott – joins us as a new permanent Housing Officer and she looks forward to getting to know the tenants within the patch. Janice brings 22 years of housing experience to the role.

Graham Paul will be joining the team in April as our new Asset Officer.

Goodbye and thank you to

Amna Hussain – Customer Services Assistant

Hollie McGowan – Housing Assistant

Good luck & Best Wishes to

Kerri Downie (Housing Assistant/Officer) who is due to go on maternity leave in April for around 12months. We can’t wait to meet the little one.

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Ardenglen have worked in partnership with Money Matters for over 20 years to deliver our Welfare Rights Service. The service continues to be extremely popular and demand for appointments is high. In view of this and due to the huge benefit this service brings to our customers we are increasing this service to full time. We are recruiting for a new officer now and hope to have the service up and running midApril 2024. Money Matters final appointments will be 14th March 2024 and we want to take the opportunity to thank them for all the support over the years.

Please check our facebook & website for updates on the new service start date and ensure we have an up to date email or mobile number for any updates.

If you require urgent assistance meantime, please contact Citizens Advice Bureau on 0141 634 0338 or see below for drop in and appointment information:

Glasgow - Castlemilk Citizens Advice Bureau (27 Dougrie Drive)

Opening hours


9.30 - 12:30 (Drop in) and 2.00 pm to 4.00 pm (Appointments only)


9.30 - 12:30 (Drop in) and 2.00 pm to 4.00 pm (Appointments only)


9:30 - 12:30 (Drop in) and 2.00 pm to 4.00 pm (Emergency only)


9:30 - 12:30 (Drop in) and 2.00 pm to 4.00 pm (Appointments only)

As you may remember, we recently held a good neighbour competition and encouraged you to nominate anyone whose kindness and consideration has made a difference to your lives. We received a total of 22 fantastic nominations and although all those nominated would all have been worthy winners we had to select 2.

We are delighted to announce our winners, selected by the Director of Customer Services are Jane Dryburgh and Margaret Scott. Congratulations Jane and Margaret!

New Financial Inclusion Service What’s New At Ardenglen

Good Neighbour Award

Direct Debit Rent Payments over Easter

The Easter Public Holiday weekend falls between Friday 29th March & Monday 1st April. If your rent Direct Debit is due around this time please check the table below to see if you may be affected and ensure there are sufficient funds in your account on collection day to prevent any bank charges.

Garden Competition 2024 is now open for entries!

There will be 3 prizes on offer

1st prize - £75 voucher

2nd prize - £50 voucher

3rd prize -£25 voucher

Front, back, side gardens and balconies can apply

To enter email photo(s) to info@ardenglen. along with your name, address and

phone number (this can be a direct tenant entry, family member nomination or nominate a neighbour). Alternatively, contact one of our Housing Team on 634 8016 and they will arrange to take photographs when on the estate.

Competition starts now and will end 31 July 2024.

Winners will be contacted by telephone in August and appear in the Autumn edition of Vision Newsletter.

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Normal Collection Date Actual Date Payment will be taken Thursday 28th March 2024 No change Friday 29th March 2024 Tuesday 2nd April 2023 Monday 1st April 2023 Tuesday 2nd April 2023 Tuesday 2nd April 2023 No change

Safeguards for XL Bully Dogs

The Scottish Government have developed new safeguards which owners must abide by. These rules will be require to be followed by all Ardenglen tenants.

There are two stages to the new rules with Stage 1 rules coming into force from 23 FEBRUARY 2024 the rules from this date are as follows:

• XL Bully owners in Scotland must ensure their dogs are muzzled and, on a lead, when in a public place

• Selling, gifting or exchanging XL Bully dogs is now also prohibited.

• It remains legal to own an XL Bully dog with no new legal rules on ownership of an XL Bully dog applying as yet.

Stage 2 rules will come into force from 1 AUGUST 2024 which means:

It will be against the law to own a XL Bully dog without an exemption. Subject to consideration of the regulations by Scottish Parliament, owners can apply for certificates of exemption between 1 April to 31 July 2024 (full details will shortly be made available on the Scottish Government website). Owners of an XL Bully dog will need to apply for an exemption on or before 31 July 2024 to be able to continue to legally own their dog.

Although the XL Bully dog has been added to the list of designated dogs under the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991, any individual XL Bully dog will not be classed as prohibited where an owner of an XL Bully dog obtains a certificate of exemption that enables the owner to legally own the dog. This information is being given to help tenants and landlords understand

the changes where tenancy agreements include clauses relating to ‘prohibited’ dogs under the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991.

Further information and support can be found within the links below.

XL Bully dogs in Scotland -

Controlling your dog in public -

If you have any queries or concerns in relation to this matter, please get in touch with your housing officer to discuss in more detail.

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Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library is the flagship program of The Dollywood Foundation. It reaches more children than any other early childhood book gifting program, and mails free, high-quality, age-appropriate books to children from birth until age five, no matter their family’s income.

What is it?

Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library is a 60-volume set of books that begin with the children’s classic The Tale of Peter Rabbit Every month a new, carefully selected book will arrive in the post addressed in your child’s name.

Best of all it is a FREE GIFT and there is no cost or obligation to continue.

Who is Eligible?

All children under the age of five, who live in an Ardenglen HA home.

What Are My Responsibilities?

• You must be a tenant with Ardenglen HA and have your children registered as part of your household.

• You need to complete and submit a registration form (must be the parent or guardian) of the child.

What happens next?

• In around eight to ten weeks your little one will receive books that are addressed to them and delivered by the postman.

• This will continue until they are about to turn the age of Five or you end your tenancy with Ardenglen HA.


Contact the office today on 0141 634 8016 or e-mail us at community@ardenglen.

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Saltire – Our New Heating Contractor

Saltire Facilities Management Have replaced City Technical as our new Gas contractor, they are responsible for attending all our Gas breakdowns including emergency out of hours as well as carrying out annual gas services inspections.

The following number should be contacted for breakdown during normal working hours when the office is closed for a public holiday or for staff training 8am- 4.30pm 01698 743 647.

The following number should be contacted for breakdowns at all other times including weekends. Other times 0330 2020 444.

The Association as your landlord is required by law to service the gas boilers and pipework within your home every 12 months

to ensure that they are safe for you to use and that they are maintained in a good condition. Saltire will contact you direct near the 12-month expiry time of your last service. Please ensure you allow access to enable Saltire to carry out these important safety checks.

“The team at Saltire are looking forward to working closely with Ardenglen in providing residents with an excellent service and becoming part of the community. Our local engineers and call centre are to help you out 24/7/365 ensuring you are kept safe and warm in your homes.”

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Ardenglen CommitteeCommunityhave been busy organising events for forthcoming year 2024-25 and the future looks fun for Ardenglen residents…….

Your Social Calendar For

Please note that similar to last year, we will be carrying out a Membership drive for the association. This means that in order to qualify for tickets you MUST become a member of the association.

Membership only costs £1 and not only will enable you to access events/activities each year, it entitles you to attend our AGM’s and Special Meetings and offer the opportunity to join our Board of Management.


First up is our...


An array of family fun and free activities has been organised for the whole family to enjoy on Thursday 4th April 20204 from 11am – 2pm The event will take place in Ardenglen’s office car park and boardroom.

A special shout out to Castlemilk Together for providing us with an allocation of funding from the GCC Food & Fun grant. This will enable us to provide extra fun activities and FREE food.

All welcome!

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SEASONS 2024-25 Is Here!


Our annual Summer Family and Summer Over 40s Trips are currently being planned to take place on Friday 26th July from 9am – 4pm & Friday 30th August from 9am – 6pm.

The destination of both trips has still to be decided, and this is because we wanted to ask YOU where you want to go!

We will be surveying tenants at the Spring Fun Day and will be sending out communication via email and text asking you to choose from a selection of venues/places.

Life or Edinburgh Zoo and for the Summer Over 40s Trip Anstruther; Carnoustie or St Andrews.

YOUR opinion is important to us, so please take part. Once the destinations are decided, we will tell you how you can purchase tickets and when.

As reported in our last issues of Ardenglen Vision, the Association are supporting the Community Committee to establish a new community hub at 6 Ardencraig Street.

Suggestions’ so far for the Summer Family Trip are Mabies Farm; Almond Valley; Five Sisters; Sea

Note: All our trips are for our tenants and their children. To qualify for the Family Trip your child must be of primary school age and that it must be your child/grandchild – no nieces or nephews.

We are keen to establish some youth involvement, so if you have any teenagers wanting to get involved let us know!

Work is required to make the HUB fully accessible and compliant in terms of health & safety, and in order to carry out these necessary works, a building warrant is required. The warrant has been submitted and we are awaiting the Green light to proceed with the works.

We anticipate that the Community Committee will be in their new home in time for summer and in order to launch the HUB, we will be delivering a Family Fun Day on Friday 19th July 2024 from the venue and surrounding streets. Keep an eye on our Facebook for updates!

Other dates that have been agreed are as follows:-

Spooky Fun @ the Hub – a Halloween event on Wednesday 30th October from 6pm & 8pm.

Annual visit to East Kilbride Village Theatre

“Greenhill’s Panto Team” (date & performance to be confirmed). This year we have extended it to two x coaches, due to the popularity & demand.

Breakfast/Brunch with Santa (visit in his Grotto). Events will take place across 2 Saturday’s (7th & 14th December) from 10am –1pm

We will notify you when tickets will be on sale and costs in our summer issue of the Ardenglen Vision, along with communication via Facebook; X (Twitter); email & text.

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Our new 2024 booklet is available and this can be collected at the main office front desk reception for review, if there any queries or concerns regarding Damp & Mould please speak with our reception and they will request a maintenance officer discusses/review your concerns.

Download a copy at https://tinyurl. com/3h97r29j

Alteration or improvement works

Under the terms of the tenancy agreement, alterations, or improvement work to the property (other than decoration) should not be carried out without the written consent of the landlord. The following provides examples of alterations:

• Requesting a structural change such as removing an internal wall

• Requests to fencing to replace an existing boundary

• Loft renovations

• Installation of external door or replacement internal doors or handles

• Installation of kitchen or bathroom suites or additional kitchen units.

• Installation of fires or fireplaces.

• Replacement of existing gate

• Alterations to the garden space or erection of a garden shed.

• Adding or removing electrical sockets

• Replacing light fittings or switches.

If you are thinking of making alterations to your home, please get in touch to request permission at or call 0141 634 8016

MOULD Damp and mould in the home can be a health hazard, causing respiratory problems and exacerbating allergies. Making sure your home is free of mould and damp is not only important for your health, but it is also your responsibility as a tenant. Preventing damp and mould is much easier than you might think. This quick guide explains how some everyday habits contribute to damp indoors and offers simple solutions to minimise and deal with small damp and mould issues. MANAGING MOULD & CONDENSATION A Guide for Tenants Your guide to damp and mould Page 12

Secure your bike in our two new Cycle Shelters

We are delighted to announce that we have been awarded funding to purchase and install 2 x Bike Stations, one at Ballantay Terrace and a second one at Ardencraig Quadrant (see below for photos of the proposed locations).

We have been awarded funding from the Social Housing Partnership Fund (SFHA & Cycle Scotland). Both shelters are robust, with secure key code padlock, and

has space for 24 bikes (12 each location).

Consultation informed us that bike owners are forced to keep their bikes in stairwells and drying areas, so this much needed funding will ensure that our tenement properties are safe and free from any hazards, especially fire!

We also hope it will encourage more people in the area to take up cycling and enjoy the benefits – such as improved fitness.

If you have any questions regarding either of these projects or you wish to reserve a space for your household, please contact Fiona McGovern from our Community Investment Team by calling 0141 631 5041 or by emailing community@

If you are aware of any other areas which may benefit from cycle storage (either on-street or in back courts) please contact the team as this will help with future funding bids.

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Bring in sunlight!

During daylight hours, switch off artificial lights and use windows to brighten your home.

Get opening those curtains and blinds.

For more Energy Saving tips please check out our website.

Did you know that we have an Energy Advisor, as part of the Castlemilk Pantry project?

Looking for ways to reduce your energy consumption to save on your bills and lessen your carbon footprint?

A term you will hear often from Lynne our Energy Advisor is that the more energy you use the greater your bill……the more you pay!

The good news is that the opposite is also true: the less energy you use, the smaller your energy bills will be.

Saving energy at home is something everyone in the family can join in with and does not have to be a huge effort. Simple changes such as switching your appliances off standby could save you around £60 a year.

Place blankets by the sofa and at the end of the bed so they are at hand before you consider adjusting the thermostat.

Use the eco settings at 30°C on your washing machine, and make sure it’s a full load.

These are just some of the everyday simple tips we can share with you.

If you need more help and assistance, house visits can be arrange, call to make an appointment.

Read Eric’s story opposite, which details what help and support he was given…….

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Tenant story

Eric is a single dad of two boys. His housing officer made the referral to Lynne our Energy Advisor to give advice and support. During the winter months, he felt a great deal of strain with the rise in energy prices and the drop in temperature. It was hard to juggle the expense of food for the boys, and keeping his home warm.

He was not aware of the Castlemilk Food Pantry. The Castlemilk Pantry operates by giving members who sign up for £1 a year access to around £15 worth of goods for a flat rate of just £2.50 per shop.

When he joined the Pantry, he also received some energy saving lightbulbs to cut down on some of his energy costs and radiator foils. By installing the reflective foil insulation, behind his radiators. This help resulted in more heat being reflected back into the room instead of being lost through the walls.

Lynne was also able to apply for the Warm Home Discount. As he met the criteria of being in receipt of means-tested benefits. He was

successful in being awarded £150 towards his energy costs.

With further guidance on how to be energy efficient, he was able to take control of his energy use and make his home warmer.

He has since gone on to join our Pantry Plus classes. We have a range of groups on, not just for the “Ladies”, but for Men too. He now enjoys the IT and gardening classes.

Eric was very grateful for this help and advice and what had been a worrying time for him was now being easily addressed and supported.

Eric said…..“Can’t thank you enough, you have helped me and my boys in so many ways, which I knew to speak to you sooner”.

So, if you need help and support, free and impartial Energy Advice Service,

Please get in touch today!

If you would like some advice and support call the office on 0141 631 5041 or email today for an appointment.

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We are approaching the end of the financial year for 2023/24 and during this time, the Castlemilk Pantry continues to be popular in the local community.

If you are not already a member, please contact us via email or in person at the Pantry store.

Here is a snapshot

The project continues to perform well, despite being affected with the national food shortage, however the team and our members are working together to search for opportunities that will assist us to build on our stock to ensure that we can support wherever possible. You will read later on in this article how our Cash for Castlemilk project has assisted!

our performance up to Quarter 3 (Oct –

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As well as providing access to affordable food that saves them money, other opportunities are on offer via our Pantry Plus project, such as volunteering; health & wellbeing; cookery and more! Please see our programme of activities for details of what is on.



Volunteering Opportunities; Personal Development; Health & Safety; First Aid & Cookery/Food Hygiene training also available throughout the year

As previously reported, the Castlemilk Pantry project continues to experiencing the impact from a national food shortage and that is where you come in. We have entered into a partnership with Bankuet, which provides us with a platform that allows us to fundraise directly with the public.

Here is an example of the difference a donation can make:-

• £10 - will help people to obtain their basic kitchen staples

• £20 – will help people obtain a weeks’ worth of meals for one person

• £50 will help put a weeks’ worth of meals on a table for a family.

So, if you can afford to donate, please give what you can and support your community during these challenging times. to donate today!!


Page 17 DAY WHAT’S ON TIME Monday Breakfast Bingo @ Castlemilk Youth Complex Social Isolation & Wellness 11am to 12noon Monday Health is your Wealth @ Ardenglen Office Learn techniques such as Mindfulness and Relaxation Techniques 12.30pm to2.30pm
Sew Fabulous @ Ardenglen Office Learn how to transform old rags into something brand new 10am to 12noon Tuesday Mending Castlemilk @ Castlemilk Community Church Learn how to transform old furniture/wood *BOOKING ESSENTIAL 12noon to 2pm Tuesday Grub’s Up @ various venues 6 week cookery class with certification *BOOKING ESSENTIAL 12.30pm to 2.30pm Tuesday Connected Castlemilk @ Ardenglen Office Develop your Digital skills inc. Job Search 10.30am to 2.30pm Tuesday Creative Writing Group @ Ardenglen Office Develop your creative side 1.00pm to 3.00pm Tuesday Happy Gardeners @ Castlemilk Community Centre Improve your overall health & wellbeing 10.30am to 12.30pm Wednesday The Inspirationals (Women’s Group) @ Ardenglen Office Wellness & Life-long learning 10am to 12noon Wednesday Happy Gardeners @ Ardenglen Office Develop & cultivate our community gardens & improve your overall health/ wellbeing 10am to 12noon Wednesday Connected Castlemilk @Ardenglen Office Develop your Digital skills inc. Job Search 10.30am to 12noon Thursday Men Matter (Men’s Group) @Ardenglen
Wellness & Life-long learning 1pm to 3pm
Friday Connected Castlemilk @Ardenglen Office Develop your Digital skills inc. Job Search 10.30am to 2.30pm
Thursday &
Grub’s Up
Free Community Lunch, end the week together
the Castlemilk
12.30pm (sit
Parish Church
& share ideas &
Food Pantry
down) to 2.30pm


CASH FOR CASTLEMILK is our Participatory Budgeting project, which takes place, when we secure relevant funding that, enables the Pantry Team to engage fully with the Pantry membership. This process sees our members discussing ways in which to spend funding, with the only criteria being that food or energy saving being incorporated.

Each time we have funding available, we bring together a small working group of Pantry members to hear more about the process, “Participatory budgeting is a type of citizen sourcing in which ordinary people decide how to allocate part of a municipal or public budget through a process of democratic deliberation and decisionmaking”. After which the group’s final ideas were presented to the general membership for a final vote.

We are delighted that our members have responded positively to this process and are pleased to report that we are seeing more members feeling confident enough to get involved.

Previously working in this way has saw us compliment a members shop by offering them access to “Breakfast Buddies” free cereal/milk on top of their weekly shop and receiving winter warmth packs (hats/gloves)

along with access to free raffles for energy saving appliances.

However, our latest delivery of Cash for Castlemilk, has been the most popular to date. Several ideas were presented to members, which included access to a free Flat Pack Meal or Butcher Packs to the overall membership for a final vote, with the winning idea being able to access vouchers for a Meat Pack (halal and vegetarian packs too). The money we have available is allowing us to issue at least one free pack to our members.

We think that working in this way with our membership is just the best as it not only enabled us to support our members during the Cost of Living Crisis by giving them something additional on top of their weekly shop, but we have been able to support to local food business too. McCluskey Butchers and Organic Fruit & Vegetable Shop & our suppliers for Halal products were delighted to join us in making this idea a reality. This offer will end on 29th March 2024.

We would like to thank our funders the National Lottery (Community Fund) and Energy Re-dress Scheme and a special thank you goes to our members who took part in the process for their contribution too!

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Migration to Universal Credit – Timetable

In January, DWP published their plans of how and when all legacy benefit claimants will be required to migrate to Universal Credit. We have outlined the key dates and benefit types below.


From May 2023

From April 2024

From June 2024

From July 2024

From September 2024

From April 2024 –September 2024

From August 2024

Benefit Type

Tax credit only claimants

Income Support Claimants

Tax credit & housing benefit only claimants

Housing benefit only claimants

Employment & support Allowance claimants who also receive tax credits

Jobseekers Allowance Claimants

Some households receiving a combination of benefits, like Income Support, Housing Benefit and/or Child Tax Credits could receive their notice, anytime between these dates

Mixed-age couples who are over state pension age may be required to apply for Pension Credit or Universal Credit 2028

Employment & support Allowance only claimants

Please do not make any claim for Universal Credit until you are in receipt of a migration notice inviting you to do so, you will also only have 3 months to make the claim before you lose your ongoing benefits. If you are in any doubt, please seek assistance from either our Housing Team or Financial Inclusion Service.

Citizens Advice Scotland also provides a “Help to Claim” helpline which can be contacted by calling 0800 0232581 or via the web page helptoclaim

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How your rent money is being spent

Ardenglen aims to be as transparent as possible, so with this in mind, we intend to keep you informed by publishing our quarterly financial results. During the nine months from April 2023 to December 2023 - the income receivable was £3.810 Million and from this the expenditure incurred to deliver our service was £3.429 Million.

This is how your rent has been spent over these nine months.

Ardenglen has developed a robust Business Planning Model for investment in your homes and community. Any surplus we report will be re-invested at a future date in line with our business goals and objectives.


Ardenglen would also like to publish our “Top 10” expenditure items, on a quarterly basis, which will hopefully give you an insight into our key areas of spend. If you have any further questions or would like additional information, please do not hesitate to contact Michelle Hart from our Finance & Corporate Services Team.

Salaries/ staffing costs Reactive Repairs Planned & Cyclical Maintenance Management & Maintenance administration Depreciation Regeneration Interest Paid on Loans Investment in fixed assets Money set aside for future investment Total Staffing Costs Day to Day Repairs Interest on loans Repairs to Empty Homes Property Insurance Landscape Maintenance IT Equipment & Telecom Professional Fees Gas Repairs Close Cleaning £706,772 £389,970 £254,606 £145,826 £111,508 £104,769 £95,831 £59,826 £59,228 £58,187 18% 16% 10% 14% 15% 7% 7% 12% 2%

Who can complain?

How do I complain?

Anyone can make a complaint to us, including the representative of someone who is dissatisfied with our service.

When complaining, tell us:

• Your full name and address.

• As much as you can about the complaint.

• What has gone wrong?

• How you want us to resolve the matter.


You can complain in person at our office, by phone 0141 634 8016, in writing, or email

Getting help to make your complaint

We can take complaints from a friend, relative, or an advocate, if you have given them your consent to complain for you. If you have trouble putting your complaint in writing, please tell us.

Between 1 October to 31 December 2023, we received 40 complaints.

Timescales to Resolve

When a complaint is received, we aim to resolve the matter within 5 working days (Stage 1 Complaint) however if the complaint is more complex and requires a more detailed investigation, we aim to respond within 20 working days (Stage 2 Complaint).

Customer Feedback

Upheld & responded to within timescale:

Your feedback means a lot to us whether it be a complaint or a compliment or just some general thoughts on our service. All of your feedback helps Ardenglen shape our services for the good of all our tenants. We are constantly reviewing our own

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and processes
a high-quality service.
to ensure we deliver
Q3 Complaint Outcomes Upheld Partially Upheld Not Upheld Resolved 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Responded to within timescales 16 6 15 1 80.00%


The Association has received a number of compliments about our work and the work of our contractors. The following are some highlights:

That’s great. Thank you so much for all your help

Thank you so much Lynne I appreciate all your help

Thank you so much for the help and also for the call.

Thanks for your support always

Thanks Lynne. I appreciate everything you’re doing to help

Thank you Lynne, I am grateful for you time and support.

Thanks for everything

The engineer guys here just arrived thank you for all your help

Performance Quarter 3 (1 October to 31 December 2023)

Issues with contractors, materials and properties requiring more work.

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Area of operation Target Performance to date 1/10/22 –31/12/22 Target achieved % reactive repairs completed right first time 95% or over 91.74% No % properties with a gas safety check completed by anniversary date 100% 100% No Average days taken to relet empty houses 12 days 20.5 days No
% rent due lost through properties being empty Below 0.400.50% 0.41% Yes Current tenant rent arrears as a % of rent due Below 3.5% 3.27% Yes Target met

Useful Contacts


Emergency phone numbers when our office is closed:

• For all central heating and hot water emergencies please call 0330 202 0444

• For any other emergency repairs that happen after hours, please call 0141 336 7111

• When reporting a repair please advise the contractor you are a tenant of Ardenglen Housing Association.

• Report a repair free phone line 0300 303 8000 – this number is not available during public holidays.

The Office will be closed for Public Holidays on the following dates:

Easter Holidays

• Good Friday - 29 March 2024

• Easter Monday - 1 April 2024

May Holidays

• May Day - Monday 6 May 2024

• Friday 24 May 2024

• Monday 27 May 2024

Please note that the office will be closed on Wednesday afternoons for staff training.

Keep updated with everything Ardenglen by liking us on facebook - here is the link below: Ardenglen Facebook (https://m.

In addition to this we are collating tenant email addresses. Email is a fast, free method of communication and gives you the opportunity to contact us at any given time.

If you have an email address please call us to let us know on 0141 634 8016, email us at or private message us on Facebook. We have an

We use facebook to promote our services and to keep tenants up to date with important changes such as the implementation of Universal Credit.

Ardenglen Facebook Account! Have you followed us yet?
for your local area are listed below. Full contact and surgery details can be found
or visit the Council’s website:
at 0141 287 2000
Vallis 0141 287 7031
Bailie Paul McCabe 0141 287 4663
Morgan 0141 287 0224
John Carson
you need any assistance regarding councillors please
Ardenglen use the Big Word translation service for translation via telephone. Please get in contact with us if you require translation services.
0141 287 3937 If
call our office on 0141 634 8016 where a member of staff will be happy to assist.
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