I単igo Unanue Personal Portfolio
Index ABOUT ME EXPERIENCE # Open innovation process # User experience and innovation process # Entrepreneurial and innovation tools training # Business model, Community and Web Page development # Event organization # Team dynamization
I consider myself an adventurous person, and even I believe that the world is small. However, we can access to thousands of different adventures, it is up to us to get into them. I am 21 years old, but I have had the opportunity to live unique experiences. On the one hand, I have visited countries such as United States, New Zeland, China, India and many countries in Europe.
M o re ove r, I h a ve d e ve l o p e d d i ffe re n t p ro j e c t s re l a te d to innovation processes, entrepreneurial ecosystems development and new business models development. I Think that I am a simple person who loves nature and working with people.
Iñigo Unanue Bereciartu
Native language (EGA title)
Scientific Bachelor
Birth date and place
University Degree
Zumarraga 13/09/1994
Second Native language
E-mail and Phone number
English First Certificate Title Stays in San Francisco, New Zeland, Finland, China and India French
644 25 05 86 inigo.want@gmail.com
Basic level Chinese Belt 4 (8 belts)
Fourth Year in Leinn (Entrepreneurial, Leadership and Innovation) Other trainings Ecoleadership International young Leaders program Other titles Leisure time instructor Snowboard instructor (Title obtained in New Zeland)
# New business model development
# Improvement of users experience
# Innovation Process
# Entrepreneurial and Intraentrepreneurial processes
# Team Work
# Team dinamizer
# Project and Team Leadership
# Theories modelling skills
# Wordpress
# Self leadership
PASSIONS Social Causes
Inn. processes
WANT Coop is a cooperative founded by 14 young entrepreneurs in the “Entrepreneurial Leadership and Innovation” (LEINN) University degree in 2012. Want has given us the opportunity to develop some successful and some failed projects but always learning in team. Our main objective has been to learn while we have been specializing in three different areas: • • •
Innovation processes Entrepreneurial teams dinamization Strategic business development
TZBZ Consulting develops consultancy Projects in Educative and Business environments.
Mendiboard is a team passionated by mountains that 15 years ago decided to give a big step forward. They leave aside the chairlifts with the aim of exploring the mountains helped by a Snowboard.
During these four years as an entrepreneur, I have had the opportunity to develop different projects with TZBZ, which has helped me to interiorize new innovative processes and to understand that consultancy environment can be something fun.
The solution to the difficulties that they faced when going up to the mountains was the Splitboard, the concept that in few years became part of a life style creating the company Mendiboard, which nowadays is focused in the creation of Splitboards
Ailu Education Group Innovation process and user experience improvement Ailu is a Kindergarten chain in China that has more than 36 establishments with 2000 employees and more than 17000 kids all together. In AILU, we analyzed their value curve to compare with the competences value curve and the satisfaction of their clients in order to design together with the directors of each of the kindergartens the next aspects that allowed them to offer a better service than the competence: Better ways to communicate among parents and teachers. • A curriculum more oriented to a international kindergarten. • Better service in order to help parents to choose the schools for the future In this innovation process took part 20 directors and the manager of the group. •
It should be pointed out the importance to involve all the agents, as this company was involved in a structural change, pivoting their model from a piramidal structure, to a more horizontal structure based on creating a knowledge creator company where each of the directors was getting more autonomy.
Sortzen AKT Entrepreneurial and innovation tools training Due to the crisis, the number of people without job increased from 2% to 13,1 %in Gizpuzkoa, reaching historical levels. At the same time, considering that the amount of people with universities degree reached to historical levels, (18% of the population in the Basque country had an University degree) we gave a fourth month active training focused on entrepreneurship for unemployed people. In this project to introduce citizens to entrepreneurship, we offered a practical knowledge based on a %100 active course, taking as a base the creation of working teams and real projects. The final objective was that the participants, once they finished the course, were able to have a profile with the next competence: 1. Autonomy: To obtain the knowledge to be able to develop independently their own projects or actions to obtain funding. 2. Bravery To be able to identify business opportunities 3. Team vision: To learn working in teams and to create synergies with other entrepreneurs.
68% passed from an unemployed situation to obtain a job
25% of the participants is now working in their own projects
ARIZMENDIARRETA 100 Event organization As a result of the 100 anniversary of the death of Jose Mari Arizmendiarreta, founder and ideologist of the Mondragon Corporation, which is one of the biggest corporations in Spain with more than 260 cooperative companies, we organized the celebration event with the help of the Mondragon Corporation. In this event, we joined together Basque cooperativistas that were working in Shanghai with people from dierent cultures with whom we expanded the cooperatives culture making a reexion about these values.
Global Futurizer: Finlandia Open innovation process
This initiative leaded by the innovation consultancy TZBZ, is about an open innovation and collective process where leading companies bet for the talent of University students to solve their strategic challenges in an accelerated process of business model generation and working in multidisciplinar teams. It is about a tool that comes to fulfill the gap among the University and Business world, as it is born by the obvious need of the young people to find their space in the professional market. On the other hand, the ones that are betting more and more for an open innovative process in order to solve their problems and to obtain fresh ideas are the companies. Together with the team of TZBZ, I had had the opportunity to organize de event that was held in Finland.
Clean Teach Now! Open innovation process Clean Teach Now! is a day focused on INNOVATION, with workshops, contests and prizes, where students from 16 to 23 years learn more about Clean Technologies, Sustainability and Circular Economy and where they have the chance to see which opportunities they have in the future, from a team and funny perspective. In this project lead by Innobasque and organized by the consultancy TZBZ, we design a similar process to Global Futurizer, where students design sustainable solutions for six Basque Companies, together with TZBZ and Innobasque I was part of the organizers team of this event.
Clean Tech now! Results: • 200 participants • 1448 new ideas • 24 business models • Trending topic in The Basque Country
ULMA General Assembly
Pacto Verde
Team dinamization
Team dinamization
Dinamization of the General Assembly of ULMA, company with more than 2000 employees and 125 subsidiaries all around the world. Project developed by TZBZ and Make it Visual, with the aim of creating a dierent assembly, where more than 300 of associated people reected about the Social Dimension of the Cooperative
Dinamization of the event Pacto Verde together with TZBZ. The city council of Vitoria-Gasteiz, in their anual event with the 791 added companies in the Pacto Verde community, was looking to rethink the aim of this event. In order to achieve this goal we design an event were the protagonist were the participants and designed how would they like to be this community.
Mendiboard Business model, community and web page development We identiďŹ ed that the company Mendiboard, that makes Splitboards, had a big potential, but that they might need some help developing their business model, creating a community and improving the brand. In order to obtain this, we developed a fourth month process where, apart from working in topics such as strategy, Marketing, Online presence and innovation, we wanted to increase the Splitboards sales from selling 40 boards in a season to sell 100 boards in the next season expanding the brand to the Alps and South America while we become referents in the Splitboarders community.
CONCEPT Inspired in these books Innovation INTRENTREPRE NEURSHIP
+ + +
Innovation Client orientation New clients
# The fifth discipline - Peter Sange # Knowledge creator companyNonaka y Takeuchi # Leaders eat Last - Simon Sinek
+ + +
Responsibilities Performance Tangible objetives
# The wisdom of team- Jon R. Katzenbach y Douglas K. Smith # Leading Change- John Kotter
+ + +
Participation Satisfaction Competitiveness
# Visual Teams- David Sivet # Leading the revolution- Gari Hamel Participation
Nowadays the market is changing rapidly and a company can´t be content just with going forward without innovating. In order to adapt to the change it is necessary to have entrepreneurs inside the company who are able to develop different changes. In order to achieve this it is important to develop a training and participation process where the employees develop a new intra-entrepreneurial ecosystem based in innovation. Combining different theories of books we have identified two previous phases in the way of becoming a company with a entrepreneurial and innovative culture. On the one hand we see necessary that the people have trust, feel good and to be able to be part of the company. On the other hand, if we add the formula of the team work to these individuals the results and the performance can become amazing, achieving excellent results. Once we have achieved these we have to create the spaces where people can create new innovative concepts
THEORIES These two methodologies are compatible as they are focused on creating products that better fit the needs of the customers.
Lean Start Up
Design Thinking
Observation Analysis
When we speak about Design Thinking, we speak about thinking as designers. Clients are requiring better products and services and the designs need to satisfy their needs and problems. The Design Thinking presents a process where based in a deep analysis, we design creative solutions that better fulfill the needs of the customers, creating a prototype that allows us to test with our clients.
The Lean Processes to develop new Startups are useful to validate our hypothesis that we may have as entrepreneurs about different ideas This process of CREATE-MEASURE-LEARN, helps us creating Minimum Viable Products to verify if our hypothesis are true or not. All this process allows to the entrepreneurs to save money and time
2 months Any person is an opportunity Team Academy Origins Be fast to become an entrepreneur Open innovation by Global futurizer
SAN FRANCISCO 1 month Silicon Valley environment Analysis of Whole Foods supermarket Organization and working methods of Google, Firefox, IDEO
2 months In China we need to sell, nowadays is not enough to produce. With the projects is needed to show a big ambition. They only buy if they see tangible benefits. Project to improve user´s experience in Ailu Kindergarten
INDIA 2 months Negotiation skills India will become the World leader when they order the disorder they have Care about what really matters and about the people that really matters
NEW ZELAND 2 months Snowboard Instructor Course Significant improvement in English First traveling experience alone being 17 years old The world is really small, in 24 hours you are in the other corner of the world
644 25 05 86
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“No-one told us who we were. No-one told us we should do this. No-one told us it would be easy. Someone said we are our dreams, that if we don´t dream, we are no longer alive. Our steps follow our instinct and take us into the unknown. We no longer see the obstacles behind us, but look forward to the ones ahead." KILIAN JORNET