Curriculum vitae hector garcía call inglés

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Address: Av. Las Rosas lote 123 Jardinez de San Lucas IV Guatemala City

Personal phone (502) 57343559 E-mail:

Héctor Guillermo García Bonilla Personal Information


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Status: Single Nationality: Guatemalan Age: 24 years old ID No.: 1792490530101 Driver License No.: Type C 1792490530101 Passport No.: 000148758 USA Visa: Type B1 Class B2 Languages: English and Spanish

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Visa USA: Colegio Mixto Integral: Primaria 1998 - 2003 Centro Educativo el Gran Moyas: Secundaria 2004 - 2006 Centro Educativo el Gran Moyas: Bachiller en Ciencias y Letras 2007 2008

 Universidad Rafael Landivar : 3er. Semestre en Ciencias de la Salud 2009 – 2011

 Universidad Galileo: 6to Trimester en lic. Comunication & Design 2014 Experience

Just performance and singing in Shows in Church Amor Fe y Esperanza, I won in high school 1st place in two years in a row singing, and 1st place I won in dedicate poems, and I work with my dad in his own factory in operator machine.

Personal Remarks

In my personal remarks, I want to explain my dream: I want to be an good news reporter and professional musician. In my entire life, I always wanted to performance in a good movie and sing in front of many people and give the news on TV on CNN or be the best locution man in the best radio of RCN in Guatemala. We are a family who have our own business, we produce shrink plastic; for example: you buy a bottle of water and you first remove the security seal from

the cap of the bottle, that is the seal that we produce to many companies of Guatemala and export to other countries, and that’s one of the many things we do. My entire family are musicians of blood. Everyone plays an instrument and/or sing professionally. Activities

Particular Instructor of musical instruments performance Student in the morning 7:00am to 10:00am in Galileo school

Drawing Hobbies

Play the drums Sing Performance Musical Instruments Play piano Acting in different roles characters


Ing. Miguel Eduardo Rivera

Tel. (502) 47470760

Licda. Gabriela Morgan

Tel. (502) 55504146

Ing. Cesar Morales

Tel. (502) 59102725

HĂŠctor Guillermo Garcia Bonilla

I await your prompt response

Thank you.

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