1 minute read
Allyssa Anderson Olympia, WA
<1 Year
Independent Artist
Olympia, WA
B/W, Fine-line, Anime
.com I’m a first-year tattoo artist in Washington state. I got into tattoos after realizing eyelash extensions weren’t something I was passionate about doing. With art as a hobby, it was natural to move into tattooing and fall in love with the craft.
Who/where do you get your inspiration from?
I draw a lot of inspiration from my childhood. I’m on the tail end of the millennial generation and the start of gen z. We all have a nostalgic anime, show, book, or video game. In a lot of the work that I create, I want people to go, “Oh my god, I remember that!”
What do you think is in store for the future of
tattooing? I really think, out of all of the terrible that covid brought, that an influx of young, bright-eyed creatives to the tattoo industry will be game-changing. Not only for the culture of the tattoo industry but for the clients that are seeking out that “perfect” artist for the vision they have for their art.
What is the most important advice you can give someone new to the art of tattooing?
Don’t do it all alone. Artists can sometimes get in our own little world, but it’s good to have a third eye to help you improve your craft. In the same vein, though, you’ll have to stay true to yourself. The tattoo industry is still rife with toxicity, and you’ll have to confront people who feel they’re owed your time, energy, and attention. Look past them, and don’t waste your energy on draining people like that.
Do you attribute your success to anyone or anything in particular?
Yes absolutely. I am by no means “self-made.” My ever-supportive dad encouraged me when I was young and unsure, my mom raised me to make my own space and own it, and my beloved partner Jeff has done and continues to do everything possible to support my endeavors. He’s truly such a gift and is even learning how to do renovations so I can have a private studio! ✕