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Potato Tats Orlando, FL
I started my art journey by doing charcoal and color pencil realism portraits and I now specialize in fine-line manga and anime tattoos! ⸺ How did you decide to specialize in fine-line tattoos? Coming from a realism background, I originally thought that was what I wanted to tattoo, but the idea of doing that everyday kind of bored me. Part of realism drawing for me that was interesting was being able to really focus on the little details that make up a final image, which always fascinated me. I realized that with fine-line tattooing, I could use that attention to detail but also be working on something that was just a more interesting and creative subject matter for me. Tattooing thin lines has always been my comfort zone as well, as I find it much easier for me than tattooing thick lines ⸺ Who/where do you get your inspiration from? Just from so many places! Like any art in any style, I think I can take some form of inspiration from. I love the delicacy and femininity of fine line art, the dynamic action shown in anime and manga, and the vibrancy and beauty of neotraditional; I could go on forever ⸺ What advice would you give to someone about getting his or her first tattoo? (A tattoo virgin) Don’t stress out or panic about the design! If you find an artist whose work you truly love and trust, you will likely love the result. A first tattoo can be super scary or daunting, but at the end of the day, it’s just art. Also, come to your appointment well-fed and hydrated ⸺ What would you say is your favorite part of the job? It means so much to me to know I am providing something special to my clients. I know body image is very important to a lot of people and something I have personally struggled with. I started getting tattoos to help myself with my own body image, and a lot of my clients have expressed similar feelings to mine. Knowing that I can give someone art that makes them feel better about themselves is just so incredible to me. ✕