2 minute read
Michaela Marceline Churchville, MD

My name is Michaela, but most call me Mic, Mac, or MicMac! I am 24 years old (25 December) and a tattoo artist at the wonderful Dark Arts Tattoo Studio in Churchville, MD. I graduated from the Douglas Education Center in January 2018 with a specialized business degree in special effects makeup artistry under the Tom Savini program. I am also recently married (10/22/22) to the love of my life! I am in year 4 of my career, but I have been making art since I could hold a crayon; my mom even has the pictures to prove it! The life I am currently living is something magical, and to be able to create fun and beautiful pieces of work daily is something little 6-year-old me always wanted to be able to do - make art for a living! ⸺ What advice would you give to
someone about getting his or her first tattoo? (A tattoo virgin)
Personally, go big or go home! Make sure that you can review the tattoo prior to getting it done, and do not be afraid of making changes. You are paying for it. You don’t want to get stuck with something you don’t like for the rest of your life. Please hydrate and eat prior to getting your tattoo and bring snacks with you! I cannot stress this enough ⸺
What did your family and friends think about you getting into
the tattoo business? My family was excited for me to have found my niche, and so were my friends! As I became more involved in my craft and started to gain a larger following from potential clients and other artists, I did lose a few people along the way. The loss hurt, but I know now that they were never in my corner, and that’s okay. I wish them all the best in their own paths to happiness and success ⸺ What is the
most important advice you can give someone new to the art of
tattooing? First, you will be judged (not to be confused with constructive criticism). Screw the judgment. This industry isn’t forgiving, and it will not let you dismiss your mistakes. Keep pushing, believe in progress, and trust the process. Practice makes perfect. Second, self-care is important. Burnout is very real, and if you don’t make time for yourself, your body will make sure you take a break without your permission. Third, your artistic style will change A LOT, and that’s okay. That means you are growing, and growth is good! ✕