1 minute read
LeaBrdsTattooer Brooklyn, NY
Art has always been a part of me, but tattooing has become a part of me on a different level. It’s a lifestyle and career that I wouldn’t change ⸺ What advice would you give to someone about getting his or her first tattoo? (A tattoo virgin) The best advice is to keep calm; half the time, people psych themselves out before getting tattooed. Bring snacks too! ⸺ What was it that initially sparked your interest in tattooing? Growing up, I was always drawing on myself; once I was old enough to get tattooed, I started trying to get my foot in the door of this industry ⸺ What do you think is in store for the future of tattooing? Tattooing keeps growing and evolving as a community; I wouldn’t be surprised to see more new styles popping up along with new techniques ⸺ Have you ever had a bad tattooing experience, and what was it? Absolutely, I had a client ask for a break every 5-10 minutes on a piece slightly bigger than palm-sized. They eventually tapped and came back for a second session. Two short sessions in, and the outline wasn’t even finished ⸺ What is the most
important advice you can give someone new to the art of tattoo-
ing? It’s going to feel like you’re behind and not learning fast enough, but you’ll get where you want. It takes time, and even years into your career, you’ll still be learning and growing as an artist. ✕