5 minute read
March / April 2023 Certification and Education
III. Growing Media for Containers
• Potting mixes are comprised of organic materials, such as bark, pear, rice hulls, etc. and may include Perlite or Vermiculite to increase the range of pore sizes necessary for H2O retention and root aeration.
• Nutrient holding capacity is similar to CEC in soils, but usually low in potting mixes.
• Controlled release fertilizers are frequently incorporated into mixes to substitute for CEC found in soils.
• pH is adjusted by incorporating lime or sulfur into the mix.
• Soluble salts are measured as total nutrient availability in a growing medium and are monitored by measuring electrical conductivity.
IV. Fertilizers: The story of N Nitrogen, P Phosphorus & K Potash
• Fertilizers provide nutrients for plant growth and come in two basic types: organic and inorganic.
• Organic fertilizers originate from a living plant or animal and improve soil structure, while inorganic fertilizers are produced via mining or manufacturing and only contain nutrients, not improving soil structure.
• Nutrient values of organic fertilizers are much lower than those of inorganic fertilizers.
• Fertilizers are available in several different forms, including liquid, powder or soluble, and granular or compressed.
• Fertilizer analysis is a numerical statement of the amount and kind of macronutrient found in the formulation.
• Complete fertilizers contain all three macronutrients (N, P, & K), while balanced fertilizers contain equal amounts of N, P, & K. Single nutrient fertilizers focus on one nutrient.
• Complete Fertilizers contain all 3 macronutrients: 18-24-24, 5-10-5
• Balanced Fertilizers contain equal amounts: 12-12-12, 20-20-20
• Single Nutrient Fertilizers 46-0-0 (Urea), 0-20-0 (Superphosphate),0-0-60 (Muriate of Potash)
• The three numbers on a fertilizer bag always represent the percentage by weight of N, P, and K in the bag.
• Example: A 50 lb. bag of 18-24-12 contains:
18% N (18% of 50 lbs. = 9 lbs.)
24% P (24% of 50 lbs. = 12 lbs.)
12% K (12% of 50 lbs. = 6 lbs.)
Total 54% of 50 lbs. = 27 lbs. This 50 lb. bag would also contain 23 lb. of inert “carrier” which is important for even distribution of nutrients during application
V. Geonote about Phosphorus Bans
• Several states, including Michigan, Illinois, and Wisconsin, have banned the use of Phosphorus in lawn fertilizers that are applied to established lawns during the growing season.
• The main rationale behind these legislative actions seems to be the theory that Phosphorus fertilizers contribute to excessive algae growth in bodies of water.
• Most states that impose this ban have made exceptions, which include allowable applications of Phosphorus fertilizers when installing new lawns, as well as to lawns in which soil testing results indicate a Phosphorus deficiency.
• Soil testing is critical, particularly for individuals installing new lawns, as many soils, especially "basement soils," have exceptionally low levels of existing Phosphorus.
Do the math:
A 50 lb. bag of 15-20-8 fertilizer contains ____ lbs. of N; ____ lbs of P2O5; ____ lbs of K
A 20 lb bag of 10-0-14 Winterizer contains ____ lbs. of N; ____ lbs of P2O5; ____ lbs of K
A customer wants to apply 12-12-12 to his lawn in late November. His lawn has about 14,000 sq. ft and he wants to apply N at the rate of 1 lb. per 1,000 sq. ft
• 12-12-12 comes in 40 lb. bags, so each bag contains ____ lbs of N
• He needs to buy ____ 40 lb. bags of 12-12-12 to apply to his 14,000 sq. ft. yard.
• How many lbs. of K will he be applying? ____
IAH Quiz
Each quiz will be worth a .5 (one-half) CEU!
The Indiana Accredited Horticulturist Committee is pleased to provide you an opportunity to earn CEUs (continuing education units) in each issue of the Indiana Nursery and Landscape News.
The IAH quiz offered in each issue can be completed by anyone who is an “Active” (current) IAH (initial or masters).
Each quiz will be worth a .5 (onehalf) CEU (continuing education unit) for the completion of the bi-monthly quiz with a pass rate of 80%. Over a 2-year period, you could earn up to 6 CEUs if you take and pass every quiz!
The INLA office will grade the quiz. Questions and answers have been provided by the IAH committee. Thank you and good luck studying!
The Indiana Accredited Horticulturist Committee Co-Chairs
- George Brenn, Four Seasons Landscaping Nursery
- Gabriel Gluesenkamp, Designscape Hort Services Committee Members
- Brian Bunge, Twixwood Nursery
- Wayne Gruber, Niemeyer’s Landscape Supply
- Jim Messmer
- Melissa Mravec, Allen Landscape
- Jodie Overmyer, Marshall County Soil and Water
IAH Quiz: March/April 2023
Due April 30, 2023
Complete the quiz and email or mail and return to INLA by deadline above. Be sure to write your name, IAH number, and contact information on the bottom of the quiz when submitting.
1.A __________ fertilizer contains all 3 primary nutrients
2.The measure of acidity and alkalinity of a substance is referred to as its _______
3.Soils are comprised of particles of _________, __________ and _________
4.20 -0 -5 fertilizer contains no ____________
5.There are 14 essential nutrients that plants absorb from the soil. However, there are only ___ that come from the air and water.
6.The degree to which a soil has negatively charged particles is called _______ _______ ________ and this influences nutrient availability
7.The size of mineral particles that makes up a soil id referred to as its __________
8.________ fertilizers are derived from living plants or animals
9.Balanced fertilizers contain __________ amounts of N, P & K
10.K stands for ___________
11.Pore spaces hold __________ and ________ in spaces between particles.
12.Decomposed remains of living organisms are referred to as ___________ _________
13. pH affects nutrient uptake and can be modified, over time, by adding ________ or
14.Moving from a pH of 5.0 to pH 7.0 is an increase in alkalinity by a factor of ______
15.Potting mixes have necessarily _______ pore spaces to provide better aeration
16.The only positive way to find out if your lawn needs lime is by having a ______ ______
17.Container media usually sacrifices nutrient holding capacity in favor of maximum root zone aeration. T or F
IAH Number:____________________________________________________
IAH No.:
Phone: Email: Send answers to: info@inla1.org -or- mail to INLA, 7915 S. Emerson Ave., #247, Indianapolis, IN 46237
Winners for projects completed in 2022 but awarded at this ceremony. See next page for all the winners! And last but very much not least, the following Special Achievement Awards were announced at the meeting, but due to extenuating circumstances beyond recipients control were not able to be present but will be invited as guest of the INLA to the INLA Summer meeting held August 3-5, 2023 in South Central Indiana. They are as follows:
Award of Merit
2022 Recipient: Dan Gluesenkamp; accepted by son Gabriel.
To be awarded annually to an individual(s) with good standing in the industry who has given freely of his/her time for the strengthening of the green industry in Indiana. Nominations are voted on by the Awards Committee.

2022 Honorary Member (left)
Dr. Michael Dana, Purdue University

We thank you for your continued support through the years
2022 Honorary Member (right)
Dr. Cliff Sadof, Purdue University
We thank you for your continued support through the years