16 Ways to Lead for a Regenerative Future
Femke van Loon and the Innate Motion collectiveFemke van Loon and the Innate Motion collective
Femke van Loon and the Innate Motion collective
We hope you'll find this book useful and fun. Feel free to share it in any way, as long as you cite Innate Motion as the source.
Copyright 2023 by Innate Motion, first edition
Text: Femke van Loon and the Innate Motion Collective
Design: Annie Skovgaard Christiansen
Editing: Rachel Taylor and Twan Zegers
ISBN 978-90-822957-2-6
Usually, someone who writes a book encounters ups and downs along the journey. However, for the writers of this work, the experience was fun, stimulating, and exciting. We have a diverse and passionate team, with everyone contributing their ideas from their cultural background and expertise. We experienced the spark of cultural and professional exchange along the way. Most importantly, we all discovered something rooted or hidden in ourselves by writing or thinking about the topics.
Thank you to the team for the dedication and collaboration in giving birth to the book.
Thank you, Aurelia Petrov, Cilla Henriette, Jasmine Huang, Moniek Tersmette, Mai Huan-Maury, and Rachel Taylor, for being the most inspiring thinking partners along the way and for working together pleasantly on the core content of the book.
Thank you, August He, Aqeelah Hassim, Bart Ten Hagen, Cathy Wang, Clarissa Alicia, Nicholas Nugrahtama, and Thaïs Gyurcsó for contributing to the brand and for providing personal examples. Most importantly, for challenging us to make sure that our examples were relevant for members of a younger generation, like you, who will lead the way to the future.
Thank you, Annie Christiansen, for adding beauty to the pages of this book and for bringing our ideas to life.
Lastly, thank you to the team from Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta (UAJY). They are Gita Larasati Nugroho, Rina Kezia, Monica Setyo, Amara Danella Khairunnisa, Aurelia Agatha Chandradjaja, Ernesto Raditya, Kurni Hardani, Agung Sakti, Samuel Dimas and Felik Aditya. Your team brought new perspectives on feminine values and how those values are essential for a future-fit business culture.
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We have made it our business mission at Innate Motion to help unlock regenerative futures through the power of empathy. Building a regenerative future is fundamentally about adopting values that serve humanity and nature in the long run.
Our planet is in the throes of numerous crises, including global warming, the COVID-19 pandemic, and political polarization. This turbulence calls upon us to reassess the current situation and adopt values such as care, generosity, and collaboration to foster an environment conducive to regeneration.
We must not disregard the rushed, unempathetic, competitive culture that brought us to this critical point. Financial gain and acclaim have taken precedence over family, community, and the environment. We have used our personal power for individual gain, and forgotten our collective power to progress together.
The time has come for humanity to give center stage to regenerative values in leadership, politics, business, and daily life. The time to inspire society, catalyze collective progress, and lay the foundations for a brighter future is now.
Capitalism is the backbone of our world's economy. It has catalyzed innovation and growth and propelled us into the modern world. However, the current model of capitalism is failing us. Since Milton Friedman popularized shareholder capitalism in the 1970s, the primary purpose for private companies has been to serve the interests of their shareholders, and the world has seen unprecedented economic growth. A critical flaw in shareholder capitalism is that its success is assessed solely on the basis of one metric: economic growth, without considering the cost of externalities such as the consumption of natural resources and the exploitation of lower-income individuals and communities. This self-serving model has worsened societal divisions and pushed the boundaries of our planet, merely to line the pockets of the most prosperous. A study reported that individuals in the top 10% of incomes are responsible for over 36% of greenhouse gas emissions.
The COVID-19 pandemic put the world on pause, brought us face-to-face with our vulnerabilities, and shone a glaring light on the cracks in our system. Above all, it highlighted the extent to which we are globally interconnected. We exist in a complex ecosystem that includes people, nature, corporations, supply chains, and more. Our economic system and the planet's well-being and society are intrinsically linked. As we veer towards ecological collapse and staggering levels of social inequality, the converging crises we face call us to question the primacy of shareholder interests. To mitigate the risks of our current trajectory, we must redesign and recalibrate the economy to integrate “people” and “planet” into its design alongside “profit”. We must collectively move from a model of exploitation and extraction towards one of inclusion and regeneration.
In 2015, John Fullerton wrote an influential essay advocating for regenerative capitalism, a framework that endorses business practices that restore and build rather than exploit and destroy. This essay reflected a sea-change heralded by the Great Recession of 2008, with an increasing realization that companies need to serve the interests of all their stakeholders, including nature, customers, suppliers, employees, shareholders, and local communities. Stakeholder capitalism recognizes that companies do not exist in a vacuum and reshapes our conception of the purpose of corporations to include creating long-term value, incorporating environmental, social, and governance factors into their mission. By investing in local communities and preventing environmental damage while also pursuing business interests, stakeholder capitalism can be the key to sustainable long-term global prosperity.
We exist in a complex ecosystem that includes people, nature, corporations, supply chains, and more. Our economic system and the planet's wellbeing and society are intrinsically linked.
Empathy is at the heart of feminism. Feminism is a global movement that, far from only representing the interests of women, opens the world to possibilities of inclusion beyond gender. To be a feminist is to ask: who else do we need to include and care for?
While the basic tenet of feminism is gender equality, its true meaning remains elusive, and many grapple with the concept. Feminism is not just one thing. It is a complex movement that has grown, blossomed, and branched out into many sub-movements underpinned by different philosophies that sometimes build upon each other and, at other times, conflict with each other. To understand the roots of today's feminism, let's take a quick, and by no means comprehensive, glance at the history of western feminism since the late 19th century.
The suffragettes mark the dawn of western feminism. This first wave of feminism consisted of a grassroots movement of predominantly white cis women that sought institutional reform and fundamental legal rights, such as the right to vote. These liberal or equality feminists held the view that women are the same as men and therefore deserve to be treated equally rather than being considered the property of men.
Institutional reform and securing legal rights merely scratched the surface of women's emancipation. Misogyny was normalized for centuries and became ingrained into every facet of society. It is such an intrinsic part of the cultural, and structural fabric of society that it has become subliminal and, therefore, challenging to reckon with. In the 60s and 70s, radical feminists came to question the very structure of society. They believed they could only achieve liberation by dismantling capitalism and the patriarchal system that oppresses women. Meanwhile, ecofeminists drew parallels between the domination of man over women and man's domination over nature, which is exploited with the sole goal of creating wealth. Black feminism, which had been largely excluded from the mainstream feminist movement, also rose to prominence during the second wave of feminism.
During the 80s and 90s, difference feminism emerged as a reaction to the first wave of equality feminists. It recognized that women and men do, in fact, have differences, but opposed the hierarchy whereby feminine traits are deemed less valuable than men's traits. They acknowledged the existence of stereotypically feminine values that differentiate women from men, such as emotionality, empathy, and caregiving. Whether these variations are due to nature or nurture is the subject of much debate.
The third wave of feminism recognized intersectionality, a consciousness of how women's issues are intrinsically linked to other forms of oppression, such as racism and transphobia, and emphasized the need for inclusivity. This mindset has grown into the current wave of feminism, which is self-reflective and self-critical, leverages the power of social media, and continues to combat exclusion and sexual violence.
Though absolute gender equality has yet to be achieved, women have successfully broken through glass ceilings, reclaimed part of their power, and advanced society in leaps and bounds. In the face of global crises, it is time to transcend the boundaries set by societal norms and move beyond the dichotomy of “male” and “female”. Stereotypically feminine values and attributes that have been scorned by society may, in fact, be the key to our success in surmounting critical societal challenges. The current model of capitalism plunders human and natural resources at the expense of the environment and global equity.
The dissonance between infinite linear economic growth and finite natural resources has resulted in an unsustainable system that has brought the environment to the point of critical precarity. Businesses play a vital part in shaping the future and must shift away from egoistic capitalism towards a more conscious model which fosters a regenerative economy. At long last, we should leverage feminine strengths to nurture the environment, society, and business interests. We call upon individuals and businesses to harness the power of feminine values to lead us into a more inclusive and sustainable world.
In the face of global crises, it is time to transcend the boundaries set by societal norms and move beyond the dichotomy of “male” and “female”.
Stereotypically feminine values and attributes that have been scorned by society may, in fact, be the key to our success in surmounting critical societal challenges.
We often hear phrases such as “boys don't cry” and “boys will be boys”. These seemingly harmless slogans are a symptom of a grave problem that has permeated society: toxic masculinity. To clarify, there is nothing inherently wrong with masculinity, and men need not be vilified. Toxic masculinity is a form of traditional and misogynist masculine ideology that prescribes norms on how men should feel and behave. This ideology is predicated on the antiquated belief that to be a “real man", one must be dominant, emotionally insensitive, mentally and physically strong, powerful, aggressive. Toxic masculinity leaves no room for femininity—in fact, it vehemently rejects it out of fear that it could jeopardize one’s manhood. From a young age, boys are socialized to repress vulnerability, or any trait deemed feminine and weak. Such beliefs are pervasive and detrimental to all of society, including men. Despite containing the term “masculinity”, such toxic behaviors can be displayed by all genders. However, men are most often pressured to endorse these values, and this restricts their freedom of self-expression.
In the workplace, toxic masculinity may manifest as “contest culture”. This individualistic mindset endorses a “dog eats dog” attitude to get ahead at all costs. Individuals that express these traits seek to assert power and dominance to conquer the battlefield that is the workplace. They act like a bully, disregarding other points of view, talking over others, and expecting deference. These extreme and outdated behaviors create an ultra-competitive and dysfunctional work environment that can be unsafe and ruin an organization’s culture.
Contest culture is compounded by the traditional capitalist ideology whereby the value of an individual is reduced to their productivity, and profit takes primacy over all else, even at the cost of exploitation. Such a hostile workplace culture is not conducive to long-term value creation and may undermine a company’s mission. The burnout epidemic and the Great Resignation—a recent phenomenon whereby unprecedented numbers of people are voluntarily quitting their jobs–are clear signs that the culture needs to change.
A future-fit business embodies regenerative values inside and out, and contributes to the world economically, socially, and environmentally. A vital lesson gleaned from the pandemic is that we live in an intrinsically linked global ecosystem and that, therefore, all of its members must be nurtured to thrive collectively. A new era of business culture is emerging, predicated on the values of care, collaboration, community, and creativity. Businesses can no longer turn a blind eye to the mental health, environmental, and societal challenges we face and must integrate diversity, inclusion, and ecological footprint as part of the cost-value equation.
The cornerstone of change-making is effective leadership. Change is set in motion by leaders who challenge inertia and stagnation in favor of innovation. To tackle the systemic issues we face, we must pivot away from the traditional style of autocratic corporate leadership towards a collective style of leadership which operates on the basis of trust and fosters collaboration rather than top-down delegation. Collective leadership is an emerging style of leadership that embraces people’s individual strengths to collectively achieve a shared goal. It is built on the tenets of trust, shared power, transparent and effective communication, accountability, and shared learning. This collaborative approach goes beyond the leader-and-follower binary and harnesses the potential of people’s complementary competencies to pursue a joint vision. It welcomes the fact that leaders are part of a living system, a dynamic and interdependent network in which all actors must be included and valued for the collective to thrive. This style of leadership is not only more ethical, but it also increases employee engagement and aligns with the philosophy of regeneration and stakeholder capitalism.
The feminine values of empathy, nurture, and community are at the core of regenerative stakeholder economics and the quest to envision a new collective leadership. There are infinite roads to regeneration, and the scope of leadership reaches far beyond the workplace. In the age of the Internet, social media lends a platform and a voice to everyone. Individual shifts in values can create ripples that percolate into the cultural fabric of society. In this book, we present a variety of leaders in diverse fields that embody regenerative values. We invite you to find inspiration to lead in your own unique way, no matter how big or small, as we build an inclusive and regenerative future together.
Collective leadership is an emerging style of leadership that embraces people’s individual strengths to collectively achieve a shared goal. It is built on the tenets of trust, shared power, transparent and effective communication, accountability, and shared learning.
New forms of leadership for the future need to shift the focus from the celebration of the "I" to an emphasis on the "We". Shifting from an emphasis on the individual to a focus on the community means engaging in a more relational, life-affirming, diverse, empathetic, and bottom-up approach. This requires the engagement and collaboration of the many instead of a top-down, paternalistic, individualistic, and extractive approach.
Fierce Empathy centers on the fundamental tenet that everyone has the potential to lead and contribute to the greater good in their unique way. We believe that leading from the heart is infectious and can awaken people's desire for change and empower them to act.
We will present you with 16 new ways of leading with fierce empathy through the lens of the archetype framework. Archetypes are universal characters that connect people across time and space. They speak to each and every one of us. In the Jungian psychology, archetypes represent universal patterns that are part of the collective unconscious. History, culture, and context shape archetypes, thereby they have infinite variety or a boundless quality. Jung never made a closed list of archetypes and believed the potential number of archetypes would be infinite. Hence, as society and cultures evolve, some archetypes show more relevance, and some emerge.
Here, we will introduce the classic archetypes and their future-fit counterpart, a new iteration of the traditional archetype that is fit to lead us toward a regenerative future. Each archetype has its own identity, cultural enemies, core purpose, and unique way to invite others to welcome change and contribute to a regenerative future. The profiles are accompanied by an admirable person and brand that embody the archetype's character.
We invite you to find one or several archetypes that resonate with you and hope our book gives you the inspiration and confidence to lean into your strengths rather than shy away from your weaknesses. Learning and understanding more about yourself and your team and organization is key to unlocking and embracing your empathetic leadership potential.
The Jester is humorous, free-spirited, and surprising. They know how to enjoy life and put things into perspective. The Jester calls on us to come out and play and reminds us that we can go beyond set boundaries. Their sense of humor and lightheartedness bring light and laughter, and much-needed relief from life’s many demands.
The future-fit Jester doesn’t just laugh at life and doesn’t lose their center. They find a way to liberate us from the burden of everyday life by taking pleasure in it. The Jester of tomorrow is mindful and sees things in perspective. They take life less seriously and use irony to bring relief in difficult times.
Hypocrisy, collective despair, rigidity.
They believe in lighthearted disruption and humor to open people up to seeing things from a different perspective.
An open world where people feel free to debate differences and laugh about the paradoxes of life.
Using pure irony, turning superficial, time being wasted.
• Enable people to rethink the status quo
• Shake up norms and conventions
• Invite us to live life in the moment
• Use humor to level differences and accept failure
Trevor Noah is a South African comedian who brings a fresh look and an honest voice to our society’s blind spots. As the host of The Daily Show, Trevor comments on social issues and American politics with a balance of insight and levity. Satire and reflective humor are his trademarks as he sheds light on racism, domestic violence, and mental health, while also sharing pieces of his personal history. Trevor’s thoughtful and lighthearted manner of addressing serious issues embodies the true spirit of a future-fit Jester.
I know what it’s like to live in a country that’s extremely divided by race [...] And we joke about it not to minimize it but to try and heal the wounds.
- Trevor Noah
From fun and over-the-top flavors to their punny flavor names, Ben & Jerry’s is truly steeped in humor. But this lightheartedness doesn’t take anything away from their commitment to making the world a better place. Ben & Jerry’s is rooted in progressive activism and uses humor, positivity, and lightheartedness to speak out and drive engagement for a world with more social justice. When it comes to issues they care about, they go beyond creative ice cream flavors and create campaigns with real rallying impact. For example, the Waiting Is Not Working campaign to change refugee laws in the UK or their refusal to sell two scoops of the same flavor to protest same-sex marriage bans in Australia.
- Jostein Solheim, Ben & Jerry’s former CEOIf it is not fun, why do it?
The Innocent embraces simplicity and purity to tap into the goodness of life. They remind us to keep our faith and optimism and inspire us to go back to what matters and appreciate the simple things in life. They aspire to a perfect world where we are free to be ourselves and live an easier life in harmony with our environment.
The future-fit Innocent leads with the belief that the world is a good place. They are not naive, over-simplistic, or in denial. Instead, they use eternal optimism as a force for good and see hope even amid darkness and turmoil. They have strong faith in humanity, and their utopian vision brings strength to people and invites them to be honest with themselves. They pursue the seemingly impossible, persevere where others would have surrendered, and turn their vision into reality.
Dishonesty, negativity, and abuse.
There is always a light, if only we’re open to it.
Create a simple, honest, and kind world where people live in harmony with their environment.
Becoming unrealistic, naive, a dreamer.
• Utilize a positive mentality to lift us out of darkness and turmoil
• Provide value through simple solutions
• Focus on turning honesty into action
• Use spontaneity to engage and surprise others
Natalie Portman is a lifelong animal lover and animal rights activist, advocating for positive change for animals and the planet. She has launched various initiatives to promote veganism, including producing the documentary Eating Animals, which spreads awareness of the stark reality of the meat, dairy, and eggs industry. She has also teamed up with Te Casan shoes to launch her very own collection of vegan shoes. Natalie acknowledges that adopting this lifestyle may be hard for some, but invites us all to be hopeful and engage to help the survival of our planet. She reminds us that the height of our humanity is when we can think beyond our own interests and advocate for animals and the environment.
It’s time the environmental movement considered the facts: You simply can’t be a meat-eating environmentalist.
- Like Meat
LikeMeat is a major European plant-based food brand that has made a name for itself by creating plant-based alternatives to simple and traditional meals. The brand embraces that people grew up loving meat-based food and endeavors to emulate these feel-good meals in a way that is good for people, the planet, and animals. Thanks to their range of meat-free alternatives, it’s easier than ever to be plant-based and eat ethically without sacrificing flavor. LikeMeat reminds us that we could help change the world if we want to be in harmony with our environment.
Adept at living in the moment, the Enthusiast is a positive, imaginative, and outgoing figure. They lead by bringing youthful energy and exuding irresistible positivity and optimism, helping others move in the right direction.
The future-fit Enthusiast focuses their relentless energy on the greater good. They inspire hope and enthusiasm amid doomsday prophecies. Intuitive and action-focused, they are willing to try new and creative options. They energize and mobilize people to have a greater collective impact.
Intolerance, apathy, and cynicism.
Positive thinking and energy are catalysts for the better.
Create a more tolerant and prosperous world where we embrace, rather than fear, difference and diversity.
Overoptimistic, shallow, losing sense of reality.
• Make it fun and engaging to contribute
• Give every individual a feeling of contribution
• Make us experience the positive effects of change
• Co-create a circle of positivity
Martine is a polymath and serial entrepreneur who started her career as a satellite communications pioneer and space law attorney. Shortly after she transitioned in the 90s, her daughter was diagnosed with a terminal lung condition. Martine poured her energy into creating United Therapeutics, a biotech company that has successfully created FDA-approved medicine that enables thousands of people with pulmonary hypertension to live longer. In the face of adversity, Martine's enthusiasm and energy triumph, proving that corporate success can be catalyzed by love and empathy.
I feel blessed that I can now be a role model to young people that anybody can take you anywhere.
- Martine Rothblatt
Buying a stylish pair of sneakers from VEJA is taking a small step towards a regenerative world. VEJA is a leader in the world of fair fashion, successfully pioneering a sustainable ecosystem that spans the company culture, business model, and production lines. VEJA ensures their sneakers are produced in factories with high social standards that respect human dignity. VEJA's ambition to enrich everyone’s lives in its ecosystem reflects its desire to create a positive world that cares for nature and people.
- Kopp, Veja CEO and co-Founder[VEJA isn’t] changing the world, but just proposing a small solution to this disparity.
The Lover has a deep yearning to experience love. They search for intense sensations by surrendering to their raw emotions and being receptive to others’ feelings. When the going gets tough, they invite us to reconnect with the self, engage with others, and enjoy life.
The future-fit Lover believes love makes the world go round. They lead from the heart and show the world that love is the greatest power to connect all of us in an unlikely context.
The Lover believes in all kinds of love: romantic, self-love, familial, friendship, spirituality, and beyond. We are all pieces of a whole and must therefore learn to love and care for one another.
Barriers, haters, loneliness, and fragmentation.
Point of View
Love is the supreme force to bring people together and redeem them.
Create a world full of passion and kindness, where intimacy and connection come easily.
Trying to please others to the point of losing their identity and purpose.
• Make change look desirable and attractive
• Leverage common passions to create common goals
• Inspire love and kindness to make the world a better place
• Invite us to share new social habits with others
Rupi Kaur is an Indian Canadian poet who rose to fame by sharing her profoundly emotional and empowering work on Instagram. Through her collection of poems, she exposes universal feelings and struggles we share as human beings, such as loneliness, love, and trauma. Rupi creates a shared collective experience that inspires and encourages people worldwide to connect with their vulnerable side. Loving life by connecting with our deepest emotions.
What is stronger than the human heart which shatters over and over and lives.
- Rupi Kaur
Rituals is a certified B-Corp and cruelty-free brand that champions love and self-care. From skincare to aromatherapy diffusers, Rituals offers a wide range of ethically made products that nurture wellbeing. The brand encourages people to share the love through personalized gifts, hand-picked and custom-made for their loved ones. Rituals also embraces environmentally regenerative values by adopting and endorsing sustainable practices to care for the planet.
At Rituals, we love creating beautiful things that help change every day routines into special moments.
The Unifier fortifies relationships. They lead by being inclusive and non-discriminating. They bridge human, social, and structural divides to achieve common goals. They feed the idea of all for one, one for all, and believe that our differences enrich us rather than divide us.
The future-fit Unifier doesn't push for uniformity. They welcome everyone's uniqueness and recognize the strength of diversity and inclusion. They invite us to join forces because they know we all thrive when we work together in cohesion.
Silos, social divides, and inequality.
Point of View
Social ties make us stronger and differences enrich us.
Create a united and inclusive world where everyone can contribute to the collective good.
Avoiding confrontation at all costs and becoming passive.
• Amplify what we have in common
• Raise awareness of who we could be if we worked together
• Unite us around a shared ambition
• Build on existing social patterns
Elizabeth Nyamayaro is a Zimbabwean humanitarian working as a special advisor at the United Nations World Food Program. She headed the HeForShe movement launched by the United Nations, inviting men to participate in the gender equality conversation. Elizabeth wields her influence to advance the notion that we are all part of a community and must practice compassion towards one another. Elizabeth’s work embodies ubuntu and champions the philosophy that we are all connected by our shared humanity.
What we share is more powerful than what divides us.
Airbnb is one of the most inspiring community-driven businesses of our generation. The brand's identity is built on the premise that people feel like strangers and lose their sense of community when they travel. Airbnb epitomizes the Unifier by bringing down barriers and helping people feel like they belong regardless of where they are in the world. The platform combats racism and prejudice by expelling members or hosts reported for discriminatory behavior. Airbnb also offers housing in times of emergency, such as natural disasters, the COVID-19 pandemic, and the war in Ukraine.
- Joe Gebbia, co-founder of AirbnbEverything we do, every decision we make is to ensure the best possible Airbnb experience for our community and grow the love.
The Friend is a loyal companion who stands by our side as we face the trials and tribulations of life. They embody trust and reassurance and make us feel welcomed and accepted. The Friend leads by being loyal and believing in the people they support. Together we are stronger.
The future-fit Friend pursues connection despite our world’s growing polarization and divisions. They nurture what we have in common, showing the tremendous change we could achieve if we worked together and increased the trust and compassion between us.
Exclusion, elitism, and judgment.
Point of View
Compassion is the basis of morality and the radicalism of our time.
Create a harmonious world where everyone is accepted and welcomed.
Blindly loyal, losing dignity.
• Inspire people to connect through shared experiences and interests
• Show strong commitment and lasting reliability
• Amplify what we have in common
• Build bridges between people for the greater good
Alongside several other leading women in Hollywood, Reese Witherspoon bravely came forward to share her stories of sexual harassment and assault in the movie industry. She was instrumental in the subsequent launch of the #TimesUp and #MeToo movements and spearheaded sessions to enable women to share their sexual harassment experiences and support each other. Reese is the founder of Hello Sunshine, a media company focused on telling stories from the perspective of women, thereby breaking the mold and liberating women from the tropes and archetypes to which they are traditionally restricted in the entertainment business.
It was very powerful to me to share my story with a like-minded group of women with the Time’s Up movement. We talked about ways that we could really encourage change. How could we raise money for women in other industries so that they would have legal help.
Reese Witherspoon
Tony Chocolonely is a Dutch chocolate brand and market leader with a mission to make chocolate 100% slavery free. Tony stands as a serious friend who actively engages others in joining their vision of 100% slave free chocolate. They state that they can’t do it alone and say that “we are stronger together”. Besides, it is more fun that way, and with serious friends joining their mission, their vision becomes their mission. Tony has set an example to be brave and—even better—to be brave together in changing what has to change. Today, Tony’s mission is joined by Ben & Jerry’s, another social activist brand.
With incredibly tasty chocolate we lead by example and show the world that chocolate can be made differently: in taste, packaging and the way we do business with cocoa farmers.
Tony Chocolonely
The Caregiver has the desire to care for and nurture others. They often symbolize maternal care, unconditional love, and a passion for serving and being generous. They raise awareness of the more vulnerable members of society and how we can be of service to them. They advocate care and generosity in a cynical and sometimes dehumanized modern world.
The future-fit Caregiver leads with generosity and unconditional love. While caring for others, they remain centered and do not lose sight of who they are. Through this balance, their generosity is healthy and long-lasting. They treasure individuality and strength and try to unlock the potential in everyone.
Neglect, selfishness, and apathy.
Empathy and care are signs of strength, and we must look out for each other to thrive collectively.
Create a more empathic and caring world for the people around us and ourselves.
Becoming overly sentimental and overbearing.
• Build on existing social structures
• Offer practical, easy tools to perform small acts of kindness
• Create bridges to bring neglected people closer to us
• Make us feel good by contributing to the wellbeing of others
Tsai Ing-Wen has made history as Taiwan’s first female president. She leads her country with a soft-spoken approach. She has continuously gone against protocol by welcoming guests into the country and showing her empathic and generous nature in the face of turmoil. She works to dispel the ingrained idea that democracy and economic growth are incompatible and offers care for both the people’s wishes and the existing social structure in Taiwan. She openly supports the LGBTQIA+ community and made history on May 24th, 2019, by making Taiwan the first Asian country to legalize same-sex marriage.
The greatness of this country lies in how every single person can exercise their right to be himself or herself.
- Tsai Ing-Wen
Chiesi is an international research-focused pharmaceuticals and healthcare group that builds its patient-centered corporate culture on empathy. As a certified B-corp, Chiesi adheres to high ethical and sustainability standards. The Chiesi Group pursues a novel approach to establishing an intimate dialogue with patients, their families, and caregivers to hear about real-life experiences in daily pathology management. Their holistic approach goes beyond their products and focuses on giving patients emotional care and support.
- Alberto Chiesi, President of Chiesi GroupWe want to ensure that empathy is at the core of everything we do. Everyone at Chiesi needs to truly understand our patients’ needs and the experiences they make in managing chronic and rare conditions –day in, day out.
The Protector leads with the confidence and strength to relentlessly overcome challenges. They have an innate desire to protect the most vulnerable from the harsh realities of life. They treasure and protect what is vital for our survival and wellbeing and encourage us to put our faith in the hands of bigger forces. They are driven to maintain the status quo rather than shake things up and demonstrate excellent problem solving and dependability.
Despite protection being traditionally perceived as a masculine asset, the future-fit Protector can be of any gender and acts selflessly in response to society’s challenges. Adopting a more warm and empathetic approach, they aim to foster a protected environment where people and the planet can thrive. They help us to be prepared and reimagine a healthy, sustainable base that ensures a safe future for the next generation.
Power abuse, vulnerability, unpredictability.
Anticipation can make the world a safer place.
A safe world where improved systems and structures are in place to face the unexpected and protect what we care the most about.
Not giving enough space for others to grow and fail.
• Make issues transparent and clear
• Inspire change with new, pragmatic solutions
• Create bridges to bring neglected people closer
• Offer practical tools that make it easy to perform small acts of change
Jacinda Ardern is the 40th prime minister of New Zealand and her leadership has been commended worldwide. Since becoming New Zealand’s youngest prime minister in 2017, Jacinda has steered her country through several crises with poise and reassurance. She changed her country’s gun laws ten days after a white supremacist terror attack and has been praised for successfully containing the COVID-19 epidemic. To top it off, she gave birth while in office, proving that a woman can thrive in a high-powered job while raising a small child. Jacinda has demonstrated time and time again that governing with kindness is the way forward.
One of the criticisms I’ve faced over the years is that I’m not aggressive enough or assertive enough, or maybe somehow, because I’m empathetic, it means I’m weak. I totally rebel against that. I refuse to believe that you cannot be both compassionate and strong.
- Jacinda Ardern
Ocean Cleanup is a Dutch non-profit organization that endeavors to protect our oceans and their biodiversity. They develop and scale technologies that intercept plastic in rivers before it reaches the ocean. The organization aims “to be out of business” one day, when there will no longer be any plastic to remove. A true protector, they offer ways for the public to contribute through volunteering, donations, and their online social media community. For society
Boyan Slat, Founder of Ocean Cleanupto progress, we should not only move forward but also clean up after ourselves.
The Anchor reassures us and helps us face reality with a strong sense of responsibility. They lead by being solid and true to what matters. They bring certainty and stability in a world where one can easily feel lost or disoriented. They build a stable foundation, allowing us to return to our essence.
The future-fit Anchor provides a point of reference to help us anchor our mission to what truly matters. In a demanding, hectic, and overly speculative world, they reveal our true essence and ground us in our purpose. They highlight crucial issues so we can solve them with clarity, transparency, and guided steadiness, and build pragmatic systems focused on long-lasting solutions.
Corruption, chaos, and superficiality.
A stable foundation and efficient systems are the best platforms for developing long-term solutions.
A reliable world based on efficient structures and improved systems that make better use of human and natural resources.
Becoming authoritarian and too rational.
• Make us take a long-term perspective to create an impact
• Share data and analytical thinking for better decisions
• Create relevant KPIs to measure progress and improvements
• Make it easy to relate to systems that support a more efficient world
Ursula von der Leyen is the incumbent president of the European Commission and has navigated the European Union through turbulent times with a steady hand. Ursula has taken action with poise, decisiveness, and efficiency in the face of multiple crises: the climate, the COVID-19 epidemic, and the Ukraine war. She has enacted a pandemic recovery plan, addressed climate change with the European Green Deal, and imposed strong sanctions against Russia, bringing much-needed hope and stability.
The path is arduous; the task is not easy. But together we can do it.
- Ursula Von der Leyen
The world’s leading germ protection soap, Lifebuoy, is a trustworthy and credible brand known for its commitment to promoting health and keeping the world safe. The brand is a pioneer in the evolution of better health. Their campaigns around hand washing became particularly relevant during the COVID-19 pandemic, proving that purpose and product can come together to create long-term solutions that lead the way for better health. They use ongoing research and global partnerships to propel their mission and make an impact.
We aim to make a difference by creating quality, affordable products and promoting healthy hygiene habits.
- Unilever Lifebuoy Statement
The Sage represents moral authority, wisdom, and information. They lead with wisdom through knowledge and action. They show us the way of discipline, clear thinking, and education and invite us to use our intelligence to understand the world. They reject fluff and gimmick and strive for clarity, substance, and truth.
The future-fit Sage doesn't take pride in being the only expert. Moving away from a top-down approach, they engage in peer-to-peer collaboration, allowing for more equality and empathy. They listen, learn, and involve others instead of educating them. The Sage embodies the mantra “be the change you want to see in the world".
Misinformation, manipulation, and ignorance.
Education is the way to guide individuals to find their path and purpose.
A world free from misinformation and shallowness, where knowledge is king and drives advancement.
Overthinking, becoming fanatical without kick-starting concrete actions.
• Serve the truth with integrity, wisdom, and fairness
• Encourage learning and rationality
• Inspire virtues of discipline, learning, thinking
• Level with others to share information in a fair and impartial way
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie is a prominent Nigerian novelist and feminist campaigner whose work is critically acclaimed worldwide. Chimamanda's writings, such as her famous essay “We Should All Be Feminists,” bring valuable insight into the conversations around race and gender. In her viral TED talk “The danger of a single story,” she stresses the impor tance of deconstructing and unlearning ingrained prejudice and preconceptions to have a more truthful and nuanced perspective on the world. Chimamanda's brilliance and wisdom epitomize.
The single story creates stereotypes, and the problem with stereotypes is not that they are untrue, but that they are incomplete. They make one story become the only story.
- Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
Natura & Co is a major beauty corporation that believes in confronting deep truths to promote real and positive change. Natura & Co is the world’s largest beauty B-Corp of four purposedriven beauty companies. Their vision is delivered through their Commitment to Life, which addresses the climate crisis, protects the Amazon, ensures equality and inclusion, and shifts the business towards circularity and regeneration. They are wisely leading the way to show that beauty is not just skin-deep, but shows in our actions for the world.
To nurture beauty and relationships for a better way of living and doing business.
- Natura & CoThe Creator seeks aesthetics and artistic control. They aspire to leave a mark on the world, changing it for the better. They play with their surroundings to establish a legacy that is original, beautiful, and interesting.
The future-fit Creator is more purpose driven. They do not create to conquer life but rather to leave a legacy from which everyone can benefit. They focus more on holistic, long-lasting solutions that serve various aspects of the ecosystem: people, society, the economy, and the planet.
Mediocrity, stagnation, and standardization.
Only the power of imagination can catalyze a strong positive impact.
An elevated world in which we work to advance society by dismantling existing structures and creating new and better ones.
Obsessively perfectionist, dominating.
• Unleash creativity, curiosity, and desire to grow by questioning, pushing, and urging us on
• Inspire us with breakthrough solutions and ideas
• Make us create propositions that show who we genuinely are
Banksy is one of the most elusive and prolific artists of the 21st century. He has gained worldwide attention for his politically charged artwork that often addresses social justice issues. The graffiti artist has shown his support for the Black Lives Matter movement, stating in an Instagram post: “At first, I thought I should just shut up and listen to black people about this issue. But why would I do that? It’s not their problem; it’s mine.”
People of color are being failed by the system. The white system. Like a broken pipe flooding the apartment of the people living downstairs. The faulty system is making their life a misery, but it’s not their job to fix it. They can’t; no one will let them in the apartment upstairs.
- BanksyThe well-known sports fashion brand Adidas has harnessed its creative power to find ways to make its products environmentally sustainable and innovate design. In 2019, Adidas launched its Parley collection, high-performing shoes made from at least 75% marine trash. Currently, more than 40% of Adidas’ apparel uses recycled polyester, and they aim to replace all virgin polyester with recycled polyester by 2024. Adidas is also developing a 100% recyclable shoe called the Futurecraft Loop that can be returned and broken down to create a
At Adidas, our core belief is that through sport, we have the power to change lives. This becomes particularly relevant when we talk about the impact we have with our sustainability work. We are one of the very few companies that integrate sustainability into their business model, which becomes most visible in the fact that we take sustainability to the product level.
The Crusader enjoys leading the way. They are brave and ready to sacrifice themselves for the greater cause. The Crusader calls upon us to abide by higher standards and norms. They uphold the tribe’s reputation and excel at mobilizing people and marshaling resources to get things done.
The future-fit Crusader fights for a world with better leaders who will build trust by making decisions for the collective good. Far from a power broker, they do not fear a loss of control and rely upon collaboration and interdependence. As leaders, they raise the bar and navigate an environment of unprecedented uncertainty with adaptability and ability.
Disrespect, Lack of leadership, Lowering standards and norms.
Humanity is key to creating a better world.
A world where leaders have empathy and build trust by making better decisions for the collective good.
Pushing too far and becoming out of touch.
• Use influence and fortune to raise awareness of issues
• Leverage personal wealth to marshal resources for practical solutions
• Work from within the system to activate other leaders to join
• Help us imagine a world operating on a better system with human warmth
Butet Manurung is an anthropologist and the founder of Sokola Rimba (also known as The Jungle School or Sokola Institute). When it was established in 2003, Sokola Rimba was created to provide education for Rimba people who live in the Bukit Dua Belas forest, Jambi. Manurung was inspired to create a customized education for the indigenous people because education often comes from the old thinking of old institutions, which doesn't correlate with the life skills needed by these people. Those who live in the indigenous areas should focus more on practical skills such as planting trees, catching fish, or building houses instead of history, religion or complex algebra. Through her determination in bringing radical thinking and fighting against the old fashioned thinking of education she bring positive changes. Until today she has managed to reach at least 17 indigenous communities and remote tribes throughout Indonesia.
forests.- Butet Manurung
Patagonia is an outdoor apparel brand that has been lauded worldwide for its commitment to sustainability. The company minimizes its carbon footprint by using recycled materials, creating sustainable processes, and adopting fair labor practices. In 2019 they received the U.N. Champion of the Earth award for their Outstanding Entrepreneurial Vision. As an industry leader and pioneer of environmental consciousness, Patagonia raises the standard of corporate responsibility. In September 2022, Patagonia’s founder Yvon Chouinard announced the historic decision to transfer his company ownership to a foundation that fights climate change, effectively turning his billion-dollar company into a charitable not-for-profit.
We are going to give away the maximum amount of money to people who are actively working on saving this planet.
- Yvon Chouinard, Patagonia’s founder
The Seducer is promising and attractive. They use internal power to influence and have the ability to allure and convince people. They spark people’s imagination and urge them to imagine and discover. They entice people with exciting and unquenchable pleasures.
The future-fit Seducer uses the power of seduction to enchant and convince without emphasizing sexual appeal, moral ambiguity, and manipulation. They see their charm and magnetism as a means to persuade people in debates, decision-making, and initiatives for the collective good.
Standardization, neglect, and apathy.
Charm has the power to move things in favor of a better world.
A compelling world of abundant pleasure, imagination, and sensuality.
Addiction to desire, becoming an attention grabber.
• Generate public attention through personal conviction
• Make us fall in love with their vision of a better world
• Trigger our desire to join
• Use passion, sensuality, and pleasure as convincing weapons
Lewis Hamilton is a multiple Formula One Drivers’ World Champion who is leveraging his influence in the motorsport world to improve equality and diversity. Through the Hamilton Commission, he has created a movement called Accelerating Change that strives to boost the representation of minorities in the motorsport world, especially in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.
We definitely need to utilize our platforms and really step up as one to fight for more inclusion. We have to really start actioning some of the things we are saying. By just saying it is not good enough and it’s unacceptable. It’s time for us to step up.
- Lewis Hamilton
Fenty is an iconic skincare and cosmetics brand founded by Rihanna. The pop star used her talent and charm to create highly acclaimed products that have become popular worldwide. Fenty inspires people to achieve Rihanna’s sensual, assertive attitude and look. The brand fearlessly empowers women of all shades and shapes by catering to diverse skin tones and embracing all body types, conveying that pleasure is for everyone.
I wanted everyone to feel included. That’s the real reason I made this line.
- Rihanna
The Hero triumphs over adversity or significant challenges and inspires us all to move forward in our struggles. They instinctively protect the vulnerable and powerless. The Hero represents the universal message of courage and victory and uses strength and power to make a difference.
For Heroes, where there is a will, there is a way. Rather than acting tough, the future-fit Hero embraces intuition and sensitivity as powerful strengths. They learn from their past failures and harness the power of empathy. The Hero is determined to make a difference, not for their ego but for the collective benefit through meaningful leadership.
Abusive powers, statu quo, resignation.
They fiercely believe empathy and humanity are the tools to make the world a better place.
Heroes desire to leave a mark on the world through meaningful leadership that inspires others to follow.
Developing an obsessive need to win, arrogance.
• Exert courage in a way that improves the world
• Inspire hope instead of fear
• Stand out as a model and an esteemed leader
• Use their voice and fame to raise awareness of issues and advocate for change
Before becoming Ukraine’s president, Volodymyr Zelensky had been a comedic actor. His electoral success is precisely due to his lack of political experience: someone new, someone from the outside, who promised to break the rule of oligarchs and end rampant corruption. In 2022, the Russian invasion transformed him into a heroic political leader. A new type of hero capable of self-doubt, empathy, and vulnerability, while also showing immense resilience.
Let’s build a country of opportunities, where everybody is equal before the law and where the rules of the game are honest and transparent, and the same for everyone.
– Volodymyr Zelensky.
Nike has become a household name in sportswear and brand activism and is one of the most famous brands of our time. Nike is courageous in their pursuit of ‘doing the right thing’ and standing up for marginalized people and communities. For instance, during the 2020 Black Lives Matter movement, Nike launched a campaign called “For once, don’t do it”. This slogan claimed the opposite of their usual “Just Do It” and implored people not to turn a blind eye to racism and to remain silent in the face of tragedy. This exemplified their strength and sensitivity as a true Hero for the people.
- Nike on the Black Lives Matter movement
The Challenger embodies repressed rage against structures that no longer serve life but are still perpetuated by society. They fight the status quo and push for a new way of thinking, being, and doing. In a world full of rigid norms and outdated principles, they break the rules in a manner that feels liberating to people, creating a space for freedom in our normative world.
The future-fit Challenger is not provocative or shocking for the sake of provocation. They forge their path to create real change by disrupting the current frames of thinking. They address systemic issues to build a brighter collective future.
Passive acceptance, conformity, and resignation.
They believe rules are made to be broken by individuals, not institutional powers.
Challengers aspire to create a world with new and equitable possibilities through innovation and imagination.
Always looking for an enemy to fight, becoming isolated.
• Make us believe we can shape our destiny
• Push us to stand up for what matters
• Nudge us to think outside the box
• Enable people to participate and have a direct impact
Greta Thunberg is a Swedish teenage environmental activist who challenges the status quo. From the humble beginnings of adopting a sustainable lifestyle and insisting her parents do the same, she has become the face of the youth climate movement worldwide. She went viral by challenging world leaders at the U.N. Climate Action Summit in 2019 with her famous “how dare you?” speech. She uncomfortably underlined the responsibility of all those who attended and listened, disrupting the usual diplo matic norms and sending shockwaves throughout the world.
Change is coming, whether you like it or not.
- Greta Thunberg
Oatly is an oat-based dairy alternative company that challenges how we eat and urges us to make better decisions to help secure the longevity of our planet. From an ideological standpoint, the brand believes plant-based dairy is for everyone, and it uses its packaging to challenge the traditional stigma surrounding veganism. Oatly denounces the reckless pursuit of profits at the cost of the planet and drives a systemic societal shift in how people eat, how food is produced, and how a plant-based diet is perceived.
The Explorer turns away from the known to discover and explore the unknown. They lead by reminding us that there are possibilities beyond today’s limitations. They show us how imagination and desire can open up new opportunities. They love being independent and seek a better world where everyone can freely express their individuality.
The future fit Explorer espouses a “no limit” philosophy and explores the world for new possibilities, but does so in a mindful and focused way rather than just for the thrill. They endeavor to positively impact the planet, to improve and liberate the self and society.
Narrow-mindedness, stagnation, limitations.
The world is our oyster, filled with possibilities waiting to be discovered for the collective benefit.
An exciting world where experiencing discoveries is within reach of the many.
Unfocused, mindless wandering, a search without an end.
• Encourage people to live out their individuality for collective fulfillment
• Invite us to live and work with curiosity and not get stuck in set patterns
• Let us escape boredom by giving room for new ways of thinking and doing
• Push us to radically change directions when needed
Emmanuelle Charpentier is a French professor and scientist whose exploration into the frontiers of molecular chemistry has pushed the boundaries of gene editing. Emmanuelle and her collaborator Jennifer Doudna have developed a gene editing method through CRISPR-Cas9 that has opened endless possibilities for new research and therapeutics. The impact of their pioneering work goes beyond biomedicine, as they were awarded the first science Nobel Prize given to two women alone, paving the way for a bright future for many female scientists to come.
My wish is that this will provide a positive message to the young girls who would like to follow the path of science, and to show them that women in science can also have an impact through the research that they are performing.
- Emmanuelle Charpentier
The North Face believes no mountain is too steep to climb—in nature or in life. This outdoor gear and apparel brand encourages people to move beyond their comfort zone and embrace life’s limitless possibilities. Their mantra #NeverStopExploring embodies their philosophy to inspire people to push their boundaries through expeditions. Journeys of discovery are not just about the outdoors. The brand sees nature as a challenge that, in all its mesmerizing beauty, helps us push ourselves and grow as a person.
Exploration is our oxygen. It shapes who we are, what we stand for and what we strive for.
- The North Face
We hope you will find your future-fit leadership style in this book and through playing its game. We hope you will be able to use this understanding to better your business and positively impact the world. Feel free to share it in any way; we would be grateful if you cite Innate Motion as the source.
Many people contributed to this book—Innate Motion people shared tips and tricks they’d gathered from using the leadership styles described in this book while crafting purposeful brands. Many people in our network nominated and shared their favorite leaders and purposeful brands and companies as cases we could include.
We want to thank you all for your input and insights!
This book on future-fit leadership styles might have made you hungry for more!
If you enjoyed reading this book, check out our other tools and books:
• Creating Value People to People, Christophe Fauconnier and Benoit Beaufils
• Play the Tune Innate to You, Innate Motion Community
• Activists Dare to Care, Christophe Fauconnier and Marjolein Baghuis
• Beyond the Powergirl, Femke van Loon and the Innate Motion collective
And if you’d like to learn more about how we can collaborate, start a conversation by reaching out to us.
Femke van Loon (she/her) co-founded Innate Motion in 2007. She is a freedom fighter, changemaker, author, friend, mom, food lover, and generous host. As a business humanizer and driver of B-Corp, she coaches people and teams to uncover shared purpose and unlock positive impact using the power of empathy, brands, and engagement, with the ambition to co-create an inclusive, regenerative future for all.
Innate Motion is a purpose consultancy helping businesses contribute to a better world by humanizing business, with empathy as the driving force.
We craft journeys of change, that enable people and teams to grow awareness about who they are and to step into the shoes of the people they serve.
Innate Motion business humanizers are based all over the globe and have a wide variety of cultural and educational backgrounds.
Our fields of expertise include general business, marketing, psychology, and sociology, enabling us to approach projects from multiple perspectives so we can best help clients to unlock local, regional or global potential.
P.22 adapted from "Trevor Noah" by Jordan Strauss, AP, NTB licensed under CC BY 4.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/). p. 26 adapted from "Natalie Portman speaking at the 2019 San Diego Comic Con International, for "Thor: Love and Thunder", at the San Diego Convention Center in San Diego, California." By Gage Skidmore licensed under CC BY 4.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) via Wikimedia Commons. p. 30 adapted from "-20140912-Martine-Rothblatt-5773.jpg" By Andre Chung licensed under CC BY 4.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) via Wikimedia Commons. p.34 adapted from Rupi Kaur by Baljit Singh.jpg licensed under CC BY 4.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) via Wikimedia Commons. p.38 adapted from Elizabeth Nyamayaro licensed under CC BY 4.0 (https://creativecommons.org/ licenses/by/4.0/) via Wikimedia Commons. p.42 adapted from "Actress Reese Witherspoon at the 2014 Toronto International Film Festival" https://www.flickr.com/photos/dtstuff9/15196490801/ licensed under CC BY 4.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) via Wikimedia Commons. p.46 adapted from "Tsai Ing-wen 20201130.jpg " Official Photo by Mori / Office of the President licensed under CC BY 4.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) via Wikimedia Commons. p.50 adapted from "Jacinda Ardern, at the swearing in of the Executive Council, at Government House, Wellington, on 6 November 2020." Official Photo New Zealand Government, Office of the Governor-General licensed under CC BY 4.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/ by/4.0/) via Wikimedia Commons. p.54 adapted from "Official Portrait of Ursula von der Leyen.jpg" by Etienne Ansotte, licensed under CC BY 4.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) p.58 adapted from NTB https://bilder.ntb.no/r/preview/editorial/atdZmh4ajJI by Britta Pedersen, licensed under CC BY 4.0 (https:// creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) p.66 adapted from Butet Manurung https://www.ubudwritersfestival. com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/Butet-Manurung-1000x1000.jpg licensed under CC BY 4.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ p.70 adapted from Lewis Hamilton visiting fans at the 2018 British Grand Prix at Silverstone by JJen_ross83 licensed under CC BY 4.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/). p.74 adapted from "Official portrait of Volodymyr Zelensky" http://www.president.gov.ua/ licensed under CC BY 4.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) p.78 adapted from "Greta Thunberg 02.jpg" by Anders Hellberg licensed under CC BY 4.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) p.82 Emmanuelle Charpentier by Emmanuelle Charpentier licensed under CC BY 4.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).