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Novembet 2l & 22,2009 Mattamuskeet High School Swan Quarter, NC 27885
Table of Contents Scheduleof Events
Exhibitors FromtheNotesof Fen'ellBeruy Vintase MattamuskeetTractors. Decoy Makel of the Lake MattamuskeetArea
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Toursofthe Refuge
Children's Activities
Association Amual Banquet Hlde Countl'Waterfowl
Back Pase
Del,ccaaaa 74io7eu 4waat Do*t & ?'1alo44arl/ea*a/ to I'c l4sie dl PsrcA ehnaarartatd Tevdl 4evrq, Trrra**t ailtlate e*chtAqld,oo wacl a7?12 (u*t'E'o aa*44u1ilorffa4e, A|vin Percival "Percy" Carawan I9I0-2005 (eft) and Ferell A. Berry 1946-2006(ri7ht).
On the cover: Artist Mike Helsabeckpaintedthe First Annual logo featuring the MattamuskeetLodge and tundra swandecoy. In additionto being selected for the cover of the NCWRC 25th Anniversarycalendar-his 2nd consecutive appearanceon the cover-Helsabeckwas also chosenfdr the secondstraight yearasNC Duck's Unlimited'sArtist of the Year for 2007.His wildlife works havehelpedto raisenroneyfor The NC Wildlife Habitat Fund, The National Wild Turkey Federationand NC Waterfowl.
Schedule of Events SaturdayNovember21,2009 7:30AM - 9:30AM
CallingCompetition SignUp
FestivalDoors Open
Toursbeginfor Mattamuskeet Wildlife Refuge
FestivalClosesfor theDay
Oyster& SeafoodChowderDinnerat Carawan's Located5 milesnorthof FestivalGrounos. $15.00perpersonallyou caneat,cashbar. Doorsopenat 5:30,Dinnerat 6:00 y' Musicbegins9:00
SundayNovember22,2010 9:00AM
l:00 PM
Toursbeginfor Mattamuskeet WildlifeRefuge
RetrieverDemonstration Starts
Festival Foods! Saturday E:30-l l:00AM Breakfast I 1:00AM til closing Lunch Concessions & BakedGoodsAll dav
LionsClub SwanQuarter& Ponzer VolunteerFire Departments Mattamuskeet JuniorClass
Sunday 8:30-ll:00AM 11:00AMtil closing
Breakfast Lunch
LionsClub RotaryClub
All day
All day
Mattamuskeet StudentCouncil(SCA) andFutureFarmersof America(FFA) Mattamuskeet Cheerleaders, Big Brothers& Big Sisters
Exhibitors DecovCarvers& Collectors NC Archdale, Mark andAnn Terry huntingdecoys. Maryland, VirginiaandNorthCarolina Collectors of vintage Ardell Waterfield KnottsIsland,NC Handcarveddecoys,buyandsell. P.O.Box 365KnottsIsland,NC 27950 757-217-5005 NC PercyCarawanMemorial Wanchese, BenjiCarawan Thefarnilyof PercyCarawandisplaystheirprivatecollectionof his roothead decoys.It includespiecesfromthe 1930'sto his lastworksdonein 2004at theageof94. Museumof the Albemarle ElizabethCity,NC ArtDuckOexhibitcelebrates North Carolina Waterfowl. . . Traditionsof duckhuntinganddecoymakingarebroughtto life at the Museumof the Albemarlein theArt DuckO: Ll/aterfowlCulturein North Carolinaexhibit. Morethan 100decoysby notedcarvers,uniquefeathered fashions,andseveralexciting,interactiveactivitiesarefeaturedin this fun and freee:dribit.Many of the decoycarvershighlightedin Art DuckOarefrom KnottsIsland,CunituckandDareCountyandotherlocalsoundsandbeaches. The waterfowlhistoryof the stateis rich andNorth Carolinawasknown in the late1800sasthe"WaterfowlCapitolof theWorld."Foradditionalinformation on theexhibit,call(252)335-1453. Decoys:Old & Not SoOld Fuquay,NC CafterWilliams Vintagedecoys,shotshellboxes,books,decoymagazines, prints. Outlaw GunnerDecoys NC Colurnbia, Earl Scripture Big, oversizequalitydecoys,hollowjuniper.Will customcarvespecialorders. Will carvein quantityfor guidesor duckhunters. JamesFreemanSr. KnottsIsland,NC Startedhuntingandcollectingdecoysat age6. Bornandraisedandalsocaretakerof theOLD LeeDudleyFarm. Still manages todaytheDealsIsland HuntingClub in VirginiaandtheBrayIslandHuntingClub. CharlesReber Engelhard, NC Primitivestyledecoys.Shorebirds, ducksandfish.
Joan Sears Gull Rock,NC Nativeof HydeCounty.Awardwinningartistanddecoycarver. (252)925-4641 www.hydecountyart.com Tony Murray Handcarveddecoys.
Middle CreekWoodworks Engelhard, NC Watchlocalcraftsman, Ed Clarkedemonstrate thebuildingof canvas-onjuniperswandecoys. PocosinArts CarvingClub NC Columbia, "Connectingculhre to environmentthroughart since1994" Thecarvingclubwelcomes members of all skill levelstojoin. Bringyour own carvingtoolsandwood. Currentprojectsincludeduckdecoysandwildlife carvings,
Jack Dudley Morehead City,NC JackDudley-CoastalHeritageSeries.Author/Publisher of NorthCarolina Waterfowlingbooks. The MattamuskeetFoundationrlnc. Ayden,NC LewisForrest,ExecutiveDirector TheMattamuskeet Foundation is a non-profitorganization engaged in researchandeducational activitiesto preserve andinterprettherich historyand Booksandaward-winning videosaboutLake ecologyof LakeMattamuskeet. Mattamuskeet areofferedfor sale.Antiquetractorsusedto farmthe drained bedof the lakeon display. Mike Helsabeck Lexington,NC Waterfowlartist.www.mikehelsabeck.com N.C. Wildlife Resources CommissionRaleigh,NC (NCWRC)is dedicated TheNorthCarolinaWildlife Resources Cornmission to thewise-use, conservation, andmanagement of thestate'sfish andwildlife wildlife resources. Theagencyconsistsof wildlife andfisheriesbiologists, engineers staffin ninedisofficers,educators, andadmiriistrative enforcement trictsacrossthe state.Whetheryou enjoyhunting,fishing,boatingor arejust Commisinterested in Tarheelwildlife,theNorthCarolinaWildlife Resources sioncanenrichyouroutdoorexperiences. ElizabethGurganus Wi ldlife photographer.
STRSProductions Washington, NC Awardwinningwildlifefilmmakers. Presenting "Refuge:TheSeries",on DVD. Richard Mann Fairfield.NC Local artist. At eight yearsold, Richard is becomingwell known for his waterfowl and outdoorworks. NC Partners Program Columbia, NC NC Parlnersis a program that helps private landownersprovide habitat for waterfowl and other migratory birds. Suppoftedby a partnershipof several agencies/organizations, the programprovidesboth technicaland financial assistance. Allen Bliven Calls SneadsFeny, NC Allen Bliven Calls- waterfowlcalls.(910)327-0309 www.allenblivencalls.com Precision Moulding & Woodworksr lnc. New Bern. NC W.P.Nelson come seeour fine selectionof rupelo carving blocks in Booth g. when in New Bem look us up at 908 GeorgeStreet(252)63g-3g45.we also feature a fine selectionof hardwoodsfor other project solutions. Lodge Creek Calls \4ark l\,lcDowell
Lodgecreekcalls. is a companythatproduces someof thefinestgamecalls made.We guarantee everycall we sellandmanufacture. HuntersHelpingKids HydeCountyChapter HuntersHelpingKids.is a nonprofitorganizationdedicated to inspiringand educating youthin wildlife conservation andmanasement. MattamuskeetNationalWitdlife Refuge TheRefuge'smainfeatureis LakeMattimuskeet at 40,000acresit is North carolina'slargestnaturallake.Refugeobjectives areto provide:Habitatfor migratorywaterfowlandotherbirds;Habitatfor endanglredspeciessuch as baldeagles,peregrine falcons,andAmericanalligators: wildlife-relatedrccreation andenvironmental education for thepublic. Hyde County Waterfowl Association Limitededitionprints,iestivalshirts,memberships.
From the Notes of Ferrell Berry FerrellBerrywaspresident of the HydeCountyWaterfowlAssociation for manyyears.Thefollowingare excerptsfromhis noteswrittenin 2005.Evidentis his sincere desireto provideresponsible waterfowlmanagement, establisliworthwhilepartnerships andhelpthecommunity. This gr"oupwas organized in 1973, underthe name WaterfovvlTontoruow. In 1983the name was changedto Hyde Comty WaterfowlAssociation (HCWA). Since that time vte have had manyprojects. The1lrst ntajor project was the restoration of the Canada Goose in the County, Geesewere trapped asfar away as the state of New York. Indivifutal sitesu,ere tlroughout the Coun6t front Ponzer to Engelhard and all points betuveen.Thesesitesfor laying and hatching pairs of Geeseconsistedof as much as 30 acres, allfenced in. The yoltngwere cattght, sexed,banded and released. Someare still here in the County in 2005. After the Gooseprogram we entered in a pond building project for the geese to have as a rest area and a nesting sight. this was a joint project between HCWA, Department of the interior and Mattantztskeetrefuge. The Refuge supplied the machinerlt and HCWA supplied salaryfor operator andftrelfor eqttipment. Theponds were generally 2 to 5 acres in size with an island in the niddle for goose and duck lalting and seutrity front predators. During the pond progranx we started a WoodDuck box prog'am. Thefirst years there were 100 boxesbuilt and distributed. About 50 were donatedto the MattamuskeetRefuge. The rest were set upthroughozttthe CounQ. This program has continued since its beginning. Theseboxeswerefree to the public. Thefourthproject started in 1997. Theprogramrvas to buy andrelease Mallard Duclcshoping theseMallards u,oztldmigrate to Canada and then retttrn thefollowingfall. Theseduclcsv,ere delivered to buyers in Jtily at 6 weeks old. The ov,ner had to furnish a holding area andfeed, As the dttcks developedflight feathers they were released.Most were banded.Someof thesehat e appeared in Alabama, South Carolina, Virginia and Marytland. There are rnanypairs that reside in the County still. Since 1997 we have releasedas Ferrell many as 6000 dttcksper year.
Today,HCWA strivesto continuethegoodwork of theirpredecessors.
Vintage Mattamuskeet
Si#.i Tractors
Farmall Reeular.ca. 1927 This wasoneof twenty-twoFarmallrcgulartractorsownedby New Holland Corporationandusedto farmthe drainedbedof LakeMattamuskeet. It wasdonatedto the Mattamuskeet Foundationby DougButt of HydeCounty andrestoredby JoeGressof R&R Restorations in Shreve,OH. In cornpletingthis restoration, Gressusedthe motorfrom anotherFarmall Regularfrom HydeCountythatthe family of ReubenBennettStotebury donatedto thefoundation. 1930Oliver Hart-Parr. Model l&27 Between1835and1837, slavescontracted from HydeCountyplantation ownersdugLakeLanding Canalfrom LakeMattamuskeetto thePamlico Sound.Whenthe canal wasopened,65,000acres drainedout by gravity,exposingprimefarm landfor cultivation.This reclaimed areaon the southeast side of the lakeis knownasthe "lake wash."JennettePerrydonatedthis tractorto the Mattamuskeet Foundationin honorof herfather,ThomasArmisteadJennette,who boughtthis tractornew for useon his "lake wash"farm. Contributed by Lewis Forrest, Mattamuskeet Foundation, Inc.
Decoy Maker of the Mattamuskeet Area Reprintedwith permission, DecoyMagazine March/April1991 By KroghieAndresen Photographs courtesyof CarawanFamily MentionLakeMattamuskeet huntinganddecoys,and thenamePercyCarawanautomatically comesto mind. WhatmakesPercystandout overthe manyhunting guidesthatflourishedin this popularhuntingdestination?Theansweris simple;hecarvedmanyfine goose decoys,thecraftsmanship unequalled by anyothermakerfromthearea. Percywasbornin l9l0 in Lowland,NorthCarolinaacrossPamlicoSound from the LakeMattamuskeet area.Oneof l8 children,he hadto fendfor himself at an earlyage.His father,Alvin RufusCarawan,wasan avid fisherman, trapperandcoonandwaterfowlhunter.For manyyears,Alvin huntedthe PamlicoSoundarcafromGooseCreekIslandto PamlicoSound.He passed on his knowledgeandskillsto youngPercy.Eli carvedPercyhis first rig of 15 decoysto gethim started;afterthatPercywason his own.Sincethemid1920s.Percyhasmade400to 500decoys.Whenaskedwhatinfluencehis fatherhadon his carvingstyle,Percyresponded, "Vert little."Howeverif you studyhis father'sdecoys,you'll seea similarityin body,paintandhead style.Later,Percymasteredthe art. Percyos familymovedto BeaufortCountyin l9l8; six yearslater,thefamily movedagainto HydeCounty.They lived nearthe waterjust westof Swan Quarterso,at an earlyage,Percybeganhuntingthe soundfor ducksand geese. Initially,he huntedwith his father'sdecoys,but he sooncarvedhis own.Percywouldscoopup the smallpilesof discarded crushedbeansand partridgepeasleft behindby the localharvesters, collectit into sacks,thenuse this wonderfulwaterfowlfeedto bait local areasnearthe shore.Thousands of ducks,geeseandswanscameto feedhere.Percynevershotwhiletheyfed; but afterthe food wasgone,he setout his decoysandwaitedfor smallgroups of birdsto return. In 1937,Percybecamea guidefor the Lake Mattamuskeet governmentblinds. He earned$7.50perday for four hunters.Percyalwayswantedto guideand got his invitationfrom SpeedyTunnelwhowasemployedby the stateto managethe lake'sblinds.EachmorningSpeedycameto theold quonsethut on the causeway nextto CharlieCarawan's storefor thedaily 5:30drawingfor blinds.Afterwards,eachhunterwasassigned a blind. The luckyonesdrew blind#3, Percy'sblind.Percy'swasthethird blindfromthewestendof the lake.It facedsouthwest overlookingan areacalled"PineyShoals."
Thehunterscouldexpectto seelargenumbersof ducksandgeese.Thefirst to HarveyFlowers,Percy'sbestfriendfor almost50 blindon theendbelonged years.Thenextonebelonged to GlenBalance.Eachmorning,Percymethis quonset huntersat the hut andledthemto theRoseBay/ HodgesForkcanal for thetento fifteenminuteboatrideto his blind.Uponapproaching the blind, you wouldseehis magnificent decoyrig, consisting of four swans,60 ducks and60 geese. Percy'sgeesewerehis favoritedecoys,andhewasa masterat carvingthem.Thejuniperbodieswerelargeandwell-shaped. Most hadholes in thebottomfor occasional were placedin the useasstick-ups. Leatherstraps frontandrearto enablehim to tie themend-to-end. Thegeesehadlarge,flat bottomsto ridewell in roughwater.All of Percy'sdecoyshadblackgumrootheads.The gumrootscamefrom a swampnearFlower's houseon OysterCreekRoad.Thegumroots grewin an upsidedownU-shapein theswamp water.He choppedoutthebasicform of the headpatternwhile it wasstill attachedto the stump"soI wouldn'thaveto haulout anyexcess."A trip to theswampwith an axeand burlapbagwouldgenerallyproduce10to 15roughlyshapedheadblanks,The grain rootsaddedstrengthto theneckandhills because ofthe continuous throughout thehead,plustheycreatedan endless varietyoflTeadpositionsand attitudes. Percyhada typicalsetto his decoyrig. "I wouldputthefour swans dou'ntheshoreline to theeastnearthewillows,"hesaid.Thewillowswere rootedbl stickingshootsintothewaterto createa morenaturallook.His blindrvaslocatedin somecypresstrees,80 yardsout intothe lake."I would alwaysput outthegeesebehindtheblind,andtheduckswereput outto the leewardof thegeese."Duckstypicallyfed on thegrasses or spoilspulledup by the largergeese. Often,hunterswantedhim to rig thegeesein frontof theblind.He responded, "Don'tgeesenormallyland60 to 100yardsshortof theirfeedingareaand swimin?" Thehunterswouldrespond,"Yes.""Thenthatshouldputthem rightneartheblind,"hequicklyadded.He hatedwhenhunters blewtheircalls because, "Theyscaredmorewaterfowlthantheyeverbroughtin." Percynormallycalledwith his mouth;afterhe got falseteeth,he hadto buya wooden call.He nevercalleda gooseafterit setits wings;he only calledto attract thegeese. Percyhadseveraluniquewaysto rig out his standofgeese.First,he anchored a decoyline acrossthewind at bothends.Then,hetiedeachindividualdecoy the lineto theanchorline,varyingthelengthof thelines.This caused geeseto swayfrom sideto sideand"look morelike realgeese."
Percyvaried the numberofdecoys dependingon weatherconditions,but also to preventthe geesefrom noticing a set numberor rig pattern.Percycould tell when a goosewas in the air by the soundof its call. This amazedhunters becausethousandssat on the lake within vocal rangeand constantlyhonked. Percy (on left) had a Chesapeake Lab, an excellentretriever,namedSam.Sam would actuallyplacethe headsof ducks or seesein the fork of a small treeto preventthem from floating away. When instructed,Samwould retrievethem to the blind. Sam had a love for Coca-Cola,so Percywould always bring a six -pack to share.Many hunterswere surprisedto seeSam standon two legsto have a coke poured into his mouth. One year, Percy made 100 decoys.He contacteda man namedCashieDodge to placethe order for juniper logs.Percy and FlowersborrowedSheriff Charlie Cahoon'struck to pick up the wood. They arrived late in the afternoonand were stunnedwhen Cashietold them, "Boys, we can't get the wood until dark." After severalhours,they drove without lights througha beanfield to the edgeof ajuniper swamp.They loadedthe truck, paid Cashieand returned to Mattamuskeetwonderinswhosewood was in the back of Sheriff Cahoon's truck. Percy sometimesmadedecoysfor other guides."I didn't make decoysfor other peoplefor the money, but only due to friendship,"he said.Many of the guidesrecognizedthe superiorworkmanshipof Percy's geeseand askedfor his assistance. His decoysimprovedtheir standssincemost of the other area decoy'swere rathercrude."You put a rig of Herter'sgoosedecoyson one side of the blind and my decoyson the other,and the geesewould cometo mine ninety percentof the time," he said. The legendand memory of PercyCarawanwill live foreverthroughthe magnificent swanand goosedecoyshe'll leavebehind.Friendsand associates will rememberhim as a masterof his work. He once guidedfor me when I was a teenager;after 30 years,I've recalledthat childhoodexperience.I still remember awaitingthe early morning draw for the governmentblinds. I still remember the other hunterswhispering,"I hope we get PercyCarawanbecausehe's
Kroshie Andresen
Percy's grandson, Benjie will be displaying their privatefamily at thefestival"Percy Carowan Memorial"
A Dream Lives On: History Mattamuskeet Lodge and Lake Situatedon the southshoreof nearbyLakeMattamuskeet, NorthCarolina'slargestnatural lake,sitsa relicofseveral generations of American Lodge. dreams- Mattamuskeet TheLodgewasbuiltin 1915-
l6 and was known then simply as the 'Pumping Station,'the largestcapacity pumpingplant in the world.
From 19 16- 1932 the pumping plant, underthreedifferent owners,removed the water from the lake to allow farming of the fertile lakebed.The 850-acre town of New Holland, was laid out aroundthe plant and includeda hotel, houses,storesand roads.A fleet offreight and passengerboats,the "New Holland Boat Lines' was launched.Even a privaterailroad,the "New Holland, Higginsport,and Mount Vernon Railroad,was built. The Stateof North Carolina built a trusteeprison to supply inexpensivelabor for the farms and the inmatesoperatedtractorsand other farm equipment.Eventuallyit was deemed financially infeasibleto continueto operations,and the pumping plant ceased operations,The lake refilled, the hotel and homeswere flooded but the pumping plantremained, \,lattamuskeetLake was sold to the US Governmentin 1934and the Lake MattamuskeetMigratory Bird Refugewas established.The lake againbecame the winter home for migratingwaterfowl - tundra swans,geese,and ducks that returnedto CoastalCarolinafrom the north eachfall. The pumping station was acquiredin the samedeal,and the US Governmentconveftedit into a hunting and fishing lodgeand a headquartersbuilding for the new refuge. Company 424 of the Civilian ConservationCorpsworked with civilian conLodge' tractorson the conversionof the 'Pumping Station' to oMattamuskeet and thus begana new generationof dreams. For the next 37 years,visitors camefrom acrossAmerica, Canada,and Europe to visit the "CanadaGooseHunting Capital of the World." The Lodge was at its heyday,but in 1974changesin the climate and land-usepracticesin the Atlantic Flyway greatlyreducedthe number of wintering waterfowl and the Lodge closed.[t was listed on the National Registerof Historic Placesin 1980,but it satunusedand in a stateof disrepairuntilthe rnid-1990swhen local grassrootseffortsto preserveit and the building reopenedfor community and regionalgatherings.Sadly,in November2000, it was againcloseddue to safetyconcernsaboutthe building's structuralintegrity.
In 2006,legislationwassignedby the US Governmentgiving the Lodgeto the Stateof North Carolina.TheNC Wildlife Resources CommissionandtheNC Departmentof CulturalResourceshavebeendesignated to overseethe repairsandrenovations, which arecurrentlyongoing.The HydeCountycommunityis anxiously awaitingthe reopeningof this historicbuilding but the scheduled2010dateappearsunlikely. Mattamuskeet Lodgeis oneof manyofficial sites on the HistoricAlbemarleTour,North Carolina'soldestself-guided heritagedrivingtour. PhotoCourtesy of Lewis Forrest Refuge Tourc Toursareguidedandwill departeveryhour.Saturdaybeginningat l0:00AM andSundayat l:00PM. Costper personis $5.00/Children undertwelvefree. The Mattamuskeet regionlies in the middleof the Atlantic Flyway andprovidesvaluablemigrationandwintering habitatfor waterfowl and othermigratorybirds.Waterfowlnumbersexceed100,000eachwinter and includesnowgeese(5,000-8,000), Canadageese(5,000-10,000), tundraswans (25,000-35,000) and22 species of ducks(90,000-150,000). While notedfor its waterfowl,Mattamuskeet NWR alsoprovideshabitatsfor a significantfisheryresource,70-90pairsof nestingosprey,winteringbald eaglesandperegrinefalcons,deer,bobcats,otters,grayfoxes,blackbear,red wolf, 240 speciesof birdsandnumerousotherspeciesendemicto the area. For more information aboutMattamuskeet Lodge,HydeCounty'sotherattractionsor the HistoricAlbemarleTour visit thesewebsites: historicalbemarletour.org hydecountychamber.org hydecountync.gov hydecounty.org ncwildlife.org partnersh org ipforthesounds. mattamuskeet.org fivs.gov/mattamuskeet
,J, ,i? . ]'. I
1MANOPENSWAN t' 'lJ,f,'fu JUNioRDUCK (16yrsoldot voung.rlifl |t$!rf;; JUNIOR SWAN
(16 yts old ot;'oungsl)
1r ' ni HCWA Board Member.
Children's Activities Waterfowl ldentification:Leam by Coloring HydeCountyartistJoanSearsusesherown handcarveddecoysto teachchildrenhowto identif, differenttypesof waterfowl. detailed Eachdecoyhasa comesponding, sketchpagefor coloring. Joanis a certifiedNC WildlifeEducator. North CarolinaSensory Safari Trailer This mobile,kid-friendlyexhibit encourages conservation of our nativewildlife,proand moteshuntereducation to seeand enablessportsmen touchsomeof thegameand tliat are nongamespecies foundin NorthCarolina.The SENSORYSAFAzuencouragesvisitorsto learnabout bv their localenvironments listeningto the soundsof birds, viewing deerand bearmountsand handling peltsof somecommonmammals.
The Hyde County Waterfowl Association
Wi4t& b?ta& "
Festival Snonsors Lee Chevrolet Philip Carawan " Swan Quarterly Feather Creek Kennels Tunnel Farms CoastalPlains Insurance Services East Carolina Bank Ag Carolina Financial Martelle's SpencerHeritage Farms $t'de.Counfy Farm Bureau Williford Farms llavo's Commercial Fishing Supply Gibbs Store Capt. Marty Beach104.1& Water Country 94.5 Sn'anQuarter ServiceGroup
Communifv Involvement Sn'anQuarter & PonzerVolunteer Fire Departments MattamuskeetHigh School Lee Williams Hyde County Young Professionals Lions Club Rotary Club
(HCWA) WaterbwlAssociation HydeCournty
Annual WaterfiowlBanquet ^January 1sth,2010 BanqugtDoorsOpenat 6:00PM HappyHour 6:00PM Pork & ChickenBBQ Supper7:00PM Auction beginsat 8:00PM a,tutu Live Music' I Door Prizes tubb 2010Original Artwork for HCWA by Mike Helsabeck bbb
In New Holland at Philip's Place Corner of 26* andOutfall Canal
H@ghts from Last Year's 2009 Banquet AuctionItems St.ulthU00 L.y*rt Bout Orisinal2009HCWA Paintins glO DgaugeExpress Mag. 87020 gaugeExpressMag.YouthModel Ruger1022semi-automatic. Escortl2 gaugesemi-automatic Bennellil2 gaugeSuperBlackEagleII Handmadeguncabinet. Duck,Goose& SwanCalls Artworksof Alan Cheeks, Rick Woolard,DwayneReverandJoanSears.
2009Artwork by Rick lloolard & Alan Cheeli