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Tyrrell County’s Country Magazine

Scuppernong Gazette

January 2014

January Issue 2014

Maggie Duke

Antiques, Books & Art in Columbia, NC


REWARD for Rose Bay & Chief Engelhard Oyster Cans! Specializing in items of unusual quality and desirability Always buying Antiques and Collectibles -- Single Items or Entire Estates Come find us off U.S. Hwy 64 at 210 HISTORIC MAIN STREET. Now open daily from 10 to 5 and weekend nights (closed Tuesdays and Wednesdays), also by chance or appointment!

Contact us at (252)706-0534














Quote of the Month


The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched--they must be felt with the heart. ~ Helen Keller


Southern Dreams Gallery

This month's cover photography! (as well as the photograph above) is the work of Jim Fleming, now displayed at Southern Dreams Gallery on Historic Main Street in downtown Columbia. !


Healthy Living?

Who wants to help start a "Healthy Living" Group, with monthly or bi-weekly meetings at The Winery, here in Columbia? We can discuss

Scuppernong Gazette

I hope that the joy of Christmas with family and friends continues throughout the New Year. Now that 2014 is here, it's another new beginning, since I now live full time in Tyrrell County. And, I've decided to slowly bring back the Scuppernong Gazette to a monthly magazine. After all, being "On Location" provides the opportunity to personally attend healthy lifestyles for the entire family, including nutrition, exercise, gardening and more. We can invite motivational speakers as well as share our own experiences and ideas. Please email me if you are

many of the local events. As always, we are looking for stories and photos and story ideas, and your input is always appreciated. Also I am happy to announce that I was nominated for our Greater Tyrrell County Chamber of Commerce board of directors, and I'd like to thank you for your trust ! ! and support. ~ Love, Ingrid interested.

January Issue 2014

World of Clay " A wonderful annual event to consider during next year's holiday season is the#“Christmas Open House at Kilian's Pottery.”#We arrived on a cold afternoon at the historic Kilian farmhouse, located on Old Columbia Road, and were promptly greeted by Thomas Albert Kilian III, the potter’s father and a most colorful and imposing rooster. ! Sandy, Tom's wife, graciously welcomed us into her historic home, which was filled with the scents of Christmas and clay. A wood-burning stove spilled its warmth throughout the cozy house, and her home-baked cookies completed this country-living yuletide picture. I sat down in a rocking chair by the stove, and tasted the sweetness of Christmas in a house that may be one of the oldest in Tyrrell County. " On display in the adjacent room were Thomas Albert Kilian III's works of pottery art--his world in clay.# Father and son built the pottery studio together, when Thomas was only seven years old, and he has poured his heart into clay ever since. Asked about his awards, some of which were on display, Thomas said “Over the years I have won many#awards for my creative#and useful#pieces of pottery. And I've made these pots in the studio that my father and I built together. My style of pottery is different, because I think it is important to live your life and work in your own way!” " Then Thomas led us along a path past the chicken coup to his studio, with the big pottery wheel and even more recent pieces on display. It is cold here, as there is no heat. He says that his hands get really cold when he works here#in the winter. Asked about his goals, he answers, “My goal in life is to be the first potter that doesn't go to#"Seagrove" (the historic community of potters in NC), but stays home and makes the lives of others in Columbia a bit brighter. " I now own a couple of##“The Potter’s” pieces, which will add to the country feel of my new home in Columbia.# Scuppernong Gazette

January Issue 2014

Scuppernong Gazette

January Issue 2014


A PLACE TO LIVE ! This sweet bungalow, with three bedrooms and one bath, is convenient to local restaurants, Historic Mainstreet, and the Columbia water front. ! Built by William Spruill, known as Pot-Licker Bill, who was a merchant and horse trader, this1895 home is embellished with a stylish Victorian porch complete with chamfered posts, sawn balustrades and unique

Scuppernong Gazette

arched frieze boards. Adding to the beauty of its historic charm are the comforts of central heat and air conditioning, replacement windows, a walk-in closet and other modern conveniences. Its large lot includes a storage building, an additional carport, and access from Hicks Street to the area in back.

Listed For:##$124,500 Type:##Single Family Residential

January Issue 2014

HAPPINESS JARS! Longtime followers of author Elisabeth Gilbert’s on Facebook know exactly what this photo is--her HAPPINESS JAR." " “This is a practice I started years ago. Every day (well, almost every day) I write down the happiest moment of that day on a small piece of paper, and I fold it up and put it in this big jar.”She continues, "And that is the whole entire practice. ! "Then later (days, months or years later) when I am feeling blue, I sometimes reach into the jar and pull out a memory (one that would otherwise have been long forgotten) and I can remember one of the simplest and best random moments of my life. " "They are very seldom glamorous moments, or dramatic moments, or moments of great accomplishment. They are almost always nearly invisible moments when suddenly I just felt in my bones the very best Scuppernong Gazette

aspects of my humanity-gratitude, peace, hope, contentment. For instance, on the day that I went on the Oprah Winfrey Show--which was one of the greatest days of my life--my happiest moment of the day was not when I met Oprah (though it was the most

a child again, being taken care of by my sweet mom.# ! "So it's like that. Happiness comes in the sideways moments, the humble moments. And every single day, no matter how great or horrible, has one happiest moment (or at least one "least horrible" moment--some of my happy moments, for instances, have been times when a friend comforted me during a spell of grief.) It's worth it to record these moments, because they are fleeting and precious beyond measure. And someday, reading them over, they will make you happy all over again. " "Thank you, all of you who have been sending me photos all year of your own HAPPINESS JARS, and welcome to anyone who wants to start up the practice in 2014!#

dazzling and amazing moment of the day). The happiest moment of that day was sitting in my hotel room in Chicago, two hours before I went to the studio, watching my mother lovingly iron the satin sash of the dress I was going to wear on the show that afternoon--feeling like

! "Grab a jar, or a vase, or a box, or a vessel of any kind...and begin tomorrow! Or even tonight." From Elizabeth Gilbert’s Facebook page. She is the author of six books of fiction and non-fiction--most famously her memoir, "Eat, Pray, Love"." " " January Issue 2014


was important to plan a special day to honor this pillar of the church; they quietly made phone calls so that all of his relatives could make plans to be here in Columbia and “surprise” him.

" The day was quietly billed as “Shelton Ludford Day” at Columbia Christian Church on December 15, 2013, but Shelton Ludford did not know it. The Church Council had decided in September that it

" Some thirty relatives from Richmond and Chesapeake, Va., the High Point area of NC, as well as Beaufort County and even homefolk in Tyrrell County appeared at the church at

Scuppernong Gazette

almost eleven o’clock and quietly marched into the sanctuary, after Ludford was already seated in the choir. Obviously he recognized them, but it was only after the presentation of the Christmas cantata by the choir that Lay Pastor Steve Bryan called Ludford to the front of the church to be recognized on “his” special day. " Bryan asked Ludford “Did anyone tell you that today

January Issue 2014

is Shelton Ludford Day?” He replied, “No”. Bryan then made a few remarks and presented him with a beautiful plaque mounted on solid walnut honoring him for his many years, probably about 50, of serving faithfully and continuously in the Lord’s work. The dated plaque read “From the Church Family”. " Ludford is now 93. He managed Tyrrell Hardware for

Scuppernong Gazette

many years, until it closed, then most of Ludford’s time has been spent serving the church and the community. He was asked at age 90 what he was doing now, and he responded by saying “Just taking old folk to the doctor”. Many of his days have been spent helping others. He drove a transit van for the county for many years providing transportation for doctors' appointments and other needs requiring public transportation.

He has long been recognized as a strong Christian man who always puts the needs of others first. He is well respected in the Disciples of Christ church as an elder and has managed to arrange speakers for the church even throughout the years when the church did not have a pastor. " Affectionately known as “Shelly” to most locals, Shelton Ludford leaves no stone

January Issue 2014

Scuppernong Gazette

January Issue 2014

unturned when it comes to providing help for the hungry or the downtrodden. He still takes people to the grocery store, often carries food to shut-ins and assembles a portion of the church family together at 9:30 on Sunday mornings for what he calls “prayer call,” providing refreshments and leading devotions, before the more formal Sunday School begins at 10 o’clock. Nothing pleases him more than seeing God’s children together and cared for. ! At the special luncheon following the services where he was honored, he was asked to lead the line to the buffet lunch. Later, he was observed being sure everyone else was cared for and still had not eaten his own meal. This is so typical of his hospitality in the church and in his home.

! Needless to say, Shelton Ludford has made a mark in Tyrrell County. From growing up out in the Alligator Community and attending the little Methodist Church known as Wesley Chapel in his early years, to serving in the U. S. Navy and then returning to Columbia and working years in retail hardware, he is known for living out his faith in God and for always paying special attention to his fellow man. He represents an era that is almost unheard of in these more modern times.

Rotary Club and attends the regular monthly meetings of Tyrrell County Minister’s Assoc., as well as remaining active in many other church functions. In spite of his own health issues that require doctors' appointments, he still keeps going and sometimes pushes himself when he should be resting. ! The Columbia Christian Church-Disciples of Christ salutes Shelton Ludford and seeks to follow his footsteps in keeping the church alive and healthy.

" Today, he still remains an active member of Columbia

" He has a brother and three sisters that are much younger than he, and he provided them in their early years with home and education, still referring to them as “my children.” They were present for the special day's activities. Scuppernong Gazette

January Issue 2014

A RIVERTOWN’S CHRISTMAS ! How exciting! I was set to experience the entire Columbia River Town Christmas Celebration, from Thursday to Sunday, for the first time. Well, the weatherman had different plans, and cancelled the Christmas parade. But the rest of the activities went off without a hitch. ! While Tyrrell County is beautiful, Columbia is simply charming, especially during

Scuppernong Gazette

December. I can assure you that we know how to celebrate a real old-fashioned American smalltown Christmas, with all the jingles, lights and ho-ho- ho's that the season deserves. " Columbia's Rivertown Christmas began on Thursday, with the Hospice Memorial Tree Lighting at the Columbia Visitor Center, followed by the ringing-in of Christmas, with all of the area's church bells--and we have more than a few of these. Although the weather didn’t add to the Christmas spirit because of the Indian

Summer temperatures, the sound of bells ran a pleasant chill down my spine. Soon after, with the Columbia High School Band playing and the Tyrrelinean Club serving hot chocolate and cookies, it started to feel a whole lot more like Christmas! Continues... ! Kim Wheeler, of the Red Wolf Coalition, announced the Holiday Decoration Contest winners, and the crowd was excited and applauded for each category.

January Issue 2014

While Tyrrell County is beautiful, Columbia is simply charming, especially during December.

Scuppernong Gazette

January Issue 2014

And the Winners are.... Inside Town Limits: 3rd--Sherry Combs 2nd--Dr.& Mrs. Jeff Crabtree 1st--Bill & Terri Ward # Business: 3rd--Windy Rose Law Office 2nd--Brickhouse Inn 1st--Davis-Cofield Inn Best Storefront Decoration: Village Realty #Best Religious Theme: Loretta Edmundson

Scuppernong Gazette

Best Traditional Theme: Hugh and Terese Benton # In the County: 3rd--Missi Liverman 2nd--Corey VanHorne, Maddy and James 1st--Kim and Greg Comstock ! Later Thursday evening the Columbia River Town Christmas weekend continued with its annual La Posada tradition, the Hispanic Celebration of the Holy Family Seeking Lodging--from the

Scuppernong Riverfront to Columbia High School--where an authentic Spanish buffet was offered to all. While sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce, from prepping to serving the food, this was definitely a community effort. Although the line was long, we finally sat to eat our food. And let me assure you it was worth the wait--and the company was delightful. Continues...

January Issue 2014

Scuppernong Gazette

January Issue 2014

! The Christmas weekend continued Friday with the ECA Culinary Arts Contest, and Gingerbread Houses, at the Columbia Theater and at the Cooperative Extension office. And then Santa arrived on his yacht with the lighted boat parade to the town dock. ! Breakfast With Santa was enjoyed by children of all ages. Served at the Scuppernong Mill House Saturday morning, the event was sponsored by the Tyrrell County Library. The Christmas Bazaar continued all day, at the Columbia Theater and at Pocosin Arts' new Riverside Lodge.

Scuppernong Gazette

The Greater Tyrrell County Chamber of Commerce organizes the River Town Christmas weekend."

January Issue 2014

Scuppernong Gazette

January Issue 2014

RED WOLF COALITION FUNDRAISING CHALLENGE ! We know you have heard the devastating news-four endangered wild red wolves have been shot since late October 2013. The Red Wolf Coalition urges every red wolf advocate to take an active role in working to stop the illegal killing of red wolves. Red wolves are fighting for their lives, and we are fighting for them--both on the ground and in the courts.

Scuppernong Gazette

" One way you can be a major part of this effort is to support the Red Wolf Coalition's participation in the newest CrowdRise fundraising challenge. CrowdRise calls it the "Holiday Challenge," and it is an opportunity for the Red Wolf Coalition to double-down on its efforts to protect red wolves. To learn more about the "Holiday Challenge," please see the CrowdRise homepage here; click on "About the Challenge" to learn how the Coalition can benefit from participating in this event. Next, please go the Red Wolf Coalition's challenge page —Red Wolf Coalition Says No

To Extinction—and do whatever you can to help red wolves. ! The "Holiday Challenge" started on Monday, 18 November 2013 at 12:00 noon Eastern time and continues until noon on Thursday, 9 January 2014. Thank you, as always, for your support of red wolves and of the Red Wolf Coalition. redwolvessaynotoextinction/ fundraiser/redwolfcoalition

January Issue 2014

INTERNET SAFETY MEETINGS IN TYRRELL COUNTY " As part of continued compliance with the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA), Tyrrell County Schools will host two public meetings in the month of January to discuss a new Internet Safety Policy and

AN EXPERT’S VIEW " The Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) helps ensure that minors are not exposed to harmful material on the internet. Harmful material can include chat rooms, email and pornography, and it is essential to protect students from such material. Parents and teachers must not only know how to prevent access to harmful data but also how the students access it. Although there are various filters in place for controlling school internet traffic, most can be bypassed with ease by savvy students. " Also cyber bullying has become drastically more

safety concerns related to social networking, cyber bullying and online chat. " ! The proposed Internet Safety Policy will be presented by the Tyrrell County Board of Education for first reading on January 6th. Parents and the public are invited to participate in these meetings.

! Internet safety meeting times and locations: Columbia High School cafeteria, January 16th at 6:00 p.m., and Tyrrell Elementary school cafeteria, January 28th at 6:00 p.m. ! If you have questions or concerns please contact Allen Lee, Technology Director, Tyrrell Count Schools at 252-796-1121 or


common. And lastly, students should be taught the dangers of social media and chat rooms. With this in mind, we can encourage students to think before clicking. " I am looking forward to the meeting.






Bachelor of Applied Science in Network Security and Forensics. Associate of Occupational Science in Information Technology.


January Issue 2014

Scuppernong Gazette

January Issue 2014

ASA IN COLUMBIA! Who’d have thought? " Of all places, Asa McEwan (or at least her art) resides in Columbia! I would not have been surprised to find her in New York City or London, but in Columbia? # ########### Asa McEwan didn’t even like art until she began painting 12 years ago at the age of 50. A friend handed her a palette of oils and said, “Paint.” And paint she did. The first day she painted yellow stars on the ceiling of her porch.#The second day Asa discovered her niche in the world of art with a collection of paintings of# “haunted” women. She explains, "I began free-style painting, but no matter what I put on canvas, the faces#of women would appear. They ask me to tell their stories, so I do." ########### #An accomplished musician, Asa once worked in New York City for the widow of Igor Stravinsky. Later she returned home to Tennessee where she was a social worker, Scuppernong Gazette

until early retirement became prudent after 11 years. Diagnosed with bi polar disorder, Asa tends toward mania and often paints for 16 hours at a time, or until she runs out of paint. She will sometimes use coffee grounds, tissues and glue to create texture in her works. No

Gallery, Davis Art Gallery and The Unarmed Merchant in Knoxville, Pearl’s Art Gallery in Chattanooga and#at Sky People in Asheville, NC.

more red paint? Use ketchup! When she was unable to afford canvas,#Asa often painted on discarded windows and pieces of wood that she found on the street. Even now it's a habit that's hard to break.

four figures.# Recently a large collection of her paintings have become popular on the East Coast at Maggie Duke Antiques Books and Art in Columbia, NC.

########### Asa’s first painting sold at "Menagerie Antiques" in Knoxville, TN for $10. She has since had shows in Maryville, TN, as well as in Knoxville, and#sold paintings at Bearden Art

" Her best works have found homes in California, Memphis, Atlanta and London, and are now selling for North of

January Issue 2014

COFFEE: IS THERE AN APP FOR THAT? BY DEAN ROUGHTON " Long before Facebook, Twitter, Skype and the like existed, people used to actually gather in person to socialize. In the same room. At the same time. I know it’s hard to believe, but it’s true. " Every rural North Carolina town I ever visited growing up had such a gathering spot--a diner, or a greasy spoon, or a café. Whatever the places were called, they had one thing in common--coffee. When I was growing up in the 70s and 80s, that spot in Columbia, NC was The Scuppernong Café, which was adjacent to Oakes Amoco on Highway 64. " The Scuppernong Café (or just “the café” to locals) exists now only as a memory in a grassy patch of earth, having been bulldozed years ago. But every time I cross the Scuppernong River into town and slow down to make my left hand turn towards Sound Side, I am reminded of times past Scuppernong Gazette

when half of the parking lot might be filled with deer-laden muddy trucks, while the other half was dotted with the shiny cars of ladies gathered for a sociable Saturday brunch. " Back then, coffee was not a pretentious $5.00 dessert in a cup like corporations have transformed it into today. Now don’t get me wrong. I enjoy a

skinny mocha latte as much as the next person, but back then, coffee had a different personality, and so did the establishments that served it. At The Scuppernong Café, a cup of coffee cost 50 cents (less in my younger years), a price so low that people could, and did, hang out drinking coffee for hours.

" In those days, people didn’t “check in” or “tag” the café online. They didn’t text each other across their coffee cups. You know what they did instead? They talked. They genuinely enjoyed one another’s company. They shared local news. And they told stories! " As a young boy, I viewed the café as a double-edged sword. It was a place to spend precious minutes with my father, who often worked 12 hour days--even on weekends-but it was also a smoke filled dragon’s lair which would always leave me coughing and rubbing my burning eyes. After all, publicly smoking cigarettes en masse was still the cultural norm at that time. In addition to my father’s company, the thing that would make me brave the smoke was the possibility of a good story. " For example, my father had a hunting buddy named Aubrey. If it was hunting season, you would find these two joined at the hip. My father does not really hunt that much anymore, unless it’s to take the grandkids, but he and Aubrey remain friends to do this day, and it’s not unusual for Aubrey to stop by the house with a January Issue 2014

“mess” of rabbits or fish for my mom and dad. I’m not sure exactly how many counts as a “mess,” but it’s always enough for a meal and then some. " Early one season, when the mosquitoes were swarming like, well like Tyrrell County mosquitoes, Dad and Aubrey were in the woods still-hunting. From the moment they left the truck, Aubrey was assaulted on all fronts by a pack of carnivorous, man-eating “squeeters.” Dad was unaffected as he had been taking garlic pills for several days--an idea he had most likely gotten from reading one of his many issues of Field & Stream, and an idea he had purposely not shared with Aubrey until he first tested its efficacy. " Noticing that Dad did not seem to be swatting any mosquitoes, Aubrey at first tried to remain silent for fear of being called a sissy and likely having the story told at the café. And noticing Aubrey in continual swat mode, Dad continued to be silent about the garlic pills. Eventually though, as anyone who has ever spent any time unprotected in the woods of Tyrrell during hunting season could tell you, the Scuppernong Gazette

mosquitoes won out and Aubrey spoke up.

camouflaged, bite- swollen Tourette’s patient.

" “Wayne, I don’t know how you can stand this. These squeeters are eating me alive. How come they ain’t bothering you?”

" I’m not sure if my dad ever told Aubrey about the garlic pills, so hey Aubrey, now you know.

" “Oh, they aren’t that bad. The trick is not to swat them. If you smash one of them, their juice produces a smell that attracts more mosquitoes, so even if one bites you, don’t kill it,” Dad responded with a straight face. " Not to appear less manly than my father, Aubrey accepted the challenge and stopped swatting the mosquitoes. Every time a mosquito would land and bite, Aubrey would flinch, but he did not make a move to kill it. Since he was putting up no defensive measures whatsoever, Aubrey was soon engulfed by a fog of these buzzing demons, and every time he was bitten, instead of swatting, he would jerk and twitch this way and that, turning into a

" These are the types of stories that are too long to post as a Facebook status or to tweet. Plus, stories are best told in person anyway as an oral tradition helps us pass on our history and culture. My son absolutely loves to hear these café tales at grandpa’s house. It makes him feel connected to the past and to our larger family. " I’m sure you have great Tyrrell County stories to share as well. So put away your cell phone or your laptop and meet me for a hot cup of joe in Columbia at Flemz Market and Deli, or at Elements, or any other coffee spot you prefer. We will reminisce in person. In the same room. At the same time. !

Just text me first.

THE PINCHED NERVE " Have you ever suffered from a pinched nerve? Well, It happened to me recently, for the second time. It seems to me these attacks occur during or after flying in an airplane. When I flew to Germany last October, I came back with a neverending cold and a pinched nerve that just wouldn’t go away. A friend recommended seeing Chiropractor Robbie Miller in Plymouth, and I am grateful that he did.

over-the-counter antiinflammatories and then began to straighten me out.

Plymouth Chiropractic Center 744 U.S. 64, Plymouth, NC 27962

Thanks Doc!

(252) 793-9600

! This was a first experience for me. Dr. Miller took x-rays of my spine and surrounding nervous system to determine the exact location of the problem, and then asked me to lay down on a specially designed table in the middle of the treatment room. He assured me that he would have my ailment gone within three sessions, suggested some Scuppernong Gazette

January Issue 2014


Ingredients: 48 shucked oysters with liquid 6 eggs, beaten 4 tablespoons baking powder 1/2 teaspoon of oregano 1 teaspoon of crushed black pepper


2 teaspoons of hot sauce or Tabasco

! Melt the butter in a large pan on medium heat.

2 cups of all purpose flour

! Saute the oysters about two to three minutes, then remove them from the pan and cut them into quarters.

1 cup of milk 1/4 teaspoon of salt 1/4 teaspoon of old bay seasoning 4 tablespoons of unsalted butter

! In another large pan, preheat a skillet to high heat and add the 1/2 cup of oil.

1/2 cup of vegetable or peanut oil

! While the oil is heating up, mix the other ingredients

into a bowl, including the liquid from the oysters. You can control the thickness of the fritter batter by adding additional oyster liquid. Place the quartered oysters into the batter. ! Drop about a tablespoon of batter for each fritter into the preheated oil and fry the fritters until they are golden brown in color. !

Serve immediately.

Scuppernong Gazette

January Issue 2014

Scuppernong Gazette

January Issue 2014

Scuppernong Gazette

January Issue 2014

Scuppernong Gazette

January Issue 2014

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