Inner City Gazette

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Special from 1 - 8 December 2011



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1 - 8 December 2011

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High tech lab opens Students get introduced to the new laboratory in Newtown, see page 2 .


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1 - 8 DECEMBER 2011

Constructive engagement at COP17 meeting

High tech lab opens The facility will benefit learners who do not have access to laboratories in their schools Sizwe Mathe Dow Southern Africa, a subsidiary of Dow Chemical Company, launched a high technology chemistry laboratory at Sci-Bono Discovery Centre in Newtown this week Tuesday. According to Dow Southern Africa managing director, Sazi Letseke, the laboratory will stimulate interest in chemistry among young people and reinvigorate enthusiasm for science. “It will offer vigorous learning experiences for chemistry teach-

ers to amplify public appreciation of chemistry. Approximately 1 000 Gauteng students will benefit from the initiative, performing real chemistry experiments and receiving practical training after school and on weekends. With maths and science being key subject areas for driving economic growth, investment in this sector will go a long way in developing skills that the industry desperately requires,” explained Letseke. Dow is a world leader in chemistry, with vast science and technology expertise. It was established in Africa more than 50 years ago.

Chris Bathembu

Dow Southern Africa MD Sazi Letseke PIC : INNER-CITY PRESS AGENCY

It runs various projects across Africa like the Habitat for Humanity project in Egypt and Osizweni Mobile Science lab in the country. “We remain committed to promoting education through active participation in sustainable initiatives. By improving interest and awareness in these areas, these subjects become more accessible, enjoyable and challenging,” said Letseke. Dow partnered with Sci-Bono to establish the laboratory. Sci-Bono is Southern Africa’s largest science centre initiated by the Gauteng Department of Education. The department’s Deputy Director General, Len Davids said the laboratory will benefit learners who do

not have access to laboratories in their schools. “This is going to have a tremendous impact to the pass rate of science in the province. It is going to add great value to the education of learners, and turn the field of science around in the province.” Sci-Bono chief operations officer, Michael Peter added that the laboratory will become a point of leverage to all learners. “Sci-Bono’s objective is to improve maths, science and technology learning, and this makes the Dow and Sci-Bono partnership a perfect collaboration,” said Peter. For access to the laboratory call 011 6398-400, or visit the Sci-Bono Discovery Centre in Newtown.

The dust is beginning to settle at the COP17 talks after two days of drama surrounding the future of the Kyoto Protocol and Canada announcing its imminent breakaway from the climate treaty. COP17 President and South Africa’s International Relations and Cooperation Minister, Maite Nkoana-Mashabane, moved to allay fears that the convention could collapse, describing the environment in the negotiations as “conducive” for constructive engagement. There has been noticeable frustration among certain parties over the lack of clarity on the direction of the Kyoto Protocol, with the Africa group questioning the level of ambition and the European Union’s alleged reluctance to accept the principle of common but different responsibilities. While UNFCCC executive secretary Christiana Figueres said there had been no formal talks about Canada’s position on the Protocol, it’s almost certain that the country will pull out of the treaty. Nkoana-Mashabane said it was still too early to make any speculation about the Kyoto Protocol and how it would influence the outcome of Durban. “National positions have been listened to and all we need here in Durban is leadership because that is what is going to define the results of COP17 - leadership includes some kind of compromise on our part as leaders,” she said. She dismissed speculation of a standoff between the global north and south over the issue of the Protocol and finance. The Kyoto Protocol is an international agreement signed in 1997 setting targets for industrialised countries to cut their greenhouse gas emissions. The US is among the countries that did not sign the agreement and has still not agreed to support the Green Climate Fund, which is aimed at making $100 billion available to developing countries by 2020 to mitigate and adapt to the effects of climate change. Nkoana-Mashabane said a discussion on the fund was scheduled to begin on Wednesday afternoon. Discussions earlier in the day focused on technology initiatives to promote climate friendly growth, something negotiators are hoping to find a breakthrough on so it can start benefiting people as early as next year. BuaNews

1 - 8 DECEMBER 2011


Twilight Children staff and some of the boys at the shelter.




Sesego Cares coordinator Annemarie Mostert

Skills development for Hillbrow youths Completion of the programme will equip them for further training and work Sizwe Mathe Absa bank’s charity arm, Sešego Cares, has provided 22 young men from Twilight Children’s Home in Hillbrow with an opportunity to participate in President Jacob Zuma’s Award Programme. The programme, expected to start during the Christmas period this year in Limpopo, seeks to empower the youth to chart their path of selfdiscovery, development and growth. For two weeks, the children will be nurtured about leadership funda-

mentals like skills development, recreation, and community service. National co-ordinator of Sešego Cares, Annemarie Mostert, explains that through the programme, the youths will be enlightened on issues such as health, political and social considerations and environment. “Development is one of the cornerstones of empowerment. We are proud to give this gift to 22 young men. They will get an opportunity to interact with other children from different places around the country,” she says. Twilight was formed in 1983 to

provide support to children living on the streets and other public places without family support. It gives support structures for boys aged from eight to 18 years-old. “We want to make a lasting impression on these young men by providing them with knowledge and life-skills. The completion of the programme will equip them for further training and work. We believe that as they integrate the values of the programme into their lives, they will become sufficiently empowered to attempt to turn their dreams into realities,” adds Mostert.

Empowered youth could make informed choices and are more likely to become leaders in their respective communities, says Mostert. “Since its inception 28 years ago, the President’s Award Programme has not only helped about 100 000 young people in the country, it has also ensured that the country’s youth are challenged to look beyond their barriers and set forward-looking goals for themselves.” The President’s Award Programme is a full member of the International Award Association which oversees award programmes in over 130

countries globally, with 25 of these being in Africa. “Noting the value of initiatives such as these, we encourage the corporate sector to show its support for programmes that empower our youth. This ultimately contributes to the long-term well-being of our country,” adds Mostert. For more information on the initiative call 083 461 3840. For more details about Twilight call 011 4841590 or visit 31 Van der Merwe Street in Hillbrow. To contribute to Sešego Cares, email:




1 - 8 DECEMBER 2011

COMMENT Owing to the festive season hype crooks believe this is the time when there is a lot of money going round, and people are distracted by activities that go with the period. Many people in poor communities like the Joburg inner-city and surrounding townships descend into a shopping frenzy when they get a little extra money in terms of bonuses. Much of the shopping is impulsive, which makes the shoppers wander almost aimlessly in the streets while they are at it. That often provides opportunities for pickpockets. Such thieves are professionals in their trade. They spend much time practicing how to distract a person in the street, and how to search someone’s pockets or bag with lightning speed, and steal their possessions without them feeling anything. Many victims of pickpocketing believe that the thieves use magic. To counter the magic one has to be always alert, especially in streets like Smal, Jeppe and Bree, which are fertile hunting grounds for the crooks. Always take extra care if someone bumps into you, it may be deliberate; otherwise avoid such areas altogether. When poor people get a little extra money they sometimes increase consumption of alcohol. This often exposes them to muggers. Such crooks spend much of their time in liquor outlets keeping an eye on patrons, and taking note of the amount of money each one spends and the change he pockets. Muggers are often violent, and armed with weapons like knives, screwdrivers and guns. Their methods are often to follow a victim into the street and attack. Many mugging victims have been stabbed and shot while trying to defend themselves. The surest way of avoiding muggers is not to drink too much, and never to venture into the streets alone, especially in the evenings.

Just been evicted...a man doses in the street next to his belongings.

Writer disregards the poor His heartless opinions display great ignorance to the effects of poverty


he article by Stephen Grootes on page 4, entitled, Rights of the Landlord (Inner-city Gazette, 24 November – 1 December 2011) must not go unchallenged. From the beginning Grootes announces that he has a ‘proud interest in creating capital, and likes examining how to create wealth’. Simply put, this means Grootes loves money above anything else. He goes on to suggest that the rights of tenants are too much, that they are ‘destructive to the rental market’. Again, this simply means the rights of the tenants make it difficult for him to make the money he loves so dearly. In the rest of his article Grootes boasts about a landlord who evicted tenants in order to make more

All rights and reproduction of articles, images and other items published in this publication are reserved in terms of Section 12(7) of the Copyright Act 96 (1978) and its amendments thereof.

Inner-City Gazette subscribes to the South African Press Code that prescribes news that is truthful, accurate, fair and balanced. If we do not live up to the code please contact the press ombudsman on 011 484-3612 or 011 484 - 3618 or .

money. Within celebrating the eviction of poor tenants he claims that ‘it would be impossible to improve the inner-city if no one is allowed to be evicted’. In this he displays complete disregard to the suffering of the poor. His heartless opinions also display great ignorance as to how the multitudes of poor people living in the inner-city descended into the great poverty they find themselves in, and the effects of poverty. He ignores that most of those people were disadvantaged by a system that helped him become the landlord, or former landlord he claims to be. Instead of supporting projects that help the poor survive in the inner-city, Grootes dismisses them because his only interest is making

money. Of course there is nothing wrong with loving and making money, but doing so at the expense of poverty stricken communities is unacceptable. Just consider how many people are without accommodation and live in the streets. This has a direct contribution to the high levels of crime, alcohol and drug abuse, and prostitution in the inner-city. People who love making money like Grootes must know that they can only make it in a peaceful and healthy environment. I do not believe that he would get many people to come and rent accommodation from his building if it was located in a street where there are thousands of dirty, drunk and drugged homeless people; and

where robberies and stabbings were the order of the day. I encourage Grootes to do like other landlords, which is helping members of the poor inner-city communities find affordable accommodation. At the same time I would like to advise the good landlords who are providing accommodation to poor people in the innercity not to be deceived by greedy and clueless people like Grootes. After all, he confesses at the end of his article that he was ‘once a landlord, and it ended catastrophically, and is now a renter’. This explains that all his ideas are confused, no wonder he is no longer the landlord he used to be. Lettie Cummings Newtown

Tenant’s rights, coming down to earth Stephen Grootes’ article, Landlord’s rights, is riddled with misconceptions, Kate Tissington argues.

Distribution – 40 000 copies free door to door delivery weekly to all households and businesses in the Joburg inner-city. Inner-City Gazette welcomes editorial contributions from readers. They may raise new issues or respond to articles published in the paper. Contributions may be sent to the editor’s address below. Published by Inner-City Gazette 149 Pritchard Street, Johannesburg 2000 Tel : 011 023 - 7588 011 024 - 8210 Fax : 086 609 8601 Email : Website : Printed by Paarlcoldset(Pty)Ltd


His comments about the Maphango case, heard by the Constitutional Court last week, bear little relation to what that case is about. Despite Grootes’ attempts to turn the case into a hobby-horse for a misguided market fundamentalism, the case isn’t about the operation of a free market in the provision of housing. The Maphango case is also not about whether or not “the rich have rights”, or about “filthy capitalists” being “incredibly heartless” to the poor. This pseudo-sarcastic approach is in fact incredibly unhelpful. Maphango is about a discrete act of unlawfulness by one landlord, Aengus Lifestyle Properties (a special purpose vehicle company formed by Aengus Property Holdings) in contravention of an existing statutory framework de-

signed to regulate the rental housing market in the interests of both landlords and tenants. If the case was about the application of market principles to rental housing, this may be the place to point out that unconstrained markets have never resulted in sufficient housing for the poor and simply allowing landlords to screw over tenants more easily isn’t going to change this. The main issue before the Constitutional Court is whether Aengus was entitled to terminate the tenants’ leases for the sole purpose of at least doubling the rent, in circumstances where: •clear contractual and legal provisions governed the conditions under which the rent could be increased; •the landlord terminated the leases in order to avoid compliance with those provisions (i.e. circumvention); and •the tenants would either be rendered homeless on eviction or be forced to suffer a significant reduction in their standard of living. The Rental Housing Act states in its Preamble that there is a need to “balance the rights of tenants and landlords and to create mechanisms to protect both tenants and landlords against

unfair practices and exploitation.” It further states that there is a need to “introduce mechanisms through which conflicts between tenants and landlords can be resolved speedily at minimum cost to the parties.” The provincial Rental Housing Tribunals provide these mechanisms, and are mandated in section 13(5) of the Act to make rental determinations “in a manner that is just and equitable to both tenant and landlord”. In the Maphango case, each of the 15 tenants’ leases contains express or implied terms which limit the increases in rent that can be imposed annually. Twelve of the tenants’ leases contain a provision which requires the landlord to approach the Gauteng Rental Housing Tribunal for permission to increase the rent payable beyond the margins set out in the escalation clauses contained in the lease. Rent increases in excess of the margins permitted by these clauses can only be imposed after the Tribunal has approved the increases, and only to the extent of any approved increases. Why are these explicit provisions in the lease? One reason is that the building, called Lowliebenhof, was refur-

bished prior to it being purchased by Aengus, using government subsidies. Aengus actually benefitted from this subsidised arrangement when it bought the property. However, it did not approach the Tribunal for permission to charge a higher rent (it is common knowledge that the free-of-charge dispute resolution mechanism actually favours owners and landlords, in terms of accessibility, rulings and enforcement thereof. There really was no excuse), but simply purported to terminate the tenants’ leases, and then invited them to enter into new agreements in terms of the escalated rent. If they did not do so, they would be evicted. The main applicant’s rent was increased overnight from R1,300 per month to R3,400 per month (an additional 161%). The fifth applicant was earning R3 660 per month at the time and was required to pay an increased rent of R3 800 per month, up from a rent of R1 661 per month. Clearly, the tenants could not afford the rent escalation, and one assumes Aengus hoped they’d simply leave. They didn’t. Tissington is a researcher at the Socio-Economic Rights Institute of South Africa (SERI).

1 - 8 DECEMBER 2011



Gunmen kidnap tourists Niamey - There has been a spate of kidnappings which are blamed on Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM). On Thursday, two Frenchmen were kidnapped from their hotel in the town of Hombori, followed by four Europeans, one of whom was killed, from Timbuktu, a world heritage site known for its ancient Islamic architecture. AQIM allegedly organises kidnappings and traffics weapons and drugs from its bases in the desert. It also operates in Niger, Mauritania and Algeria. Last year Algeria, Mali, Niger and Mauritania formed a Committee of Joint Chiefs (CEMOC) to combat terrorism in the region. But kidnappings, trafficking and attacks by AQIM are becoming common. The recent arrival of thousands of Muammar Gaddafi loyalists who have fled Libya has made matters worse. In this wild desert, it is easy for gangs and hostages to remain elusive. The whereabouts of the Dutchman and Swede, and a British-South African remain unknown. Nine hostages are now being held. Gilles Yabi, International Crisis Group director said: “Cooperation is needed to tackle these groups.” Mali’s government has expressed commitment to action needed to guarantee security.



Interim cabinet formed

Tripoli - Acting Prime Minister Abdurrahim elKeib has announced a new Cabinet, approved by the National Transitional Council. The 25 officials will join him on the Transitional Executive Board, completing another step in the formation of a government intended to lead the Abdurrahim el Keib country to democratic elections next year. The list included Col Osama Juwaili as defence minister. He headed the Zintan Brigade that captured Saif al-Islam Gaddafi. A main concern is building a strong army to bring stability in the aftermath of the Gaddafi era. Regional militias hold sway, with some conflicts erupting between rival groups. The hope is that the new government includes the fighters into a unified military, while also disarming others and creating jobs for them. International Criminal Court (ICC) prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo arrived following the arrest of Saif al-Islam Gaddafi and former intelligence chief Abdullah al-Senussi, who face charges of crimes against humanity. He said Libya must cooperate with the ICC under UN Security Council Resolution 1970 to bring them to justice.

Gilles Yabi

Biafra leader dies in UK Abuja - The leader of secessionist Biafra, Chukwuemeka Ojukwu, has died from a stroke in the UK aged 78, President Goodluck Jonathan announced this week. The 1967-1970 Biafra civil war occurred after Yakubu Gowon took power in a coup in 1966. Ojukwu, then a military governor, rejected plans for reconciliation following violence against the Igbo people and broke away. He accused the Nigerian government of failing to protect the lives of easterners and accused it of genocide, and used that to justify secession. Estimates of the number of dead from hostilities, disease, and starvation during the 30 month civil war are estimated between one and 3 million, according to The war ended in January 1970, when Ojukwu fled and Biafra was reabsorbed by Nigeria. Multi-ethnic Nigeria has been plagued by religious and communal violence since independence from Britain in 1960. President Jonathan said Ojukwu loved his people, justice, equity and fairness. “He will be remembered as a brave, erudite and charismatic leader.”

Debate on federation

Didier Ratsiraka

Exiled ex-leader returns Antananarivo - Former President Didier Ratsiraka has returned after nine years exiled in France. Ratsiraka, 75, seized power in 1975, governed Madagascar until 1991, and again from 1996 to 2002. He left the country after losing disputed elections. He returned three days after a unity government was unveiled to end the political deadlock.

In 2003, a court sentenced him in absentia to 10 years prison for corruption. However, current President Andry Rajoelina, who seized power two years ago, has said he is free to return. Ratsiraka has refused to sign the SADC brokered deal which aims to resolve Madagascar’s long-running political crisis. He said:. “There should be a conference by all par-

Gabi Khumalo

Increase in

A Department of Health survey has

an increase of 0.8% in the antenatal HIV shown HIV prevalence of antenatal women between 2009 and 2010. prevalence The 2010 National Antenatal Sen-

‘Figures show that the country was just holding back the tsunami’

tinel HIV & Syphilis Prevalence Survey, conducted annually, was released on Tuesday by Health Minister Dr Aaron Motsoaledi. The report showed that HIV prevalence among antenatal women was 30.2% in 2010, compared with 29.4% in 2009. Speaking at the release of the survey, Dr Motsoaledi said the figures showed the country was ‘just holding back the tsunami’.

ties and civil society groups. There’s need for reconciliation.” The unelected President Andry Rajoelina has refused the proposal of the so-called ‘conference of four presidents.’

“At the moment we are stable, but we think the war still has to be won.” The WHO/UNAIDS estimates the number of people living with HIV in SA at 5.575 million. Of these, 518 000 were children under 15 years, while 2.95 million were adult females over the age of 15. The highest provincial HIV prevalence was recorded in KZN, which increased from 38.7% in 2008 to 39.5% in 2009 and stabilised at 39.5% in 2010. Other provinces with higher HIV prevalence estimates compared to 2009 were: Eastern Cape (29.9%), Gauteng (30.4%), Limpopo (21.9%), Mpumalanga (35.1%), Northern

Beatrice Kiraso

Bujumbura - The East African Community Heads of States and Governments are to decide on how to move towards envisaged political federation. EAC deputy secretary general Beatrice Kiraso said the five presidents have received a report on the concerns of east Africans over the concept of one government. EAC countries had targeted federation by 2013 but face hurdles. “They have to decide if they are still committed to a federation. Some partner states have to amend their laws or repeal those not in line with the common market protocol.” Kiraso said civil society should push for political federation. “ EAC is negotiating a common currency. A proposal has been made for transformation of the EAC secretariat into a commission with powers to sanction errant members. EAC secretary Richard Sezibera said Kenya’s military operation in Somalia and application of South Sudan would also feature in the Summit, and also focus on Lake Tanganyika’s potential.

Cape (18.4%) and the Western Cape (18.5%). The North West and the Free State had ‘lower’ HIV prevalence estimates, with 29.6% and 30.6% respectively. The study reflected that the peak in HIV prevalence (from 2007 - 2010) was now occurring in the 30 - 34 years age category. “The HIV prevalence in this group increased from 41.5% in 2009 to 42.6% in 2010,” said the survey. The encouraging finding was the decline in the prevalence rate in the 15 24 years age group, which went from 23.1% in 2001, to 21.8% in 2010. Of concern was the teenage pregnancy rate revealed by a Department

of Education sanctioned study spanning from 200 - 2008. It showed that teenage pregnancy was more prevalent in KZN, with 15 027 cases, Eastern Cape 11 852 and Limpopo 12 848. The findings of the Health Department’s survey showed that of 121 10 - 14 year olds that participated in the 2010 antenatal HIV survey, 11 (9.4%) were HIV positive, which is an increase from 7.3% from 2008. Motsoaledi said they would revisit the message of ‘Abstain, Be faithful and Condomise’ and check which part was working. “Faithfulness is the main message. We need to target men and concentrate on those responsible for spreading the disease.”BuaNews




1 - 8 DECEMBER 2011

Activists march in support of the campaign against violence on women and children.

Global drive against violence How you may participate in the anti-abuse campaign The 16 Days of Activism for No Violence Against Women and Children is an international campaign. It takes place every year from 25 November (International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women) to 10 December (International Human Rights Day). The period includes Universal Children’s Day and World Aids Day. During this time, the South African Government runs a 16 Days of Activism Campaign to make people aware of the negative impact of violence on women and children and to act against abuse. Every year, government, civilsociety organisations and the business sector work together to broaden the impact of the campaign. By supporting this campaign, thousands of South Africans have also helped to increase awareness and build support for victims and survivors of abuse. What you can do Together, let us take actions to support the 16 Days of Activism for No Violence Against Women and Children Campaign.

Support the campaign by wearing the white ribbon during the 16-day period: A white ribbon is a symbol of peace and symbolises the commitment of the wearer to never commit or condone violence against women and children. Join the Cyber Dialogues initiative: The Cyber Dialogues facilitate online discussions among people to discuss issues related to the abuse of women and children, share experiences and propose solutions. Professional experts in the caring professions (social workers, psychologists, counsellors) and political principals also participate in the online chatroom. The discussion takes place in cyber space in chatroom format, with discussions in real time via various access points (Thusong Centres) around the country. The Cyber Dialogues are hosted by Gender Links, an NGO with role players, including Women’s Net, the Gender Advo-

cacy Programme and Government Communications (GCIS) which avails the Thusong Service Centres as communication nodes around the country. Participate in the various 16 Days of Activism events and activities: A calendar outlining events taking place around the country over the period of the 16 days will be made available. Volunteer in support of NGOs and community groups who support abused women and children:

Many organisations need assistance from the public. You can volunteer your time and make a contribution to the work of institutions. Help plant a garden at a shelter, sponsor plastic tables and chairs for kids at a clinic or join an organisation as a counsellor. Use your skills and knowledge to help the victims of abuse. Donations: You can donate money to organisations working to end violence against women and children by making a contribution to the Foundation for Human Rights. The Foundation receives money raised during the campaign and distributes it to NGOs. There is no minimum or maximum amount set for your donation. Tel: 011 339 5560/1/2/3/4/5. Speak out against woman and child abuse. Encourage silent female victims to talk about abuse and ensure that they get help. Report child abuse to the police. Encourage children to report bully

behaviour to school authorities. Men and boys are encouraged to talk about abuse and actively discourage abusive behaviour. Join community policing forums (CPFs). The community and the local police stations are active partners in ensuring local safety and security. The goal is to bring about effective crime prevention by launching intelligence-driven crime-prevention projects in partnership with the local community. You may want to also become a reservist, a member of the community who volunteers his/her services and time to support local policing efforts to fight crime. For more information on how to join, contact your local police station. Seek help if you are emotionally, physically or sexually abusive to your partner and/or children. Call the Stop Gender Based Violence helpline 0800 150 150. Talk to friends and relatives and stand against abuse of women and children. Try and understand how your attitudes and actions might perpetuate sexism and violence.

First shoppers...some of the first customers inside the newly opened Cambridge Food supermarket in Cnr Bree and Ntemi Piliso streets, Newgate Shopping Mall, Joburg CBD. PIC : INNER-CITY PRESS AGENCY

1 - 8 DECEMBER 2011



MEC launches patroller visibility

Jabu Nxumalo

Women’s struggle is for us all On 8 November just 16 days before South Africa embarked on its annual ritual marking the 16 Days of Activism for No Violence Against Women and Children campaign, Chanelle Henning (26) a young mother from Pretoria was cold bloodedly gunned down. Her murder paints a grim picture for the safety of women in this country. Over the years since South Africa started to observe 16 Days of Activism many horrendous crimes have been committed against women during the 16 days period. This is an international campaign originating from the first Women’s Global Leadership Institute sponsored by the Centre for Women’s Global Leadership in 1991. However, since we adopted the campaign to intensify the struggle against women abuse, violence against women continues unabated. The problem is we have sought to isolate women’s struggle from the broader social struggle. Reality is that it is indeed foolhardy to think that we can divorce violence against women from the broader oppression of women. Acclaimed Marxist scholar Sharon Smith argues that unless we determine the source of women’s oppression, we would not know what needs to change. According to Smith, Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels located the origin of women’s oppression in the rise of class society. “Their analysis of women’s oppression was not tagged on as an afterthought to their analysis of class society, but was integral to it from the beginning,” she says. Smith also tells us that Marx, in The Communist Manifesto argues that the bourgeois sees in his wife a mere instrument of production. Understood within this context, therefore, the problem of women oppression can be traced right into the origin of class oppression resulting from the capitalist system. Without this correct understanding of the source of women oppression which manifests in various ways, including violence, we might not be able to resolve this problem that has become an elephant in the room. In our context, the women’s struggle has to be located within the broader social justice struggle. Failure to grasp this reality will lead to continuing meaningless and superficial programmes such as the 16 days, which will always come out second best in dealing with the consequences of women oppression, violence against women. The importance of understanding the source is that it also seeks to liberate the oppressors themselves, male chauvinists. The gender struggle, just like the struggle against apartheid, cannot be divorced from the broader class struggle, and the role of men in it, as key perpetrators of violence meted out against women, is paramount. If we are to win this war then we have to start by addressing the conditions that breed and perpetuate violence against women. That way we will make headway and impact on the mindset of everyone, perpetrators in particular. This paradigm shift is also needed within broader progressive organizations where the role of gender officers is reduced to a female role. Men have to take it upon themselves that the women’s struggle is theirs too. During apartheid many of our white countrymen did not turn a blind eye to obvious injustices because they were not affected. Instead they took it upon themselves to stand up against it, some even paying the ultimate price.



Project will also assist in the fight against house and business robberies, and vehicle hijackings, which spike in the festive period. Staff Reporter


Gauteng Community Safety MEC Faith Mazibuko Pic : INNER-CITY PRESS AGENCY

he Gauteng Community Safety Department has launched a festive season community patrollers visibility project in the city and environs. In a press statement the Gauteng MEC for Community Safety, Faith Mazibuko said this is in the ongoing fight against crime and making the festive season safe in the province. “This initiative will involve the deployment of patrollers in identified hotspots across the province to support the festive season plan and enhance visibility. The

deployment is a force multiplier aimed at enhancing visibility and will contribute to the Law Enforcement Agencies’ festive season crime combating plans,” the MEC said. Mazibuko added that the project will also assist in the fight against trio crimes, house robberies, business robberies and vehicle hijackings, which tend to spike during the festive period. The MEC will engage with the business community when unveiling the plan in the affected areas where deployment will take place. The Joburg inner-city part of the project was to be launched at the Wanderers Taxi rank in the CBD on Friday morning.

City shoemaker’s inspiring success Sizwe Mathe


fter spending three months traveling the streets of Swaziland, Alfred Asante, 42, owner of Swazi and Sons Enterprises, finally got his passion in the shoe-making business in late 2000. Asante, who owns five shops in Johannesburg CBD with his brothers, sells shoe-making materials like Phillips, springbok leather, and animal skins in Bree Street. Asante has been running the business for the past 11 years. He explains that his journey to prosperity has not been easy. “I was a taxi driver in Ghana, and left for Swaziland in 2000 for greener pastures,” he says. Asante started as a shoemaker in Bree Street late 2000. “I realised that repairing shoes would not give me enough money, so I decided to make more money by supplying materials to shoemakers,

and the business was born,” he adds. His short spell in Swaziland was not pleasant though, recalls Asante. “I slept in the streets for three months, it was difficult. But it taught me perseverance and tenacity. It was until I met my fellow countryman who advised me to find a way to South Africa in late 2000 that my life changed for the better.” His first stop in the country was Yeoville, where he met his brothers from Ghana. It was not long till a good Samarian gave him a flat, which he still uses. “He treated me as his brother, stayed with him until he left for England,” adds Asante. Even though the business is profitable, it has many challenges as well, says Asante. “It is not easy for black people like me to do this business. I need someone to assist me, the material is too expensive, but I am a hard-worker and will not give up,” says Asante.

TO ALL HILLBROW POLICING PRECINCT, RESIDENTS AND COMMUNITY MEMBERS Brigadier Vukile Ntandane as Station Commander on behalf of the Station Management and Station personnel would like to wish you a safe and secure festive season with its events being christmas and new years. They wish you to enjoy it in peace without any year of crime, we police will dedicate our time in patrolling the area for your safety. We also urge you to take care of your safety and your belongings. Please do not hesitate to contact the police when confronted with crime related issues and we are here to help at anytime. We are yours utilize us.

Joburg businessman Alfred Asante. PIC : INNER-CITY PRESS AGENCY




1 - 8 DECEMBER 2011

With antiretroviral drugs (ARVs), people with the virus can live long, healthy lives

HIV/Aids activists at an awareness campaign at Park Station on Aids Day

Mia Malan For many South Africans, living in a country with an extremely high HIV infection rate, Aids is a major concern. And, although many are now considerably better informed about the virus than before, several myths about Aids persist. No one knows this better than Dr Sindisiwe van Zyl, of the Anova Health Institute in Johannesburg. She explained these ‘mistaken beliefs’. Myth 1: Aids kills People don’t die of Aids. Aids is a collective name for a number for Aids-related illnesses, or opportunistic infections, that people with HIV get as a result of impaired immune systems. For example, HIV-infected people are particularly susceptible to tuberculosis (TB), pneumonia and cancer. Of these, the most common in South Africa is TB, 30% to 50% of HIVinfected people die of it. However, with antiretroviral drugs (ARVs), people with the virus can live long, healthy lives. A recent international study conducted in Uganda showed that HIV-infected people on ARVs now live almost as long as those who are HIV-negative. Myth 2: Men more at risk


In fact, women get HIV much are both HIV-positive could have more easily than men. A woman different strains of the virus and, has a one-in-200 chance of con- if they have unprotected sex, they tracting HIV from a single sexual could infect one another with anheterosexual encounter, but a man other strain, leading to their imhas a one-in-700 chance. mune systems being attacked by Biology plays the major role. two different forms of the virus. Semen, which has a high concen- This could further weaken their tration of HIV, is deposited into a immune systems and might rewoman’s uterus and stays there for quire a change to their treatment at least three days, increasing her as different HIV strains require chances of infection. Also, the mu- different drugs. cous membrane in the area where Myth 4: Male circumcision the penis enters a woman’s body Male circumcision does not prehas many CD4 cells, which HIV vent HIV infection, it only delatches on to, again making her creases the likelihood of infection. more likely to contract Several studies have Up to 80 percent of shown that male cirthe virus. Up to 80% of HIV HIV transmission cumcision reduces a transmission occurs man’s risk by up to occurs through through heterosexual 60%. These findings heterosexual sex but HIV is conhave led the governsex but HIV is tracted much more ment to embark on a easily through anal sex contracted much campaign to provide as the anus is prone free male circumcimore easily to cuts and bleeding, through anal sex sion services. which raises the risk When a man has of infection. So peosex, the penis gets ple, both men who have sex with micro cuts from friction, which is men and heterosexuals who have generally how HIV enters a male’s regular anal sex without condoms body. The foreskin has millions of are particularly vulnerable. CD4 receptors, the type of white Myth 3: Unprotected sex blood cells that HIV latches on to. There are many different strains Myth 5: ARVs disfigure you of HIV. Two sexual partners who Today this rarely happens. In the

Seven myths about HIV/Aids past, some ARVs displaced fat in people’s bodies. One such drug, D4T, also known as Stavudine, was on the South African list for HIV treatment until early last year. It is a cheap drug that works efficiently but has many side effects, such as the loss of fat in the legs, arms and face, resulting in people’s bodies looking “unbalanced”. The state replaced it in April last year with a drug with fewer side effects, TDF. Others, such as AZT, have also been linked to displacing fat in the body. Some drugs cause fat to show up in the stomach, the back of the neck or the breasts in both men and women. But this almost never happens today as doctors are better equipped to monitor the drugs’ side effects and have a range of replacement drugs to choose from. In extraordinary circumstances of fat displacement, the government offers free liposuction or breast removal surgery. Myth 6: Pregnancy HIV-infected women are fertile and can have children. If mothers and their babies use the correct medication, it’s possible for HIVpositive women to have HIV-negative babies. Without using drugs, there is a 30% chance that HIV-infected

women will pass the virus on to their babies in the womb, during birth or by breastfeeding. But if the mother and baby, or even just one of them, use short courses of ARVs, mostly nevirapine and AZT, transmission rates are reduced significantly. This treatment is available for free at government clinics and hospitals. Myth 7: Breastfeeding Several studies have shown that HIV-infected mothers can breastfeed safely, even though breast milk contains HIV. But they have to breastfeed exclusively for at least six months. Mixed feeding during the first six months of infants’ lives increases chances of contracting HIV from their mothers, as babies have a thin lining in their intestines that is damaged by mixed feeding, making it easier for HIV to enter their bodies. If an HIV-infected mother breastfeeds exclusively for six months and her baby also takes an ARV drug at least four times a day for the entire period of breastfeeding, the chance of a baby being infected with HIV is reduced from 15% to about 4%. Mia Malan works for the Discovery Centre for Health Journalism at the Rhodes University.

1 - 8 DECEMBER 2011







1 - 8 DECEMBER 2011

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1 - 8 DECEMBER 2011




A scene in Somewhere on the Border

Open heart surgery on SA psyche Arts Correspondent


his play, Somewhere on the Border was written in exile, intercepted in the post and banned as a publication by apartheid censorship. The language was considered ‘offensive’ and the portrayal of the South African Armed Forces ‘prejudicial to the safety of the state’. Written by Anthony Akerman, directed by André Odendaal and designed by Kosie Smit, the play will be presented at the Market Theatre’s Main theatre between 10 January and 12 February 2012. The Argus hailed Somewhere on the Border as ‘the toast of the Grahamstown Festival’ when it opened in South Africa in 1986. The play was praised for its ‘bitingly funny language’ (The Star), as ‘the best army play’ (Natal Witness) and as ‘the ultimate anti-war statement in SA theatre’ (Argus).

The play also attracted the attention of the military police in Cape Town, who confiscated the actors’ army browns they were wearing as costumes. While performing in Johannesburg, two actors were severely assaulted by members of the Defence Force’s Civil Co-Operation Bureau(CCB) in an unsuccessful attempt to shut down the production. Exactly 25 years after the play was first performed in Grahamstown, André Odendaal’s innovative production opened at the 2011 National Arts Festival. Not one of the actors in this talented cast was born when Anthony Akerman wrote the play. “The past is a foreign country,” LP Hartley famously wrote, and these young actors give life to a story that makes the old South Africa seem both foreign and familiar. After almost two decades of silence, the border war has forced its way back into public discourse, and

this production of Somewhere on the Border is part of that dialogue. Leon van Nierop concluded his review on Artslink saying the play performs an open heart surgery on the South African psyche. “It is timely, finely acted and forcefully directed. See it at all costs. It hits the audience with the force of a sledgehammer.” And in Cue, Peter Frost summed up his feelings in the following words: “But the legacy of this play, finally, after all these years, performed right now, here, is massively positive. For an army of 40+ men (and their families) battling the consequences of latent rage, this is an acknowledgement that their history is not incidental, despite the context of their tragedy. Good news. Nothing stunts healing like disregard. Ask this country’s other Lost Generation.”

While performing in Joburg, two actors were assaulted by the CCB in an attempt to shut down the production

Production reflects real life It features real life issues that include living with HIV/Aids The production, Rainbow Kids is produced in collaboration with Dr Ivan Jardine, to be presented at the Joburg Theatre in 9 and 10 December. The play deals with real life issues, which include caring for the environment, living with HIV/Aids, health care, nutrition, animal care and recycling. The play is produced and directed by Charlene Bender, Caron Kleynhans and Johan Bloem, with the Lambano Shelter Kids choreographed by Lindsay McDonald. It also features an Irish world championship qualified dancer.

The Rainbow Kids

Design by Puleng Ramosie




1 - 8 DECEMBER 2011

Double bill for all generations Gypsy Rovers recall their journey which began in the coffee bars of Hillbrow Arts Correspondent

Acclaimed poet’s reworked offering A scintillating production that weds spoken word and the melodies of years passed Arts Correspondent


he Market Theatre Laboratory, in association with Village Gossip Productions present Napo Masheane and The Fat Black Women Sing. Acclaimed poet Napo Masheane (pictured above) is poised to set the stage alight between 8 and 11 December at the Market Theatre Laboratory with her latest reworked offering titled Napo Masheane and The Fat Black Women Sing and the launch of her new poetry anthology Fat Songs For My Girlfriends. This evocative theatrical performance marries the best of spoken word and jazzy songs that are set to dazzle audiences at the Market Theatre Laboratory. As a writer, poet and director Masheane has contributed generously to the industry, as she was a founding member of spoken word collective Feela Sistah! Her earliest works include, her first poetry anthology: Caves Speak In Metaphors, her provocative and humorous plays My Bum Is Genetic, Deal With It and The Fat Black Women Sing, which was extended due to its popularity. As well as Mollo – The Woman In Me at the

Joburg Theatre as well as Hair & Comb at the University of Pretoria Drama Department. Napo Masheane and The Fat Black Woman Sing is a cumulating showpiece altered from its 2008 run, paying homage to the development and fortification of Spoken Word. This scintillating production unequivocally weds spoken word and the melodies of years passed, with both original and tribute songs that relive and capture the magic of 50’s icons such as Letta Mbulu and Miriam Makeba. With spellbinding vocalists such as Nqobile Sibeko, Thami Ngoma, Solace, Nqobile Sephamla, Tumi Moloi, Nkoto Malebye, Napo Masheane and The Fat Black Women Sing is sure to take audiences to a place that once was. Fat Songs for My Girlfriends, in the making for five years, has a foreword by Dr Wally Serote and excerpts by Zukiswa Wanner and Fred Khumalo. All four performances have welcome notes and host distinguished guests, Lebo Mashile (poet/ performer/ producer), Nonn Botha (Kaya Fm), Phillippa Yaa De villers (writer/ theatre maker), and Sello Motloung (actor/ performer). For more call 074 367 1901.


his December sees popular duo Des and Dawn Lindberg (pictured) take to the Foxwood House stage once again with two shows that will delight children and adults in equal doses. This follows their popular double-bill run at the Foxwood, which celebrated their 46 years of top entertainment. Now the pair will perform their much loved musical storytelling in Des & Dawn Still Truckin’ and Unicorn, Spiders & Dragons Tales as separate shows that will be just what holiday audiences need to get into the festive mood. Performances will be between 27 and 30 December. Still Truckin’ tells the story of Des and Dawn’s lives together as partners in marriage and on stage, from the sixties to the present day. SA’s original Gypsy Rovers recall their journey which began in the coffee bars of Hillbrow and followed a ‘long and dusty road’ in their first home, a caravan in which they lived and toured around SA and Zim (then Rhodesia) for three years with their show Folk on Trek. They sing all their best-known hits; from Die Gezoem van die Bye to The Seagull’s Name was Nelson, Ramblin’ Boy, Die Kleinhuisie and Sixteen Rietfonteins, to more modern, topical and original numbers currently in their cabaret. The show plays out against a

backdrop of over two thousand digital visuals from the Lindberg’s scrapbooks and archives. Storytelling magic comes alive in Unicorns, Spiders & Dragon’s Tales with songs that hold a special place in the hearts of many children, their moms and dads, and even grandparents. Remember Puff the Magic Dragon, My Dog’s Bigger Than Your Dog, The Old Lady Who Swallowed A Fly, The Unicorn, and Daddy’s Taking Us To the Zoo? You can see these and many more evergreen favourites against a whimsical backdrop of over 500 illustrations of the songs and stories, mostly created by Dawn. With the many games and prizes up for grabs in interactive competitions, most of the children watching the show end up on stage, a n d when their big moment arrives, parents are welcome and encouraged to record it on camera or smartphone. For more details call 011 486 0935.

Load of great humour and entertaining antics A guaranteed winner and perfect family entertainment Arts Writer Jill Girard and Keith Smith are at the helm ensuring that this production, Beauty and the Beast, will have a spectacular set and actors of the highest calibre. It will be presented at the Joburg Theatre between 3 to 24 December. Innovative funky musical

treatments and new songs will ensure that this production is all new and totally contemporary. The tale tells the story of Beauty’s father, who picks a rose from the Beast’s garden and gets caught. He makes a promise to send his daughter to the Beast. He does, and in the end they fall in love.

To add humour and great antics we have the traditional pantomime style spoilt-rotten ugly sisters, a wicked fairy Davina, an apprentice fairy Dewdrop, a good fairy Koisanni and a dictatorial housekeeper Mrs Bollocks to keep you in stitches. Sir Sid Prettyface and Sir Thomas Twit are the bumbling suitors who try impress-

ing Belle and her sisters. Mr Brown is her affectionate but rather ineffectual father. A delightful, colourful set by Grant Knottenbelt and very beautiful costumes by Linda Wilson and Musical Director Clinton Zeft, will ensure that Beauty and the Beast is a guaranteed winner and perfect family entertainment

1 - 8 DECEMBER 2011






1 - 8 DECEMBER 2011



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1 - 8 DECEMBER 2011




RWC winner back in SA rugby ‘Local rugby followers should welcome that Venter’s brain is again being used for the benefit of SA sport’ Gavin Rich


ormer Springbok Brendan Venter is to make a welcome return to South African rugby as an assistant coach of the national under-20 side. He joins the head coach of the Western Province under-19 side, Nazeem Adams, in Dawie Theron’s management team. The SA under-20 team achieved poor results in Theron’s first year in charge, but there is sure to be an improvement with two such highly qualified coaches working in the system. Venter’s last role as a coach

in South African rugby was in the role of technical adviser to the Stormers in 2008 and early 2009, after which he took charge of English club Saracens, who had a successful run during his tenure. Regarded as one of the intellectuals of rugby who often has his name ranked alongside those of Rassie Erasmus and Heyneke Meyer in that regard, local rugby followers should welcome the fact that Venter’s brain is again being used for the benefit of the sport in South Africa. Venter, who played 17 tests for the Springboks between

1994 and 1995 and was one of the members of the victorious 1995 World Cup squad, joined Adams and Theron at a national under-20 training camp in Stellenbosch on Monday. A preliminary squad of 50 has been called up to begin preparations for next year’s IRB Junior World Championships, which will be hosted by South Africa. Adams is a former scrumhalf who has worked his way up through the WP coaching structures and has performed the role of assistant coach to the WP Currie Cup side. He has done excellent work at

the WP Rugby Institute which has been credited for the improvement of age-group rugby in the Cape. Head coach Theron said Brendan and Nazeem have extensive coaching experience at various levels and it’s fantastic to have them in our structures. “Brendan is a household name in SA rugby and proved his coaching credentials when he turned Saracens around in the last few seasons, while Nazeem has a proven record at WP, where he’s done exceptionally well with age-group teams and higher up.”

Narrow loss for SA boxer Boxing Correspondent

Super-flyweight boxer Zolani Tete

South African Zolani Tete was narrowly beaten in a title eliminator fight on Saturday night. Alberto Rosas, a former champion, won the IBF super-flyweight bout in Mazatlan, Mexico, by majority decision. The scores were 115-112 on two cards and 113-113 on the third. Tete impressed with his skills and courage, and was probably unlucky not to get at least a draw. Rosas, always on the front foot, looking for points, ran into some excellent combinations from the South African, a former title holder. Rosas improved his record to 36-6, with 27 knockouts. Tete now stands at 15-2, including 13 stoppage wins.

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Sapa reports that Tete’s trainer, Nick Durandt, said: “You have to knock out your opponent twice against a local fighter to get the decision in Mexico. Even the Mexican crowd was telling us a draw would have been a fairer result.” Promoter Branco Milenkovic, under whose banner Tete fights in South Africa, said independent observers in Mexico had confirmed to him that a draw would have been a better result. He added that the fight had been a great experience for Tete in what was his first bout outside South Africa. “We still hold out high hopes of him winning a major international title.” Rosas won the title when he beat South Africa’s Simphiwe Nongqoyi.



Brendan Venter

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Khune to be back soon After rehabilitation ‘keeper may play in the second half of the season Soccer Correspondent


aizer Chiefs has announced that goalkeeper Itumeleng Khune has undergone successful surgery and is recovering. The club said its first team captain and Bafana Bafana number one goalkeeper had an operation on his groin and is likely to resume playing in the second half of the season. Khune was injured during the last African Cup of Nations qualifier against Sierra Leone last month and has not played since. Amakhosi medic Dave Milner says doctors were satisfied with the surgery. “He will spend the next 10 days at home before starting his rehabilitation period, which is expected to be complete

in eight weeks,” he adds. Khune’s place has been taken by veteran ‘keeper Arthur Bartman, and the captain is Tinashe Nengomasha. Meanwhile Orlando Pirates defender Happy Jele will undergo knee surgery following his MRI results on last week. He was seriously injured when he collided with Bidvest Wits defender Siboniso Gumede. Medical reports say Jele damaged his Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL), Medial Collateral Ligament (MCL) and also tore his meniscus, which means he has to undergo an operation when the swelling subsides. The Bucs medical department has said Jele may not be fit to play for the next six months.

Left : Injured Bucs defender Happy Jele

Chiefs ‘keeper Itumeleng Khune PICS : INNER-CITY PRESS AGENCY

Clubs face PSL disciplinary action Soccer Correspondent Orlando Pirates face a disciplinary tribunal this week on contravention of league rules. Bucs face a charge of violating Rule 12.2 of the PSL Kit Manual in their match against Wits on

19 November at Mbombela Stadium. Pirates failed to produce an alternative outfit. Bucs are also charged with contravening Rule 12.3 at the same match, which says ‘a visiting team will change its outfit in the referee’s opinion that

colours might lead to confusion’. According to the referee’s report when Pirates were called to change their shorts and socks from black to another colour as the home team, Bidvest Wits, were wearing navy shorts and socks, Pirates failed to do so.

Ajax Cape Town has also been charged with failing to comply with Rule 9.1 of the Kit Manual. In their match against SuperSport on November 18, Ajax’s Brent Carelse’s jersey had no Absa logo on the right sleeve as stipulated in the Kit Manual.

Huge loss for South African soccer Soccer Writer


he South African soccer fraternity has is mourning a huge loss with the death this week of the former coach of Bloemfontein Celtic and also Bafana Bafana, April “Styles” Phumo (pictured).

Premier Soccer League (PSL) acting CEO, Cambridge Mokanyane said the football family is saddened by the Bra Styles’ death. “His contribution to our game will leave a lasting legacy to future generations. He has contributed immensely in nurturing some of

our celebrated football players. We would like to offer our condolences to the Phumo family during this difficult time,” he added. During his decades long career, Phumo coached among other teams Bloemfontein Celtic, and also the South African senior na-

tional team between 2003 and 2004, before English Stuart Baxter took over. This season he had been coaching National First Division side Atlie FC, when he had to be admitted in hospital in August in his long struggle with cancer.

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