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Second chance matric registration nears closure
Johannesburg - The Department of Basic Education’s Second Chance Matric Programme registration is set to close on 8 February.
The programme is for those who have not passed the National Senior Certificate (NSC) or extended Senior Certificate (SC) examinations, and is also open to those who want to improve their results.
In October Minister Angie Motshekga said at least 400 000 learners have been assisted through the programme to achieve passes towards their NSC or SC qualifications.
“The programme plays an important role in retaining learners beyond the formal schooling programme. Those who are disappointed by their poor performance at the end of their schooling career are able to continue with their studies at their own pace. They are able to register for one, two or more subjects and write examinations either in May, June or October and November. The face-to-face centres keep learners motivated, as they prepare for their examinations. Learners migrate within provinces, seeking job opportunities and that allows them to continue with their studies, irrespective of the province they relocate to,” she said.
The subjects learners can register for include Accounting, Agricultural Science, Business Studies, Economics, English First Additional Language, Geography, History, Mathematics, Mathematics Literacy, Physical Science and Life Sciences.
Motshekga added that the programme offers face-to-face and online support, and a wide range of learning support materials.
“The programme facilitates development of learning and teaching support materials based on diagnostic reports, so as to ensure that the materials focus on common areas of poor performance emanating from previous examinations. The materials are government-owned, printed and distributed to learners at no cost to them,” Motshekga said.
Those wishing to register for the programme online may do so on www.eservices.gov.za or visit any Basic Education department office with an ID and statement of results.
Those who are older or could not complete matric due to various reasons, and those who do not qualify for higher education can register at Community Education and Training (CET) colleges across the country.
The Higher Education, Science and Innovation department says the colleges are supported by 200 community learning centres.
“They target post-school youth and adults who wish to raise the base for further learning, improve their skills for employability and progression to opportunities in the TVET colleges and university education. Community education and training offers programmes that contribute to improving community cohesion and social capital, and responsive to the geographic and sectoral needs and challenges.”
The colleges offer academic learning opportunities, including the General Education and Training Certificate for adults, courses in computer literacy and applied agriculture.
Minister Blade Nzimande said R200 million has been committed to support CET colleges, as they are critical to closing the skills gap.
“In addition to academic skills and occupational programmes already on offer, CET colleges offer two accredited programmes, Entrepreneurship and Digital Skills programmes. We will also accredit 35 pilot community learning centres, an addition to the 15 community learning centres accredited in 2021/22,” he said.
More information on the CETs is on the department’s website.
The programme, which is aimed at decreasing the city’s dependency on Eskom by boosting capacity, wrapped up its first phase in November, with publishing of a request for proposals, and submissions closing in February.
Sun said they hope to finalise the next step in the process soon after that closing date.
“We hope that by April to May this year we can be hen, able to sign up
IPPs in terms of a power purchase agreement, if not sooner. We would like to on-board the IPPs as soon as they are ready, and as soon as we get the go-ahead from the of Mineral Resources department,” he said. He added that they would be pulling funds from the budget already allocated for bulk purchases.
“Instead of using the money to purchase power from Eskom, we would simply channel them, or at least a portion of them to IPPs. Our electricity tariffs are published and adjusted annually, so it is an annual process, but it will not go up because we will be buying from private producers,” Sun said.
Hundreds of drunk drivers arrested
Getrude Mamabolo
Over 600 motorists were arrested for drunken driving during the recent festive season.
Johannesburg Metro Police Department (JMPD) spokesperson Xolani Fihla said it was pleasing to see most residents comply with road safety rules.
“It has been heart-warming to see most motorists and law enforcement officials work together to ensure the safety of motorists and pedestrians,” he said.
Safety measures included roadside checks and roadblocks, vehicle inspections and tests for driver fitness and behaviour.
“Officers conducted drunken driving operations with other law enforcement agencies such as SAPS
and Gauteng Traffic Police. Over 600 motorists were arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol,” he added.
On New Year’s Day the High-Speed Unit of the JMPD arrested seven motorists for speeding; including a motorist who was driving at 189 kilometres per hour in a 120 kilometres per hour zone.
“The unit recorded 6 312 cases of speeding on 1 January. Of these 2 816 were in the inner-city, 771 in Roodepoort and 2 725 in the Sandton precinct. We appeal to motorists to adhere to the rules of the road and drive with caution. Avoid excessive speeding, driving under the influence of alcohol or any other intoxicating substance, reckless and negligent driving, and talking or texting on cellphones while driving,” he said.
GDARD Ref. No.: GAUT 002/11-12/W0017
Applicant: SmartMatta (Pty) Ltd. Location: Stand 675, Dwerg Street, Denver Extension 1, City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality, GP. Site coordinates: 26°12’40.87”S; 28° 5’30.00”E.
Sonke Ngcobo
76 Juta Street, Braamfontein
Renewal of Waste Licence: The Denver Recycling Facility is an existing and operational waste recycling facility which has an existing Waste Management Licence (WML) issued on 22 August 2013 and subsequently amended on 4 July 2017 and 4 December 2019 (GAUT:006/17-18/ W0002 and GAUT:006/19-20/W0004 respectively). The facility is licensed to store, sort, recycle and bail general waste in line with Activity A1, A5, A7 and A18 of GN 921 of 29 November 2013 (as amended). As per the conditions of the licence and amendments, and in line with Section 55 of NEMWA, 2008 (as amended), a renewal process is required and is in process. Competent Authorities: Gauteng Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (GDARD). Prism EMS has been appointed as the independent Environmental Assessment Practitioner responsible for undertaking the WML renewal process and associated public participation. Register as an Interested and Affected Party (I&AP) by submitting contact details to the contact person listed below by 2 February 2023. I&AP’s will be added to the I&AP Register for final submission to the Competent Authority. Personal information will be handled in terms of the POPI Act, 2013. Waste Impact Report (WIR) Commenting Period: The WIR will be made available for review to registered I&APs. Please register to be notified of this review period.
Contact details: Prism EMS c/o Vanessa Stippel | Tel: (087) 985 0951, Email: vanessa@prismems.co.za
Date of Publication: 12 January 2023.