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Years 1&2

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Year 1 had a very interesting, fact-filled visit to the Haslemere Educational Museum back in the Spring term, where they took part in a Toy Workshop. They all brought along a small toy of their own to be used in an activity that really got them thinking. The different toys were sorted into groups - Our Toys, Our Parents’ Toys, Our Grandparents’ Toys and finally some wonderful old Victorian Toys from the museum collection. The class were quick to notice that the toys were made from different materials, and they were able to explain why – which was great and showed they had remembered our science lessons from the previous term. The class enjoyed the opportunity to play with some old toys and spent nearly an hour engrossed in dressing a Sindy doll, lining up and bowling over the soldier skittles, catching a ball in a cup and exploring a huge dollhouse amongst other activities. The museum has a considerable Natural History collection too, so we spent a little time after lunch exploring the different animal groups and testing our knowledge. Before we left, we stocked up on a couple of insect books that we spotted in the shop and couldn’t resist. Mr White arrived to collect us just in time as we could have gladly bought a whole new library of exciting history books.

Karen Bentley


Year 1 and 2 enjoyed a great visit this term to Pulborough Brooks. …When asked, ‘what did you enjoy?’ James said, `EVERYTHING’: Henry and Ben loved the pond dipping (‘I liked Mrs Bentley helping me find a really strange creature!’) and Freddie said he enjoyed learning that the blood-worms turned into midges. In small groups the children chose one pond creature and learnt some very interesting facts to share with everyone. The ponds were teaming full of all sorts of pond-life and we managed to find nearly all of them on our list. Edie said she loved hearing the nightingale singing’.. which we did as we had our picnic lunch. Then it was into the woods to be plant and minibeast detectives. We worked in groups to identify trees and plants in the woodland. We found many minibeast by shaking leaves through a sieve; the springtail (hops about) and ants and by digging into old logs in the woodland - beetles, millipedes and woodlouse and caterpillars munching through the leaves on trees. Jess said, ‘I caught a huge beetle which wanted to eat the woodlouse.. I had to stop him!’ And Ella loved creating a flower shape from twigs and fallen leaves.

Janet Maultby

For the Spring Term Year 2 studied a new topic of ‘What a Wonderful World’. We spent time planning a trip around the world, looking at the different continents and oceans we would travel through. We looked at stories about travelling and how, it doesn’t matter where we go, we will never find anyone the same as ourselves. We are unique and special. We also spent time looking closely at the UK and we learnt how to use atlases and maps to plan routes.

As part of our topic-related art we created cityscapes using different media, including newspaper. We also studied a variety of artists including Vincent Van Gogh, Claude Monet, James Rizzi and Jean Metzinger and learnt to create our own art, in the same style.

In the Spring term Year 2 worked very hard on their core subjects too. With ‘Around the World with Max and Lemon’ being a focus alongside the film ‘Up’ for English. In Maths they continued to put into place the building blocks needed for future learning. Sasha


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