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On Thursday 2nd February Form VI enjoyed their last Empty Classroom Day. They started the day watching IVB’s lovely class assembly, before heading out to the woods for their first lesson, English. As part of their Harry Potter study, the children were tasked with exploring the school grounds to find a location for a secret entrance to their own Harry Potter House Common Rooms. After, VIW began their humanities lesson with Mrs Mac. The children donned themed hats and walked down to the astro to complete a question and answer matching task all about the Titanic. Meanwhile, in the woods, VIG were having their science lesson with Mrs P. The children enjoyed this practical lesson, learning all about heart rate and the effects exercise has on this, putting their theories to the test. During break time, the children enjoyed having an emptier woods to themselves and helped to collect some much needed firewood before the next lesson began. In maths, the children used chalk to draw clocks outside Longacre House and were then set the task of working in pairs to solve time problems that had been hidden all around the woods. At lunchtime, the children enjoyed a picnic lunch together in the outdoor classroom. Whilst Mrs H-P worked on getting the fire prepared for keen marshmallow toasters, the children made the most of the woods with some den building and Harry Potter games. Once the fire was ready, the children loved their marshmallow treat and a final bit of playing before it was time to begin their afternoon of drama in preparation for the Julius Caesar Showcase. It was a lovely day, the children had a fabulous time and I am very grateful to all the teachers for their efforts.