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Welcome by the Deputy Head Academic

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by The Deputy Head Academic

As our students progress through Halliford, we hope that as a result of a broad curriculum and wideranging co-curricular programme, they discover subjects about which they are passionate . The end of Year 9 represents a shift from breadth to depth as, at GCSE, subjects are studied in more detail . Subjects also have more time associated with them . This combination of depth and time allows the development of detailed expertise and mastery of the skills involved .

The options evening represents an important point in your son’s development, as they finish a common curriculum and begin to choose which subjects they would like to study more independently .

Halliford is a small school . One of the benefits of this is that we can base our timetable around the choices of the boys . As such, boys can, in theory, choose any combination of the subjects we offer .

Regardless of which subjects are selected by your son, we hope to inspire, challenge and support them by having high expectations and holding them to this standard .

A combination of good guidance, independent choice and excellent provision should allow your son to achieve the best possible outcomes at the end of their GCSE journey .

I wish you the very best in the options process . If you have any questions about the subjects, please contact the relevant teachers or Heads of Departments directly . If your question is about the process itself, please do not hesitate to contact me .

Best wishes,

Richard Fulford

Deputy Head Academic

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