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Space to learn
A unique and inspiring place to study Sixth Formers at KAS benefit from their own dedicated study areas situated in our tree-filled grounds
You will be joining KAS at an exciting time as we have just opened a new Sixth Form Centre. You will benefit from this dedicated, modern and inspiring new space for Sixth Formers which includes a common room, study centre, seminar room and an outdoor terrace.
With tea, coffee and refreshment facilities, the Common Room provides somewhere to socialise with other students while the quiet first floor area provides space to study.
Further study space is provided in the Upper School Library. A comfortable, welcoming environment, the Library is available throughout the school day whether students want to borrow books for their latest coursework, use our online resources, study, or just curl up with a good read.
The King Alfred School is situated over two sites on the edge of Hampstead Heath. The Sixth Form is based mainly on our Manor Wood site which is centred around a beautiful field. With facilities including: state-of-the-art labs for science, ICT suite, a professional theatre, music and drama practice spaces, Music Technology suite, Design Technology workshops, dark room, blacksmithing forge, video editing suite, light-filled art studios, gym, fitness studio, two astro pitches and dedicated classrooms for all subjects, it's a unique and inspiring place to study.
For as long as she can remember, Alanna has loved reading - and writing.
She believes that books are important, that they can make a difference and that they can influence change.
Her love of books grew even more at KAS because she so enjoyed the way she was taught English and so now, in Year 12, it is one of her chosen A level subjects, alongside Drama and History.
Alanna chose Drama because she loves performing as she finds it a great way to express emotions and to get rid of what is bottled up inside. As someone who loves reading - and writing - plays (Tennessee Williams is her favourite playwright) it is a natural progression to want to act in them too.
She chose History because it fosters good skills such as examining and evaluating evidence and essay writing - and Alanna believes in order to effect change, we need to look at the past. Also, it gives her the added bonus of being able to write period literature confidently and knowledgeably.
Not surprisingly, Alanna wants to go on to university to study English and, potentially, to become a writer.
“The dynamic between the teachers and the pupils at KAS is really important. Teachers go out of their way to help; to organise revision timetables, to offer wellbeing meetings during the stress of GCSEs. At KAS you are allowed and encouraged to explore who you want to be, to make your own decisions instead of having them made for you. You are not forced to follow a particular route but you are supported in finding what is best for you.”