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Theatre Studies

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Entry requirements:

GCSE 6/7 English or Drama.

Extra information:

We pride ourselves on running lots of different productions, trips, competitions and workshops that you can get involved in. These include but are not limited to:

• The Senior School Show • School Shakespeare • ISTA (International Schools Theatre Association)

Festivals in Europe • New Views. National Theatre Playwriting

Competition • Theatre Trips • Drama Workshops • Masterclasses • Audition Technique Classes

Head of department:

Lucy Hall

We want students to have an inspiring experience of A level Drama and Theatre.

This qualification emphasises practical creativity alongside research and theoretical understanding. Students learn through experience, seeing theatre and making theatre for themselves. Students are introduced to a wide range of theatrical styles and contexts as they explore plays practically, devise and work on performances. Students can choose to develop as a: Performer; Designer (lighting, sound, set, costume, puppets); Director; Combination of these.

There will be appropriate enrichment activities over the two years including masterclasses, workshops and outings to enhance student learning. Whichever option they choose, students will gain many invaluable skills, both theatrical and transferable, to expand their horizons.

This is an exciting course which is accepted by all universities as an entrance qualification. The course demands practical, creative and communication skills in almost equal measure meaning students are prepared for university and beyond.


Component 1: Drama & Theatre

• Written exam of 3 hours / Open book / 80 marks / 40% of A level • Section A: 1 question from a choice of set plays from List A (25 marks) • Section B: question on a given extract from one of set plays from List B (30 marks) • Section C: One question on the work of theatre makers in a single live theatre production (25 marks)

Component 2: Creating Original Drama (Practical)

• The creating and performing devised drama influenced by the work of one prescribed practitioner • Working notebook (40 marks) / Devised performance (20 marks) • 60 marks in total / 30% of A level • Marked by teachers & moderated by AQA • (postal moderation from requested sample)

Component 3: Making Theatre (Practical)

• Practical exploration & theatrical interpretation of three extracts (extracts 1,2 & 3). • Methodology of a prescribed practitioner must be applied to extract 3 • Performance of extract 3 (40 marks) / Reflective report (20 marks) • 60 marks in total / 30% of A level • Marked by AQA (visiting examiner)

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