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FoCHS Update
Annual General Meeting
We were so pleased to be able to hold our AGM in person again this year on Monday 8 November and there was a great turnout! Thank you to everyone who attended and a very warm welcome to all the new committee members who have subsequently joined the team. We look forward to a productive and successful year! We hope to hold a further “brainstorming” session at school next term as a further opportunity for everyone to come and share their ideas and feedback with us. Details to follow.
Christmas Events
We are very excited to announce that we will running a number of Christmas events during this half of term, fingers crossed. You will shortly be receiving an email with all the information relating to these events, so please do read it carefully. We have got lots planned; raffles, an online gift shop, Santa’s Grotto with reindeer and a pantomime for all the pupils. We really hope that they help get both you and the children into the Christmas spirit! First off, to kick start the festive season, is the return of our beautiful and popular Christmas Baskets. These will soon be on display outside the school office. Details of how to purchase raffle tickets to win one of these will be in the email sent home to you and this year you can buy as many tickets as you wish. But you’ve got to be in it to win it!
Second-Hand Uniform
Please note that the Second-Hand Uniform Hut will not be open in person this term. However, if you would like to buy anything, please do use the online form https://www.coopersalehallschool.co.uk/school-uniform/ and email it to fochs@coopersalehallschool.co.uk. The FoCHS volunteers will check stock and let you know what is available. You can then pay online and the uniform is delivered directly to your child’s class. Please note that currently we only have capacity to fulfil orders once a week, so please bear with us. We are also gratefully accepting any second-hand uniform (school-branded only please) that is in a good, saleable condition. Please leave your donations with the school office.

Sign up to easyfundraising and you can make a donation to FoCHS every time you shop online, at no extra charge. Hundreds of retailers make donations and it is simple to sign up: https://www.easyfundraising.org.uk/causes/fochs
Amazon Smile
We have also recently set up another easy way to donate to FoCHS every time you shop with Amazon, via Amazon Smile. Amazon Smile is the same Amazon you know with the same products, prices and service. Simply log-in to your Amazon account via the website http://www.smile.amazon.co.uk choose Friends of Coopersale Hall School as your charitable organisation and Amazon will donate 0.5% of the net purchase price of your order (excluding VAT, returns and shipping fees) to FoCHS. There is no additional cost to you for this donation. If you use the Amazon Shopping app, you can turn on Amazon Smile by going to “Settings” in the main menu and following the on-screen instructions.
Get in touch
If you are interested in getting involved this year, have some ideas, or if you simply have a question, we would love to hear from you. Here's how you can get in touch:
Each year group has at least one FoCHS rep. The easiest way to get in touch is to message your year or class rep on WhatsApp:
LK – Susan Tetherton; UK – Stacey Cummins; Reception – Nickie Futter and Lydia Chklar; Yr 1 – TBC Yr 2 – Nicola Wiley and Victoria Moyses; Yr 3 – Rachel Concadoro; Yr 4 – Sarah Cook; Yr 5 – Nickie Futter and Jess Lancaster; Yr 6 – Susan Tetherton and Linda Biggs
You can also email us at FoCHS@coopersalehallschool.co.uk or speak to any members of the committee: Susan Tetherton (Chair) Victoria Moyses (Treasurer) Nickie Futter (Secretary) Linda Biggs Lydia Chklar Sarah Shirley Sarah Cook Louisa Richards Stacey Cummins Julia Fahri
You can also check out our page on the school website: https://www.coopersalehallschool.co.uk/parents-pupils/parentsassociation/