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Fashion and Textiles
Examination Board: AQA
Whatever your relationship with fashion and textiles, this exciting and challenging course will inspire and develop individual creativity, and encourage appreciation of the complex relations between design, materials, manufacture and marketing. The main requirement of this course is a passion for textiles, design and the world of 'formal, functional and frivolous fashion'. This subject gives you the opportunity to enhance life skills through problem-solving, logical thinking, communication and time management. It is a doorway into many future professions such as fashion design, fashion merchandising, fashion marketing, PR and journalism or as a fashion writer, buyer, stylist or technologist. Furthermore, the rapidly developing field of ‘new’ technologies offers an exciting opportunity for those who enjoy integrating Science, Maths and Business into the future of fashion. Through experimental activities, you will enhance your technical skills and understanding of textile materials and components to create innovative mock-ups and prototypes. Sketchbooks, presentation boards, portfolio and practical outcomes will provide evidence for foundation studies and university applications.
Whilst it would be advantageous to have studied Design and Technology at GCSE, it is not a prerequisite for this course, however, you will need a passion for the creative industries and an experimental mind set.
Paper 1: Technical Principles
Written exam: 2 hours 30 minutes 120 marks 30% of A-level
Mixture of short answer and extended response questions.
Paper 2: Designing and Making Principles
Written exam: 1 hour 30 minutes 80 marks 20% of A-level
Mixture of short answer and extended response questions.
Section A
Product analysis: 30 marks
Up to 6 short answer questions based on visual stimulus of product(s).
Section B
Commercial manufacture: 50 marks
Mixture of short and extended response questions.
Design and Make Assessed Project (NEA: Non-exam assessment)
Practical application of core technical principles, core designing and making principles, and additional specialist knowledge.
A substantial design and make project. 100 marks
50% of A-level
Written or digital design portfolio and photographic evidence of final prototype.