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Next Steps

We hope the information in this prospectus has given you a sense of what we believe makes Wetherby Senior School so special.

We are an academically selective school and our usual points of entry are at 11+ and 13+ with occasional places at all ages. Selection is based upon academic merit, which is assessed through an entry examination, references from the candidate’s previous school and interview. Our selection process is designed to identify pupils who are likely to benefit from our balanced and well-rounded education and to make a positive contribution towards the life of the school.

The 11+ assessments will be held in the Autumn of Year 6 through the ISEB Common Pre-Test followed by interview.

The 13+ assessments will be held in the Autumn of Year 6 through the ISEB Common Pre-Test followed by interview.

For 16+ entry, candidates are interviewed and examined in the subjects they wish to study for A Level and offers are conditional on GCSE results.

The key dates for the entry process for the current year are published on our website and all registered parents are informed by letter at the start of the Autumn Term. We will usually offer places to candidates from our waiting list after the closing date for acceptances.

Bursary-assisted scholarships are available. Please contact the School for further details.

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