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Food & Nutrition

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Details of exam

The examination is 1hour 45mins. Read all questions thoroughly.

This component will consist of two sections both containing compulsory questions and will assess the six areas of content as listed in the specified GCSE content.

Section A – answer all questions 15 marks – spend about 15 mins on this section. Questions based on stimulus material.

Section B – answer all questions - 85 marks available –spend about 1 hour 25 mins on this section. Structured, short and extended response questions to assess content related to food preparation and nutrition.

Topics to revise

Know the command words:

Define: Give the meaning of.

List: Make a list.

Describe: Give an account of.

Give, State, Name - These types of questions will usually appear at the beginning of the paper or question part and are designed to ease candidates into the question with a single statement or short phrase for one mark. Write clearly and briefly.

Describe, Outline - These types of questions are straightforward. They require candidates to describe something in detail. Give advantages and disadvantages of; give benefits and constraints of.

Explain, Justify - Make clear, giving reasons. These types of questions require candidates to respond in a little more detail –single statements will not achieve full marks. A valid point should be made and then justified with a linked explanation response.

Evaluate, Discuss, Compare, Assess: Consider, weigh up, evaluate, make a judgement about, give important aspects of; give your own opinion . These type of questions are designed to ‘stretch and challenge’ candidates. These questions require candidates to make a well-balanced argument, usually involving both advantages and disadvantages.

Topics to revise

1. Food commodities - Meat-Differences of, Nutrition, Scientific terminology. Fresh fruit – what are the changes that take place when fruit decays, Bread making - products, nutrition, process and scientific terminology.

2. Principles of nutrition - Micro and macro nutrients

3. Diet and good health - Healthy Eating Guidelines, ensure a firm recall of 8 tips for Eating well. What is energy measured in? Energy -measurements, balance, individual requirements.

Special diets: Lactose intolerance, high sugar, High Fibre (soluble and insoluble), Veganism. 4. The science of food – Fruit decay and bread.

5. Where food comes from—Food Labelling Laws, how it informs and protects, environmental awareness when shopping.

6. Cooking and food preparation - What is the name of the process by which carbohydrate is produced in plants?

7. Microorganism- Factors which affect growth, safe handling, positive uses of moulds and bacteria.

Revision Tasks to be completed

• Complete revision booklet

• Use the Seneca learning app

• Use the Collins revision and practice workbook, look at longer questions.

• Use on-line illuminate book. Look at key points and use text to further understanding.

Other tips

• Read and re-read the question and then read again whilst answering to make sure you are answering what has been asked. 

• PEEL: Point, explain, example, links if possible

• Long answer questions - make a rough bullet point plan to avoid veering off course and not including all the information you had planned to. 

• Make use of all the resources you have to hand to help you revise.

• Eduqas Illuminate digital learning online

• Seneca

• CGP revision book and workbook

• Eduqas Illuminate revision guide

• BBC bitesize

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