1 minute read
Details of exam
Pupils will be given one hour to complete an online test. The test will feature a series of theory and listening activities relating to the schemes of work covered by the pupils this academic year.
Topics to revise
Elements of Music
• Pitch, dynamics, timbre, structure, texture, tempo, duration/rhythm. • Understanding the vocabulary associated with each element • Be able to recognise aurally, how these elements are used in different ways
Instruments of the Orchestra
• The main instrumental families: strings; woodwind; brass; percussion (including tuned and untuned percussion, *single and double reed instruments) • Be able to identify or recognise the tone colour of each instrument • Understand how instruments use different techniques, such as bowed or plucked strings, muted or unmuted brass, single and double reed in
Rhythm and Pulse
• Note values and rests: crotchets, quavers, semiquavers *triplets, tied notes • Reading simple rhythms with three or four beats in a bar • Be able to write a short rhythmic pattern using rhythmic notation
Pitch and Notation
• Recognise the notes on a treble clef *and bass clef staff • *Be able to confidently read ledger lines and identify higher/lower notes • Read short patterns on the treble clef staff
*Denotes extension activities
How to revise for the listening test
• All PowerPoints and lesson resources can be found on the Digital Learning Site under ‘Music’
• Revise the work covered this year by working through exercise books and tasks on Sparkjar
• Use interactive websites to practise skills:
https://www.teoria.com/en/tutorials/ for tutorials and exercises on Note Reading
https://quizizz.com/ for quizzes on the elements of music, rhythm, notation and instrumental sounds
https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/examspecs/zbmct39 for advanced revision on music theory and the elements of music.