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FEATURE Landing the big case
By Susan Rupe
36 Most long-term care doesn’t qualify for insurance benefit
By Robert Pokorski
For many clients, death occurs at an earlier stage of disability.

40 Conventional wisdom and a three-year plan
By Jeff Snyder
6 A life lesson in success — with John Wheeler John Wheeler discusses how his early life lessons in a small Illinois town inspired him to help others obtain financial security, which he has been doing for 50 years.
27 How to talk to teens and adult children about life insurance
By Diana Angelini
The more advisors encourage clients to talk to their children about financial issues, the less taboo those issues become.
Taxes are going up in the future. Help your clients plan for those tax hikes now.
42 Will ‘quiet quitting’ cause your clients to quit?
In The Field
22 A lioness in the industry — with Angie Ribuffo
By John Forcucci
Angie Ribuffo is a champion for women in the industry and for the women she serves.

28 This overlooked asset could help optimize your clients’ financial plan

By Hector Martinez
How to use life insurance to create tax efficiencies for tomorrow.

31 The cost of ignoring annuity training compliance

By Bill Wienhoff
By Bhavana Rana
12 FEBRUARY 2023 » VOLUME 16, NUMBER 02 INSURANCE & FINANCIAL MEDIA NETWORK 150 Corporate Center Drive • Suite 200 • Camp Hill, PA 17011 717.441.9357 www.InsuranceNewsNet.com
44 AmeriLife focuses on ‘organic growth’ in next step

By John Hilton
John Forcucci MANAGING EDITOR Susan Rupe SENIOR EDITOR John Hilton VP, SALES & MARKETING Susan Chieca CREATIVE DIRECTOR Jacob Haas GRAPHIC DESIGNER Shawn McMillion SENIOR CONTENT STRATEGIST Lori Fogle EMAIL & DIGITAL MARKETING SPECIALIST Megan Kofmehl TRAFFIC COORDINATOR Sorayah Talarek MEDIA OPERATIONS DIRECTOR Ashley McHugh NATIONAL SALES DIRECTOR Sarah Allewelt NATIONAL ACCOUNT DIRECTOR Brian Henderson NATIONAL ACCOUNT DIRECTOR of, the information published herein. Address Corrections: Update your address at insurancenewsnetmagazine.com
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