The Hanged Man: personal portfolio by Lanson XIE

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I never expected my design could fix any problem in this chaotic world. I’d rather hang myself to read the world upside down, see design itself as some kind of means to challenge the common-sense, which people are used to and already numb. As far as I’m concerned, there would be no possibility to get closer to the essence of things by obeying the traditional rules and bound by our own experience from the past over and over the time, but only the contradiction and complexity which I think are one of the most valuable factors affecting the vitality of architecture continuing to weaken. So, I utterly detest the tactful and ambiguous attitude towards social requirements in architecture but be fond of questioning the basic knowledge of design from a tricky and sharp perspective which could bring real development of things in contradiction and conflict.

Achievements: Included in the excellent works of the TJU experimental class

Type: Studio work in TJU

Individual Work

Site: N/A

Grade: Sophomore

Date: 2019.09-2019.11(8weeks)

Course Name & Number:

Architectural design foundation 2 (2060372)

Instructor: Delong Sun, Yue Zhang

Refined in 2021:

Instructor: N/A

Special thanks to Yifei Liu and other friends who have suffered from depression who contributed to the early research of this project.

All along in the past time since modern movement, people seemed to be used to see architecture as the “living machine”, which strongly determines the service relationship between architecture and people in sociology but ignores the social role attribute of architecture itself. Architecture seems to be no different from airplanes, ships, cars and other tools for people, and people do not seem to have any different feelings for architecture. In my opinion, architecture has a humanistic touch and sociological meaning that is completely incomparable with other tools in human civilization. On the basis of basic functional attributes such as solidity, practicality, and beauty, architecture also has rich social attributes, as well as a deeper connection with people. What if we peel off the functional attribute of architecture serving people and considerate the deeper connection between architecture and human being? Can we personify architecture, making it reflect people with its own vocabulary like a self-portrait to a painter, being a symbol of some personality?

In this project, I try to find a connection between architectural space and personality characteristics, hoping to use architecture to express characteristics such as human character, emotions, mental state, etc., as a way to explore the possibility of a deep connection between the two.

* Photo source in the picture——The Master of Expression: The Many Faces of Jim Varney. * Photo source in the picture——vers une architecture. Le Corbusier Architecture as one of the machines serves humanity. Architecture becomes a reflection of people.

Depression is a very common organic disease in today's society, and its drug is manifested in the loss of mental and behavioral energy, and the program attempts to link the personality characteristics of depressed patients with the architectural space by analyzing their mental state types, teams and functions, to optimise fund management, portfolio management and investor servicing.

In order to be able to better translate the personality of depressed patients into the language of architectural space, took the diary I wrote when I was depressed in middle school as the source text, trying to establish a connection between the spatial structure of the building and the personality characteristics of patients with depression, using architecture to simulate and express “what I was” at that time.

Unipolar affective disorder Bipolar disorder Psychotic depression Secondary depression


took the diary I wrote when I was depressed in middle school as the source text, trying to establish a connection between the spatial structure of the building and the personality characteristics of patients with depression, using architecture to simulate and express “what I was” at that time. In this building, all structural components exist for no functional purpose but only for the rules for translating from diary events to architectural spaces. In this way, I liberated architecture from a mere machine for serving people to a symbol of the social attributes of humanity.

A very obvious difference between depressed patients and ordinary people is that depressed patients will have a state of "onset" in life, during which the memory, perception, and emotions of depressed patients will present an extremely chaotic state. Based on the discrete index extracted from the diaries of depressed patients, exploded the boxes representing different events in the building to the outside world to obtain drawings that could finally express the state of depression patients.

"What really am."

"What do look like to others."

A very obvious difference between depressed patients and ordinary people is that depressed patients will have a state of "onset" in life, during which the memory, perception, and emotions of depressed patients will present an extremely chaotic state. Based on the discrete index extracted from the diaries of depressed patients, exploded the boxes representing different events in the building to the outside world to obtain drawings that could finally express the state of depression patients.

So I used architectural fragmentation to simulate the mental state of a depressed patient when all memories and emotions are distorted and broken. From the discrete indices extracted from each diary, can determine the amount of displacement of each block in the three directions of xyz when the building is broken.

Illness strikes

"So I packed my emotions into a box that no one could see."
Usual time Suffering

Avery obvious difference between depressed patients and ordinary people is that depressed patients will have a state of "onset" in life, during which the memory, perception, and emotions of depressed patients will present an extremely chaotic state. Based on the discrete index extracted from the diaries of depressed patients, I exploded the boxes representing different events in the building to the outside world to obtain drawings that could finally express the state of depression patients.

"When my illness strikes."


How we introduce conflict into a dogmatic order

Achievements: Accompanying bid scheme of Tianjin Huahui Construction Engineering Co., Ltd.

Type: Studio work in HH Design

Group Work with Chang Su in 2021, individually refined in 2022

Site: Hainan University, No. 58 Renmin Avenue, Haikou City, Hainan Province

Grade: Senior

Date: 2021.09-2021.01(16weeks)

Course Name & Number: Architectural design foundation 5 (2060372)

Instructor: Kai Zhou, Xinnan Zhang

Refined in 2022:

Instructor: N/A

In pursuit of practicality, efficiency and comfort, traditional buildings pay special attention to the organizational division of different functional areas and the smooth transition from open space to private space, presenting a certain order. However, in my opinion, this so-called "order" will make the building appear dull and rigid with distinct class, greatly reducing the possibility of random reactions between different people. In project “Tri”, I try to organize space in a tough way and lead contradictions and conflicts into the patterned order of modern architecture, which would break and blend the boundary of different social groups in architecture, making the attitude of the building towards users changed from catering and obedience to stimulation and promotion.


Thesite of the building is located in Hainan University, and it is necessary to solve the problem of the window of the building facing the city, and at the same time communicate with three groups of people, such as residents in the city, white-collar elites trained from outside, teachers and students in the school.

Residential buildings

The site of the building is located in Hainan University, and it is necessary to solve the problem of the window of the building facing the city, and at the same time communicate with three groups of people, such as residents in the city, white-collar elites trained from outside, teachers and students in the school.

Step0: Site 95m*100m

Step1: Firefighting

Step2: Requirements

Step3: Place function

Step4: Window

Step5: Adjust the mass

Step6: Base

Step7: Core tubes

Step8: Sight to bridge

Step9: Hole

Step10: Place boxes

Step11: Adjust boxes

Step12: Create chaos

Step13: Sight to city

Step14: Adjust the base

Step15: Place the floor slab

Step16: Twist the façade

Step17: Original scenario

Step18: Structure

Step19: Details

In the spatial organization of the building, I use two huge volumes to symbolize the order in the traditional space, which is also a prison cage, and then use the complex and chaotic shared space system generated between the two volumes to forcefully introduce contradictions and conflicts into the order on both sides.

Campus gate Orientation of the teaching building



Accompanying bid scheme of Tianjin Huahui Construction Engineering Co., Ltd. Studio work in HH Design Team work Zhou, Xinnan Zhang

In the spatial organization of the building, I use two huge volumes to symbolize the order in the traditional space, which is also a prison cage, and then use the complex and chaotic shared space system generated between the two volumes to forcefully introduce contradictions and conflicts into the order on both sides.

The architectural plan clearly reflects the way I introduce conflict into order, use two huge volumes to symbolize the order in the traditional space, which is also a prison cage, and then use the complex and chaotic shared space system generated between the two volumes to forcefully introduce contradictions and conflicts into the order on both sides.

21F: Top platform&Office 12F: Standard 2 5F: Open Exbition&Office 2F: Coworking 17F: Standard 4 17F: Standard 10F: Middle Platform 4F: Open Exbition&Office 1F: Gray space 15F: Standard 3 8F: Standard 1 3F: City Square -1F: Underground parking

I try organizing space in a tough way and lead contradictions and conflicts into the patterned order of modern architecture, which would break and blend the boundary of different social groups in architecture, making the attitude of the building towards users changed from catering and obedience to stimulation and promotion.

Residential building perspective Human perspective Entrance to the open plaza Human perspective in the open plaza Close-up view of the central boxes


"Tear the mountain and bring the harsh light into this darkness."

Achievements: Included in the excellent works of the TJU experimental class

Type: Studio work in TJU

Site: North of Benxi City, Liaoning Province

Grade: Sophomore

Date: 2019.11-2019.12(4weeks)

Course Name & Number:

Architectural design foundation 2 (2060372)

Instructor: Delong Sun, Yue Zheng

Refined in 2022:

Instructor: N/A

“Deep Dark”is designed to commemorate the Benxi Lake mine disaster. I hope to take the deceased buried in the mine accident as the first service object of the design, think deeply about what they want at the last moment of their lives. Through research on interviews with survivors in other mining disasters, I learned about the despair in the endless darkness deep underground and their strong yearning for bright sunshine, which means life and hope.

"Tear the mountain and bring the harsh light into this darkness."
* Photo source in the picture: web

So I use optical fiber tubes to directly insert them into the deep underground to ensure that the sun can directly shine into the ground on the anniversary of the mining disaster every year, illuminating the place where they are buried. The dark environment and steep steps will never give a comfortable experience to those who enter the building, but it makes up for the ultimate regret of the deceased in a pure way, carrying out its original design purpose.

used different diameters of optical fibers for physical simulation experiments to test the proportional relationship between the light conduction ability of optical fibers and the diameter. I used different diameters of optical fibers for physical simulation experiments to test the proportional relationship between the light conduction ability of optical fibers and the diameter.

Height: +65.00m Height: +55.00m Height: +80.00m Height: +95.00m

Since the length of the entire crack reaches nearly 800 meters, it takes 15 minutes for sunlight to move from one side to the other, resulting in a certain change in the angle of sunlight exposure.The length of the entire scheme is calculated by the slower walking speed of adults, and it takes about 15 minutes to complete the walk, so that as pedestrians pass through the entire crack, sunlight will slowly sweep through all 1594 light pipes.

Due to the limitation of the angle of light in the light pipe, the whole scheme only enters the light from 14:24 to 14:39 on April 26 every year, which also happens to be the time of the mining disaster.

START 14 : 24 END 14 : 39 14:24 230.5°52.7° 14:32 228.1°53.8° 14:39 225.4°54.8°


When night falls on April 26th, the artificial light source at the bottom of the light pipe will emit light, shooting light from the cracks, illuminating the night, like the echo of the lives of the miners who have died.



Achievements: China Architecture Rookie Competition TOP16

Type: Studio work in TJU

Individual work

Site: Shanghai Jing'an Sculpture Park

Grade: Sophomore

Date: 2021.03-2021.06(16weeks)

Course Name & Number: Architectural design foundation 4 (2060372)

Instructor: Ying Zou

The functional theme of the building is based on the story theme of the original film, in which the two protagonists fall into a kind of selfcaptivity because of extreme competition with each other, so that they lose themselves and constantly lose other precious things in life, family, wife, and even their own life. Therefore, the spatial and functional theme of the building is consistent with the original film, and is oriented to the "pseudo-elite" in modern and investor servicing.


Achievements: The paper "Research and Practice of Concrete Space Weaving Based on Adaptable and Reusable Flexible Mold System" was published in(ISBN978-7-5680-8873-2)

"Empowering Digital Intelligence - Thesis Collection of 2022 National Architectural Digital Technology Teaching and Research Symposium"

Type: Studio work in TJU Group work as leader

Site: Tianjin University

Grade: Senior

Date: 2022.03-2022.06(16weeks)

Course Name & Number: Architectural design foundation 6 (2060372)

Instructor: Ye Zhang, Xuehai Bai

VThis is a project based on material exploration and construction. We achieve large-scale 3D printing effects by exploring the way of pouring concrete inside a hose. As we have tried to design some simple branchs in the first step, so we tend to develop it from a random pattern to a more regular pattern. We choose L-system as one guidance to help us develop our design. We use grasshopper to simulate severalL-system,and generate the branch structure.After that, we create the curves by follow the structure, and optimize the curves.Finally, we transform the curves to tubes.

Initially, we tried to use the most simple and easy-to-obtain quick-setting materials for testing, fixing the shape of the hose with rubber bands, and using a utility knife to demould after the plaster solidified.

* Photo source in the picture: web * Photo source in the picture: Self-Illustrated

Experiment A

The nodes we initially used were made of 3D printed soft glue, which is cheap and easy to obtain, has good sealing and shaping ability, can fit the hose shape well, and can be reused.We can see several connection methods between multiple hoses after the node is added through the following set of photos, providing us with the possibility to create complex forms.

Experiment B

In order to be able to add optimization algorithms to the computer for more complex and higher quality form generation simulations, we used kangroo to test and simulate the mechanical properties of concreted hoses in the computer, and designed a set of applications Cartesian coordinate system construction system to help us locate the hose.

The construction system consists of a base and a positioning perforated plate. When we get a shape in the computer, we can convert it into the solid construction space by outputting the three-dimensional space coordinates at the node of the hose.

Experiment B

After exploring the material properties, we used the Karamba3D plug-in to perform a structural analysis of the existing scheme and optimized it on the basis of the analysis.

Structural analysis is divided into material use density analysis and displacement analysis, which is used to test the strength of the chair and ensure the accuracy of the construction.

When faced with the form construction of space volume, we choose the slime mold algorithm to calculate the relative optimal solution of structure and form. to structural mechanics, transforming the shortest path in space into the least force flow in a structure.

This is the force flow optimization and structural simulation of a simple structural column, we can replace a square column with a small number of hoses.

In the plug-in analysis of the material use density, we analyzed the compression and tension of various parts of the chair under only its own gravity.

Where the positive data is the degree of compression, the negative data is the degree of compression, and the analysis results are shown in the figure.

We use grasshopper to simulate severalL-system,and generate the branch structure.After that, we create the curves by follow the structure, and optimize the curves.Finally, we transform the curves to tubes. * Photo source in the picture: web * Photo source in the picture: Self-Illustrated

After fully analyzing the material and structural properties of the scheme, after more than ten days of construction, we successfully shaped a pavilion with a span of 8 meters and a height of 2 meters.

The pavilion is as vigorous and powerful as a giant hand, growing firmly on the ground. Our structures perfectly convey the beauty of concrete's rugged glow.We tried to wrap the space with free-form surfaces, by setting the directions of several main force flows in advance to densely wrap the pavilion shape of the entire space.

For the use of concrete sprinklers, the machine can pour concrete mortar from the top opening of the machine from the bottom port through the operation of the internal pump, often used to spray the exterior wall of buildings at a distance, with a high spray pressure. The use of metal hose hoops to fix the hose port at the bottom of the sprinkler outlet is used, and the thrust generated by the machine can be used to feed very viscous high-strength concrete into the hose at high pressure, and keep the slurry dense during the process of advancing forward.

Presentation of results




Type: Studio work in TJU

Individual Work

Site: Tianjin

Grade: Senir

Date: 2022.08-2022.09(4weeks)

Instructor: N/A

I questioned the inequality in urban and rural development strategies from the perspective of capital. Urban residents constantly ponder over the future of the countryside and the ideal urban-rural relationship, proposing one hypothesis after another to try to change the current urban-rural dilemma. However, the city itself is the product of capital accumulation in the process of rural development being one certain kind of the future of the countryside. It has more advanced technology and prosperous economy, but it cannot be self-sufficient like the village, and must rely on the basic materials it provides to maintain its operation. Therefore, the strategy of rural development originated from urban residents is naturally with some arrogance from a superior civilization, and its essential purpose is to make the countryside easier to obtain resources for them. try to get rid of all possible arrogance from urban civilization in project “Equivalent exchange”, looking at the proportion of various resources in urban and rural ecosystems from an equal perspective.

strategy of rural development originated from urban residents is naturally with some arrogance from a superior civilization

Break through the unbreakable boundary between the city and the countryside for along time, so that the city and the countryside will gradually integrate in the process ofdevelopment, and the contradiction will be resolved.

l envision a kind of infrastructure system based on the "bridge" as the structural prototype, and evaluate thesystem using several basic indicators. The "bridge" floats over the urban and rural traffic network, does notoccupy the original urban and rural space resources, and depends on the original traffic network logic to form. its own resource transportation system, pooling into a "network". After analyzing the the noli map of Tianjin, it is found thatNankai District, Hedong Districtand Heping District have thehighest vitality among the sixdistricts in the city.The thermalintensity of surrounding areasand counties was obviouslyscattered punctate. The site selection in the city islocated next to a communityalong Zijinshan Road to ensurethe required population density.

Build the value resource pyramids of cities and villagesrespectively, measure the basicrelationship of resource exchange between the twosocial systems, and discuss thepenetration and radiation range of the wall as a medium. The prototype placed in the country also provides the countryside with the unique resources of the city such as perfect infrastructure such as micro education base, micro enterprise, micro medicalstation, and advanced farming equipment.Based on the sustainable esource transportiation relited by the two archetypes in eachoter:ecological envionment,the exchange of equivalent value between the citfy and the countryside is completed one after another.

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