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Researchers at MIT and the European Space Agency have developed a smart toilet called “ FITLOO “ which screens human waste such as urine to detect diseases like cancer and diabetes. This is a high-technology toilet that has sensors to track changes in one’s glucose levels to detect signs of diseases along with the warning signs of cancer. On detection, it sends the data gathered directly to the users’ smartphones to monitor health. It is also based on automated sample testing technology used by astronauts aboard the International Space Station to monitor their health. Experts at the European Space Agency and MIT have teamed up with sanitation specialists to create the FitLoo. The high-tech lavatory will screen urine for the presence of extra proteins and glucose, gathering data through sensors located inside the bowl. These will detect fluctuations in levels of these substances and presence of other markers that might be an early warning sign of cancer or diabetes. The data gathered could then be beamed on the users’ smartphone or even directly to general practitioners so that they can keep a close eye on their patients.

Smart toilets are already present in countries like Japan with a focus on greater comfort and hygiene with additional features like warm-water washing, air drying and heated seats. Companies like Toto and Matsushita have released Wi-Ficonnected toilets that measure body mass index, biochemical makeup (sugar, protein), flow rate and temperature of urine. In a similar direction of work, the scientists at Stanford University have also developed a colourchanging paper test that can detect diseases or spot signs of a urinary tract infection with the help of a smartphone camera. All these works are the space of preventive healthcare and the idea is that people will connect their phone to the toilet and get information about their health. If anything is of concern, they would seek their doctor’s help for more detailed tests and retain their good health in time. Researchers also state that by putting these sensors in public toilets would allow health officials to track and gather data on prediction of spread of diseases in communities, giving an important early warning of outbreaks.


SOURCE: www.inshorts.com

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