i360 Brochure

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tr anslating insights into behavior i n t h e m i d s t o f l i fe

WHY i360

In this life we all have struggles to overcome and lessons to learn. These trials don’t discriminate. We know, we’ve been through them ourselves and we’ve been doing this for quite some time. Our therapists’ unique life experiences are no less important than the training we’ve had to prepare us for working with people who are struggling. But what seems to matter most is the way we do what we do. We work with people, we walk with them, join them for a time and prepare them for a day when they don’t need us. Whether we are in the role of therapist, counselor, coach, or consultant, we come alongside individuals to help them view their current situation from a different perspective – one that presents alternatives that haven’t been seen or considered. Sometimes, the most difficult part is taking that first step. Other times, it’s a challenge just to keep hanging in there until a greater experience is achieved. No matter where you are on that path towards change, we invite you to join us, risk with us, journey with us.

i360’S PHILOSOPHY & T R E AT M E N T A P P RO A C H Change is difficult, especially when you’re str uggling with anxiety and depression, substance abuse or addiction, mar ital problems, or the challenges of parenting. But when we challenge our selves w i th a dif fe rent per specti ve , we can better under stand ou r str en gth s a n d we aknesses, and r eal change can happen. At i360, we believe that change occur s in the context of meaningful relationships. As we enter your wor ld, we develop relationships that create oppor tunities to tr ansition into a more productive , healthier life. Using proven psychotherapy approaches, we help you become more mentally, physically, relationally and spir itually sound. i360 is a program of change, both in your life and in the lives of your loved ones.

T R A N S L AT I N G I N S I G H T S I N TO B E H AV I O R S Change lasts longer and is far more meaningful when we combine insight with new behavior. That’s because understanding who you are and what you’re capable of is critical to changing your behavior. Sometimes we do the right thing and wait for understanding. At other times, we need more understanding before we feel comfor table making change. We help you do both so you can develop lasting behaviors that make life more fulfilling.

“Insight without behavior change is meaningless.” John Clark

LIFE DEVELOPMENT Sometimes we struggle to move forward. It’s not always because we aren’t motivated or don’t care. Very often it’s because we need someone who can star t the conversation, plant the thought and ignite the desire for a different life. Life Development provides you with a relationship that models healthy behavior, encourages change, and provides the hope that depression, anxiety, or substance abuse can be overcome - that life can be very different. Outside the traditional therapy setting, our Life Development team engages with you to create new behaviors that become the early signs of habits. Providing advice, moral suppor t, and guidance, we live alongside you to help develop routines and patterns that create a positive, fulfilling lifestyle.

Growth is a process, change is an investment, and improvement takes time.

T R E AT M E N T I N THE MIDST OF LIFE It ’s h a rd t o be a n e w per son in an old pl ace . Whether it’s com i n g home from treatment or star ting the journey to overcome depression, an addiction, or a divorce – life sometimes moves faster than we can handle on our own. At i360, we help you retur n to the routine of life with greater insight and strategies to build on your strengths and shore up your weaknesses. Stepping back into the demands of being a mom, going back to college, or returning to wor k – we help people prioritize life and treatment in a way that brings str ucture and routine to chaos.

SEVEN PILLARS We often think too narrowly about what success in treatment looks like. Whether it’s struggling with mental health or substance abuse, it’s a common mistake to think that the only goal is for the primary problem to get better or disappear. So rather than focusing solely on the presenting issue, i360 intervenes in all areas of life to rebuild a healthy foundation. The true meaning of success is how well we function in our daily life with all of its stressors and challenges. We use the 7 pillars of treatment to address the essential areas of life which often impact the primary issues: •Physical Wellness •Mental Health •Medical •Spir itual •Addiction •Relationships •Wor k/School


Yes, it’s possible to laugh again, to get unstuck. Overcoming painful and difficult experiences in life is par t of being human. But we sometimes need other people to help us move forward. When we go through difficult times, we often isolate and disconnect from the things in life we need. Connecting with others can give us hope for a different future. Through individual, family, marital, or group therapy, we help you discover possibilities and solutions for living in a different way. Our approach is to help you reengage the healthy components, reconnect with a community that provides hope, and reframe your stor y in a broader context.

“Recover ing well is more valuable than perfection.ˮ -i360


The most meaningful relationships in life often include family. If the people that matter in your life don’t understand your challenges, you may be missing out on a great source of suppor t and change. We work with those closest to you so they can understand your struggles from a different perspective. We engage them to be par t of a new way of living and help them with the challenges of a loved one that struggles.


No matter how you feel about your situation, there are options you may not be thinking about. Talk with so meone , me e t with som eone , and explore som e possibilities to have a ver y different chapter in life .

C O N TA C T I N F O R M AT I O N www.i360life .com www.facebook.com/i360life www.twitter.com/i360life questions@i360life .com

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