2 minute read
Five Years and Growing
We launched Cannabis & Tech Today five years ago with a small, passionate team at Innovative Properties Worldwide. The publication has grown in tandem with the industry, and our understanding of the plant has matured dramatically.
It’s a privilege to work on this magazine, but it’s also a heavy responsibility. Knowledge around cannabis is in its infancy. The industry is still unstable and it’s constantly changing. It’s been our responsibility to present factual, verified information on this plant in such a way that it could shape policy, launch businesses, and transform lives.
Each day I show up to the page to bring my readers the truth, as I see it and as accurately as I can represent it, about a powerful and important plant. It’s not all roses — I can’t tell you how many times I’ve typed the words “cannabis industry” over the past half a decade — but, I can tell you that each time we publish an issue it feels important. It feels like we are giving a voice to the advocates who fought so hard to bring this plant to the masses.
Growing up, I never thought cannabis would become an “industry.” In high school and later in college, I would dream about becoming a writer. In my off time, when I wasn’t feverishly studying, I was smoking cannabis. I appreciated the stress relief. As things changed in my life, graduating Magna cum Laude from my university or working through the grief of losing my father, cannabis was a mainstay. It was a way to unwind after the day; it was an enchanting ritual with friends. What I never imagined was that one day my love for the plant and my love for writing, research, compassion, and people, would come together in a rewarding career.
Now, as I write my first letter as Executive Editor of a publication I helped build, I’m in awe of the way the universe conspires to give us things we didn’t know we needed. Each day, despite the intensity of working in a non-planttouching cannabis startup, I keep pushing because I hope this work makes a difference.
I hope the science, technology, and business reporting we create at our humble publication is helping inform people about a plant that’s been stigmatized and ridiculed for the better part of a century. Cannabis is now a respected part of my life.
My grandmother, who was staunchly anticannabis, told me before her death that she was proud of my work. The knowledge I shared with her from Cannabis & Tech Today encouraged her to start using CBD to treat pain and inflammation caused by her congestive heart failure. She said it gave her relief. It helped her. If I could help my grandmother see value in this herb, then this work is worthwhile.
So esteemed reader, if Cannabis & Tech Today resonates with you, I encourage you to subscribe. Hold the printed word in your hand and pass it around to friends and family. Help stop the stigma by sharing education. Maybe you can help someone else’s grandma find relief through cannabis.
With Gratitude,