Innovations Unlimited ME Company Profile
Innova'ons Unlimited ME (IUME) is a company of highly crea've, dedicated and dynamic professionals – collec'vely focused on delivering innova've solu'ons throughout the Middle East. Innova'ons Unlimited ME is headquartered in Doha, State of Qatar, with a branch office in Bahrain and soon in Oman. Our team is handpicked and compiles top leading event experts from around the world in the field of interna'onal event management. Our vast experience in the Middle East and interna'onally combined with the industry knowledge within our team sets us apart from our compe'tors in the market. We always thrive to meet or exceed your expecta'ons by ensuring the highest quality for delivery on the ground. Innova'ons Unlimited ME is seLng the stage properly for future events by delivering top-‐notch events for our clients and our audience, in Qatar and beyond. With over more then 5 years, of regional experience Innova'ons Unlimited ME, has developed long trus'ng partnerships with providers and suppliers in Qatar and throughout the GCC. This gives us the ability to nego'ate, book all required equipment and services, and deliver compe''ve prices on your behalf, ensuring that your event is delivered on budget and most importantly always on-‐'me. No maSer the size of your event, private or public, we are able to assist you in the provision of all the local elements, services and logis'cs.
Our Green Commitment
As Innova'ons Unlimited ME always tries to minimize the environmental impact we work to highest interna'onal standards and also introduce new standards to Qatar that deal with waste, ensuring that only recycled materials are used in our events. As Innova'ons Unlimited ME we work very closely with the Ministry of Environment to ensure proper waste management and protec'on of the environment.
ABOUT US What we do
What makes us different?
How we do it
With a strong management team, a deep understanding of the local and regional markets, and a drive towards a greener and more innova've world, our company has been established to bring the latest innova'ons in the fields of events, ligh<ng, adver<sing and green technologies. As a local company, IUME has successfully produced an array of events in the region. Its recent successes include the Asian Football Cup 2011 Fan Zone and the AFC Asian Cup 2011 theme ligh'ng show in Doha’s West Bay, as well as the Na'onal Day 2009 Ligh'ng Concept. All this is accomplished through a unique collec'on of partnerships and privileged distribu'on rights obtained from renowned global players in the fields of events, ligh'ng, adver'sing and green technologies. Our associa'on with these global leaders and in-‐house resources of exper'se allows us to propose reliable solu'ons that help the organiza'on achieve op'mal efficiency and objec'ves.
At IUME, we treat every single detail with extra care. Our mission is clear: Meet and exceed your requirements; think outside of the box and come up with crea6ve ideas; combine them with the latest infrastructure and technology, and deliver something breathtaking every 6me. Since we believe in fostering las'ng rela'onships with clients, we assess your needs in the long-‐run providing not just the service that will help you today, but a complete solu'on that can easily serve your organiza'on’s needs of tomorrow.
EVENT MANAGEMENT Producing a great event requires a clear focus, teamwork and the ability to envision new possibili'es in even the slightest detail. All this combined with our experience and exper'se is what makes Innova'ons Unlimited ME stand out from the crowd. Each event is a custom project for us, and carefully delivered based on our client’s budgetary requirements and scope of work parameters. Through our vast network and partnerships, we are fully capable of responding to any fluctua'on in resources and/or equipment requirements: • We have access to over 3,500 Event Professionals (e.g. crea've team, top light designers, sound technicians, electricians etc.) • The largest and latest Event Equipment Pool in the industry (i.e. 1.5 million square feet of warehouse space; rental inventory of more than USD 900 million) is available to us.
Collec'vely, our integrated team has been involved in prac'cally every major event in the world including the Olympic games such as Athens 2004, Sydney 2000, Vancouver 2010, and Doha 2006 Asian Games; Na'onal Day Fes'vi'es such in Qatar, Oman, Singapore, and many ci'es in Europe. Opening ceremonies such as Burj Khalifa and Atlan's in Dubai and the “Cove” in Nassau; Asian Football Cup 2011 and not to men'on major events such the Academy Awards and such concerts as Madonna and U2. Our staff are true professionals with years of “Event Management” experience and bring to Qatar a new level of working standard, safety, risk management and logis'cal planning. Our porholio covers a full range of effects and services to deliver the most innova've entertainment, visuals and audio, crea've, hospitality services, and logis'cs at the highest standards. Our philosophy is that no task is impossible and we never view things as problems. We turn challenges into solu'ons and our complete company revolves around the creed:
EVENT SERVICES Our Event services cover turn key solu<ons from A-‐Z: • Crea've Design / Concept Crea'on • Anima'ons & Visualiza'ons • Technical Planning • Feasibility Studies • Opera'onal and Logis'cal Planning • Safety & Health Concepts • Produc'on Management • Implementa'on of our Projects • Event & Project Management • Staff Training – Team Building Ini'a'ves Addi<onal services • Crea've Services • Marke'ng & Communica'ons Services • Patented & High Quality Prin'ng Technologies (CONTICULAR) • Campaign Design & Execu'on • Film Produc'on • Top level Catering Services • Interior Design / Fabrica'on of Event Decora'ons • Floral Decora'on & Landscaping
From a technology point of view, we provide any event-‐related equipment, including but not limited to: • Video Projec'on • LED Wall Systems • Ligh'ng Systems • Sound Systems • Fireworks & Pyrotechnic Effects • Flame Shows • Special Effects (Smoke, Rain, Snow) • Water Effects • Laser Shows • Mul'media Shows • Rigging • Temporary Infrastructures • Staging and Show Decking • Stage & Set Construc'on • Tents & Special Structures • Power Distribu'on & Generators • Alterna've Energy Solu'ons
Festival & Concerts
Press Conferences
Product Awareness
Team Building Activities
Events Division
Staff Training
Brand Building
Logo & Product Launches
Multimedia Show
RISK MANAGEMENT PLAN Innova'ons Unlimited ME considers risk management as a cri'cal factor in the professional management of any event or the provision of any service. We work with our team on a constant basis for them to be aware of the cri'cal factors that can pose a poten'al risk to the project or to them. We have developed a structured process of iden'fying, evalua'ng and controlling risks in a way that will minimize organiza'onal losses and maximize opportuni'es. The management of risks is a step-‐by-‐step process where all the possibili'es of failures or problems are considered:
Step 3: Risk control
Different methods for iden'fying risks: • Reviewing wriSen informa'on • Mee'ng with stakeholders • Survey the venues • Conduc'ng a cause and effect analysis
Step 4: Review of risk control strategy
Step 1: Risk iden<fica<on
Step 2: Risk evalua<on
Once iden'fied, the risks are listed in order of importance with priori'es based on the likelihood of their occurrence and the severity of the consequences.
This is the actual risk management plan developed to control those risks in different ways and are listed in priority sequence bellow: • Cancel or avoid the risk • Diminish or control the risk • Reduce the consequences of the risk • Have back up plans in the event the risk poses a threat • Distribute the risk impact in different areas of the project avoiding single points of failure.
Develop risk management documenta'on to ensure that all staff are working towards the same cohesive corporate plan and are aware of the risks and procedures throughout the dura'on of the project and the lifecycle of the contract. Problems that are usually encountered in developing and providing event management services in Doha will be taken into account and special methods deployed to resolve will be planned.
QUALIFICATION Innova'ons Unlimited ME provides the unique value proposi'on of delivering cuLng edge solu'ons while opera'ng in the Middle East. This allows us to engage with our clients in long term rela'onships, offering turnkey solu'ons and ongoing support. By being present in the region, Innova'ons Unlimited ME has the advantage of obtaining a deeper understanding of the market dynamics and cultural aspects. Such insight not only allows us to be well prepared to respond to your demands, but also allows us to be your crea've partner in sharing new ideas based on the global trends iden'fied through its research. At Innova'ons Unlimited ME we proudly showcase our partners, the world’s best players in the events business, in order to cover your full range of requirements. Innova'ons Unlimited ME draws upon the extensive experience and success of its very carefully and strategically selected partners. Together we have successfully executed mul'-‐million dollar projects, and are demonstra'ng remarkable results.
OUR TEAM Without excep'on, all of our team players are highly skilled professionals and have several years of experience in the areas of their exper'se:
Managing Partners
• Markus Jordan: Managing Partner with specific focus on Event Management and Ligh'ng. • Ulf Six: Managing Partner with specific focus on Adver'sing Technologies and overall project delivery. • Amr Belal: Managing Partner with specific focus on Green Technologies.
Events Team • Alain Gaillard: Our Technical Producer who is one of the world’s leading technical produc'on directors with extensive interna'onal experience across all genres of events. • John Jossifakis: Director of Events who brings to the team extensive interna'onal and regional experience with shows spanning in all con'nents. He is our Fireworks and Event Management expert. • Panos Adamopoulos: Crea've Producer with an extensive experience the entertainment industry and has worked produced several Olympic scale Ceremonies • Shahan Akkawi: Events & Project Manager • Desiree MarchanS: Events Manager with interna'onal experience. • David Chekroun: Produc'ona Manager • Tala Al-‐Khudhairi: Events Coordinator with a theatrical performance background brings a fresh perspec've to the events. • Zain Zaidi: Events Coordinator and winner of the Even's 2012 in Dubai, UAE.
• Kostas Poli<s: Technical Director with was experience from large interna'onal cultural events to the management of technical opera'on of major events in Qatar. • Kiriakos Haritos: Our Crea've Director with a passion for wri'ng and story telling who has produced children books and short films. • Elisabeth Palander: Marke'ng Manager with specific focus on the Event Management worked in interna'onal companies and brings extensive experience in the marke'ng, communica'ons to IUME. • Aydan DeRuiter: Opera'ons Manager • Elena Tsitsou: Opera'ons Coordinator with interna'onal experience on safety and event opera'ons management. • Miguel Osorio: Technical Supervisor with interna'onal experience. • Michaela Herman: PA to the Director of Events • Oliver Schulze: Ligh'ng Designer • Ma\hisa Nietsche: Sound Designer • Muneer Kandi: Technician, Maintenance and Storage Manager. He is a fully licensed and cer'fied electrician.
OUR TEAM Green Team • Emad Khairy: Project Manager and alterna've energy technical consultant. • Diala Khairallah: Marke'ng Manager with a special focus on the Green Division, has championed a number of Marke'ng, communica'ons and CSR campaigns in her previous roles , with a focused approach for mee'ng company objec'ves •
Support Team
• Liezl Sapopo: Office Manager, responsible for all the administra've rela'ng tasks within the company • Saif Mohamed: Government interface and Public Rela'ons Officer & Project Assistant. • Kamalhasan Sundram: Logis'cs & Projects Support and part of IUME from the very beginning. His experiences in logis'c detail planning, his rela'ons to the shipping companies and knowledge in transport guarantee a smooth flow of all shipments. • Siddique Keelath: Accountant and Financial Controller. • Pramaharan Ramalya: Accountant
ME Event Award 2012 | Best Special Event Event
Events Director John Jossifakis
Creative Director Kiriakos Haritos
Branding Production Ulf Six
Technical Producer Alain Gaillard
Operations Manager Aydan DeRuter
Accountant Siddique Keelath
Senior Project Dir. Andy Akerlund
Creative Producer Panos Adamopoulos
Marketing & PR Mgr Elisabeth Palander
Technical Manager Miguel Osorio
Ops Coordinator Elena Tsitsou
Accountant Pramaharan  Ramalya
Events Manager Shahan Akkawi
Art Director Christos Maganas
Lighting Designer Oliver Schulze
Logistics & Supplies Kamal Hasan
Administration Liezl Sapopo
Events Manager Desiree Marchantt
Assistant Designer Jithin Muhammed
Sound Designer Matthisa Nietsche
Events Coordinator Tala Al Khudhairi Events Coordinator Zain Zaidi
Technician Muneer Kandi
FIREWORKS Our Fireworks Division
Being the only company in Doha that holds a full trading and firing license for pyrotechnics and fireworks in both Qatar and Bahrain, we enjoy an edge within the marketplace. We are the first company that implemented a synchronized ballet of flames and pyrotechnics for the AFC Asian Cup and delivered a full flame show on a nightly basis, enjoyed by many in Aspire Park. We are highly skilled in all aspects of pyrotechnics and pride ourselves on our professional approach when dealing with clients’ requirements. Recently we were entrusted by the Qatar Museum Authority to manage the largest display of day 'me fireworks for leading Ar'st Cai Guo-‐Qiang and Fireworks by Grucci in making the “Black Ceremony” a reality. Our thorough understanding of the global fireworks logis'cs and our experience of working with external suppliers and fireworks companies ensured 'mely implementa'on of the project which involved mul'ple shipments from USA, Spain and the UAE via Cargo airplanes and Shipping Vessels.
Fireworks can make events truly spectacular!
As a company with a full trading and firing license for pyrotechnics, we have the capacity of making your future events spectacular. Furthermore our full 'me pyrotechnics expert is licensed by the Government of Canada and is allowed to design and shoot fireworks and pyrotechnics up to 300mm shells.
LIGHTING This service line is very close to our events porholio and has made many of our events simply breathtaking. Organiza'ons looking for a solu'on that creates a las'ng impression on their customers usually prefer playing with the element of light. At 'mes, they consider the blend of sound, light and movement to make their event truly unforgeSable! We played with the laSer two elements at the Doha Tribeca Film Fes'val in October 2011. We offer several unique ligh'ng ideas including: • Large-‐scale projec'ons (sta'onary as well as moving) • Decora've ligh'ng • Architectural Ligh'ng capable of reducing running costs by up to 80% Based on our belief that it is light that creates appropriate environments, our ligh'ng solu'ons are tailored to the needs of individual industries.
ADVERTISING As an event management company also involved in prin'ng technologies, we offer prin'ng solu'ons specifically based on the needs of our clients. For example, for the sports industry, we offer premium quality non-‐reflec've prin'ng solu'ons that are perfectly fit to allow broadcas'ng on TV. The other prin'ng technique that we offer is very unique – it actually helps bring printed pictures to life with its state of the art Con'cular® technology! The unique prin'ng machine with this special prin'ng technique gives Innova'ons Unlimited ME the possibility to offer Flip or Animated pictures, 3D effects or Morphing in all sizes, for an adver'sement that nobody dares NOT to look at.
GREEN The different areas in which Innova'ons Unlimited ME is currently invested in as regards alterna've energy & green technologies are:
Solar Energy
In rela'on to Solar Energy, IUME par'cipates in all ac'vi'es within the Green Community in Qatar. We focus on promo'ng the use of Alterna've Energy through consultancy engagements, awareness raising seminars, as well as direct work with the leading companies who plan to undertake the major first steps into the arena of Solar Power in Qatar. In Solar Energy, our product range includes: • Photovoltaics • Solar Thermal Water hea'ng • Solar Street Lights • Building-‐integrated Photovoltaics
Wind Energy
Innova'ons Unlimited ME represents Windtec, based in Austria, which is a subsidiary of American Superconductor Corpora'on in the USA; and has strategic partnerships with various producers of small ver'cal-‐axis wind turbines. Services Our people are our key resource that allows us to offer the following services: • Consul'ng services, e.g. engineering, design, feasibility, analysis, etc. • Solar Power System Installa'ons • Maintenance and monitoring, e.g. repair, spare parts storage, cleaning etc.
Contract Name
Brief descrip'on of Contract
CNA-‐Q Gala Dinner
The Gala Dinner was the highlight of a year full of celebra'on of the 10th Anniversary
College of the North Atlan'c (CNA-‐Q)
Olympic | Past & Present
Inaugura'on of the Olympics Past & Present Exhibi'on for the Qatar Museums Authority
Qatar Museums Authori'es
Horse Auc'on
Press Conference, Horse Auc'on and Gala Dinner at the facili'es of Al Shaqab
ECA Gala Dinner
Contract Value * USD 1-‐1,5 Million
Contract Period Produc'on: 1 year Event: June 2013
USD 75,000-‐100,000
Produc'on: 3 weeks Event: March 2013
Qatar Founda'on
USD 100,000-‐150,000
Produc'on: 1 month Event: March 2013
Recep'on & Gala Dinner for the European Cup Associa'on (ECA) at the Museum of Islamic Art (MIA)
Supreme CommiSee for Qatar 2022
USD 200,000-‐300,000
Produc'on: 2 months Event: February 2013
First Check-‐in
VIP Inaugura'on of the new airport with a special guided tour for media.
New Doha Interna'onal Airport
USD 100,000-‐150,000
Produc'on: 1 month Event: February 2013
Familiariza'on Training for all the staff at the new Doha Airport
New Doha Interna'onal Airport
USD 6,0-‐8,0 Millions
Qatar Na'onal Day 2012
Projec'ons on the Museum of Islamic Art during Qatar Na'onal Day 2012
Qatar Museums Authori'es
USD 150,000-‐200,000
Produc'on: 2 months Event: December 2012
Family Day
Public celebra'on of the 10th Anniversary of CNA-‐Q at the Museum of Islamic Art Park (MIA)
College of the North Atlan'c (CNA-‐Q)
USD 250,000-‐300,000
Produc'on: 6 months Event: October 2012
Launch Event of the 10th Anniversary year of CNA-‐Q
College of the North Atlan'c (CNA-‐Q)
USD 300,000-‐400,000
Produc'on: 6 months Event: October 2012
FINA Swimming World Cup
Sports Presenta'on, Opening Ceremony and Medal Ceremony
Qatar Swimming Associa'on
USD 100,000-‐200,000
Produc'on: 9 months Event: October 2012
Fireworks in Celebra'on of Eid Al Fitr
Katara Cultural Village
USD 400,000-‐500,000
Produc'on: 1month End : August.2012
The exact contract values are confidential. In order to keep the client confidentiality we provided you with a range of magnitude.
Produc'on: 1.5 years Event: June 2012-‐ March 2013
Contract Name
Brief descrip'on of Contract
Fireworks in Celebra'on of Eid Al Adha
Katara Cultural Village
USD 400,000-‐500,000
Produc'on: 1 month Event: October 2012
Art Forum
Global Art Forum at Mathaf Museum of Modern Art
Qatar Museums Authori'es
USD 200,000-‐300,000
Produc'on: 3 month Event: March 2012
Launch Event
Launch of new Name and Re-‐Branding of Qatar Naviga'on to now Milaha
Qatar Naviga'on
USD 500,000-‐600,000
Produc'on: 1 month Event: November 2011
Video Reality
Video Mapping of the DTFF Red Carpet Area
DTFF – Doha Tribeca Film Fes'val
USD 650,000-‐750,000
Produc'on: 4 months Event: October 2011
Staff Event
QMA event for the Staff
Qatar Museum Authority
USD 200,000-‐300,000
Produc'on: 2 months Event: January 2012
Grand Opening of the Renaissance Hotel
Renaissance Hotel
USD 100,000-‐150,000
Produc'on: 4 months Event: December 2011
Gunpowder Drawing
Community Project prior to the opening of the Cai Guo-‐Qiang exhibi'on in 2011
Qatar Museum Authority
USD 350,000-‐450,000
Produc'on: 4 months Event: December 2011
Black Ceremony
Black Ceremony (Daylight Fireworks) followed by a VIP Gala Dinner & private viewing of the Cai Guo-‐ Qiang exhibi'on
MATHAF Arab Museum of Modern Art
USD 2.0-‐3.0 Millions
Produc'on: 4 months Event: December 2011
Asian Football Cup
City Ligh'ng and Fan Zone at Aspire Park.
Qatar Foot Ball Authority
USD 8.0-‐10,0 Millions
Produc'on: 8 months Event: January 2011
Hala Card
Launch of Hala Card with press conference (sound and ligh'ng)
USD 50,000-‐100,000
Produc'on: 4 months Event: 2009
Qatar Na'onal Day 2009
City Ligh'ng
Na'onal Day CommiSee
USD 6.5-‐8.0 Millions
Produc'on: 6 months Event: December 2009
The exact contract values are confidential. In order to keep the client confidentiality we provided you with a range of magnitude.
Contract Value
Contract Period
OUR CLIENTS Our corporate client base in Qatar includes mul'ple leading companies, such as:
UNESCO Youth Forum Client Qatar Museum Project UNESCO World Heritage Conference Loca'on all around Qatar Year 2014 Mandate Qatar Museum was looking for a partner to deliver a turnkey solu'on to deliver the Youth Forum. This included every aspect of event management and a smooth coordina'on from arrivals of the delegates un'l their departures. Solu<on IUME was awarded with the UNESCO Youth Forum which was under the patronage of H.E. Sheikha Al Mayassa bint Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani. IUME coordinate closely with Qatar Museum and organised the stay for the over 40 par'cipants from all over the world during their en're stay. This included trips to Zubarra Fort, the world heritage site of Qatar, several archaeological sites around the country but also all ac'vi'es around Doha.
70th IATA Annual General Meeting Client IATA Project Annual General Mee'ng Loca'on Ritz Carlton Year 2014 Mandate IATA was looking for a partner offering a turnkey solu'on with regards to the extensive AV and also branding requirements. Solu<on IUME delivered the IATA conference as a full event offering turnkey solu'ons for both the AV as well as the branding requirements for their Annual General Mee'ng bringing CEOs and key players together. IUME transformed the hotel into the pink branding of this years IATA conference star'ng from the outside by ligh'ng up the en're Ritz Carlton in pink for the dura'on of the conference. The branding theme was con'nued from the hotel entrance to the foyer of the conference. The branding included an exhibi'on for the sponsors and partners in the foyer of the conference. The AV requirements were extensive. IUME provided on the opening day a set up of 4 gigan'c screens on a 42m long wall ensuring that all aSendees had a perfect view on the discussions and panels. Simultaneous transla'on was provided to every delegate.
Hamad International Soft Opening Client Hamad Interna'onal Airport Project Na'onal Sports Day Loca'on New Hamad Intl. Airport, Doha, Qatar Year 2014 Mandate Hamad Interna'onal Airport wanted to announce during a big press conference the opening of Qatar's new airport. Selected VIP guests along with na'onal and interna'onal media were to aSend the event. Solu<on IUME provided a full turnkey solu'on from technical equipment to branding installa'on and photographic services. The event was held on the new airport and offered the interna'onal press experience the airport from first hand. The first arrival of a Qatar Airways plane was followed by the press conference announcing the official opening.
Q22 | Sports Day Client Q22 Project Na'onal Sports Day Loca'on Aspire Park Year 2014 Mandate A fulfilled day of sport ac'vi'es for the employees of Q22 and their families. Solu<on IUME organised a vast variety of sport ac'vi'es for the day ranging from football, yoga classes to bungee for kids. A live programme on stage offered interac've courses ranging from cooking classes to capoeira lessons bringing together all ages groups.
Wheels n’ Heels Client Reach Out to Asia Project Wheels n’ Heels Loca'on Museum of Islamic Art Park (MIA) Year 2014 Mandate Wheels ‘n’ Heels is encouraging all families in Qatar to par'cipate in this fun event. ROTA was looking for a partner to deliver this annual event. Solu<on The Wheels ‘n’ Heels event was held in the Museum of Islamic Art and was offering a vast variety of ac'vi'es. The park was featuring a Kids Zone guaranteeing the kids were occupied for hours, an Ac've & Health Zone teaching adults and kids more about first aid and a healthy lifestyle and furthermore a food zone ensured the full success of the event. IUME ensured that the park was converted into a fun zone within short 'me and organised the full infrastructure, branding, signage and also all ac'vi'es.
A350 Arrival Client Qatar Airways Project First Arrival of the A350 for Qatar Airways Loca'on New Hamad Intl. Airport, Doha, Qatar Year 2014 Mandate Press conference for the arrival of the first Airbus A350 for Qatar Airways. Solu<on IUME delivered a VIP set up for the press conference for selected VIPs and media. A turnkey solu'on from technical equipment to branding was delivered for this event.
RED LINE INAUGURATION Client Doha Metro Project – Red Line North Underground Project Inaugura'on of the Red Line Loca'on Al Bida Park, Sta'on of the Red Line Year 2014 Mandate The Prime Minister of Qatar was invited to view the progress of the Doha Red Line Metro Project in site visit at the actual construc'on site. The client was looking for a partner that could turn the construc'on side into a event loca'on. Solu<on The IUME build the infrastructure for the event loca'on and provided once more a turnkey solu'on from event services to catering. The event was held in a tent offering an area to brief the Prime Minister and his VIP guests with the status of the project. Adjoined to the tent a viewing plahorm was build overviewing the excava'on site.
NEW DOHA HAMAD INTL. AIRPORT Client New Doha Interna'onal Airport Project Press Event to showcase the new Airport in Doha Loca'on New Hamad Intl. Airport, Doha, Qatar Year 2014 Mandate Showcasing the readiness of the airport to the world by having the event in the airport with a tour through all the facili'es. Solu<on The IUME team created, managed and implemented the press briefing and provided an excellent environment for the interna'onal media to capture the event. The press briefing was followed by a lunch.
WORLD GUINESS BOOK OF RECORDS Project Celebra'on of the New Year in Dubai Loca'on Burj Khalifa, World and Palm, Dubai, UAE Year 2013 Mandate To design and set up an amazing new years fireworks show for the popula'on of Dubai that would break the World Guinness Book of Records. Solu<on In partnership with Fireworks by Grucci, IUME installed fireworks on the Burj Khalifa, the World and the Palm summing up to an incredible total of over 500’000 shells. The ballet of fireworks was synchronised to music and provided the spectators a one of a kind show breaking the world record by far!
NATIONAL DAY PROJECTIONS Client Qatar Museum Authori'es (QMA) Project Qatar Na'onal Day Projec'ons Loca'on Museum of Islamic Art (MIA), Doha, Qatar Year 2013 Mandate IUME came up with a design and theme for the Na'onal Day projec'ons and mapped the pictures perfectly to the challenging architecture of the building. Solu<on Seven images were projected on the Museum of Islamic Art during the nights of December 17th and 18th, 2013. The projec'ons were visible from far and contributed beau'fully to the na'onal celebra'ons.
NATIONAL DAY FIREWORKS Client Na'onal Day CommiSee Project Na'onal Day Fireworks Celebra'on Loca'on Corniche, Doha, Qatar Year 2013 Mandate In celebra'on of Qatar Na'onal Day IUME was asked to deliver a special fireworks show for the public. Solu<on Partnering with Fireworks by Grucci, the world’s leading fireworks companies, we delivered an amazing 15 minute fireworks show synchronised to music. The ballet of fireworks started with the display of the Qatari Flag, an exclusive fireworks technology. The show astonished and delighted thousands of visitors standing at the Corniche.
HELIUM 2 INAUGURATION Client RasGas Project Helium 2 Inugura'on Loca'on Katara Hall, Doha, Qatar Year 2013 Mandate Qatar is the biggest exporter of Helium. RasGas inaugurated the second plant of their Helium produc'on and wanted to celebrate this special occasion. Solu<on IUME provided yet another turnkey solu'on: planning, designing and build to implementa'on. In the recep'on area a photographic exhibi'on, which was the results of a workshop with students of the photographic society lead by an interna'onally recognized photographer, were displayed. The show staged during the event was tailor made for thisevent explaining the discovery of helium this included produc'on of various films, a custom-‐made stage performance followed by the inaugura'on, carried out by the Minister of Energy.
AJYAL YOUTH FILM FESTIVAL Client Doha Film Ins'tute (DFI) Project Ajyal Youth Film Fes'val Loca'on Katara Cultural Village, Doha, Qatar Year 2013 Mandate To produce an unforgeSable opening ceremony and recep'on of the 1st Ajyal Youth Film Fes'val in Doha. Solu<on A custom-‐made opening ceremony was carried out prior to the first screening of the Film Fes'val and transmiSed via life feed to the adjacent Drama Theatre. Following the first screening IUME organised a Japanese themed recep'on incorpora'ng building projec'ons, a custom-‐made shadow theatre performance , Geishas and catering.
1st RED BULL FLUGTAG QATAR Client Red Bull Project 1st Red Bull Flugtag held in Qatar Loca'on Museum of Islamic Art Park, Doha, Qatar Year 2013 Mandate Flugtag was held for the first 'me in Austria in 1992 and since then more then 100 Red Bull Flugtag events took place around the world. IUME was tasked to stage one of the biggest events ever held in Qatar. A smooth opera'on required extensive planning in all areas. With over 500 people signing up for the event to par'cipate this already exceeded all expecta'ons a high aSendance with up to 25’000 people. Solu<on The set up started two weeks prior to the event as all structures from the ramp to the judges’ tower or the media area to the pilots’ area had to be custom built to fit the purpose of the event. The IUME team worked very closely with the local authori'es and the Red Bull Team to ensure a smooth flow for the transporta'on system (park & ride), crowd and safety management. During the construc'on phase a team consis'ng of the Ground Controller, technical advisor, Red Bull and IUME staff reviewed the progress un'l comple'on. Teams were advised and had to amend their designs to meet the safety standards.
QATARIZATION Client RasGas Project Qatariza'on Loca'on Ball Room of the St. Regis, Doha, Qatar Year 2013 Mandate IUME was assigned to create an event celebra'ng the Qatariza'on of RasGas. Solu<on RasGas event celebrated their employees and their achievements. Selected employees presented their achievements to the CEO of RasGas during the recep'on. IUME designed the branding for the event and all the collateral used during the celebra'on.
SIDRA Client Qatar Museum Authori'es (QMA) Project Reveal of the sculptures designed by Damien Hirst Loca'on SIDRA, Doha, Qatar Year 2013 Mandate Unveiling of 12 giant sculptures designed by Damien Hirst for the Sidra Medical Hospital. The sculptures were up to 14m high and weight several tones each. The installa'on had to take place secretly in order to maintain the surprise effect for the reveal ceremony. Solu<on IUME installed each sculpture during the night – one at the 'me – in a secret mission. Giant inflatable spheres were used to mantel the sculptures from the public. In a music synchronized light show the art pieces were revealed to a selected audience in the presence of Her Excellency Sheikha Mayassa.
CNA-Q GALA DINNER Client College of the North Atlan'c (CNA-‐Q) Project VIP Gala Dinner Loca'on Katara Cultural Village, Doha, Qatar Year 2013 Mandate CNA-‐Q asked us to design, manage and implement the most extraordinary gala dinner they had ever hosted. This special evening was to celebrate the 10th Anniversary of the college, drawing VIP guests from all over the world in an unforgeSable celebra'on. The evening marked the highlight of a yearlong celebra'on. Solu<on Our crea've team scripted a one-‐of-‐a-‐kind show for CNA-‐Q’s guests. The program guided the audience through the past 10 years of the college. The narra've incorporated a sand ar'st, who visualized highlights of the elapsed 10 years, contras'ng them with the college’s envisioned future. Videos, live performances, a Canadian band and the Qatar Philharmonic Orchestra were part of the show, followed by a four-‐course menu provided by Mövenpick and a specially commissioned commemora've book given to every guest.
OLYMPICS EXHIBITION Client: Qatar Museum Authori'es (QMA) Project: Inaugura'on ceremony of the Olympics | Past & Present Exhibi'on Loca'on: Al Riwaq Hall, Museum of Islamic Art Park (MIA) Doha, Qatar Year 2013 Mandate To design a unique performance capturing the essence of the Olympic games. An event for VVIP and VIP, including H.E. Sheikha Mayassa Bint Hamad Bin Khalifa Al-‐Thani. All guests were kept entertained and taken through the experience in a pleasurable but organized manner. Solu<on An innova've and ingenious performance was created especially for this occasion followed by a guided tour of the exhibi'on and a recep'on area. During this 'me guests were taken into the universe of the Olympic games through an original crea'on and produc'on that employed both art and performance. Our team guided the audience through the related exhibi'on and to the recep'on area to enjoy refreshments and a light canapé.
ARABIAN BEAUTY Client Al Shaqab, part of the Qatar Founda'on Project Press Conferences, Horse Auc'on and Gala Dinner Loca'on Al Shaqab Horse Stables, Doha, Qatar Year 2013 Mandate To provide a flexible turnkey solu'on for the series of events that were held at Al Shaqab: Press Conferences, Horse Auc'on and a Gala Dinner, the highlight for selected supporters, clients and customers. Solu<on We transformed the outdoor horse arena and the indoor training hall of the horses into event dazzling venues through ligh'ng, projec'ons and branding elements. Horses were the focus of each event and were showcased for both entertainment and for auc'on. Tribunes for the spectators surrounded the arena.
WORLD LEAGUE MEETS UP Client European Cup Associa'on (ECA) Project Gala Dinner for the European Cup Associa'on (ECA) Loca'on Museum of Islamic Art, Doha, Qatar Year 2011 Mandate Qatar 2022 Supreme CommiSee requested a company to design, manage and implement a Gala Dinner to offer to their guests, the direc'ves of the Clubs pertaining to the ECA. Solu<on As the event was held at the Museum of Islamic Art (MIA) the whole event had to be done during very limited installa'on 'mes. The IUME team transformed the main hall and the court yard in in record 'me into the ECA branding of the evening. IUME managed the complete event, infrastructure, entertainment and created a true VIP experience for the ECA direc'ves and authori'es of the football field in Qatar With the help of projec'ons the court yard was transformed into a completely different venue adap'ng the branding of the ECA. The dinner was held in the main hall of the museum with the amazing architectural features.
NEW HAMAD INTL. AIRPORT Client Hamad Interna'onal Airport Project VIP Launch of the new airport and first Check-‐In Loca'on Hamad Interna'onal Airport, Doha, Qatar Year 2013 Mandate To stage a seamless event celebra'ng the first Check-‐In at the new airport. Prepare a VVIP recep'on for selected invitees and create a photo opportunity for the press at the first Check-‐In. Solu<on We created, managed and implemented the presenta'ons facili'es, recep'on and the lunch area for the selected group of VVIPs and the press. The Public Rela'ons event included a breakfast, presenta'on and Check-‐In photo opportunity followed by a tour of the new airport and VIP lunch.
NATIONAL DAY 2012 Client Qatar Museum Authori'es (QMA) Project Celebra'ons of Na'onal Day 2012 Loca'on: Museum of Islamic Art, Doha, Qatar Year 2012 Mandate The aim was to create a memorable way of celebra'ng Na'onal Day with the Qatari popula'on by using the prominent architecture of the museum. Solu<on We created a design and theme for the Na'onal Day projec'ons and mapped the pictures perfectly to the building’s challenging architecture. Six images were projected on the museum facades on the evenings of December 17th and 18th, 2012. The projec'ons were visible from afar and set the tone for a glamorous and highly visual celebra'on.
FINA SWIMMING WORLD CUP Client FINA World Championship Project Opening Ceremony, Medal Ceremony and Sports Presenta'on Loca'on Aspire Dome, Doha, Qatar Year 2012 Mandate The FINA commiSee was looking for an experienced and reliable partner to produce a Sports Presenta'on, Opening Ceremony and Medal Ceremony for the first FINA World Championship in Doha. Solu<on We were in charge of all Sports Presenta'ons, the Opening Ceremony and all Medal Ceremonies.
FAMILY DAY Client College of the North Atlan'c (CNA-‐Q) Project Family Day and the public celebra'on of the 10th Anniversary of College of the North Atlan'c -‐ Qatar (CNA-‐Q) Loca'on Museum of Islamic Art (MIA) Park, Doha, Qatar Year 2012 Mandate College of the North Atlan'c – Qatar envisioned a daylong celebra'on of their 10th Anniversary with the ci'zens of Qatar. Solu<on Our charge was to create an event celebra'ng the achievements of the college with a focus on CNA-‐Q students and staff and ac'vi'es for various age groups. We created an unforgeSable event for CNA-‐Q birthday party guests. Ac'vi'es were spread throughout the day, entailing face pain'ng, a balloon twister, a bouncy castle and student performances. The highlight of the event was the live assembly and decora'on of one of the biggest cakes ever seen in Doha. The cake was distributed to the public in celebra'on of the event.
FIREWORKS Client Katara Cultural Village Project Public celebra'on of Eid Al Fitr and Eid Al Adha Loca'on Esplanade at Katara Cultural Village, Doha, Qatar Year 2012 Mandate Katara Cultural Village wanted to celebrate Eid with a special gi} to the community of Doha. We were asked to deliver a series of events that would appeal to all na'onali'es joining the Eid celebra'ons, reflec'ng not only Qatar’s culture, but also the one of Qatar’s many foreign residents. Solu<on Partnering with Fireworks by Grucci, the world’s leading fireworks companies, we delivered an amazing ballet of fireworks synchronised to a selected music reflec'ng the variety of cultures present in Doha. We produced a total of six firework shows for Katara, astonishing and deligh'ng thousands of visitors during the Eid holidays.
QATAR NAVIGATION Client Milaha Project VIP launch of new name and brand iden'ty Loca'on La Cigale Hotel, Doha, Qatar Year 2011 Mandate The execu've board of Qatar Naviga'on requested a new and crea've way to launch the new name and brand iden'ty of MILAHA. We were also entrusted to develop the company’s launch event videos, which were screened at a VIP launch ceremony. Solu<on The banquet hall was transformed by a state-‐of-‐the-‐art ligh'ng system into a drama'c water world. The new name of Qatar Naviga'on was revealed by using a high-‐resolu'on water curtain in combina'on with the live performance of on-‐stage shadow dancers. The unique performance showcased the values of the MILAHA brand and created a custom-‐made performance that illustrated the supply chain of the company.
VIDEO REALITY Client Doha Film Ins'tute (DFI) Project Doha Tribeca Film Fes'val (DTFF) Red Carpet Area | Largest Video Mapping Installa'on in Qatar Loca'on Katara Cultural Village, Doha, Qatar Year 2011 Mandate The aim was to enhance the overall look and feel of the Film Fes'val. The Doha Film Ins'tute (DFI) requested a digital medium to portray their campaign: I AM FILM. Solu'on The project covered a panoramic installa'on displaying a photo exhibi'on from leading photographer BrigiSe Lacombe. We created a unique show using video mapping techniques, with 35 video projectors synchronizing images projected on the main buildings of the fes'val area in a looped sequence mix of video mapping effects, branding and images.
QMA STAFF EVENT Client Qatar Museums Authori'es (QMA) Project “WE CARE – WE SHARE” QMA Staff Event Loca'on Museum of Islamic Art (MIA), Doha, Qatar Year 2012 Mandate The Qatar Museums Authority (QMA) wished to create an event that would be mo'va'onal while also entertaining 900 staff and family members. Solu<on The Staff Event was held in the Museum of Islamic Art. As the museum has established public hours, we had to transform the space into a Gala venue, including set-‐up and event staging, in less than 15 hours. We managed the en're event, installing the event infrastructure and organising all entertainment, crea'ng a memorable experience for QMA employees.
GUNPOWDER DRAWINGS Client Qatar Museums Authori'es (QMA) Project Gunpowder Drawing Community Project Loca'on Al Riwaq Hall, Museum of Islamic Art Park, Doha, Qatar Year 2011 Mandate Mathaf (Arab Museum of Modern Art), in liaison with Qatar Museum Authority (QMA), required event management services to deliver a five-‐ day community event that involved the use of gunpowder. Gunpowder was required to assist the renowned ar'st, Cai Guo-‐Qiang, in developing his signature gunpowder art for an exhibi'on scheduled in Qatar in December of 2011. MATHAF (Arab Museum of Modern Art) wanted a company to design, implement and manage the logis'cs and event management for the Cai Guo-‐Qiang Gunpowder Drawing Community Project. This was a community project that was to involve the audience, as well as volunteers, to help the ar'st produce his renowned art pieces. Solu<on We staged an expressive and highly technical seLng for ar'st Cai Guo-‐ Qiang to create his explosive artwork, which was on temporary exhibi'on at MATHAF through mid-‐2012.
TRUE VIP EXPERIENCE Client Qatar Museums Authori'es (QMA) Project Black Ceremony VIP Gala Dinner & Exhibi'on Viewing Loca'on MATHAF Arab Museum of Modern Art Year 2011 Mandate The MATHAF Arab Museum of Modern Art asked us to design, implement and manage a VIP Gala Dinner for 500 local and interna'onal VIPs from the arts community. Solu<on We managed the complete event, infrastructure, entertainment, and press conference, crea'ng a true VIP experience for MATHAF’s local and interna'onal guests.
NATIONAL PRIDE Client Qatar Na'onal Day CommiSee Project Qatar Na'onal Day 2009 | City Ligh'ng; Celebra'on Loca'on City of Doha, Qatar Year: 2009 Mandate The Qatar Na'onal Day commiSee was looking for new ideas to emphasize the iden'ty, history, ideals and visionary aspira'ons of Qatar. Solu<on The crea've work, combined with a usual assembly of technologies, resulted in the largest light display in the world. The most crea've aspect of the celebra'on was the kids’ event, where 2,500 kids from over 50 schools expressed their feelings in drawings about Na'onal Day. 133 selected drawings were subsequently displayed with the children’s names on eight massive sky beams along the Doha Corniche. This city ligh'ng kicked off a weeklong light display. A 6km stretch of the Corniche sparkled with 880 LED light-‐restored palm trees and 220 street pole decora'ons.
FOOTBALL MANIA Project 2011 Asian Football Cup (AFC) | City Ligh'ng for West Bay in Doha and Fan Zone at Aspire Park Loca'on: City of Doha, Qatar Year 2011 Mandate Qatar’s local Organising CommiSee was on the lookout for an aSen'on-‐ grabbing campaign that would spark interest in the 2011 Asian Football Cup in Qatar. The commiSee’s ambi'ous aim for this project was to aSract not only football fans but also the Qatari community as a whole. Crea'ng something extraordinary that reaches the Qatari community required that football fever was not restricted to the stadiums, but spread in the premier spots of the city to ins'l a sense of par'cipa'on and enthusiasm within the general public. Solu<on During the Asian Football Cup 2011, we lit Doha’s skyscrapers with large-‐ scale images of the AFC and its match program. This was the largest light display at Doha’s Corniche ever, with 20 sky beams, 2,700 street s'ckers, 3,000 mascots and 16 ligh'ng balloons, and was declared a resounding success. A short distance from Khalifa Stadium, the Asian Cup 2011 Fan Zone gave football fans a place to immerse themselves in the spirit of this premier spor'ng event. Set in sprawling Aspire Park, the Fan Zone featured football-‐themed ac'vi'es, cultural events, exhibi'ons, concerts and a spectacular flame show, all of which we created and managed.