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MBTI ® STEP I REPORTS – Online & Paper Based Item Code 6165 6165 Arabic 261144 261146 261145 261145 261151 261248 261189 262153 261161 261190 261191 216010 261152 261001 261182 262144 262145 262146 161003 226010 6130

Description Form M Self Scorable Form M Self-Scorable in Arabic MBTI® Interpretive Report Form M MBTI® Interpretive Report for Organizations Form M MBTI® Profile Form M MBTI® Profile Form M – Arabic MBTI® Profile - College Edition MBTI® Team Report (includes MBTI® Profile Form M) MBTI® Communication Style Report MBTI® Career Report - Form M MBTI® Conflict Style Report MBTI® Decision Making Style Report MBTI® Stress Management Report MBTI® Personal Impact Report MBTI® Interpretive Report - College Edition MBTI® Complete MBTI® Comparison Report: Work Styles MBTI® Interpretive Report (Global Step I) MBTI® Profile Report (Global Step I) MBTI® Interpretive Report for Organization (Global Step I) MBTI® Complete (Global Step I) MBTI® Personal Impact Report (Global Step I) MBTI® Step I™ Feedback Cards


Price (AED)

Pack of 10 Pack of 10 Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each

1100 1100 150 200 120 120 90 290 170 100 170 170 170 400 120 300 170 150 120 200 300 400 350


Price (AED)

Each Each Each Each Each Each

300 200 190 300 170 350


Price (AED)

Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each

120 110 110 110 120 110 110 110 110

MBTI ® STEP II REPORTS – Online & Paper Based Item Code 267149 267147 262147 262149 261121 6730

Description MBTI® Step II Form Q Interpretive Report MBTI® Step II Form Q Profile MBTI® Profile Report (Global Step II) MBTI® Interpretive Report (Global Step II) MBTI® Report Healthcare Professionals MBTI® Step II™ Feedback Cards

Introduction to Type Booklets - Paper Based Item Code 6229 6129 6902 6966 6289 6239 6158 6186 6169

Description Introduction to Myers-Briggs ® Type (English) Introduction to Myers-Briggs ® Type (Arabic) Introduction to Type® and Careers Introduction to Type® and Change Introduction to Type® and Communication Introduction to Type® and Conflict Introduction to Type® and Coaching Introduction to Type® and Decision Making Introduction to Type® and Emotional Intelligence

©PSI Middle East 2019


Item Code 6185 6276 6187 6177 6942 6198 6199 6862 6904 6539 6180 6249 6248 6788-FD 69238

Description Introduction to Type® and Innovation Introduction to Type® and Leadership Introduction to Type® and Learning Introduction to Type® and Project Management Introduction to Type® and Selling Introduction to Type® and Teams Introduction to Type® and the 8 Jungian Functions Introduction to Type® Dynamics & Development Introduction to Type® in College Introduction to Myers Briggs Type® in Organizations In the Grip Introduction to Personality Differences Introduction to Personality Differences User’s Guide Introduction to MBTI Type Preferences (Video) Introduction to Type® Library (19 booklets)

Unit Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Pack of 19

Price (AED) 110 120 110 110 110 120 110 110 110 120 110 170 200 730 1630


Price (AED)

Each Each Each Each Each Each Pack of 6 Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each

130 110 130 130 130 930 640 810 2480 2480 2480 2480 2480 2480 2480 100 950 830 400 130 200 690 130 520 520 130 1460 80 2480

Practitioner Series – Booklets & Resources Item Code 6195 6956 6128 6179 6196 7864 61705 6490 6230 6954 6991 6168 4169 6200 6150 7270 6111 6741 6972 4278 6961 6274 6215 6172 6173 6175 2910 2905 6144-FD

Description Type and Career Development Type and Change Participant’s Guide Type and Culture Type and Retention Type and Training Type in Action Type Practitioner Library Type Deal / Binder and Cards Conflict Management Program Type & Change – Leader’s Resource Guide MBTI Team Building Program: Leader’s Resource Guide Using the MBTI Tool to Enrich Emotional Intelligence Using the MBTI Tool in Organisations MBTI Practitioner’s Field Guide The Leadership Advantage Training Program (Refreshed) Gifts Differing MBTI Manual MBTI Step II Manual MBTI Step II User Guide Understanding MBTI Step II Results MBTI Career Report User’s Guide MBTI type Tables for Occupations 2nd Edition Finding the Fit MBTI Type Tables College MBTI Type Tables International Measuring Results of MBTI Type Working with Organisation Character Working with Organisational Character – Participant Workbook Leader Development – An MBTI Step I Type Training Workshop

©PSI Middle East 2019


Item Code 6163 6145-DVD 60580 67520 4180-FD 6142-EF

Description MBTI M College SS IB/AS MBTI Feedback Session DVD MBTI Type Table – Combined Type & Stress MBTI Activity Series Introduction to Myers Briggs Type + Exploring Type Workbook Bundle Introducing MBTI Step II Results (Flash Drive) Team Development: MBTI Workshop Facilitator Pack

Unit Each Each Each Each Each

Price (AED) 81 320 350 160 170

Each Each

1900 3070


Price (AED)

Each Each Each Each Each Each Each

90 220 220 100 11 50 70

The Fun Stuff Item Code 6209 6056 6057 6604-6620 6011 6013 6015

Description MBTI Type Tower MBTI Type Table Head Poster – A6 MBTI Stress Table Head Poster – A6 MBTI Type Head “To Go” Coffee Cups MBTI Be Better Pen MBTI Personality Post-it Cube Flip a Type Desk Book

©PSI Middle East 2019


Online and Paper Based I (93 Questions; approx. 15-25 mins)


MBTI Step I (Form M): Identifies an individual's 4letter personality type (made up of four basic preferences) and provides a common language for how we interact with the world and each other. The insights gained provide a framework for tackling a broad range of issues that can be applied in both professional and personal situations. MBTI Step I & Form M Products

ŠPSI Middle East 2019


Item Code

Pricing (AED)

Description Form M Self-Scorable


This compact, all-inclusive booklet makes administration of the MBTI instrument easy in the group, classroom, or workshop setting. It contains 93 items, an answer sheet, and basic interpretive information. Easy-tounderstand instructions and a simple three-step process make scoring quick and easy. No other components are needed to administer this assessment. Rely on the MBTI® Self-Scorable to provide instant results for on-the-spot interpretation. If your job is to enrich the lives of students, check out our MBTI® Profile, College Edition. You receive all the same great features and benefits as the Profile, but in a customized and easy-to-understand format for your students.


Form M Self-Scorable in Arabic


This compact, all-inclusive booklet makes administration of the MBTI instrument easy in the group, classroom, or workshop setting. It contains 93 items, an answer sheet, and basic interpretive information. Easy-tounderstand instructions and a simple three-step process make scoring quick and easy. No other components are needed to administer this assessment. Rely on the MBTI® Self-Scorable to provide instant results for on-the-spot interpretation.


Translated to Arabic specifically for the GCC market!

MBTI® Interpretive Report Form M


©PSI Middle East 2019

A 6 page report that takes an in depth look at your preference pairs and explores what your type means to you. Ideal for a first delve into MBTI and is great to use with the Introduction to Type Booklet for new clients.



MBTI® Interpretive Report for Organizations Form M The MBTI Interpretive Report for Organisations describes how an individual's MBTI type may be expressed in an organisational setting. It notes the respondent’s working style and their preferences in the workplace, building on employee strengths and developing areas relevant to your organisation. This report also includes sections on communication and problem-solving styles, along with personalised suggestions for development.



This top-level MBTI Profile Report offers you a simple two-page outline of personalised information about a respondent's type and associated MBTI characteristics.




MBTI® Profile Form M

MBTI® Profile Form M – Arabic Profile Report

MBTI® Team Report Form M (includes MBTI® Step I Profile)

©PSI Middle East 2019

When to use the MBTI Profile Report:

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As an entry-level introduction to personality Type With other reports, such as the MBTI Team Report


Please note that the MBTI Profile Report is not suitable for focused development work. Application areas, discussion points or action plans associated with the respondent’s reported Type are not included, and unlike many higher-value reports – such as the MBTI Personal Impact Report and the MBTI Interpretive Report for Organisations – there is no best-fit version of the MBTI Profile Report.


What you get from the MBTI Profile Report:

• •

An outline of MBTI preferences Basic information - Type characteristics, clarity of reported preferences Help teams to collaborate more effectively by exploring the impact of Type on how they function as a team, especially in problem-solving, communication and conflict situations. A facilitator report with practical tips is also included. The MBTI Team Report explores a team’s functioning through the lens of Type at both the team and the individual level. It’s a personalised team report, which means that everybody in the team gets tailored action points for improved teamwork. What you get from the MBTI Team Report: • Team evaluation: team Type, team strengths and team blind spots/development areas • Individual evaluation: the strengths and potential blind spots of individuals in relation to the team • Advice for improving problem-solving, communication and conflict management • Impact of organizational culture and leadership on team performance • Facilitator report with tips for putting learning into practice Benefits for practitioners: • Plan team sessions with confidence – you have full information about what to explore in a session. No gaps, no guesswork

Make sessions come to life – the report identifies development areas that are specific to each team, leading to tailored training which resonates more powerfully

Deliver team training that lasts – the report provides action plans for the team and for individuals to take back to work and put learning into practice



MBTI® Profile - College Edition


Understanding your MBTI results can help you not only to survive college, but prosper there as well. Whether you are attending a two year college programme close to home or a four year degree and masters on the other side of the country (or even the world!) you can make the most of your experiences by understanding more about yourself, fellow students and faculty.


The Profile Edition gives a basic insight into your four letter type code and what this may mean for you.

MBTI® Interpretive Report - College Edition


This Interpretive Report will show how your personality type is distinct from other types and how it influences the way you communicate, learn, and work with other people. This tool has been used for more than 60 years with students around the world to help them • Choose classes, majors, and careers that match their interests and personality

Understand different ways to study and learn more effectively and successfully

Improve communication and teamwork as they gain awareness of the personality differences they see in others

Manage the stress they may experience because of their studies or their relationships


MBTI® Step I™ Feedback Cards Guide individuals through an exploration of type preferences during a feedback session. A facilitation tool for use in individual feedback sessions, this attractive set of 27 cards helps guide exploration of the MBTI preference pairs in a way that makes it easy for practitioners and engaging and personally relevant for learners.


©PSI Middle East 2019

Watch videos to learn more: Product Overview | How-to Video KEY FEATURES Designed to help structure your facilitation The cards feature numerous talking points, illustrations, and practitioner prompts to make facilitation easy and effective. Simply use the cards in order to ensure a comprehensive, step-by-step exploration of the four preference pairs and help an individual get to best-fit type. Expert help to guide the discussion No need to worry about what to ask or how to steer the conversation during a feedback session. The cards offer a series of recommended questions and follow-ups that practitioners can use to spark reflection, personal examples, insight—and, ultimately, learning that sticks. Adaptable to the way you train Use all 27 cards or choose a smaller selection tailored to the needs of your training situation. Easily integrate this tool into an existing feedback process or pair it with the Exploring Your Myers-Briggs® Type Workbook for seamless facilitation. Buy once, use forever Printed on quality card stock and packaged in a sturdy box, the cards are designed to be used again and again to help deliver inspiring and impactful feedback sessions.



Online and Paper Based II (144 Questions; approx. 25-35 mins)

MBTI Step II is the result of many years of research and observation that began with Isabel Myers' development of the MBTI personality inventory in the 1940s. The basic versions of the Indicator (Form M and the earlier Form G) yield type descriptions distinguishing the sixteen types from one another but offer relatively few clues as to how people of the same type may differ. In adding items that were not scored for fourletter type, Myers' intent was to enable exploration and identification of individuality within each of the sixteen types. She was in the process of developing this aspect of her work more fully at the time of her death in 1980." Excerpted from MBTI® Step II Manual: Exploring the Next Level of Type Within the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® Form Q

MBTI Step II & Form Q Products

©PSI Middle East 2019


Item Code

Pricing (AED)

Description MBTI® Step II Form Q Interpretive Report Help clients see how their facet results show how they express their type preferences The Step II™ Interpretive Report is a highly-personalized narrative and graphical report that helps clients understand their MBTI® Step I™ and Step II™ results. The 17-page report then applies those results to four important components of professional development: communication, decision making, change management, and conflict management. Note: The refreshed version shown and described below is currently available in North American English only. Features & Benefits

Refreshed to be more engaging and user-friendly Enhancements include:

New design for a contemporary look and feel, and improved content organization and layout for better usability


Updated MBTI language for easier comprehension of type concepts

Newly designed charts to help explain facet results

Facet theme descriptors added to the 20 facets for


increased clarity

Graphically enhanced to illustrate facet results Graphs each of the 20 Step II™ facet results, with descriptions to help clients better understand their meaning, and integrates the results with their Step I results.

Offers personalized tips for professional development A full page each is devoted to applying results to communicating, making decisions, managing change, and managing conflict. The report describes clients’ style in these four areas and suggests ways of using that style more effectively.

Designed with easier facilitation in mind Includes an interpreter’s summary page providing clients’ results in brief, the average range of scores of individuals with the same MBTI type, and their polarity index, which is a measure of the consistency of their Form Q responses.

Available in reported or verified type versions Report can be generated on the basis of clients’ reported type or verified type. For verified type, clients’ best-fit type is required.

©PSI Middle East 2019


MBTI® Step II Form Q Profile Explore the facets of your clients' MBTI® type The MBTI® Step II™ Profile is the most economical way to provide a more complete description of an individual’s MBTI type. This five-page report presents clients’ Step I four-letter type as well as their results on the 20 Step II™ facets that underlie them.

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Designed with easier facilitation in mind • Includes an interpreter’s summary providing clients’ results in brief, the average• range of scores of individuals with the same MBTI type, and clients’ polarity index, which is a measure of the consistency of their Form Q responses.

Features & Benefits Refreshed to be more engaging and user-friendly Enhancements include: New design for a contemporary look and feel Improved content organization and layout for better usability Updated MBTI language for easier comprehension of type concepts Newly designed charts to help explain facet results


Graphically enhanced to illustrate facet results Graphs each of the 20 Step II™ facet results, with descriptions to help clients better understand their meaning.

MBTI® Complete

• • • • •


Even before they discover their four-letter type, they'll • learn what the different preferences are and how • • these work together. As the practitioner, you will • receive not only the verified type report each participant sees but also the Form M Profile based on his or her reported type.

Save time and extend your organizational reach with this all-in-one MyersBriggs® assessment plus interpretation For the first time ever, the genuine Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® assessment and a basic gold standard interpretation are combined in one powerful package available online. The MBTI®Complete enables you to: Accelerate training effectiveness Ensure consistent, high-quality interpretations Extend your organizational reach Spend more time on what matters most—your clients The MBTI®Complete interactive learning process allows employees and clients to: Take the full MBTI assessment on their own timetable and at their own pace Learn about type and how it works Determine their four-letter type and verify their results Receive a 3-page description of their best-fit type Learn about their type preferences, including how they interact with others, their strengths, and important areas for growth.


©PSI Middle East 2019


MBTI® Communication Style Report Improve individual and team communication


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In today’s global, fast-paced, team-oriented organizations, effective communication is a core competency—when done well it can be a competitive advantage. The MBTI® Communication Style Report uses type preferences as a framework for understanding individuals’ natural communication style and that of others. The report helps them understand their communication strengths, offers practical tips for communicating with others, and suggests steps for development. Features & Benefits Refreshed to be more engaging and user-friendly Enhancements include: New design for a contemporary look and feel Improved content organization and layout for better usability Updated MBTI language for easier comprehension of type concepts Revamped preference clarity index (pci) chart that deemphasizes clients’ "scores” Updated descriptive type content

Graphically enhanced to illustrate preference clarity Preference clarity index (pci) charts allow you to help clients see how clearly they indicated their preferences and use that information to determine their "best-fit” type.

Available in reported or verified type versions Report can be generated on the basis of clients’ reported type or verified type. For verified type, clients’ best-fit type is required.


MBTI® Career Report - Form M Find the best occupational match for your clients or students with this easyto-read graphic report


©PSI Middle East 2019

The revised MBTI® Career Report shows your clients or students how their type affects their career exploration and discusses the benefits of choosing a job that is a good fit for their type. It also explores preferred work tasks and work environments—as well as most popular and least popular occupations— for any type, and offers strategies for improving job satisfaction. This completely updated report includes expanded coverage of popular fields, such as business, health care, computer technology, and high-level executive and management occupations.



MBTI® Conflict Style Report


Help individuals manage conflict and enhance relationships in the process. Conflict is a natural part of everyone's working and personal life and though it often appears to be triggered by a simple, straightforward issue, more often than not conflict exists because some core element of trust, beliefs, authority, or passion is being challenged. The MBTI® Conflict Style Report helps individuals understand how their MBTI type preferences influence their approach and response to conflict and it provides them with a framework for dealing with conflict situations more effectively. This 11-page, online report provides a detailed overview of an individual’s conflict style with specific information on key strengths and likely conflict triggers as well as a description of potential blind spots and areas for further development. To assist individuals with gaining awareness of how others approach conflict, the report also explains the essential attributes associated with different conflict styles and offers insights into how others may view— and typically want to address—a conflict situation and includes tips for increasing sensitivity.


Additionally, it helps individuals become better at navigating conflict by offering suggestions for how to adjust their natural style to effectively navigate conflicts when they arise and to foster better relationships moving forward. This personalized interpretive report can be generated using the client's item responses (reported type) or verified type. Use it with Introduction to Type® and Conflict and provide individuals with a thorough tool set for understanding type and conflict and for learning how to modify their approach to conflict for maximum impact.

MBTI® Decision Making Style Report Help individuals make better decisions—and more impactful contributions— with this new report.


©PSI Middle East 2019

The MBTI® Decision-Making Style Report uses type preferences as a framework for understanding an individual's decision-making style. This online report helps individuals become better decision makers by alerting them to their decision-making strengths, potential challenges, and areas for development. Additionally, it explains how type dynamics impact their style and offers key questions to consider during the decision-making process to facilitate more comprehensive decisions. The Tips and Action Steps section provides insights and suggestions to guide further coaching and development, including what to consider when presented with a difficult decision, how to tap others for decision-making assistance, and how individuals can flex their style to improve communication with others and enhance their decision making. This personalized interpretive report can be generated using the client's item responses (reported type) or verified type. Use it along with the Introduction to Type® and Decision Making booklet for team building, leadership development, and extended coaching initiatives.



MBTI® Stress Management Report Help individuals learn how to manage stress to realize success No matter the context—in work or in everyday life—individuals encounter stressors that can either undermine their performance or propel their success, depending on how they react to them. The MBTI® Stress Management Report helps individuals recognize the circumstances or events that are likely to trigger stress reactions and provides information and tips on how to deal most effectively with the challenges they present. The 9-page report details the signs of stress for an individual's type, describes the impact of stress on personality characteristics, provides do’s and don’ts for handling stress and leveraging natural strengths, and suggests approaches for tapping others for support. This personalized interpretive report can be generated using the client's item responses (reported type) or verified type. Use it with In the Grip and provide individuals with a thorough tool set for understanding type and stress and learning how to modify their reactions to stress effectively.



MBTI® Personal Impact Report


• • • Designed for consistent, high-quality • • facilitations Designed to help you make• the most of your time with• each client, this report • facilitates identification of "best-fit” type and structured interpretation, • and covers a full spectrum • of the most popular applications, allowing you • to focus more on your clients’ needs and less on • worrying about whether you’ve chosen the right • report.

©PSI Middle East 2019

The comprehensive, all-in-one report to meet a wide range of client needs This all-in-one report offers comprehensive interpretation guidance covering a wide range of applications, as well as descriptions of personal style, specific development action items, and optional exercises for verifying type—all to facilitate the delivery of consistently high-quality interpretations. The 26-page report can be used to increase clients’ understanding of how their personality preferences affect their life and have an impact on the world around them. The report covers the following eight applications: Work Style Communication Style Team Style Decision-Making Style Leadership Style Conflict Style Reaction to Stress Approach to Change Features & Benefits Refreshed to be more engaging and user-friendly Enhancements include: New design for a contemporary look and feel Improved content organization and layout for better usability Updated MBTI language for easier comprehension of type concepts Revamped preference clarity index (pci) chart that deemphasizes clients’ "scores” Delivers personalized tips for positive change Drive positive change by helping clients clearly understand the impact of their personality type in key areas of their life. Each of the report’s eight application sections describes type-specific strengths and challenges, and offers suggestions for ways clients can develop their awareness and effectiveness.



MBTI® Report Healthcare Professionals Leveraging personality for the welfare of patients, staff and the healthcare institution

261121 • • • •

The MBTI® Report for Healthcare Professionals provides Myers-Briggs® (MBTI®) insights to better understand the perspective, needs, and approach to care required by individual patients. Improving the quality of a patient’s care and overall hospital experience is critical to boosting HCAHPS® Hospital Survey rankings leading to greater public trust and funding and profitability. This report will help: Boost team effectiveness and engagement Deliver personalized relationship-based care Transform patients to promoters Gain a greater competitive edge


MBTI® Comparison Report: Work Styles Help any two people learn to work together effectively.


*Before ordering this report, individuals must already have taken some form of the MBTI assessment and verified their • type preferences.

Appreciating and managing differences goes hand in hand with conflict management and relationship building. And that’s where the MBTI® Comparison Report: Work Styles shines. By helping any two individuals learn to use their similarities and differences productively and build on their combined strengths, this new report unlocks greater understanding, contributes to conflict reduction, and paves the way to better workplace relationships and improved organizational performance. The MBTI® Comparison Report: Work Styles is a new version of (and replaces) the MBTI® Work Styles Report. Thoughtfully refreshed to make it more engaging and easier to use, this new report features a number of design enhancements plus updated and simplified type language—just what MBTI practitioners have been asking for. But the content that has made it a go-to favourite report is as robust as ever. Features & Benefits Eliminates interpretation guesswork Pairs any two MBTI types and provides a side-by-side comparison. Takes the guesswork out of interpretation by identifying the intersection of the two types and their shared strengths and potential blind spots.

Enables comprehensive coaching using only a single report Provides MBTI insights in four development areas key to effective working relationships by comparing the two types’ styles of communicating, taking in information, making decisions, and managing projects. Go beyond basic similarities and differences and provide comprehensive, impactful coaching using only a single report.

Helps make the coaching stick Offers additional value to clients by providing specific, actionable ideas to help ingrain the learning and drive positive change. Presents joint action plans in the four development areas plus a final "next steps" plan to help facilitate an improved working relationship going forward.


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©PSI Middle East 2019


MBTI® Step II™ Feedback Cards Guide individuals through an exploration of Step II™ facets during a feedback session. A facilitation tool for use in individual feedback sessions, this attractive set of 28 cards helps guide exploration of the MBTI® Step II™ facets in a way that makes it easy for practitioners and engaging and personally relevant for learners.


©PSI Middle East 2019

Watch videos to learn more: Product Overview | How-to Video KEY FEATURES Designed to help structure your facilitation Simply use the cards in order to ensure a comprehensive step-by-step exploration of the 20 Step II facets. The cards offer numerous talking points, illustrations, and practitioner prompts to make facilitation simple and effective. Expert help to guide the discussion Sometimes it just helps to have all the information you need at your fingertips— especially when you have 20 different facets to cover! The cards prominently feature the correct terminology and definitions to ensure accurate understanding. In addition, they provide discussion questions that practitioners can use to help individuals validate their facet results. Adaptable to the way you train Use all 28 cards or choose a smaller selection tailored to the needs of your training situation. Easily integrate this tool into an existing feedback process or pair it with the Understanding Your MBTI® Step II™Results booklet for seamless facilitation. Buy once, use forever Printed on quality card stock and packaged in a sturdy box, the cards are designed to be used again and again to help deliver inspiring and impactful feedback sessions.



The Introduction to Type® series helps your clients broaden their understanding of personality type. These best-selling booklets help individuals integrate type theory concepts into both their personal and professional lives. Understanding workplace preferences, managing stress, reducing conflict, searching for engaging careers, and improving team effectiveness are just a few of the many typerelated applications your clients can explore using these informative booklets. The Introduction to Type® series is ideal for workshop, group, and one-on-one applications.

Introduction to Type Booklets

©PSI Middle East 2019


Item Code

Pricing (AED)

Description Introduction to Myers-Briggs ® Type (English) Help clients integrate type concepts into their lives with this popular guide Use this essential guide for understanding MBTI results to add value during introductory workshops and one-on-one feedback sessions. It is also an invaluable resource for clients following their training. The booklet features detailed descriptions of the 16 MBTI types, along with an indepth exploration of the eight preferences and materials on type dynamics.



Complimentary access to an all-new companion website.

Introduction to Type® (Arabic) Help clients integrate type concepts into their lives with this popular guide


Use this essential guide for understanding MBTI results to add value during introductory workshops and one-on-one feedback sessions. It is also an invaluable resource for clients following their training. The booklet features detailed descriptions of the 16 MBTI types, along with an indepth exploration of the eight preferences and materials on type dynamics.


Introduction to Type® and Careers Help your clients find careers that work for them


Get your clients involved in their own career search using MBTI® results. The updated Introduction to Type® and Careers provides interactive exercises and realistic descriptions to explore personality type and career matching. The guide also provides tips on goal setting and decision making, and lists potential obstacles in the career development process for all 16 MBTI types.


Introduction to Type® and Change Get an in-depth look at type and organizational change


©PSI Middle East 2019

Ongoing change is an integral element in today's world of work, and this information-packed booklet can help individuals deal with the day-by-day disruptions. Providing an in-depth look at the relation between type preferences and organizational change, it presents practical tips and guidance for each type on change management, leadership through change, resistance strategies, transitions, stress, and more.



Introduction to Type® and Communication Increase communication effectiveness in organizations

With today’s emphasis on team-based and collaborative management and decision making, communication can make or break an organization. This booklet provides a concise overview of communication skills and strategies, practical tips for communicating with others, and developmental tips for each of the 16 MBTI® types, as well as an introduction to differences in communication styles.



Introduction to Type® and Conflict Use type as a tool managing conflict Conflict can exist in many places and at many levels in an organization. This 48-page booklet is a must-have for practitioners looking for a conflict management model that works with type. It includes comprehensive summaries of how the 16 types contribute positively to conflict situations, what they need from others, what their blind spots are, how others perceive them, how they look under stress, what generates conflict for them, and areas for development. The booklet also offers tips on how to better approach conflict situations, communication strategies, and ways to resolve conflict in work situations.



Introduction to Type® and Coaching Help Individuals Plan for Continued Personal and Professional Development Introduction to Type® and Coaching is a practical resource and planning tool that helps individuals apply MBTI type concepts to their professional and personal lives. This new edition includes expanded information on personality preferences, updated planning tools, and new information on learning styles, change, and achieving life balance. Written as a guide to maximizing the impact of coaching experiences, the booklet equips individuals seeking coaching with an easy-to-follow 4-step process for drafting a coaching plan and includes type insights regarding learning styles, decision making and communicating that will help them derive optimal value from each coaching session. Complete with information and tips for each of the 16 MBTI® personality types on topics including managing change, dealing with stress, achieving life balance, developing new habits and skills, this comprehensive source can be used with all members of an organizational team as well as within the personal coaching context.



Introduction to Type® and Decision Making Sharpen and improve decision-making skills


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©PSI Middle East 2019

Honing and upgrading decision-making skills can make the difference between becoming an industry leader or an also-ran. This booklet uses type to help your clients become better decision makers, as it: Describes how each preference influences decision-making style Explores how the preferences relate to five core decision-making processes Spotlights each type's decision-making strengths, challenges, and areas for development Each type is discussed in depth, and case studies offer examples of effective decisionmaking processes.



Introduction to Type® and Emotional Intelligence Add a new dimension to your understanding of type


Emotional intelligence (EQ) is a term used to describe a person's ability to control impulses, show empathy, and persist in the face of obstacles with resilience and flexibility. Developing EQ can enhance leadership ability, enrich relationships, and extend influence. This new booklet explores the connections between personality and EQ, and provides specific actions for EQ development for each of the 16 types.


Introduction to Type® and Innovation Understand each type's contribution to the process of innovation


Is there a link between personality type and innovation? Research on this topic confirmed that indeed there is a link and that each of the sixteen MBTI® personality types is critical to the innovation process. Introduction to Type® and Innovation applies ideas from personality type theory to the innovation process in order to: • Highlight the differences in how people define innovation and show why throughout the innovation process some phases feel comfortable, while others feel awkward and tiring • Develop type-friendly techniques that utilize type strengths in the innovation process • Show how type-stretching techniques can enable people to work "out of preference" and bring a fresh view to the process This booklet is for organizations that want to apply the power of type theory to help achieve continuous innovation. It is also for individuals who want to improve their innovation potential by harnessing the insights that can be gained from understanding personality types. Included are coaching tips for working with clients on improving innovation, an action plan worksheet and suggested steps for enhancing strengths.


Introduction to Type® and Leadership Develop more effective leaders of every type


In Introduction to Myers-Briggs® Type and Leadership (2nd ed.), practitioners will find a wealth of material on the strengths of leaders of each personality type, as well as areas requiring development, to create a personalized road map for the continued growth of any leader. You can use this to create a plan tailored to specific leadership challenges while staying true to each leader's true nature. Focus on the three key leader activities: setting direction, inspiring others to work toward that direction, and mobilizing the

effective accomplishment of goals. As well as accelerating leadership development through the use of type dynamics!

©PSI Middle East 2019



Introduction to Type® and Learning Help students and clients learn more effectively based on their type


People learn in a multitude of ways—some learn by seeing, some by listening, and some by doing. But no matter what your learning preference, this insightful booklet will help you make the most of your learning opportunities. Donna Dunning presents learning through the lens of type preferences. The booklet begins with an overview of basic and advanced type preference concepts, followed by 10 learning strategies that most people will find useful. It covers the learning style of each type preference and then goes on to investigate the eight learning styles of whole types based on the dominant function. The booklet includes concrete application suggestions for accommodating and appealing to all eight of these learning styles. Introduction to Type® and Learning can help educators reach their students to improve their learning performance and is useful in any training setting where new information is being introduced and skills are being developed.


Introduction to Type® and Project Management Improve every phase of your project by applying MBTI® type principles


Project management is the science and art of ensuring that projects come in on time and on budget and delight clients and users. The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®) instrument can make every phase of a project and every relationship among project members more effective and efficient. This booklet offers overviews of project management and discusses the 16 types of teams and how their strengths and weaknesses can impact project planning and execution. Finally, five case studies apply type knowledge and insights to demonstrate how project roadblocks can be overcome or avoided by applying type concepts. Introduction to Type® and Project Management is a timely and valuable addition to the robust Introduction to Type® Library of application booklets.


Introduction to Type® and Selling Help salespeople fulfil customers' needs and make key selling decisions


©PSI Middle East 2019

Introduction to Type® and Selling provides sales people with ways to approach customers and build strong relationships. It also offers methods to estimate a client's "type mode" based on behavioural and language cues. The salesperson can then match the approach to the customer's type mode. Present this guide after using Introduction to Type® in Organizations to introduce and explain effective sales strategies for each of the 16 MBTI® types.



Introduction to Type® and Teams Help team members maximize their contributions and effectiveness

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Introduction to Myers-Briggs® Type and Teams (3rd ed.) helps individuals understand how their MBTI® results relate to their contributions on a team. It features descriptions of the eight preferences and their effects on six core work issues: communication, team culture, leadership, change, problem solving/conflict resolution, and stress. The third edition includes the following enhancements: New design for a refreshed look and feel Improved content organization and layout for better usability Updated type language for easier comprehension of MBTI concepts Updated content on understanding the type table and the five MBTI lenses through which to view team interaction Complimentary access to the all-new companion website


Introduction to Type® and the 8 Jungian Functions Increase interpretation effectiveness


This booklet focuses on using the eight Jungian functions as a dynamic model for MBTI® interpretation and presents practical applications for career choice, communication, problem solving, leadership, change, and conflict.


Introduction to Type® Dynamics & Development Take type understanding to a deeper level This resource explores type dynamics, which provides a three-dimensional picture of each type and type development, and suggests the probable path of maturation for each type.


©PSI Middle East 2019



Introduction to Type® in College Help students improve study techniques and resolve roommate conflicts


This booklet describes how a student's MBTI® type can affect his or her learning style, study habits, test taking, roommate and personal relationships, and stress in college. It describes all 16 MBTI® types and gives suggestions for overcoming typical college challenges.


Introduction to Myers Briggs Type® in Organizations Help employees understand their workplace preferences and reduce stress and conflict


Introduction to Myers-Briggs® Type in Organizations (4th edition) provides important information about the effects of type preferences in work situations. This booklet describes the 16 MBTI personality types in the context of key workplace functions, such as leadership and work styles, problem-solving approach, and learning style. For each type, the booklet also provides information on avoiding potential pitfalls and suggestions for development. Finally, the booklet includes information around type dynamics and how each type’s order of mental process can affect the way a person makes decisions and reacts to stress.


In The Grip Discover the effects of chronic stress on personality


This booklet presents comprehensive information on the inferior function, what triggers it, and how it's expressed in different types. This edition also focuses on workplace issues and the effects of long-term stress on employees at all levels within an organization, based on research and the reported experiences of a stratified national sample of working adults.


Introduction to Personality Differences Introduce your clients to the world of personality differences


Introduction to Personality Differences provides an easy-to-understand lead-in to the concepts and advantages of personality differences. It was developed to meet the expressed needs of organizations with large numbers of employees. Because this guide is based on the MBTI instrument, it allows an easy and logical transition to Step I and Step II of the MBTI assessment and its many applications. This jargon-free booklet contains the 30-item self-scoring Myers-Briggs® Personality Differences Questionnaire (PDQ)* as well as steps for confirming the results. Clients learn about their preferred approaches to taking in and evaluating information, then explore personality differences in action and how their preferences influence their work, learning, communication, teamwork, and problem-solving styles. * View the technical brief on the newly developed Myers-Briggs® Personality Differences Questionnaire assessment

©PSI Middle East 2019



Introduction to Personality Differences User’s Guide Optimize your effective use of the Personality Differences Questionnaire This guide enables a practitioner to deliver dynamic and engaging training sessions to audiences of any size: from one-on-one sessions to large group workshops. Author Donna Dunning reveals the powerful uses of the Introduction to Personality Differences program, along with techniques to administer and interpret the Personality Differences Questionnaire. She offers customizable exercises, positive discussion starters, and methods to help clients apply their new knowledge to their day-to-day activities right away. With Introduction to Personality Differences, it has never been easier to educate employees on the value of personality differences in teamwork communication, problem solving, and professional development. This user's guide is a vital tool for HR professionals as they apply the benefits of introducing the organization to personality differences.



Introduction to MBTI Type Preferences (Video) Training Video Bring MBTI® type concepts to life through the power of video


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Designed to be versatile The video can be used as a supplemental resource for an existing introductory MBTI training or used seamlessly with the workshop facilitation kit Understanding and Working with Personality Types: Using the MBTI® Assessment to Appreciate Differences (sold separately).

Both captioned and uncaptioned versions included Simply choose the version of the video that best suits your needs.

Works with PC or Mac computers The USB flash drive can be used on PC or Mac computers.* Plug and play ready, no software required.

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©PSI Middle East 2019

This training video is designed to help practitioners provide clients with a fun and engaging introduction to the four MBTI® preference pairs. Using realworld situations, the video’s animated vignettes offer viewers a general understanding of the eight preferences, as well as the differences between each preference pair opposite, in a relatable and simple way. Includes facilitator’s notes. Duration: 9 minutes. Please note: The video is saved on a USB flash drive that features copy protection technology. The video cannot be copied or saved to a different location—users must have the flash drive to play the video. For your convenience, however, the facilitator’s notes can be saved and/or printed. KEY FEATURES Comes with expert guidance The video comes with a comprehensive set of facilitator’s notes that provide instructions and reference information, as well as suggested questions and debrief notes for optional group discussions.

*SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS: Computer running Windows® 7, 8, or 10, or Mac OS X® 10.7 and higher USB port



Top Buy Introduction to Type® Library (19 booklets)

1630 AED

Nineteen Type Booklets Build your library and take advantage of this money-saving opportunity! The Introduction to Type® Library is well suited as a reference for professionals who work with type and for students exploring the applications of the MBTI instrument. The library includes:

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Introduction to Myers-Briggs® Type Introduction to Type® and Careers Introduction to Type® and Change Introduction to Type® and Coaching, 2nd Edition Introduction to Type® in College Introduction to Myers-Briggs Type® and Communication Introduction to Type® and Conflict Introduction to Type® and Decision Making Introduction to Type® Dynamics and Development Introduction to Type® and the Eight Jungian Functions

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Introduction to Type® and Emotional Intelligence Introduction to Myers-Briggs Type® in Organizations Introduction to Myers-Briggs Type® and Teams In the Grip Introduction to Type® and Selling

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Introduction to Type® and Project Management Introduction to Type® and Learning Introduction to Myers-Briggs Type® and Leadership Introduction to Type® and Innovation

©PSI Middle East 2019


Expand your knowledge of type theory and its applications with this collection. Designed to help professionals build new type applications into their practice.

Practitioner Series – Booklets & Resources

ŠPSI Middle East 2019


Item Code

Pricing (AED)

Description Type and Career Development Increase your effectiveness as a career development professional This hands-on resource outlines the processes and action steps needed to apply personality type theory to the practice of career development. It walks users through the steps of the career development process—setting the stage, self-assessment, generating and researching options, making decisions, and taking action—enabling them to not only enhance client insights but also further their own professional development by building awareness of blind spots in their work. This is a valuable guide for educators, HR professionals, managers, and all others in training and development dealing with career development issues.



Type and Change Participant's Guide Used in conjunction with the Type and Change MBTI® Leader’s Resource Guide, this booklet provides a set of permanent notes to go with training workshops. It also allows participants to record their own reflections and notes from the workshop sessions, encouraging them to review and remind themselves of what they have learned and experienced as they continue on the change journey.



Type and Culture Apply the MBTI® tool globally in a variety of cultures In Type and Culture, three highly experienced international trainers—Linda Kirby, Elizabeth Kendall, and Nancy Barger—give practitioners insight into using the MBTI tool wherever they may find themselves. The authors include insights for practitioners on how to work within different types of cultures, such as those with high or low uncertainty avoidance. In addition to examples from their many years of experience with global companies, they also present data on type distribution in different countries, such as India, Korea, Japan, Italy, the Netherlands, and many more. Type and Culture will improve the cultural application of the MBTI tool for experienced practitioners as well as provide a thorough introduction to new MBTI users.



IHS Recommends… In the Grip Understanding Type, Stress, and the Inferior Function Discover the effects of chronic stress on personality

©PSI Middle East 2019


Type and Retention Retain top talent in your organization by leveraging type Studies show that motivation and job satisfaction are directly linked. Yet, different employees are motivated by different tasks, values and organizational cultures and respond to different kinds of rewards and incentives. Understanding these differences can help to improve your chances of retaining your employees and finding the best fit between an individual and an organization. This booklet can help you increase retention of talented and valued employees in your organization by individualizing your retention efforts through the use of type. Designed for organizations, this guide shows how to match individual types to appropriately effective retention efforts for each of the 16 personality types. An ideal piece for HR professionals, managers, executive coaches, and all others in training and development dealing with retention issues in organizations.



Type and Training Boost your MBTI training effectiveness Type and Training delivers a powerful, step-by-step guide to creating an effective workshop, breaking the process into five practical steps: developing a training solution, designing the training session, developing learning strategies, designing activities for your applications and designing an evaluation. Following this process virtually ensures an engaging and informative session as well as a way to demonstrate the workshop's effectiveness. This guide also provides ways to accommodate every type's preferred learning style to optimize the impact of the workshop. It can accelerate the effectiveness of a new MBTI practitioner, as well as improve the workshops of experienced trainers.



Type in Action Type in Action! is a practical and flexible collection of activities for MBTI® trainers conducting workshops in just about any business setting. Preparation time is minimal, as this comprehensive binder is completely self-contained. Each activity includes a description of its purpose, an overview, a listing of the materials needed, instructions on how to set up, a procedure to follow with a script, callouts for when to use the reproducible masters, and a debriefing.


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The binder contains both reproducible masters and a PowerPoint® presentation on CD (PC format) for use in conducting the activities. The activities are grouped together as follows: Icebreakers Introducing Type Improving Communication Solving Problems/Managing Conflict Developing Teams


These materials are helpful in providing group training in personality type for a wide range of applications. They provide participants with engaging, hands-on experiences that will enhance their learning of type concepts.

©PSI Middle East 2019


Type Practitioner Library Six Practitioner Booklets A must-have resource for practitioners helping clients in professional settings


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The Type Practitioner Library includes all booklets in this series designed to help professionals build new type applications into their practice. The latest addition to the library focuses on measuring results within organizations that have applied the MBTI® instrument in their training process. The library includes: Type and Culture Measuring the Results of MBTI® Type Training Type and Career Development Type and Retention Finding the Fit


Type Deal/Binder and Cards Use card games as a fun way to reinforce type learning


©PSI Middle East 2019

The Type Deal! is a set of 11 fast-paced and fun card games for use in introductory type training to help participants become fluent with the eight MBTI® preferences. These games, arranged in order of difficulty and designed to be easily learned in a matter of minutes, can be played repeatedly. The binder contains materials to help the facilitator introduce and explain each game, reproducible instruction sheets for players, and a deck of playing cards. It is organized into four parts and includes a basic introduction; general guidelines for conducting the games; sections on supplies needed, getting ready for sessions, and briefing the players; and suggestions for how to best facilitate the games and debrief the participants. Also included are reproducible masters that can be photocopied and used as overheads and handouts and a bonus game that can be played without the cards and used as either a warm-up or follow-up activity.



Item Code

Pricing (AED)

Description Conflict Management Program Everything you need for a successful conflict management program

6230 • • • •

This comprehensive resource for type trainers includes everything you need to conduct an MBTI workshop geared toward helping organizations develop effective conflict management strategies. It focuses on how organizations can best approach, communicate during, and resolve conflict situations, and includes: A unique three-stage model for managing conflict through type Training sessions with scripts, activities, and worksheets Sample agendas for customizing workshops PowerPoint® presentation on CD (PC format)


Type & Change – Leader’s Resource Guide Provide successful guidance to organizations confronting change


This program provides cutting-edge tools for dealing with change in an organizational environment using MBTI® personality type theory. Designed for consultants conducting workshops to help individuals and organizations deal with change effectively, the Leader's Resource Guide provides strategies that help organizations handle existing problems through group exercises. It also includes agendas and scripts, as well as reproducible masters


MBTI® Team Building Program: Leaders Resource Guide Enhance your teambuilding workshops with this revised set of materials


©PSI Middle East 2019

The third edition of this comprehensive teambuilding program includes updated information and best practices for team development along with new activities, revised tools and an updated bibliography in addition to providing agendas, scripts and resources to conduct effective teambuilding workshops. The guide covers how to apply type concepts to six critical team issues: communication, team culture, leadership, change, problem solving and managing stress. Included on USB flash drive are PowerPoint® slides and PDFs of handouts to use in your workshops. New in this edition: • Eight new icebreaker activities • Four new wrap-up activities to reinforce learning • Six new activities to help team members understand others' approaches to the six core issues • The Living Zig-Zag activity which focuses on decision-making styles, contributions and blind spots • New and revised slides and handouts • New templates for pre-workshop needs assessment, workshop contracting and assessment administration



Using The MBTI® Tool To Enrich Emotional Intelligence Train leaders to use MBTI® insights in emotional intelligence (EQ) development


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A high IQ is often highly prized, but it is emotional intelligence, or EQ, that more directly correlates with leadership success in the workplace, the community, and one's personal life. This comprehensive trainer's resource guide contains tools to create and deliver powerful workshops on type and EQ. Author Roger Pearman explains the parallels between type and emotional intelligence and shows how to link MBTI results to enhanced emotional intelligence. He draws on his wealth of consulting and training experience to help practitioners use specific MBTI results to teach emotional intelligence competencies. This binder is highly effective as a stand-alone resource and can also be paired with Pearman's Introduction to Type® and Emotional Intelligence booklet. Along with this foundational information, this tool includes valuable training materials that practitioners can use right away, including: Sample agendas Preparation steps Scripts Activities Worksheets PowerPoint slides (PC format)


Using the MBTI® Tool in Organizations Enjoy the benefits of this popular all-in-one workshop

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©PSI Middle East 2019

This completely updated, comprehensive guide contains everything you need to conduct an MBTI® workshop geared toward organizational needs. It will help you increase your repertoire of type activities, enhance your use of the MBTI tool in organizations, and better serve your clients through practical experiences with psychological type. The binder includes five expanded applications modules: Leadership Development and Coaching, Team Building, Communication, Career Development, and Change Management. This new edition has been updated to correspond to Form M of the MBTI instrument and includes a number of new features: An introductory workshop including a flexible script and new exercises A type dynamics model that makes type development easy to understand 26 all-new exercises and intervention ideas Specific exercises and activities tied to the Introduction to Type® series 100 revised reproducible masters for presentation overheads and handouts Overheads in PowerPoint® on CD (PC format only



MBTI® Practitioner’s Field Guide Tap into a range of activities for illustrating and sustaining MBTI type concepts


Whether you're a new MBTI user or a more seasoned practitioner, this tool is a "must-have" resource. Two renowned MBTI authors and certification instructors share their knowledge and 30-plus years of practitioner experience through this collection of strategies and 18 time-tested MBTI activities. Designed with your success in mind, the authors focus on presentation strategies and activities that save time, address the most popular application topics, and bring the greatest value along with tips for successfully negotiating some of the common obstacles in type training. Each activity includes objectives, time frame, materials, process steps, sample scripts, and related tips—plus special notes on debriefing and ways to avoid potential pitfalls. This resource also includes a Facilitator’s Presentation CD containing illustrative PowerPoint® slides.


The Leadership Advantage Training Program (Refreshed) Incorporate the MBTI® insights into leadership training using this comprehensive program This comprehensive resource for MBTI® trainers conducting leadership workshops in organizations includes self-contained modules for four different workshops designed to enhance leadership effectiveness and performance:


• "A Brief Review of Psychological Type" • "Leader Communication" • "Leader Problem Solving" • "Leader Development" Each workshop comes complete with specific objectives, tips for trainers, exercises for workshop participants, trainer presentation materials both on CD and as transparency overheads, scripts for the trainer, and complete agendas and checklists of materials and logistics. The program provides expert guidance, useful suggestions, and practical strategies for using the MBTI tool in leadership programs and management training, providing access to a model for enriching leadership behavior and increasing effectiveness and organizational performance.


Gifts Differing Consult the definitive text on MBTI® type


©PSI Middle East 2019

Every year over 2.5 million people take the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® assessment, the most widely used personality measure in history. Gifts Differing describes the ground-breaking insights embodied in the MBTI® inventory and explains its many practical applications. Distinguishing four categories of personality preferences - Extraversion-Introversion, Sensing-Intuition, Thinking-Feeling, and Judging-Perceiving - this book details how different combinations of these qualities determine the way we perceive the world and how we respond to and interact with it. Type tables show how type preferences correlate with occupational interests, and clear descriptions of the sixteen types illustrate how the different functions interact. Over 250,000 Copies Sold!



MBTI® Manual Learn how to administer and apply the MBTI® Form M inventory


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This essential reference for users of the MBTI instrument promotes understanding and ease of application. "Introduction" gives an overview of the distinctive features of the MBTI assessment, details its 60-year development, and outlines the rationale behind the development of Form M. "Theory" explains type theory and describes the 16 types. "Administration and Interpretation" gives practitioners the basic information they need to use the MBTI inventory effectively. "Research" covers the wealth of information relevant to the psychometric features of the MBTI instrument, including its construction, reliability, and validity. It also describes the new method for scoring Form M using item response theory (IRT). "The Uses of Type" provides hands-on, practical guidance to those using the MBTI tool in counseling and psychotherapy, education, career counseling, organizations, and multicultural settings.


MBTI® Step II Manual Increase your knowledge of Form Q and its appropriate use This comprehensive manual, with a foreword by Peter Myers and Katharine Myers, includes technical information to help consultants gain a thorough understanding of Form Q and its appropriate use. The manual also offers interpretation tips and applications. Using this resource, consultants will be better able to assist clients in applying their Step II results to their work and personal lives.



MBTI® Step II User Guide Sharpen your Step II interpretation skills with this invaluable practitioner’s tool


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©PSI Middle East 2019

This essential MBTI Step II resource offers practical insights into administering and interpreting the MBTI Form Q assessment for maximum results. The 120-page guide provides: New perspectives on personality type and the Step II approach Detailed practical advice that will enhance your work with clients An overview of the historical, theoretical, and practical contexts that underlie the Step II assessment Expanded information on each of the 20 facets, including how they are scored and interpreted Specific tips on how to administer the assessment, explain the results, and avoid misinterpreting the detailed information that the Step II tool provides In addition to a new and improved design, this refreshed version also features updated MBTI language to help simplify type concepts, and updated references to the refreshed MBTI® Step II™ Interpretive Report.



Understanding MBTI® Step II Results A Step-by-Step Guide to Your Unique Expression of Type (Form Q)

4278 • • • • •

This 24-page guide is designed to accompany a Form Q report, allowing clients to gain a greater understanding of type through their Step II facet results. Explaining the various types of information available on the Step II™ Interpretive Report and Profile, it is a valuable supplement. Its clear descriptions and exercises also make it an excellent tool for trainers to enhance clients’ understanding and development, and for use as a participant workbook in "Working with MBTI® Step II™ Results" training programs. This refreshed version includes the following enhancements: New design for a refreshed look and feel Improved content organization and layout for better usability Updated type language for easier comprehension of MBTI concepts Enhanced graphical elements to reinforce learning Updated facet theme descriptions to make facet results easier to understand (e.g., "Ways to Manage Time Pressures" helps explain the Early Starting–Pressure-Prompted facet)


MBTI® Career Report User’s Guide Help individuals with career exploration This guide for practitioners contains information on the various uses of the MBTI® Career Report, an overview of its content and enhancements, guidelines for administering and interpreting the report, and information on its development and application.



MBTI® Type Tables for Occupations 2nd Edition


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©PSI Middle East 2019

This powerful resource for trainers, coaches, and counselors has been updated to include the latest research on the link between personality type and occupations. This revised version includes 154 additional occupations and is a must-have resource for individuals who want to better understand the relationship between personality type and careers. Includes 404 tables showing the relative frequency of each personality type employed for a wide range of occupations Contains for each occupation listed the related O*NET code, a description, and a demographic summary of the sample, as well as distribution of various preference pairs Can be used to provide illustrative examples during career development workshops or to help individuals align their goals and preferences with their career options Explains how the data presented were collected, describes the sample, and provides an explanation of the type table structure



Finding the Fit Lead your clients to their best-fit type


Finding the Fit is the first booklet in the new series designed for MBTI® practitioners. This guide will help you help your clients identify their best-fit type once they receive their MBTI® results. Ideal for type practitioners and available in the United States for the first time, this classic 24-page guide walks readers through the feedback process and includes strategies, cautions, and concrete examples of client questions and approaches. Clear examples illustrate best practices for the interpretation process, enabling practitioners to guide clients confidently toward their best-fit type.


MBTI® Type Tables College


MBTI® Type Tables for College Majors is a resource for people who are interested in the relationship between personality and education, specifically how personality types are attracted to specific college majors. Its 59 tables show the relative frequency of each personality type found within a number of college major samples. They may be used by counselors advising students as part of their search for potential college majors, researchers studying the relationship between type and education, students who are familiar with type and seeking information to guide their choices, or anyone wanting to better understand the typical personality profile of a certain major.


MBTI® Type Tables International Gain valuable insights into international type distributions


©PSI Middle East 2019

MBTI® Type Tables International provides information on international type table distributions based on data gathered from more than 340,000 individuals representing 60 countries and regions. Included are sample descriptions and type tables that will be useful to trainers and OD and HR professionals working in multinational organizations and with international clients, as well as to type researchers.



Measuring Results of MBTI® Type Measure the impact of your MBTI® training and evaluate return on investment

6175 • • • • •

In today's resource-strapped, results-oriented organizations, executives and training professionals urgently need to know—and show—the ROI on their training programs. But tracking down the answer has been out of reach for many—until now. In this much-anticipated practitioner's booklet, Richard Wagner, a 20year veteran of global HR consulting and professor of management at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater, and Robert Weigand, director of management training and development at St. Luke's Hospital and Health Network, offer an easy-to-use instrument for ROI analysis: the Wagner-Weigand ROI Survey. Based on a model used at St. Luke's Hospital in Bethlehem, PA, Wagner and Weigand's work approaches the corporate holy grail of developing a methodology for determining ROI on HR initiatives using the MBTI® assessment. Wagner and Weigand's ROI analysis includes the following five steps: Determining behavioral changes that will result from training Determining organizational results that might be improved Examining how changes affect revenue and costs Identifying data to support revenue and cost estimates Linking behavioral changes to results being measured


The booklet includes an introduction to ROI and generalized discussion; exploration of the Wagner-Weigand model and theory; presentation of the ROI Survey and guidelines for its use; a sample case demonstrating actual application of the survey; and sample group exercises. With Measuring Results of MBTI® Type Training: ROI in Action, HR professionals and practitioners finally have the tools to not only understand and measure the ROI of their MBTI training but also establish tangible results that prove the effectiveness of their training program.

Working with Organisational Character

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©PSI Middle East 2019

Discover this powerful tool for increasing organizational performance Using the framework of MBTI® personality types, this complete training program can help your team, department, or organization Determine its specific character type Understand its strengths and areas for development Clarify how its character differs from that of other organizations or areas Use the insights gained to strengthen its performance The Facilitator Guide binder provides complete, step-by-step guidance for conducting an Organizational Character workshop tailored to the needs of any organization. In addition to agendas and detailed facilitator's notes, sample scripts, and exercises for each module of the program, you'll receive reproducible masters, a PowerPoint® presentation on CD (PC format), and suggestions for group activities. Organizational Character Index The Organizational Character Index (OCI) is an easy-to-use 36-item self-scorable assessment tool that can be distributed prior to or completed during the program. It takes approximately 15 minutes to complete and score, and gives participants a good initial reading on the organizational character of their department, team, or organization.



Working with Organisational Character – Participant Workbook The Participant Workbook is an engaging, hands-on tool designed to be used throughout the workshop. It includes exercises, assessments, discussion questions, descriptions of the 16 types of organizational character and other resources. Participants learn how their team, department, or organization prefers to make decisions, process information, and communicate— and then use this information to better understand how to manage change, resolve conflict, strengthen teamwork, and more.



Benefits of this along with the Practitioners Guide • Deal effectively with change and transition • Build teamwork • Resolve conflict • Strengthen decision making • Improve communication • Clarify organizational values • Revitalize customer relations

Leader Development-An MBTI Step I Type Training Workshop Incorporate MBTI insights into leadership training with this workshop facilitation kit

REQUIRED SUPPORT MATERIALS Participants in this workshop training must know their MBTI • type, which they can obtain by taking either the Step I™ (Form M) • or Step II™ (Form Q) assessment.


©PSI Middle East 2019

This workshop facilitation kit provides everything a practitioner needs to deliver a leader development training. Equip leaders with the knowledge and skills to recognize their leadership strengths and potential blind spots; identify and use five key type-related values that promote effective leadership; and create a development plan for enhancing their leadership effectiveness using the principles of MBTI personality type. Includes: PowerPoint® presentation designed for an 8-hour workshop consisting of lecture and activities Facilitator notes Participant worksheets and handouts KEY FEATURES Workshop-ready Comprehensive, and with engaging visuals, the kit is designed for immediate use as is, or for incorporating into an existing training program—helping you save workshop preparation time. Comes with expert guidance Created for both seasoned and newly certified practitioners, the kit includes facilitator notes with presentation instructions, a recommended script, and resources providing valuable context and support to ensure an effective training. See sample pages. All digital content No heavy binders to lug around—all materials are conveniently loaded on a USB flash drive. Please note: The content of this workshop facilitation kit is largely drawn from the Leader Development module of the Leadership Advantage Training Program binder. While the content has remained mostly unchanged, it has been edited and completely redesigned to make it more engaging and easier to use, and to bring it into alignment with refreshed MBTI products.



MBTI M College SS IB/AS Provide your students with an immediate yet comprehensive administration of the MBTI tool

6163 • • • •


This compact, all-inclusive booklet makes administration of the MBTI instrument easy in a group, classroom, or career counseling setting. Rely on the MBTI® Self-Scorable, College Edition, to provide instant results for on-the-spot interpretation. The 6-page Self-Scorable includes Assessment items in a combined item booklet and answer sheet format A simple three-step process that makes scoring quck and easy Preference clarity information and descriptions of each preference ® Brief overviews for each of the 16 MBTI types


MBTI Feedback Session DVD

This DVD provides practitioners with a basic approach to feedback upon which they can model their own interpretation style. It includes feedback sessions for both the MBTI Step I and Step II instruments and presents interpretation techniques and best practices for providing thorough, ethical interpretations of each tool.


MBTI® Type Table – Combined Type & Stress


Add some colour and fun to your next MBTI® group training with an MBTI® "Type Heads” or "Stress Heads” poster! Featuring the popular "Type Heads,” each poster displays the 16 types as laid out by Isabel Briggs Myers in the MBTI® Manual. They can be used for reference only or to display the names of group members by type. Best of all, these sturdy posters have a dry-erase finish, making them both reusable and wear-proof—a perfect combination for busy practitioners.


MBTI Activity Series Equipping MBTI practitioners with tried and tested resources to bring type theory to life and make it useful in an organisational setting. The MBTI® Activity Series exercises are a great way for practitioners to apply type theory to raise awareness of different approaches and challenges in the way people work together. They cover a range of business applications such as dealing with change, conflict, decision making, stress, problem solving and team culture. The series also includes exercises that focus on individual MBTI preference pairs in more depth to understand the impact of each element of type. Each Activity Series exercise comes with presentation slides and/or reproducible masters required for delivery so you can use them again and again.

©PSI Middle East 2019

160 Each Series


Introduction to Myers Briggs Type + Exploring Type Workbook Bundle This money-saving bundle includes one copy of the Introduction to Myers-Briggs® Type booklet and one copy of the Exploring Your Myers-Briggs® Type Workbook. This bundle is also available as a 10pack. An optional but recommended tool to use with the Introduction to Myers-Briggs® Type booklet, the Exploring Your Myers-Briggs® Type Workbook created for workshop participants reinforces their understanding of type preferences and helps practitioners guide them through a structured process for identifying best-fit type. Additionally, the workbook allows participants to take organized notes as they explore their understanding of type and build an action plan to begin applying what they have learned.



Please note: This spiral-bound workbook may be purchased separately or as part of a money-saving bundle with the Introduction to Myers-Briggs® Type booklet.

Introducing MBTI Step II Results (Flash Drive)

REQUIRED SUPPORT MATERIALS You will need to purchase an MBTI® Step II™ assessment administration and generate an MBTI® Step II™• Interpretive Report for each workshop participant. •


OPTIONAL SUPPORT MATERIALS If you choose to use the optional• but recommended Understanding Your MBTI® Step II™ Results booklet, you will need to purchase• a copy for each participant. Please note: The content of this workshop facilitation kit is largely• drawn from Training Module 1 in the now discontinued Working with MBTI® Step II™ Results facilitator guide. While the content remains mostly unchanged, it has been edited and completely redesigned• to make it more engaging and easier to use, and to bring it into alignment with the refreshed Step II product suite.

©PSI Middle East 2019

This ready-to-deploy workshop facilitation kit provides everything you need to deliver a high-quality introductory MBTI® Step II™ training for all audiences. Designed to align with the refreshed MBTI Step II reports and other materials for a consistent and cohesive learning experience. Workshop participants will deepen their understanding of personality type by learning about the Myers-Briggs® framework and the relationship between Step I™ and Step II type, interpreting their own results, and exploring the 20 Step II facets and the variations they identify within each 4-letter type. FACILITATION KIT CONTENTS Microsoft PowerPoint presentation designed for a 4-hour workshop consisting of lecture and activities Facilitator notes Facilitator worksheets Workshop participant worksheets KEY FEATURES Workshop-ready Comprehensive with engaging visuals, the kit is designed for immediate use as is, or for incorporating into an existing training program—helping you save workshop preparation time. Comes with expert guidance Created for both seasoned and newly certified practitioners, the kit includes facilitator’s notes with presentation instructions, recommended script, and resources, as well as worksheets specifically for the facilitator, providing valuable context and support to ensure an effective training. All digital content No heavy binders to lug around—all materials are conveniently loaded on a USB flash drive.



The MBTI® and coffee…. The MBTI® and gifts… Do these things go together? YES THEY DO! This great little range of products easily illustrate and make sharing your type with colleagues, friends and family lots more fun! The Fun Stuff

©PSI Middle East 2019


Item Code

Pricing (AED)

Description MBTI® Type Tower An easy, fun way illustrate four-letter type The spinning MBTI® Type Tower is a perfect desktop visual aid for MBTI® practitioners and their clients. Use it to display your four-letter type and provide one to each client as a handy reference to reinforce learning about the eight preferences. At 8" high, with a 2-3/4"square base, the Type Tower is compact enough to sit easily on any desk but large enough to get noticed—the perfect training takeaway to keep type concepts top of mind.



MBTI® Type Table Type Head Poster – A6 reusable Add some colour and fun to your next MBTI® group training with an MBTI® "Type Heads” or "Stress Heads” poster! Featuring the popular "Type Heads,” each poster displays the 16 types as laid out by Isabel Briggs Myers in the MBTI® Manual. They can be used for reference only or to display the names of group members by type. Best of all, these sturdy posters have a dry-erase finish, making them both reusable and wear-proof—a perfect combination for busy practitioners.



MBTI® Type Table - Stress Head Poster- A6 reusable Add some colour and fun to your next MBTI® group training with an MBTI® "Type Heads” or "Stress Heads” poster! Featuring the popular "Type Heads,” each poster displays the 16 types as laid out by Isabel Briggs Myers in the MBTI® Manual. They can be used for reference only or to display the names of group members by type. Best of all, these sturdy posters have a dry-erase finish, making them both reusable and wear-proof—a perfect combination for busy practitioners.



MBTI® Type Head "To Go" Coffee Cups Be "type proud” and drink your coffee in style with an MBTI® "Type Head” coffee cup! Each 16 oz. cup vibrantly displays one of the 16 MBTI type heads with descriptive terms associated with the personality preferences of that type. Also great as a gift for friends or co-workers who have shared their type with you!


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Additional information: Color: white with tangerine lid Material: double-wall porcelain with silicone lid Height: 7” Diameter: 3-7/8” Microwave safe with non-metallic imprint Hand wash recommended


MBTI Be Better Banner Pen Better problem solving right at your fingertips


©PSI Middle East 2019

A fun and practical type tool for training participants. This handy blue pen features a 2-sided retractable banner that provides type-related tips for solving problems and implementing solutions. One side of the banner features the Z model for problem solving, and the other features descriptions of leading or following styles based on specific preference combinations.



MBTI® Personality Post-it® Cube 6013

Help make the learning stick Help make MBTI® concepts stick post-training with this colourful genuine 3M Post-it® cube. Perfect as a training giveaway, the cube of 760 3-3/8” x 3-3/8” Postit notes is sure to accommodate at least a year’s worth of noteworthy ideas!

50 Each

Flip A Type Desk Book Use your type understanding every day


©PSI Middle East 2019

A handy learning aid to help those who have received feedback use type in their everyday working life. Give a Flip A Tip to each of your respondents and they can place it on their desk as a quick and easy guide on what to expect when working with people of different types.



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