Culture Book 2023

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Culture Book

Innovative’s Year in Review




Table of Contents 2 Core Values & Purpose 4 Foreword 6 Awards 7 Customer Feedback 8 InSports Foundation 10 Company Events & Gatherings 12-59 Employee Spotlight 60 Supplier of the Year 3


“Don’t let tomorrow take up too much of today.”


Welcome to the 2023 edition of our Culture Book! As we embark on the journey of our eighth annual celebration, we find ourselves standing at the threshold of new beginnings, exciting possibilities and carrying on the magnificent legacy of our late CEO Jennifer Smith. This book is a testament to the heart and soul of Innovative, a chronicle of our shared commitment to our core values, brand promise, and our vision of “Inspiring People to Love What They Do and Who They Do It With.” In the pages that follow, you’ll discover the essence of our collective spirit, a spirit that has thrived, has been challenged, and yet evolved over the year. Just as the world around us continues to change, so too does Innovative, but what stays constant is the deeply engrained focus and resilience of making a difference each day and in everything we do. Innovative is more than a workplace; it’s a community of extraordinary individuals committed to doing a little extra and treating others how they want to be treated. For over two decades, we’ve exemplified that “Relationships Matter” — to our customers, our vendors, and, most importantly, to each other. It is on this foundation that we will continue to find growth and success as a family, our Innovative family. So, here’s to the journey ahead, to the unwritten chapters that lie beyond these pages. May we continue to embrace what makes us different, to foster an environment where great people come together to create something extraordinary. Here’s to new beginnings, shared triumphs, and the collective strength that propels us forward. Cheers! Innovative Leadership Team

Brooks Smith Jason Player President, Chief Information Officer, Chief Executive Officer Chief Marketing Officer

Jennifer Rosenzweig Chief Service Officer

Julie Owen Chief Operating Officer

Ryan Burgwald Chief Sales Officer 5


3 Consecutive Years

Top 5 Smith Systems Dealers 6

Customer Feedback

Relationships Matter!

Overall, my current office supply needs are being met and I am satisfied by Innovative Office Supply and their staff. Our account representative is very helpful and knowledgeable. Keep up the good work all!

We love working with Innovative. They are willing to work with us and make recommendations, which is much appreciated. The delivery people usually carry our paper to the copy rooms! Their products are usually under warranty and they stand by them. Customer service and our rep are both excellent and responsive. We know we can count on them. Staff is friendly, and our driver is always the same person. I like that I do not have to show him where to put my order when he arrives. I have always had great experiences with Innovative Office Solutions! Keep up the great service! We’ve had the same delivery person for a long time and he always has a great attitude!

They always do a great job with service and delivery. Customer support is excellent.

Our delivery guy is very friendly and professional! My experience with Innovative Office Solutions is always positive. Delivery staff is always friendly and helpful. Customer service and next day delivery is AMAZING! You’re Awesome! You do such a fabulous job with your culture! 7

InSports Foundation

The InSports Foundation, Innovative’s nonprofit organization, has the purpose of helping more kids participate in sports. InSports accomplishes this mission by providing financial assistance and sporting opportunities for kids to get in the game, enabling them to become active, confident, and successful team leaders in their communities.

Since 2014, InSports has impacted 60,550 kids and counting!


$70,000 donated to Teams & Individuals in 2023 Over 200 InSports Days in 2023


2023 Kick Off Event

Marie Conway — My Customers! My favorite part of working at Innovative are the relationships I have made with my customers. I enjoy my time in front of customers helping them find solutions and often building a personal relationship with them. A meeting over lunch or an after work Happy Hour with a customer is my favorites way to connect. I love my job because of the people I get to work with, this includes my colleagues as well. Innovative truly has the best team and customers!! 10

In person & virtually Alyssa Kriz — I love working at Innovative because the environment is so fun, like nothing I’ve ever seen before. I feel respected and valued as an employee.

Jarret Johnson — My favorite part of working at Innovative is the openness to new ideas. People here think “How can we make that work” instead of “that will never work”. We’re encouraged to go outside our comfort zone, to brainstorm new ways of doing things. The constant evolution is what sets us apart from other places I’ve worked.


Dallas Williams — My favorite part of working at Innovative is the freedom to think different and challenge the mold. Everyone is empowered to challenge the norm for the better and think of the best ways to improve the customer experience.

Stampede Game Reed Walhof — The impact Jennifer Smith has had on me is almost impossible to describe. When you think of a role model/mentor/leader there is none better than Jennifer. I’ve never met anyone who would think of others first more then Jenn. Her ability to stay positive and get the best out of others was truly inspirational. She was so much more than just a CEO of a business. She cared deeply for everyone and wanted the best for everyone. Her influence on me both professionaly and personally is immeasurable. 12

Belinda Dower — Jennifer always made work easy to show up to everyday. She made me feel valued, my work mattered. She always took the time to listen and understand. Her presence in the office always made me feel like everything was happening exactly how it should. I miss seeing her very much.

Joel Ulrich — My favorite part of working here is the connection of everyone to one another. From the collective and cohesive efficiency of operations to the comfort with which everyone interacts and works together, it feels like one team that shares a common goal.

Laura Nagel — Jennifer’s smile was contagious. She literally lit up a room just by being in it. I have said this before, but I accepted the position at Innovative all those years ago because of Jennifer. I interviewed with her and knew she was someone I would want to work for, so warm, confident and always so positive. I miss her tremendously. I have asked myself (more than once) what would Jennifer do in this situation? What would Jennifer say? Honestly what was there not to like, she was the best.

Sioux Falls, SD


Anita Stevens — My favorite part about working at Innovative is how everyone is always so willing to help and jump in where needed. I am sure that this comes from the culture that Jennifer cultivated within the company.

Valentine’s Day Julie Meger — Jennifer could light up any dull room just with her big smile. She always encouraged us to do our best and could see the positive side of any situation. I admire her for all these things! 14

So sweet! Debbie Garner — Jennifer was a force!! Always complementing me and others on what a fantastic job we’re doing. I can hear her saying “rock star” to me!! We had many laughs together as well. She was always one step ahead and had a phenomenal business sense. She had a positive impact on everyone, and she made you want to work hard.

In our communities!

Feeding South Dakota 15

St. Patrick’s Day Shelby Foss — The people we work with are the ABSOLUTE best :) They allow me to be me while giving me the tools needed to succeed

Mark Segovia — One of my favorite parts of working at Innovative is the culture. Jennifer did an amazing job in building a unique company culture and emphasizing all relationships matter. She always wanted to make sure you, as a person, were doing well and you were never just an employee to her.

Lois Ackley — The coworkers I work most closely with, and the encouragement to respond positively to each other internally and externally are the best parts of working at Innovative.

Tony Betsinger — Working at Innovative you have freedom to grow the role you are in and make it something bigger. There is a baseline on where you start, but through the years it evolves into something different than where you started.


Julie Owen — Love the people and the laughter! Even in the face of big challenges, we are in this together to find solutions for our customers and employees.

Gary Feichtinger — Jennifer had that unique ability to instill trust and confidence in people. She provided me the opportunity to learn, grow and succeed.

Janelle Wilson — Anytime I’ve asked anyone for help, that person has always been helpful. Even if that person can’t help, I’ve found that they are always willing to point me to someone who can. There are a multitude of development opportunities throughout the organization - just ask. 17

Where IN the World

& everywhere else

Ashley Beasley Camelback Mountain, AZ 18

Barb Kusilek Scotland

Cora Mincer Montreal Quebec

Jarret Johnson New Brunswick Canada

Jon Koopman Universal Studios Orlando, FL

Jon Koopman Mexico

Melissa Seiffert Costa Rica

Barb Kusilek Washington DC

Mark & Maddie Segovia Budapest Hungary

Mark Segovia Wild River State Park, MN

Brooks Smith Blarney Stone Castle Ireland

Maddie Segovia Picacho Peak, NM

Dale Bloem Michigan

Robin McMullen Grand Canyon

Marie Conway Tuscany Italy

Tonya Zimmer Madrid Spain

Kay Edmondson Sebeka, MN


Easter Activities Penny Watczak — My favorite part about working for Innovative, you feel like part of a huge family. And I love the care that everyone from this company gives to our customers.

Raina Wendt — Jennifer is the reason I wanted to work at IOS. She is IOS through and through. Her compassion for life and everyone in her life... she made you feel like you were important and made sure you knew it. I am honored I got the chance to work for her company. Melinda Bonfig — Everyone I’ve met here is extremely customer focused - whether that be inside or outside customers. Innovative employees really seem to care about providing responsive, top notch customer service, which is AMAZING! 20

Hunting for beer!

Max Smith — Whenever Jennifer walked into a room you could feel her presence. She always listened to what you said and took your feedback seriously. She deeply cared for her employees, customers, and partners and you could feel that the way she treated everyone. She has left a lasting legacy and will be missed every single day. Jennifer Rosenzweig — It is the employees. I LOVE going into the office and talking to people and watching them engage with each other. I love hearing laughter, jokes, puns and about their families. All of the amazing activities that are planned by team members are so fun as well. I also enjoy hearing how we we take care of all of our customers and that everyone at Innovative truly does care about the customer experience. 21

Blood Drives

Maria Baker — Jennifer created a workplace that is not only fun to work at but also gave us, “the employees,” the opportunity to give input and she entrusted us to help grow her legacy into what it is today. She encouraged me to go outside my comfort zone both personally and professionally. Her door was always open! Her genuine compassion for her company and her employees was beyond what I could have ever imagined. 22

Eric Okerson — Jennifer Smith impacted my career by helping me enjoy working with a great group of people while balancing my personal life. In my 27 years in this industry, it was new to me to have the CEO take genuine interest in me personally besides work. She truly cared about all her employees and was always there for all of us. Our culture is a great motivating factor for me to work hard every day and have fun too.

Casey Gohman —My favorite part of working at Innovative is everyone that I get to work with and the incredible environment that we have created. Our culture is unmatched, and I truly have friends in my coworkers.


Earth Day Clean Up Tami Adams — My job is a great fit for me personally but the best part of Innovative is the culture we have developed over the years. I have so much fun being around my team and the company as a whole. I am one of the Innovative U people who meets with new employees and I always tell them to Be Involved and get to know the other people in the company. We do so many fun things that I may not ever do on my own- the company inspires me to be a better person.

Pearlee Coty —Jennifer’s leadership and decision-making had a direct impact on all Innovative employees, including me! Jennifers’s presence and interaction with all of us created the best work culture! She is so very missed! 24

John Townsend —I’ve never worked with such a great group of people that have so much passion to do things right the first time. We are not perfect but pretty close to it. The Innovative family is just that, a bunch of folks that really care for one another. I am so luck to call Innovative my home!

Jess Underwood —Jennifer always made me feel important and put a smile on my face.

Workouts Andrew Kopp — One of my favorite parts about working at Innovative is the people that I work with. The people around me are so great and helpful to me with helping find solutions for the customer’s problems. They are always willing and available to help. The people that work here are so great to work with!

Getting steps in

Weights with coworkers Mike Grozdanich — My favorite part of working at Innovative is being around and interacting with so many great people. Everyone is always willing to pitch in and help find the best solution to a problem at any given moment. 25

Bring Your Kid to Work Day


Gayle Zabel — Jennifer will forever have a lasting impact on me. I loved being able to pop into her office just to say hello if she wasn’t busy in a meeting. Her positive attitude, kind spirit, and big smile was so inspiring and contagious to be around! I’m pleased to see her legacy, and core values carry on through her family members working for Innovative, and the employees who knew and loved Jennifer!

DeAnn Player — Jennifer was one of a kind. She had a way of making you feel like the most important person in the room when you talked to her. She was always open to listening to any ideas you had and give feedback and usually you would leave a meeting with her and suddenly her ideas became your ideas. She was so kind, caring and generous. I am a better person for having known her. 27

Spirit Week


Beach Day

Kerensa Tracy — I like that no matter how big and spread out we have gotten, we still have a feeling of being part of a family.

Jay McGuire — I enjoy all the different activities that are planned, keeping us involved. There always is a fun activity to participate in.

PJ Day Kay Edmondson — I love that we are truly a work family. I love the work ethic of Work Hard and Play Hard and sometimes harder ;) Helping coworkers gives a sense of accomplishment that is rewarding to me. Lastly, one of my favorite things about working at Innovative is POPCORN Fridays! 29

Justin Siebenaler — Jennifer always made sure she had a connection with each employee. She showed us all that we are more than a number to her. Even as the company grew she made it a point to connect with each employee and let them know she was there when needed.

Jersey Day


Leah Halvorson — It’s the people. Companies are bucketed into 3 things: 1. People 2. Product 3. Process. Honestly it’s easy to solve for 2 and 3. It’s so hard to find outstanding people that are always looking for a path to yes. My favorite part is our people. Our people are honestly the best people ever! There’s such a strong bond a lot of us have here both in and out of work. I know that I could ask anyone at work for help and I’d have 10 more people signed up to help. Our people just can’t be matched and it’s really our people that are our discover the difference... it’s my favorite part of Innovative. :)

Western Day

Ethan Olson — I love that I can tell customers we have the best customer service in the industry and really mean it! Scott Andersen —I really appreciate the positive atmosphere and the chance to learn and develop within the team. It makes coming to work a genuinely enjoyable experience. 31

Keith Kleinschmidt — Jennifer provided a base, a foundation where you were free to do what ever it took to take care of the customer. She had your back, and was willing to discuss problem situations....not dictating an answer or policy but discussing to come up with a solution.

Community Parades



Pets in the Office 33

TP Drive

Tom Traetow — Jennifer was an amazing person! Somehow she was able to remember what was going on in everyone’s life whether you had just gone on vacation, had a baby, or lost a parent. She always cared and made each person feel important, part of the family and empowered to act with high ethical and moral values. She will be missed by many for a long time. 34

Over 5,000 rolls donated! Melissa Nelson — Innovative’s culture and energy is my favorite part of my career. We are always willing to look for new solutions and products to make our clients’ lives easier. We have an amazing team of specialists and response teams that will have our backs.

Jason Player — I worked closely with Jenn for over 25 years, learning, laughing, and growing into the person I am today in large part due to her. She was my mentor, my friend, and a guide through life who shaped me in immeasurable ways. She will be dearly missed, but her legacy and life will live on in those she inspired, those for whom she showed the way to lead and love.

Joel Eiesland — My favorite part about working at Innovative is the ability to contribute to a positive customer experience every day, and to work with great teammates with positive energy and enthusiasm. I’m able to “inspire people to love what they do and who they do it with” everyday, working alongside a great team! Thank you to the Innovative team for this experience. Dawn Miller — Jennifer Smith was a great example of what a person can do when she has strength, determination, goals, brains, faith in herself and team, and the vision to succeed and be of service to others. 35

Carmen Chastek — My favorite part of working at Innovative are the people and the culture. I love who I work with, and I love what I do. :)

Sioux Falls Open House

Julie Owen — Jennifer continuously Inspired us to be Innovative and to provide an amazing Customer Experience by living our Core Values and Brand Promise. She was unwavering in her quest to grow the company and provide growth for all employees. She inspired me daily to Dream Big! 36

Vicky Erickson — The “nothing is impossible” attitude! I love the encouragement, positivity, and genuine care Innovative provides its employees professionally AND personally. To feel cared for and valued by your employer and coworkers every day.... now THAT is something TRULY special!

Greg Fitterer — Jennifer always made me feel like I was an important part of the company. She always stressed the importance of having her own drivers to represent and be the face of Innovative. I’ve always tried to live up to that, and I know it has helped me to establish good relationships with our customers.

Karla Gunderson — Jenn was my guiding light, mentor and friend. Her contagious work ethic and caring spirit had a profound impact on me. There were never problems only solutions, never stop, never say no, never give up, celebrate the wins and most of all have Fun! Building lasting deep relationships, living by the golden rule and always focusing on the good in people. Working alongside her for over 20 years to help grow our company and culture to where it is today is something I will always treasure, and I will forever cherish the many memories we made.

Let ’s play ball!


Sue Wentzel —Business isn’t just business or a “job” it is an environment of shared goals, intense family-like relationships, that is fun loving and truthfully caring about the customer, vendor and employee. No task/ goal is too great when the Innovative family embraces you and shares that prospect. Jennifer, I miss your wisdom, friendship, caring and smile!

Summer Cookout Joe Caldwell — Everyone is IN, everyone has the same goal, just different tasks. That level of unity is rare in most organizations.


Grill out, potluck & outdoor games


Innovative Viking Games Travis Ulwelling — Coming from an aquisition there was a pretty big change from a small business feel to a larger corporation. Jenn really helped me feel like a person that was part of the team instead of a number. She gave me the small business feel.

Jessica Sowl — My favorite part of working at Innovative is the people I work with. Everyone is so friendly, and they want to help you. They make you feel welcomed and like you matter.

Ron Bearden — The people and the culture are my favorite things about working for Innovative. Everyone chips in to get the job done and to make sure our customers are happy.

Tom Kallman — I can still remember her advice to me after our visits... “Remember to be positive. There is no need to bash our competitors. Point out our positives and they’ll figure out or already know the competition’s negatives.” I didn’t realize my former employer created a negative work attitude in me. Jennifer’s lesson - Clients like a happy positive account rep.



Lesa Page — Empowering. That is the best word to describe Jennifer and the impact she had on me! Jennifer empowered everyone she knew, she firmly believed in lifting everyone up to be the best version of themselves they could possibly be in life and business! I have so many wonderful things to say about her but my heart breaks trying to type them... I will leave by saying that we had a fun journey together and I cherish every moment. I will do everything I can to keep us true to her vision and to help carry on her legacy! Simply put: Jennifer helped make all of us better people. 41

IN Carnival


Chris Foss — Jennifer had such a positive impact on my work life! Having a CEO that takes time out of their busy day to check in with you and make sure you are doing ok and ask about your family is so impactful. She really cared about her employees and their well being!

Robin McMullen — I really enjoy the people that I work with. I love that I get to come into work and feel like I’m hanging out with people that share my values. We work hard, but we have a lot of fun. You can’t ask for more.


S’mores Day Greg Helstrom — Jennifer was very kind to me and showed great interest in me. She always made me feel welcome and important. She was a wonderful person. Her passion for Innovative and it’s employees was very obvious. She is missed.

Kari Smith — I love being part of a team - working together toward the common goal of helping our customers have a great experience ordering from Innovative. If someone has a question, the team is right there to help where they can.


Food Drive Bill Elliott — My favorite part of working at Innovative is being surrounded by kind and awesome coworkers on a daily basis.

Brian Howell —My favorite part about working at Innovative is the people and the culture. I also love how involved Innovative is with the community and charitable organizations.

Stephanie Robinson — I was blessed to be able to work with Jennifer for the last 11 years. She was an incredible leader that really cared about all of the people that worked at Innovative, as well as customers and vendors. I was able to see first hand how busy she was, but yet she took the time to invest in the people around her. There are many times when I’m debating on how to handle a situation that I think of what Jenn would do. I feel very fortuntate to learn from such a great leader! 45

River Road Open House

Ann Speckman — There are many things that I like about working at Innovative, but I think my favorite thing about working here is the culture and the people. Everyone works really well together.


Brooks Smith — I knew Jennifer for almost 40 years and worked with her more than 20 years. The biggest impact that she had on me was to make me better by challenging me and encouraging me to challenge others. You don’t get better by taking the easy way out!

Tracy Roeder — Jennifer was always positive and although she was busy she took the time to make sure her family knew they were her number one.


Halloween JoAnn Neises — My favorite part about working at Innovative is inspiring people to love what they do! Working as a team motivates us to work hard and care about the success of the company. Greg Helstrom — My favorite part about working at Innovative is having a strong team of specialists available to assist me in areas where I am not an expert is huge. Our specialists and customer service team are “in”credible to work with.

Andrew Deters — Jennifer’s impact will forever be remembered as she truly instilled a a passion to love what you do and who you do it with! Jennifer allowed her son Max and myself to dream big and start the InSports Foundation to help kids get in the game! 48

Sarah Betz — Jennifer gave me drive and motivation. She made me feel valued. She gave me the opportunities to be a better employee!

BOO! Patrick Hlavac — The back and forth between myself and fellow teammates and other co-workers in the office and warehouse. It’s never dull or boring.

Trick or Treat!

Dale Bloem — My favorite part of working at Innovative is interacting and working with all the great people at Innovative. Everyday is a great day because of each and everyone of you!


Purple Party


Jamie Jorgensen — My favorite part about working at Innovative is how much everyone truly cares about everyone we work with. Innovative is truly one big family.

Tammy Lee — Jennifer was such an incredible lady. She had such a passion for everything that she did. She made me have passion for Innovative. She treated everyone as an equal and made sure that we knew that we mattered. She was not afraid to throw out ideas that she had for improvements to move forward and she always listened to what ideas you had. She went out of her way to make Innovative known and how Innovative can make a difference for a customer. You could see that passion that Jennifer had in the employees, the vendors and customers. I miss her everyday and remember that radiant smile she had. Thank you for inspiring me.

Chris Dille — My favorite part about working at Innovative is my team as a whole - everyone is so helpful and willing to help you out at any given time.


Feed My Starving Children

Kevin Clouse — Jennifer’s attitude while she was ill will always remind me to stay positive no matter how difficult life may seem.


Kira Osborne — Everyone is so nice. I could ask anyone a question and they would answer to the best of their knowledge and let me know who to ask that might know more. We are one huge team working together for the same goals!

Jackie Laine — I have learned new things I did not think was possible and I keep growing, also I have enacted with many people in the company and find everyone willing to help me grow.

Ginger Tieszen — Jennifer was our fearless leader and will be greatly missed! Her endless spirit and passion for life will forever be in my heart!

Giving back to our communities! Joleen Robinette — Jennifer was so down to earth. She spoke to you like you were the best of her friends - even when she just met you. I’ll never forget the brightening effect she had our All Company meetings. Also, as a single mother of 2, I’ll never forget the day she informed the Vadnais Heights staff that the location was closing. Immediately after the sales meeting, she walked directly over to my desk to tell me herself; She knew it would be an hour drive for me and said “I don’t want you to worry - we’ll get you working from home, and everything will work out”. In a way, she was a Mother to all of us. 53

Holiday Happenings

Holiday Decorating


Cookies with Santa


Beer & Wine Exchange


Holiday Party


JR Deobald January

Kari Smith February

Kay Edmonson March

Jeanne Thompson April

Antonio Eckert May

David Chabot June

Lora Schwalbe July

Amy Beasley September

Maddie Segovia October

Lisa Steele November

2023 Employee


Chad Blaha August 58

Supplier of the Year Bob Nelsen Director of K12 Educational Furniture — Wisconsin Bench is well deserving of manufacturer of the year for Innovative Office Solutions. Kendra and her team not only match our core values they deliver on them time and time again. They are always there to help with product solutions, creating new products when needed, they are great to provide samples for clients to test out, they stand behind their products, and are flexible to work through the difficult situations in a professional manner. Congratulations to Wisconsin Bench and team as our 2023 manufacturer partner of the year! Let’s keep building on what we have built with WB going forward. Thank you!

Chad Gullickson Education Specialist — Congratulations Wisconsin Bench for being Innovative’s supplier of the year. I have worked with WB for many years, and they have always been a company that looks out for the customer first. They have always been a partner that wants to make it easy for their dealers. If we need drawings, samples, or if any issues need to be taken care of, they respond. I would consider them one of the best companies in the industry because of their depth of product for educational furniture. WB is a company that leads and does not follow. Thanks again for your partnership and let’s have a strong 2024.

Thank you!! Leah Halvorson Director of Sales — Congratulations Wisconsin Bench on being our Supplier of the Year. Here at Innovative we say “Love what you do and who you do it with” and that is exactly how we feel about our partnership with the entire team! It’s always a great feeling and partnership when we feel like you are just an extension of our company and culture. Thank you for the many years and I am excited to see where our future takes us. Here’s to many more!



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