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07 Regulating Emerging Technologies
There are many societal, economic and strategic challenges for Europe but there are very few technologies that will play a key role in each and every one of them. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the most far-reaching technology that has this characteristic and is creating a transformation of society. It provides tremendous opportunities as well as some risks that need to be managed. Only by a proactive innovation approach and a strong European innovation policy, can we take the steering wheel and not only create welfare and well-being for European citizens, but also decide what norms and values we want to apply to innovation. Innovation means leading, not following. Innovation is not just technology, but also innovating in ethical and legal frameworks e.g. using regulatory sandboxes involving all key stakeholders in the design phase. This can facilitate a fast transition to higher TRL and societal acceptance based on jointly developed norms, which is stronger than just legislation. AI is not a goal in itself but can provide breakthrough solutions for the energy transition, climate challenges and the Green Deal. But also for traffic and transportation. For healthcare efficiency, cost and outcome. For food and agri. For security. And many other domains. A strong and proactive innovation policy of the EU will stimulate member states collaborating in these areas, creating critical mass to make global impact. NL AI Coalition supports such strong innovation policy.