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19 Green Transition 20 Green Transition
Europe’s Deep Tech Opportunity
We promote changes to the Education Curriculum to foster sySTEMic thinking to better sensitise citizens to the challenges to the Human Eco-System and to better prepare citizens to come up with innovative solutions and to adapt their personal behaviour based on better insights into Reality 21st century curricula should deliver. Whilst Literacy & Numeracy remain basic skills, a future proof society must also equip its citizens with Energy, Climate & Resources literacy. In addition Media-Literacy is of paramount importance to protect individual citizens as well as Democracy as a whole. Strenghthening the Agency of sySTEMic thinking means more critical, logical and holistic thinking which is the only way to meet the challenges ahead of us in a civilised & peaceful way.
Foster the creation of Distributed Cooperative Organisations (DisCOs) - millions of them, to support the implementation of the green transition across the EU and beyond.Organisations of all kinds that prioritise their choice of green impact mission, shared by all its working members, who build care and trust among them, supported by the use of DLT (distributed ledger) and federated technologies to enable inter-nodular economic activities. Because these DisCOs would not be only or mainly profit oriented, but see production as oriented to environmental ends, while taking care of its members and wider networks.Work is a function and a balance between 3 main value flows:LIVELIHOOD work,LOVE work and CARE work.The Green Transition mission would be embedded in the LOVE work performed by the organisation and agreed by its members.We need a pan european business fabric that wants to implement the green transition in its multiple facets, lead by people that believe in it and make a living out of it.

Smart phones, smart watches, smart scales, smart pressure gauges, etc. There are more and more affordable and even cheap smart devices with various sensors that measure the user’s biometric data. A global European platform gathering this data, analysing it by using AI and assessing the probability of different diseases would help with early detection of diseases, and either prevention of their full development or more successful early treatments. Connecting such platform with health records would represent a global system for early detection and prevention of common diseases and thus healthier EU population.

22 Women-led VCs and Startups
23 Women-led VCs and Startups
Young women in high school should be matched with entrepreneurs and accomplished professionals (men and women) in different fields so that they can see what possibilities are available to them.