1 minute read
24 Regulating Emerging Technologies
To quickly and drastically increase investment in women-led startups, the following proposal leverages insights from behavioral decision theory to overcome the cognitive biases infecting the VC landscape, and suggests legal and policy initiatives in combination with advances in technology:
1. promote aggressive tax incentives for investment in women-led startups, 2. extend nondiscrimination law to the founder-investor relationships, and 3. incorporation AI into investment decision-making to counter unconscious biases and improve the quality of startup investments.
Improve the frequency and timing of reviewing existing regulations. The timeline for reviewing and evaluating existing regulation must be streamlined. In the interest of economic efficiency and innovation, regulatory evaluation and the monitoring of impact should seek to remove redundant, onerous and inefficient regulation. This will particularly benefit small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), who are often the ones hurt the most by ineffective regulation.