Leverage Dynamics 365 to to Eliminate the Complexity of Region Wise Taxation - Industrial Products

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CASESTUDY CLI ENTOVERVI EW: i nodaycl i enti sagl oball eaderi ni ndus t r i alengi neer edpr oduct sands ol ut i ons .Wi t hpr es ence acr os smul t i pl egl obal l ocat i ons , t hecl i enthasbeens er vi ngi ndi ffer entver t i cal si ncl udi ngoi l and gas , powergener at i on, wat erandwas t ewat ermanagement , bat t er ypr oduct i on, pol ys i l i conf abr i cat i on, chemi cal , andpet r ochemi cal pr oces s i ng. Thecl i ental s odevel opsandpr ovi desar angeof pr oduct st ocat ert odoz ensofi ndus t r i es . Wi t ht heai m ofachi evi nggr owt hwhi l ebr i ngi ngcons i s t encyacr os sdi ffer entbus i nes spr oces s es , t hecl i entcamet ousf orar el i abl es ol ut i on.

BUSI NESSCHALLENGES: Havi ngapr es enceatmul t i pl el ocat i ons ,t hecl i entwasf aci ngcompl exi t yr el at edt or egi onwi s e t ax at i on. Ast hecl i enthadhugewor kf or cewi t hor gani z at i onal hi er ar chy , i twasf aci ngchal l enges as s oci at edwi t hval i dat i on, wor kflows&appr oval . Ascl i entcat er st odi ffer enti ndus t r yver t i cal s , i t needst omanaget i measwel laspr oduct i onandmanuf act ur i ngofpr oduct s . Fol l owi ngwer et he mai nchal l engesatcl i ent ' send. Lar genumberofus er s . Wi der angeofi nvent or y . Compl exi t yofr egi onwi s et ax at i on. Pr oj ectcr eat i on, wor kflow, val i dat i on&Appr oval .

HOW WETACKLEDTHESECHALLENGES: AsperNet Sui t es t andar dswecan’ tcr eat es i ngl es hi pmentwi t hmul t i pl el ocat i ons . Suppos et her e ar et hr eei t ems , t wocanbef ul fil l edf r om def aul tl ocat i onandonef r om nondef aul tl ocat i ont hen t wos hi pment swi l l becr eat edonef r om def aul tandot herf r om nondef aul t . Wehavecr eat edas chedul erf oraut omat i cf ul fil l mentofor der sbas edont heappr oachdefined above. T omaket hi sf unct i onal i t ywor kwemades omechangesi naccount i ngpr ef er encesf ol l owi ngt hebel ow s t eps . T oconnectands t r eaml i nepr oces s esacr os sdi ffer entl ocat i ons , ourexper t scameupwi t hDynami cs365Fi nanceandOper at i ons . OurExper t scr eat edDynami cs365i mpl ement at i onpl ant oel i mi nat et hecompl exi t yofr egi on wi s et ax at i on. T oenabl eacl i entt opr oducer i chbus i nes spr oces sdi agr amsf r om r ecor di ngsf oranal yz i ng anddes i gni ngt hei rappl i cat i ons , ourexper t ss ugges tT as kRecor der . Wi t ht as kr ecor der ,us er sar eabl et oopenat as kr ecor di ngf r om anLCSl i br ar yandcans ave new r ecor di ngst oanLCSl i br ar yenabl i ngt hem t oeas i l yacces sas i ngl er epos i t or yoft as kr ecor di ngsf ort r ai ni ngpur pos es .

I MPACTONCLI ENT’ SBUSI NESS: Cl i entgott hes ys t em t hathel psi ns t r eaml i ni ngpr oces s esacr os sdi ffer entdepar t ment s . Eacht as kcannow becr eat edi ndi vi dual l y , aut omat i ngwor kflows , al ongs i deval i dat i on&appr oval whi l emanagi ngt i me. Notonl yaccount i ngbutal s omanuf act ur i ngandi nvent or yar econnect edt hr oughacent r al i z eds ys t em. Compl exi t yas s oci at edwi t hr egi onwi s et ax at i onhasbeenel i mi nat ed. T as kRecor derr educest heamountoft i meandhumani nputt ocr eat ebus i nes spr oces sexpl anat i onsandkeymes s ages ,t husi mpr ovi ngor gani z at i onaleffici encywhi l eput t i ngal i mi ton t i me. www. i noday. com

i nf o@i noday. com

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