Round Robin Lead Assignment

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CASESTUDY ROUNDROBI NLEADASSI GNMENT PROBLEM: Leadas s i gnmentt os al esr epsi nr oundr obi nf as hi onwher el eadsar egr oupedoncer t ai ncr i t er i a. Leaddi s t r i but i ons houl dbeevenf oral l t her eps . Nor eps houl dbeover bur denwi t hl ar genumber ofl eadst ohandl e.

APPROACH: Cr eat eaSal esReps ear chi nawayt hati ts howst heT ot alEs cal at i onsas s i gnedt ot hateach Repands or tt hatbyAs cendi ngOr der( Sot heRepwi t ht hel owes tnumberofas s i gnedCus t omer si satt het opofs ear ch) Cr eat eas cr i ptt hatl oopst hr ought heCus t omerl i s t( s aveds ear ch) whi chneedsas s i gnment . Foreachi t er at i on, r unt hes ear chcr eat edi ns t ep1andt henas s i gnt hefir s tRepoft her et ur ned r es ul t st ot hecur r entcus t omer . Runni ngt hes ear chf oreachi t er at i oni st i me&gover nancecons umi ngandhence, t hi st ypei s s ol ut i oni sappl i edt oSchedul ed/MapReduces cr i pt swher ewecanyi el dours cr i pt( ori ti saut omat i cal l yyi el dedi ncas eofM/Rs cr i pt )bef or ewer unoutofgover nanceandt i mel i mi t s . Ther es ul twoul dbet hatal l t hecus t omer swi l l beas s i gnedSal esRepi nar oundr obi nf as hi on andt hedi s t r i but i onwi l lbes ucht hatal lSal esRepwi l lhavenear l yequaldi s t r i but i onofcus t omer s .

SOLUTI ON: As aveds ear chwascr eat edwhi chwi l l havet heSal esResandt hei rt ot al as s i gnedes cal at i ons . AMap/Reduces cr i ptwascr eat edwi t hI nputast her es ul ts etoft heCus t omer s ,t owhi chwe needt oas s i gnt hees cal at i onmanager s . Theni nt her educes t age, wewoul dr unt hes ear chwecr eat edonSal esRepwi t ht hei rt ot al es cal at i onsandgett hefir s tr es ul toft hes ear chandas s i gnt hatt oeachcus t omer .( Thi swor ks onl yi ft her es ul ti ss or t edbyt het ot al numberofes cal at i onsi nas cendi ngor der ) .

GOALACHI EVED: RoundRobi nt echni quewass ucces s f ul l yappl i edt or es ol vet heevendi s t r i but i onofcus t omer s amongSal esRep. Us i ngt her oundr obi nas s i gnment smanyot herr andom as s i gnment shaveal s obeenmade pos s i bl ewhi chwor kf ordi ffer ents cenar i oswher eonet hi ngsneedst obedi s t r i but edevenl y amonganot hers etoft hi ngs .

www. i noday. com

i nf o@i noday. com

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