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The 11th Congress of Portuguese Public Administration took place between 23 and 25 September 2020 with more than 5.700 participants and 4.600 online views, 70% during the initiative. In a deep changing world, the event had as a motto the “Emerging Skills”, those that must be enhanced and developed to meet the challenges of the present and a very near future: globalization, digital transformation or environmental sustainability.

This year’s congress, mostly in a virtual format and including simultaneous translation into Portuguese sign language, included round tables, interviews and moments of interaction and ideas exchanging between the participants. During the three days, 41 speakers and interviewees discussed topics such as the leadership role, skills and collaborative work, knowledge transfer and how Higher Education can address the emerging skills development.


The Minister for Modernization of the State and Public Administration, Alexandra Leitão and the Minister for Science, Technology and Higher Education, Manuel Heitor, opened the Congress, a joint organization between three ministries: Modernization of the State and Public Administration; Science, Technology and Higher Education and Labour, Solidarity and Social Security.

Through the different sessions, the participants underlined the need for a Public Administration with adaptive capacity, committed with a quality public service and with the development of public policies in line with the challenges, strengthening the role of digital technology and participation mechanisms as boosters of confidence and innovation in public management.

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