SHERRY HARNETT The University of West Florida has launched the Office of Workforce Development, and UWF President Martha D. Saunders has named Dr. Sherry Hartnett its first director. UWF intends to work strategically with existing industries to provide a skilled and qualified workforce. The Office of Workforce Development will oversee and accelerate efforts in four strategic areas: workforce planning and alignment, employer development, applied research and centralized access to UWF talent and programs. Building on the success of UWF's Executive Mentor Program and the Women in Leadership Conference she created, Hartnett brings a wealth of skill and experience in creating impactful community partnerships.
ZARZAUR LAW, P.A A Santa Rosa County jury awarded $16 million for medical malpractice and wrongful death to the family of a woman who died while in the care of Armor Correctional Health Services in the Santa Rosa County jail. Misty Williamson contracted pneumonia while under the care of Armor Correctional Health Services in the county jail. Armor healthcare providers delayed transfer to the emergency room. When she arrived at the ER, her pneumonia had turned into sepsis. Williamson died in the emergency room from septic shock. Zarzaur Law, P.A., filed suit on behalf of the client's family, arguing Armor's neglect and delay in transfer to the emergency room caused her untimely death. The verdict included $6 million in compensatory damages and $10 million in punitive damages for the surviving spouse and children.
ROCKHILL FAMILY James "Rock" and Jessica Rockhill have chosen Baptist Health Care Foundation for their latest impactful gift to benefit the new Baptist Hospital campus, opening in September 2023. The Foundation will name the surgery waiting area in honor of their transformational gift. A monumental staircase will lead from the hospital's main lobby to the second-floor surgery waiting area. With more than 3,000 square feet of waiting space, natural light and views of the town square, the dedicated space is the future waiting area for all inpatient and outpatient surgical procedures.
BENJAMIN BOUTWELL NorthEscambia. com reports Century Mayor Benjamin Boutwell walked out of a town council meeting last week saying he would submit his resignation the following day, but later recanted and said he would continue the job. The mayor became upset when a council member questioned why an employee was not paid more while being trained in how to do a different task. Boutwell defined cross-training as simply helping the city when an employee is out. As the discussion intensified, Boutwell said, "I'll tell you what, if this is what you want, I'll resign right now." When NorthEscambia.com called him the following morning, Boutwell said, "In the light of a new day and following a sleepless night of prayer, I need to put that offer aside and press on." Just another day in Century, Fla.
GLEN GILZEAN The administrator of a special district including Walt Disney World properties shouldn't continue to serve as a member of the Florida Commission on Ethics while holding a public job, the ethics panel's general counsel concluded last week. Commission lawyer Steve Zuilkowski wrote it would be "inconsistent" with state law for Gilzean to maintain his position as administrator of the Central Florida Tourism Oversight District (which pays $400,000 annually) and on the ethics commission he chairs. Gilzean has been an unpaid member of the commission since 2019. Gov. DeSantis appointed him to manage the new district in May.
FLORIDA TAXPAYERS According to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement's annual "Report of Transportation and Protective Services," Florida spent more than $9.876 million during the 2022-23 fiscal year on protecting and transporting the DeSantis family and visiting officials—a 25% increase from the previous year. About $9.4 million went to guarding and transporting DeSantis and his family and protecting the governor's mansion. The annual report is the first since the Republican-controlled Legislature this year passed a bill (SB 1616) that shields the travel records of the governor and other state leaders.
Tammy Greer resigned last week as executive director of Escambia Children's Trust. She wrote in her resignation letter, "This job is unbelievably political. I knew it would be, Pensacola is indeed a small town."
Blaming her troubles on local politics wasn't the first time Greer had done so. In her annual report last fall, the executive director asserted setting up and running the Trust had been made difficult "by the number and extent of public record requests received, the negative newspaper and blog articles published and the fact that 'everyone knows everyone' in the county."
I don't fault Greer for wanting to position her failures at the Trust in a way that suits her narrative: that the small-town politics, unnamed influential people and media undermined her efforts to help Escambia County children. My father once told me, everyone has to be the hero of the movie playing in their heads. While she has every right to her opinion, I don't think her insinuations should go unchallenged.
Escambia Children's Trust was born out of the local political process. The voters overwhelmingly voted for the referendum that created the Trust, which would be funded by an increase in ad valorem taxes of up to a maximum of 0.5 mil. More people voted for the Trust (98,688) than Donald Trump (96,674).
Any entity funded by the taxpayers will be political by definition, subject to the Florida Sunshine Law, and receive scrutiny from the media. Plus, the Trust's board consists of a county commissioner, judge, school superintendent, school board members, several state agency representatives and several members appointed by the governor. The Trust is a political entity.
Escambia County residents have a right to know how the Trust spends the $10 million it receives from them. While some leaders complain about public record requests and having to hold open meetings that allow public comment, Trust and other agencies funded with tax dollars need to operate in the "sunshine," so we all see how their decisions are made.
Greer isn't the first to blame the media for her struggles. I've dealt with similar attacks through the past 24 years, but my role isn't to be a cheerleader or reprint flowery press releases. I will ask questions and seek the truth behind the headlines.
Unlike the former executive director, I don't see Escambia County's smallness as a detriment that complicates navigating local politics. For people who want to pit one segment of the community against another or wish to give a message to one person and an entirely different message to someone else, everyone knowing everyone can make their lives difficult.
When Greer moved around the community attending meetings, meeting with elected officials, business leaders and nonprofits, people picked up the phone and shared what they had been told—as they have done countless times before with other newcomers. Throw somebody under the bus, and rest assured that somebody and I will hear about it.
In her resignation letter, Greer wrote, "I hate that there is constant chaos when powerful people in the community don't like the way things go."
She gave no names, but the "constant chaos" was created by the former executive director, not "powerful people."
Last August, the Trust approved giving Studer Community Institute (SCI) $444,400 for a yearlong public information and outreach campaign. When Quint Studer heard about the grant and learned most of it would be passed through to other companies, he rejected the funds because it didn't fit the mission of SCI.
Both Escambia County Sheriff Chip Simmons and Pensacola Mayor D.C. Reeves have blamed Greer for their proposals being rejected or delayed. Simmons and Reeves told me the former executive director had misled them. Greer denied their allegations, but she somewhat reluctantly conceded that she could have communicated better.
Escambia Children's Trust is political, and its next executive director needs to be comfortable with transparency. Think more Wes Moreno and less Janice Gilley. {in} rick@inweekly.net
Escambia Children's Trust is political, and its next executive director needs to be comfortable with transparency.
Health Northwest Florida CEO/President Chandra Smiley the next day, Greer wrote, "This is super exciting! I wanted to share links to similar models so you could see some of the possibilities for this space. It has the potential to be a remarkable site and serve as a prototype for other locations in the county."
Another positive meeting between the stakeholders and Trust staff occurred in April, and two months later, the city applied for the grant. However, when the program committee reviewed the proposal, it found holes and sent the application back to the city for revisions. No one mentioned any reservations about the request's legality until Aug. 8.
Inweekly talked with the mayor and Sheriff Chip Simmons about the Trust's grant process before Greer announced her resignation.
By Tom St. MyerAs an organization with millions of taxpayer dollars at its disposal struggles to piece together a strategic plan, a famous quote attributed to project management expert Cornelius Fichtner resonates.
"Planning without action is futile, action without planning is fatal."
Voted into existence in 2020, the fledgling Escambia Children's Trust is searching for an identity after a wild 48 hours in mid-August revealed its shaky foundation.
The Trust is due for a seismic reboot. That message rang through as several board members spoke during an emergency meeting Thursday, Aug 17. The board appointed Tammy Abrams as interim executive director, following the resignation of Tammy Greer, and then set its sights on the future.
"One of the main reasons for this Trust was to bridge the achievement gap of children in Escambia County," said Lumon May, the County Commissioner and board member. "That's why it came out because we have so many disparities, so much poverty, and the goal of this thing was to bridge the achievement gap. For me, it's that simple, and we can't lose that focus."
Fellow board member David Peaden said, "We've got to do a better job explaining to the community what we're doing, who we're funding, why we're funding them and what the outcomes are. There is a lot of good that has been buried with other things that have happened to us."
What happened is a messy separation from Greer following a series of missteps with Mayor D.C. Reeves, Sheriff Chip Simmons and others.
Board member Stephanie White saw Greer's resignation as "good for the board and good for the community." She added, "I think there were a lot of miscommunications, which made it tumultuous."
Greer submitted a defensive resignation letter after two days of email exchanges with Reeves regarding the city's request for a $3.5 million grant
to purchase the Morris L. Eaddy Lakeview Activity Center that would become the region's first children's resource center.
The email came a week after the Trust board voted to seek an Attorney General opinion on whether the Trust legally could award funding to another entity to purchase a building. At his Aug. 9 weekly presser, Reeves didn't hide his frustration that the question of legality wasn't raised earlier. He accused Greer of misleading him and the city staff.
Greer tried to salvage the relationship with an email Monday, Aug. 14, but she also listed concerns about the proposal that included "services in a facility funded by ECT must be for Escambia County children only" and "I was initially under the impression this would be a joint effort among the City, the County and the Trust. I don't know if it meets the definition of sole source anymore with it under only the City."
Greer concluded the email, "I do believe a central resource center for families is a terrific project if done with fidelity to the evidence-based model. I will keep you updated as the AG opinion request progresses."
Reeves fired back the next day, describing the process as "spinning our wheels and getting nowhere." He wrote, "We just would like to learn the rules and count on real guidance from you and staff, not learn about your opinion in meetings. I don't think that is an unfair ask."
Greer responded by apologizing, but she submitted her resignation a few hours later.
"This job is unbelievably political. I knew it would be, Pensacola is indeed a small town," she wrote. "However, my leadership is now being questioned, and my 37-year stellar career is getting a stain on it that cannot be erased. Perhaps I am not the best fit. My best is not good enough."
The eroding relationship between Reeves and Greer began innocently enough in December, when he shared his vision for the Center and left the meeting feeling optimistic about the city's prospects.
In an email sent to Reeves, May, City Council President Delarian Wiggins and Community
"I just continue to feel misguided at the staff level about what is expected of us," Reeves said. "After our first meeting, we get an email; it sounds great. We put in an application; it sounds great. Then we go to a meeting, and for the first time, all of us that are trying to put something that's good for the community hear about something we'd never heard before in the middle of a public meeting that there's a legal issue or there's a legal question."
The mayor's frustration mirrored that of Simmons, who said, "The entire Children's Trust process has left a sour taste in my mouth. I'm done with the Children's Trust. I'm not going back there. I think they handled it sloppily."
In December, the Sheriff's Office requested a $432,501 grant to fund movie nights, public service announcements, a virtual reality training simulator and a Real Time Crime Center. The board failed to pass the request after the Trust staff had encouraged the sheriff to apply.
"The whole thing was a mess," he said. "The process was bad, not just because they didn't approve us. They came to us. The stuff we were asking for would do wonders for the safety of children. I have no idea what else they want us to do."
Greer defended what occurred in December by saying, "Do we tell people in the community that they can apply for funding from the Children's Trust? Absolutely. Do we tell them that they're going to get funded? No."
She continued, "I absolutely tell everyone that I talk to that it is up to the board, but I would be lying if I didn't admit that I do tell people when we meet with them that they are welcome to apply for funding and we do talk about the kinds of partnerships that are in place in other parts of the state."
Mere hours before she submitted her resignation, Greer told Inweekly she was hesitant to say no to anyone. She claimed a board member told her from the outset that the board wielded the power and she should expect to be micromanaged.
Whether that conversation occurred exactly as she said is uncertain. Her board members had tired of the melodrama.
"I would hear from the community that things were being said in meetings, and then I would hear different things from our executive director, so we didn't know who to believe or what to believe," White said.
The Trust now turns to Abrams to steady the ship. White met with the staff on the day of the emergency board meeting, and they collectively decided on Abrams as the logical choice for the interim director position.
Abrams will serve as interim and remain in her role as director of finance. She previously spent 16 years with the nonprofit Community Action Program. Abrams said her focus is to keep the Trust on track through the transition.
"We have a list of about 15 items we're going to be going through," Abrams said. "We have our mental health applications that we're going to be reviewing on Monday. We've got contracts coming up for renewal that we're about to get on the board agenda, evaluating those and making sure they were effective."
The timeframe for hiring a permanent executive director has yet to be determined. White rattled off a lengthy list of qualifications she was seeking for the position.
"The Children's Trust needs somebody who can work with community leaders, gain trust with the board, be excellent in communication, call board members and let them know what's on the agenda, poll the board members and sit down to do the work of the Trust and help the grants that are out there succeed," White said.
Board members admit that Greer faced a Herculean task in essentially building the Trust from scratch. Her 18 months in the position included some notable victories. On Valentine's Day, the Trust awarded $5.1 million to 19 local children's service agencies for "out-of-school" grants. But even that victory came after an embarrassing series of events. The Trust initially planned to award the money months earlier but delayed the process to reevaluate proposals.
Those types of issues occur when operating without a plan in place. Finalizing a strategic plan is a top priority for the Trust staff and board. The Trust hired the firm idgroup to help and held a series of public workshops to seek community input. Unfortunately, sparse crowds attended the sessions, which bumped up against the start of the school year.
The ill-timed sessions marked yet another blackeye for a group searching for an identity.
"One thing I would like to make sure we as a board do, maybe with the interim but assuredly when we get a new one, is for us to decide who we are as a board," said Patty Hightower, a board member.
She explained, "Are we a policy board or an operation board? And I think that will go a long way with the next executive director knowing their roles and responsibilities if we make that decision as a board to what our role is." {in}
Mayor Reeves' transition committee found many citizens had begun to "bypass Pensacola 3-1-1 altogether and contact the mayor's office directly with concerns both big and small." The committee recommended moving the responsibility for 3-1-1 to a position directly responsible to the mayor and creating an "intentional and organized plan for responding to citizen concerns with clear oversight by one department."
Dees believes the 3-1-1 system can be a management tool. Of the 92 open tickets for the Parks and Recreation Department, 66 concerned tree trimming.
"What can we do to get ahead of that? Do we bring in tree-trimming contractors so we can get caught up? Or do we need to better educate the general public? What's going on here?" she said. "3-1-1 is absolutely a tool that we can use to see what are the issues that are going on out there and how do we get in front of them. How do we staff appropriately for them? How do we make sure that the value of living in the city is as high as it possibly can be for the people who are here?"
a priority list for the next 10 items to be accomplished, which included the 3-1-1 service that handles citizens' non-emergency requests regarding city services. He also announced 3-1-1 would be placed under his parking services director, Lissa Dees, adding constituent services to her job title.
Earlier this month, the mayor proudly bragged about the improvements made by Dees and her two-person team.
"On July 1, we had 2,608 open tickets in 3-11, and more than 1,200 of those were more than 365 days old since any action had been record ed," Reeves said. "As of Aug. 4, we have 338. In about 33 days, we've gotten through 2,300 tick ets since we made the change. So huge kudos to Lissa and the team."
it in at 8 o'clock in the morning, and by 8 o'clock tomorrow morning, it should be fixed.' We didn't set an expectation of, 'It's probably going to take us about four or five days to get to that, so you don't have to put in another ticket every day to remind us of that pothole.' It was a lot of cleaning up we needed to do, but in that cleanup, we found out there was a lot of education we needed to do for the general public and also within City Hall."
Mayor Ashton Hayward launched Pensacola's 3-1-1 call center July 1, 2011, to fulfill his campaign promises to make city government
that citizens could download from the city's website. A 3-1-1 ticket could be submitted by uploading photos and allowing the device's GPS location to pinpoint the location of the problem. Mayor Hayward also created the Office of Constituent Services, which had a 92% success rate in handling service requests. The most prevalent issues concerned potholes, streetlights and code enforcement.
Under Mayor Grover Robinson, the Office of Constituent Services was dissolved. The 3-1-1 system shifted away from the Neighborhoods Department as the city neighborhoods director was assigned to homelessness and other large city initiatives. The responsibility for 3-1-1 calls bounced around before landing with Sanitation Services.
The city has two systems to deal with citizens' requests. Dees said, "While 3-1-1 brings an issue to light, there's a whole entirely different system that's supposed to pick up seamlessly, carry that ticket through to fruition and close that ticket out in that system and the 3-1-1 system, and communicate with both the constituents and the department heads that work is done.
She added, "We've got some work we have to do on that program. There's still a lot of things that aren't hitting exactly how we need them to hit so that it works how we need it to work."
Mayor Reeves supports Dees and her team's efforts.
"We're looking at what's the best standard operating procedure to ensure we don't get in this position again," he said. "Some foundational things in the customer interaction need to be cleaned up, and Lissa is on top of it. {in}
To learn more, visit cityofpensacola.com/311.
cesses from the 2022-23 season and rallied at tendees to join the organization to be agents of change in the coming year.
"Our annual meeting is a time when we say thank you to the individuals, businesses and agencies that help us achieve our mission in the community," said Laura Gilliam, the United Way of West Florida CEO. "This year, we thanked our board for its support and welcomed new board members. And, of course, a highlight is our community awards. We welcome the opportunity to celebrate the transformational work being done in our community."
Board officers for 2023-24 are chair Todd Phillips, Navy Federal Credit Union, vice-chair Brian Wyer, Gulf Coast Minority Chamber of Commerce, secretary Tony Kisner, Florida Blue and treasurers Clare Hanszel, Warren Averett and Tom Della Flora, Baptist Health Care.
Individuals joining the board this year are Johnny Fayard, Synovus Bank, Jeff Fletcher, Lakeview Center, Heather Hyde, Jacobs, Muriel Merritt, Publix, Pace Store, Denise Myrick, City of Pensacola, Jen Mostert, Saltmarsh, Cleaveland and Gund, and Jeremy Ruffin, Ruff Path.
United Way of West Florida hands out five awards annually, honoring those who demonstrate a spirit of community service and a commitment to helping others. This year's winners are:
•Rayell Irish Award (Outstanding Social Worker): Kelly Murry, Health & Hope Clinic
•Partner Agency of the Year: ReadyKids!
•Distinguished Business Partner: Navy Federal Credit Union
•United Way Service Award: Brian Wyer, Gulf Coast Minority Chamber of Commerce
•Distinguished Community Service Award: Jennifer Grove, Baptist Health Care United Way also recognized its Top Five Campaigns: Publix, Florida Power & Light, Ascend Performance Materials, Navy Federal Credit Union and Regions Bank. These workplace campaigns donated the most money in the past year through employee and corporate contributions.
Susan Amburg, Director of Development, introduced this year's ambassadors and spoke about
Florida had $4 million of impact in the community this year by leveraging the support given to us by so many generous individuals and companies. We are so grateful and honored by their generosity."
To learn more, visit United Way of West Florida at uwwf.org.
LIFELINE FOR THE LODGES On Wednesday, Aug. 16, the Escambia County Commission voted to give Re-entry Pensacola Alliance (REAP) enough funding to keep its shelter for women and children, The Lodges, open for two months. Two days ago, REAP executive director Vinnie Whibbs sent an email to staff and shelter residents notifying them the facility would shut down Friday, Sept.
1. He blamed the closure on REAP being "unable to secure sufficient local funding."
REAP has operated The Lodges in the former Salvation Army shelter at 1310 North S St. since the summer of 2021. The initial funding came from Opening Doors Northwest Florida. When those dollars ran out June 30, 2022, REAP went to Pensacola City Council, which approved $200,000 in funding.
Pensacola Mayor D.C. Reeves told the media he was unaware REAP was having financial difficulties. He said, "This is not something we expected to be squarely in front of us with this kind of deadline."
County Commissioner Jeff Bergosh wrote on his blog, "My understanding was that REAP had secured ample additional funding and also was working toward its own organic fundraising, which would propel it toward self-sufficiency. Apparently, this is not the case."
Whibbs didn't attend the commission meeting due to attending a conference out of town. REAP sent a program director with little financial information to offer the board. About a dozen women from The Lodges were also in the audience.
"We had a REAP staff person, which I've never met or seen. I don't think he was part of the executive team, but maybe he was a program manager—a very nice guy," said Lumon May, the County Commissioner.
"He didn't necessarily know the budget or finances. We didn't have anyone from their account-
ing or finance departments; we didn't have their executive director to get the answers we needed to feel comfortable allocating taxpayer dollars."
County Commissioner Mike Kohler decided to put up $5,000 of his discretionary fund, and the board decided to take $10,000 from the State Housing Initiatives Partnership program (SHIP).
Commissioner May said, "The young man there said it cost about $7,000 a month to survive. And so we certainly put it in place that they can come back in two months with a plan."
REAL NEWS ANNIVERSARY On Tuesday, Aug. 15, WCOA celebrated the second anniversary of "Real News with Rick Outzen" with a live remote from the newly renovated Atlas Oyster Bar. For two hours, Inweekly publisher Rick Outzen interviewed 20 elected officials and community leaders.
This broadcast covers the first hour, featuring Sheriff Chip Simmons, former mayors Grover Robinson and Ashton Hayward, Triumph Gulf Coast chair David Bear, PYP president Justin Oswald, DIB executive director Walker Wilson, state senate candidate Frank White, Mayor D.C. Reeves and Escambia County Commissioner Lumon May.
U.S. Sen. Rick Scott brought fresh doughnuts and talked about his "Keeping Our Kids Safe" tour he is making around the state.
"We all want our kids to be safe," he said. "Think of how the world's changed. When we raised our daughters, we weren't worrying about school shootings. We were worried about drugs, but not this fentanyl that just with a few grams will kill you. And the social media was not even around. If they had cell phones, it was to call us or their girlfriends."
Rather than spend money to hire more IRS agents, Sen. Scott wants the funds spent on school safety. He said, "Why not take that money and put it into training law enforcement in our schools? Pretty basic. If we do, we could do that at every private and public school in the country."
Other elements of this plan included securing the borders to curb the influx of fentanyl and holding Big Tech accountable.
Sen. Rick Scott praised local leaders for turning around the Pensacola area. As Florida's governor from 2010-18, he played a significant role in expanding the Navy Federal Credit Union in Beulah and constructing the ST Engineering facility at Pensacola International Airport.
"When I came to campaign in 2010, downtown was pretty dead," said Sen. Scott. "And you look at what's happened in 13 years. You look at the jobs, the airport. I mean, it's pretty impressive that everybody here has done a great job. My job as governor was just try to be helpful as much as I could."
Commissioner Robert Bender, Supervisor of Elections David Stafford, Attorney Troy Rafferty, and Port of Pensacola director Clark Merritt.
Supervisor of Elections David Stafford said he hadn't decided if he would run again in 2024. He was first elected to the post in 2004.
"When I won the first time, I knew that I was going to run for reelection one time," he said. "Then seriously—I know people say this all the time—I literally each time took one term at a time, and it's a family decision. There's time to reach that conclusion here, but it'll happen here in the next couple of months."
INSPIRED INSPIRED At his weekly presser, Mayor D.C. Reeves told the media that Inspired Communities of Florida has written the City a $60,000 check to exercise its six-month option on Parcels 4 and 5 at the Maritime Park.
"It is encouraging that a group that has a lot of that background and research already done continues to be interested in trying to figure something out (this project) and is putting their money where their mouth is, $60,000 for six more months. I'm appreciative and look forward to those conversations as those negotiations get a little more serious."
In February 2022, Pensacola City Council gave conceptual approval for Inspired's $110 million project that called for 600 residential units, up to 50,000 square feet of retail space and a 900-space parking garage. The developer offered to pay half the garage's estimated $22-million price tag.
Last November, Inspired sent a letter notifying city officials that its proposed project had become "financially infeasible" and asked for an extension until the market conditions improve. The extension had an option for another six months if the developer paid $60,000 this month.
Andrew Rothfeder, who represents the city in the negotiations with Inspired, said SB 102, the Live Local Act, created financing opportunities.
"I think that is a significant part of why they've decided to exercise their option," said Rothfeder. "They found some things in there that are going potentially bridge the gap that make this project they can do."
He added, "The most important skill set for a developer is finance. These are capital-intensive projects, and Inspired is very adept at trying to figure out how they can get a project financed."
Rothfeder doesn't expect the parking garage to be part of Inspired's first phase because of the high construction cost for structured parking: "$25,000$30,000 per space for a parking space in a garage versus $2,000-$3,000 for a surface parking space."
2 The second hour of the anniversary broadcast included Atlas co-owner Collier Merrill and Chef Justin Hughes, DeeDee Davis, Jenny Noonan, City Councilwoman Jennifer Brahier, Community Health CEO Chandra Smiley and her communications director Sena Maddison, Escambia County
"You have so much vacant landfill at Maritime Park, that the very next project that comes out of the ground doesn't necessarily require a parking garage," Rothfeder said. "I think that the smart business decision for the city is to continue to figure out ways to not have to invest in structured parking until you have to."
and locations for this year's festival, which is free and open to the public Saturday, Nov. 4.
The artists will paint the walls of businesses along Barrancas Avenue between Garden and Main streets in the weeks before the event. The pairs are as follows:
•Eniko Ujj–Kingfisher, 1500 Barrancas Ave.
•Drake Arnold–Pearl & Horn, 1504 W. Intendencia St.
•Montgomery Welt–Frank Marston American Legion Post 33, 1401 W. Intendencia St.
•Hand in Hand (Andrew & Sarah McWilson)–Posner Marine, 1701 Barrancas Ave.
•Banks Compton–Merchants Paper Company, 1800 Barrancas Ave.
Pensacola Mural Fest's Christy Laggan said, "The locations are in the Barrancas Corridor and Tanyard neighborhood, where they already have started this trend. We were so excited that these businesses were willing to work with us and open their spaces to these artists. It's really going to make that area just stand out and pop on top of what it's already doing."
The Pensacola Mural Fest was organized in 2022 by a group of community leaders and local muralists who believe murals can add to the beauty of Pensacola, promote public art and attract visitors. Mural festivals across the country have contributed to public art and revitalized neighborhoods. Pensacola Mural Fest operates under the umbrella of First City Art Center.
The nonprofit received 28 applications. Laggan said, "Selecting the muralists was very difficult because they're all so talented. All of these artists are local to the area, but they have artwork all over the country. We're excited that we will have their artwork here in our city."
To learn or help sponsor the event, visit pensacolamuralfest.com.
The City of Pensacola's annual resident satisfaction survey is now available online for city residents, with new questions this year about additional amenities citizens would like to see in the city, economic development, recycling services, downtown Pensacola and more.
All city residents are encouraged to participate in the survey and provide the city with valuable feedback on city services and priorities. They can take the survey by calling (850) 495-2666 from 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday-Friday or at uwf.edu/ HaasResidentSurvey.
The survey deadline is Friday, Sept. 15. Residents should also receive a postcard in the mail prompting them to complete the survey.
"Feedback is an essential part of government, as it allows us to learn more about the priorities and concerns of our citizens," Mayor D.C. Reeves said. "This is an opportunity for residents to provide their input and contribute to data used to improve and enhance the City of Pensacola and the services we provide to our residents."
The University of West Florida Haas Center conducts the city's annual survey. All data obtained from participants will be kept confidential and only reported in an aggregate format.
Only city residents may complete the survey. At his weekly presser, Mayor Reeves said, "The survey will help guide the direction of priorities and primarily as a management tool."
"The time was right to build on our growth momentum and help residents in the Southeast save on their grocery bills," said Jason Hart, the ALDI CEO. "The transaction supports our longterm growth strategy across the United States, including plans to add 120 new stores nationwide this year to reach more than 2,400 stores by year-end."
the Blue Angels specialty motorcycle license plate has been cleared and is now available to purchase statewide. The unique motorcycle plate features two blue and gold F/A-18s flying into the sunset between the words "Florida" and "Home of the Blue Angels."
Aviation Museum and the National Flight Academy. The purchase of a Blue Angels specialty plate is an investment in our community and our children," said Rear Adm. Kyle Cozad, NAMF CEO.
Last week, ALDI announced it has entered into a definitive agreement to acquire 400 Winn-Dixie and Harveys Supermarket locations across Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana and Mississippi from Southeastern Grocers.
August 24, 2023
ALDI first established its presence in the Southeast in the mid-1990s and has invested $2.5 billion in the region. It recently opened its 26th regional headquarters and distribution center in Loxley, Ala. The transaction is expected to close in the first half of 2024, subject to regulatory approval and other customary closing conditions.
NEW BLUE ANGELS TAG The Naval Aviation Museum Foundation (NAMF) announced
The Blue Angels motorcycle license plates can also be used on small trailers and are available through any Florida tax collector's office with $20 from each plate purchased going toward NAMF.
Annual revenues generated from the Blue Angels specialty plate will be distributed to the NAMF, a Florida nonprofit, to fund the programs and projects of the foundation, including the National Naval Aviation Museum and the National Flight Academy.
"Escambia County is blessed to be the home of the world-class Blue Angels, the National Naval
BUDGET SECRET Inweekly publisher Rick Outzen asked Escambia County Administrator Wes Moreno, "What was the secret to getting the Escambia County Commission to review next year's budget in 45 minutes?"
"A lot of preparation. Stephan Hall (county finance director) and I worked really close together and with the board to take them through the budget," Moreno shared. "The budget process this year was probably more detailed and in-depth than it's been in quite some time. The commissioners were very familiar with the budget by the time we got to the budget workshop." {in}
Like many iconic staples in the Pensacola music scene, Cookies and Cake was born out of the creative and cultural zeitgeist of Sluggo's, the iconic and deeply missed local music venue. This raunchy, riot grrl rap duo, consisting of Melody Davis and Ashley Faulkner, filled a void in Sluggo's lineup and quickly ascended to becoming a regular house band. The two went on to book a tour, record a CD and spearhead a music festival called Lady Fest with diversity at its center to promote women, LGBTQ+, nonbinary and non-white artists, musicians and performers.
"I never would have pictured us doing this 10 years later," Davis said. "I thought it would be funny to do some raps at Sluggo's, so I asked Ashley to rap with me, and we got some beats from our friend Paul the Pfunk Fresh and wrote a couple songs. I figured we would do it for a little bit and then get bored, but everyone just kept booking us. We started Lady Fest because we wanted to see more local bands with people in them that looked like us. Lady Fest is for everyone that usually get
While Davis had previously been part of a band called Moose Knuckle Sandwich, she works as a baker and runs Pretty Baked, a vegan bakery. Faulkner, on the other hand, works in higher education and doesn't have a musical background. One common thread between them, however, is a passion for community building and political action, which not only influenced their music but also ignited their advocacy for diversity, bodily autonomy, consent and body positivity.
"I was involved with the Feminist Society of Pensacola, and I have a journalism degree, so I think that helped me not be afraid of letting political leaders know what I think," Faulkner said. "Lately, I've been going to a lot of school board meetings, because what's happening right now in the state of Florida is terrifying. There are certain groups being very politically savvy in how they are disrupting and dismantling the education system in Florida for their own nefarious purposes. Similar to our community involvement, I think we channel our outrage in our music to get
Echoing that same sentiment, Davis explained that Cookies and Cake incorporates humor and booty-shaking beats to juxtapose some of their heavy-hitting feminist messages while creating a mantra of empowerment and body positivity.
"I've always been angry about injustices, but I never really knew where to put my frustrations," Davis said. "So, I would go to protests, but I wouldn't speak out. I always wished I was more articulate in my anger, but it's easier for me to write about it in songs. I think our music gives people a way to express the same feelings we have and to feel more comfortable talking about
Since their inception, Cookies and Cake has always given back to the community, hosting charity shows and donating funds raised by Lady Fest back to local groups, such as Strive and FavorHouse of Northwest Florida, Inc., as well as reproductive rights organizations and abortion funds. They have also used their platform to drown out the noise of anti-LGBTQ+ protestors.
"One of my favorite memories over the years was counterprotesting outside of Emerald City back in 2014 wearing bikini tops that we dyed to look flesh colored and painted nipples on, so we looked naked," Davis explained. "There were busloads of people coming from the beach because it was Memorial Day Weekend, and preachers were outside the gay bar
yelling and harassing people. We showed up with some bands to counterprotest, and halfway through our set, they packed up and left. They did not like Cookies and Cake."
Creating safe and intentionally inclusive spaces is at the heart of both Lady Fest and Cookies and Cake. Neither Faulkner nor Davis shy away from confronting someone being a jerk, whether that means freestyle rapping to confront sexist behavior in the audience or drowning out bigotry with their raps.
To commemorate a decade of impact, Lady Fest has acquired the trifecta of the local punk scene with shows organized at 309 Punk House, Bugghouse and The Handlebar. All three nights of Lady Fest 10 is not only curated with local bands that emerged or were influenced by these spaces, but also raises funds for the 309 Punk Project, Bugghouse, drag performers and Strive.
"Each night of Lady Fest is like our love letter to these Pensacola venues and the places we've rapped at," Faulkner said. "We're currently doing an artist-in-residence at 309 and love the work they do. Bugghouse actually hosted a previous Lady Fest virtually during the pandemic, and The Handlebar has always been so accepting and amazing to us. We want to share and funnel some of that love back to these places."
Currently serving as the resident artists at 309 throughout the end of the month, Cookies and Cake have spent their time within the iconic punk house doing what they do best, bringing people together. They have hosted a potluck and harm reduction workshop with health professionals. On Saturday, Aug. 26, they will host a tie-dye T-shirt and movie night, where they will sell Lady Fest 10 shirts, with proceeds donated to 309. As their residency culminates, their final night coincides with the kickoff of Lady Fest 10.
"From the beginning, Cookies and Cake have always been supportive of the punk and music scene as a whole and unique in their music, which connects punk and hip-hop together, like Bikini Kill meets 2 Live Crew," explained Scott Satterwhite, a punk historian and 309 Founder. "We are lucky to call them friends and so grateful for all they do, not just for us at 309 Punk Project, but for all of Pensacola."
Like Satterwhite, Brandon 'Grover' Ballard, a DIY artist and the owner of the Pensacola punk house, Bugghouse, explained Lady Fest goes beyond entertainment and unites the community. "Cookies and Cake's music has always promoted radical feminism and intersectionality, but Lady Fest 1 back in 2013 was the first time I realized an event itself could be a form of solidarity. Cookies and Cake's message is just as important—if not more important—now than ever. The same is true for Lady Fest," Ballard said.
In the span of the last decade, Pensacola's music scene has evolved from a once male-dominated space, reflecting the music industry as a whole, to become more diverse and welcoming. When Davis and Faulkner first spearheaded Lady Fest, they struggled to find bands that didn't conform to the conventional straight, white and exclusively male mold. Now, they have such an influx of bands that they have to turn away or shortlist them for the next year.
This evolution in the local community is a collective endeavor, influenced by the tenets of punk ethics, younger generations entering the scene, social media making it easier to hold people accountable for their actions and the invaluable support of local music venues and organizations—such as 309 championing underground music. All the while, Lady Fest carves out a space that prioritizes diversity and inclusion.
"Lady Fest has been such a major presence in Pensacola over the past decade. Having an event every year to celebrate the women and queer folk in this scene is so inspiring for us in a creative world that's, for the most part, oversaturated with men," explained Ryan Holtzen of Mid Evil Times. "Lady Fest has always been a huge event for the members of Mid Evil Times who grew up here, and now we get the chance to inspire others just like we've been inspired over the last decade by the amazing women like Ashley and Melody in our local scene."
Mid Evil Times is part of Lady Fest 10's diverse lineup, which includes local bands Boxcutter, Marigold's Apprentice, Ego Death, Death Mood, Don't Feed the Plants, Crux!, Rat Daughter!, Jug of Water Obituary and visiting bands Team Nonexistent, Blind Tiger and Future Hate.
Like Mid Evil Times, Jordan Stanton of Don't Feed the Plants recognizes the festival's role in uplifting marginalized voices in the community. Lady Fest has provided Stanton not only a stage to express herself as a trans musician, but also played a pivotal role in catapulting her into the broader music scene.
"Lady Fest was one of the first times I performed music on stage, and it gave me the chance to get noticed by more people and play more shows," Stanton explained. "Living in a place where the government is actively working against you is exhausting. Lady Fest provides a place where we can be seen, where we can be loud and take up space."
Davis and Faulkner unanimously credit this inclusive atmosphere Pensacola has become known for, characterized by a multitude of genres and a diverse array of band members, to a collective endeavor that extends far beyond themselves.
"The scene is so different now. I think we owe it to a lot of the younger kids in the punk scene, which I call the angel punks, the Gen Zers, that spend time at 309 and Bugghouse," Faulkner explained. "I love these kids so much. They've embraced the spirit of 'Let's make the scene what we want it to be.' I think everyone is doing their part to make our community better, and we're becoming known for how welcoming and supportive we are in Pensacola. Out of town bands frequently tell us it's not like this in their hometowns. There's so much more space now for different kinds of bands and artists. It's been really beautiful to witness." {in}
WHAT: A multi-night event "celebrating women/ femmes, WOC, non-binary folk, LGBTQ+ or anyone who's normally left out or squeezed off stage"
WHEN: Thursday, Aug. 31-Saturday, Sept. 2
WHERE: Multiple venues
COST: $10 admission per night
DETAILS: @lady_fest_pensacola, facebook.com/ladyfestpensacola
The induction of Jerry Pate into the 2023 FSGA Hall of Fame class is a momentous occasion, carrying profound significance not only for the wider golfing community but especially for our beloved Pensacola.
Jerry and his wife, Soozi, have an enduring bond to our community that goes beyond fairways and greens. Its clear in their decision to not only reside here in Pensacola, but also to operate their businesses from this very place, despite having the freedom to establish their ventures anywhere they desired. Through their local involvement and charitable work, the Pate’s have truly made a positive impact on Pensacola that will be remembered for many generations to come.
Jerry Pate’s story traces back to his youth when he arrived in Pensacola. His journey continued through the University of Alabama, where he proudly played for the Crimson Tide golf team. In 1974, he secured the U.S. Amateur Championship title. His achievements extended to international tournaments as part of the U.S. teams, before he ventured into the U.S. Open and emerged as the low amateur, prompting his decision to turn professional. Despite a career shortened to just six and a half years due to injury, Jerry Pate achieved a remarkable feat, securing eight victories, including two major championships: the U.S. Open in 1976 and the Players Championship in 1982.
After retiring from professional golf, Jerry founded Jerry Pate Design. With over 45 years of expertise, the company has excelled in crafting and constructing golf courses and enhancing outdoor spaces with a vision to “Create beauty on the outside, to live better on the inside”. Notable projects include the renowned Kiva Dunes in Gulf Shores and the Navy Federal Corporate Campus in Pensacola. Yet, Jerry’s drive didn’t stop there. Instead of resting on his laurels, he went on to establish the Jerry Pate Irrigation & Turf Company, a national leader spanning 14 states in irrigation equipment, design, and consultation. The company’s headquarters, situated in Pensacola, not only add prestige to the city but also play a pivotal role in providing valuable employment opportunities for the local community.
Jerry Pate’s journey is one of dedication, excellence, and community engagement—a journey that embodies the spirit of Pensacola and continues to inspire generations of golfers and beyond.
Liberation! event a month, circulating between venues Easy Going Gallery and Whiskey Joe's and even the beach for a special pop-up Memorial Day Weekend.
"The most exciting thing for me is doing some kind of different theme every month," Woodberry said. "Just being able to be creative with what we do and using it as an outlet for creativity is something that I hadn't really gotten to experience. Playing in a bar, you kind of do what you're told to do. But Liberation! really gave us the chance to do our own thing."
That creative control extends to the type of music the DJs play, and you can expect to find a variety at each event.
"It's all very LGBTQ-centered music like house, disco, dance pop, remixes of pop songs, hyper pop, like we kind of do all over the place," Parker said. "But it fits together because the music and the sound of the music stems from our community."
After featuring themes such as Shrek, Barbie and Pride, this month's Liberation! will glow. The first 100 folks in the door will receive a glow bracelet as part of their entry.
"We're gonna encourage people to dress up," Woodberry said. "We're gonna have glow sticks, neon and black lights."
"It was really hard to get a crowd out just for dance music and dancing, especially when they're at a venue that didn't have alcohol at the time," Parker said. "We got together with Vantasia Divine, because Vantasia originally worked with me at Pensapride the first year that we did it."
Joining a long history of DIY and underground events, Liberation! is more of a passion project than a money-maker.
"We're not doing this from a place of deep pockets or anything like that," Parker said. "It's more of a do-it-yourself perspective. We just really want everyone to have a good time and make memorable nights with their friends and build community together."
Beyond providing a fun event, Woodberry says Liberation! is an important reminder that more spaces are needed for LGBTQ+ folks in Pensacola.
"We just want more spaces that people can hang out in, whether it's a bar or a coffee shop or any other kind of venue like that—literally just taking up space for queer people," Woodberry said.
For ardent allies, Liberation! wants you to know you're welcome, too.
to provide a safe and welcoming space for people to let loose.
Co-founder Brody Parker wanted to honor Pensacola's LGBTQ+ history, while creating spaces for young people.
"Liberation! was created because I got inspired originally by Emerald City," Parker said. "I had heard so much about Emerald City from locals in the queer community. Even though I'd never been, people talked all about it and how amazing it was."
Parker took his idea to friend and fellow LGBTQ+ DJ Benjamin Woodberry, known on stage as BT Wubz, and the two hosted their first event in December of 2022.
"There's no spaces that cater to women, non-binary people, trans people, and we wanted to create some kind of event that would be more inclusive than what was already in Pensacola at the time," Woodberry said.
In 2023, the duo has hosted at least one
Liberation! is open to those 18 and older, providing a rare opportunity for dance and community to those younger than 21.
"I know when I was in high school, I lived in Arkansas, I didn't really have a community," Parker said. "The first place everyone pretty much goes when they graduate is to their local queer bar or queer space to make friends inside the community."
In addition to a variety of music and dancing, Liberation! events typically open with a drag show.
"While this is more for the girls, gays and theys, it's also open to everyone," Parker said. "We want our allies to come out and party with us too and have a good time." {in}
WHAT: Pensacola's monthly dance event for the LGBTQ+ community and friends WHEN: 10 p.m.-2 a.m. Friday, Aug. 25 WHERE: Easy Going Gallery, 701 N. V St. COST: $10
DETAILS: @liberationpensacola
film, music, stage, books and other signs of civilization...
Allies Florida hosts bingo twice monthly at Scenic Hills Country Club, 8891 Burning Tree Road. The cost is 10 rounds of bingo for $10, with cash prizes for winners. Food and drinks are also available for purchase. A full bar and restaurant offer special adult beverages just for bingo nights. You must be 18 to play. For more information, visit facebook.com/animalalliesflorida.
TION Visit Pet Supermarket 11 a.m.-3 p.m. every first and third Saturday of the month at 6857 N. 9th Ave. to meet your furever friend. Visit aaflorida.org for details.
DRIVE The Gloria Green Caring & Sharing Ministry is attached to the Historic St. Joseph Catholic Church, 140 W. Government St. The ministry feeds the homeless at 10:30 a.m. Tuesdays. The ministry's food pantry opens at 10 a.m. and has clothing. Food donations needed are pop-top canned goods, Beanie Weenies, Vienna sausage, potted meat, cans of tuna and chicken and soups. Clothing donations needed include tennis shoes for men and women and sweatshirts and new underwear for men in sizes small, medium and large. Call DeeDee Green at (850) 723-3390 for details.
SAENGER SUMMER MOVIE SERIES The upcoming summer movies at the Saenger, 118 S. Palafox St., are 7 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 24 with "Shaun of the Dead" and 7 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 26 with "The Big Lebowski." Tickets for summer movies are $5. Visit pensacolasaenger.com for more details.
LITTLE WARS Enjoy a Studio400 production at Pensacola Little Theatre, 400 S. Jefferson St. The all-female drama is set at a dinner party with celebrated writers Agatha Christie, Lillian Hellman, Dorothy Parker, Gertrude Stein and Alice B. Toklas, along with a mysterious guest. Showtimes are 7:30 p.m. Friday, Aug. 25, Saturday, Aug. 26, Thursday, Aug. 24 and 2:30 p.m. Sunday Aug. 26. Tickets are $18-$25 at pensacolalittletheatre.com.
THE HIDING PLACE MUSICAL The Pensacola production of the musical "The Hiding Place" is 7 p.m. Thursdays, Aug. 24, 31, Sept. 7 and Sept. 17 at The Rex Theatre, 18 N. Palafox St. Tickets are $17-$25. For more information, visit hidingplacemusical.com.
CONCEPT CARNIVAL FEATURING PECULIAR POP-UP PERFORMANCES The popup performances are 6-7 p.m. Thursdays Aug.24Sept.14 at Pensacola Museum of Art, 407 S. Jefferson St. All events are free and open to the public. Performances include: The Roller-Coaster-Box-Truck-Drag-Race-Tournament-of-Champions; the Hair-City-Fair-Queen-Beauty-Pageant; the Push-Button-Performance; the ElectricLight-Parade of Box-Truck-Dekotora; the BoxTruck-Roller-Skate-Demolition-Derby; the Battle of the Cardboard Bands; the Surprise Corner; and the New-Fall-Lines-of-Froze-Toes Fashion Parade. Visit pensacolamusuem.org for details.
LIBERATION! PRESENTS: MOVE GLOW PARTY EDITION Liberation Pensacola presents a night of dancing with DJs Brody, BT Wubz and Robbie Carrigan 10 p.m.-2 a.m. Friday, Aug. 25. Show is for ages 18 and older for a $10 cover. Visit the Liberation Pensacola Facebook page for details.
TIE DYE & MOVIE NIGHT WITH COOKIES & CAKE 309 Punk House Artists in Residence will host a movie night 4-8 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 26 at the punk house, 309 N. 6th St. Stay updated at facebook.com/309punkproject.
YIKES! STANDUP COMEDY WITH DAVE STONE Doors open at 7 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 26 at Vinyl Music Hall, 2 S. Palafox St. Tickets are $20-$30 at vinylmusichall.com.
MISS FLAWLESS AT LARGE PAGEANT The inaugural Miss Flawless at Large Pageant is Sunday, Aug. 27 at 3300 N. Pace Boulevard. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. and pageant begins at 8 p.m. VIP seating is $30 and general admission is $20. Pay via Cash app: $flawlesspageant. For more information, visit taizesinclairsanti@gmail.com.
An Artist's Reception for the show "Splash of Color," featuring the work of Barbara Allen, Wanda Azzario-Goldberg and Kristen Carter is 2-5 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 27 at Quayside Gallery, 17 E. Zaragoza St. Visit quaysidegallery.com for details.
"BOOK CLUB: THE NEXT CHAPTER" Watch the sequel "Book Club: The Next Chapter" at 1 p.m. Friday, Sept. 1 and Saturday, Sept. 2 at Pensacola Cinema Art, 220 W. Garden St. Tickets are a $10 cash donation.
BIG DEAL BURLESQUE Show is 8 p.m. Friday, Sept. 1 at Vinyl Music Hall, 2 S. Palafox St. Tickets are $25-$500 for VIP balcony with six seats and cocktail server. Information at vinylmusichall.com.
PUFF AND PAINT AT EASY GOING GALLERY Sign up for group paining at Easy Going Gallery, 701 N. V St. Event is 7 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 2. Tickets are $25 and include canvas and art supplies, plus a CBD, HHC or Delta-8 cocktail of your choice. Visit facebook.com/easygoinggallery for details.
AUTHOR ELIZA SCALIA BOOK SIGNING Children's author Eliza Scalia will be at Open Books Bookstore, 1040 N. Guillemard St., 11 a.m. Saturday, Sept. 2 to sign copies of her books. Visit facebook.com/openbooksbookstore for information.
FERDINAND Palafox Market South will include a blend of familiar Palafox Market vendors, along with a new mix of local farmers, artists and craftsmen and women, who will fill up Plaza Ferdinand on the corner of Palafox and Government streets. Shoppers can navigate between the new market and the always-humming original located on north Palafox at Martin Luther King, Jr. Plaza, 9 a.m.-2 p.m. every Saturday. For more information about Palafox Market, visit palafoxmarket.
com. For information concerning other downtown events, please visit downtownpensacola.com
CABARET DRAG SHOWCASE AT AMERICAN LEGION POST #193 Don't miss Cabaret Drag Showcase every second and fourth Saturday at the American Legion Post #193, 2708 N. 12th Ave. Doors open at 8 p.m. Showtime is 10 p.m. For more information, contact show director Taize Sinclair-Santi at taizesinclairsanti@gmail.com.
AFTER DARK: SEVILLE QUARTER GHOSTS, MURDER, MAYHEM AND MYSTERY TOUR AND DINNER After Dark Paranormal Investigation and Dinner inside one of Pensacola's most haunted restaurants with actual ghost-hunting equipment 6-8 p.m. Sundays. Listen as your guide weaves tales of ghosts, debauchery, murder, mayhem, paranormal activities, history and more of Seville Quarter and downtown Historic Pensacola. Following your ghost tour, enjoy dinner at Seville Quarter Palace Café, 130 E. Government St. Reservations required. Call (850) 941-4321. Tickets are available at pensacolaghostevents.com.
PENSACOLA ARTS MARKET Shop small and buy art at Pensacola Arts Market 11 a.m.-4 p.m. every fourth Saturday of the month at Cordova Square, 1101 N. 12th Ave. Enjoy a local artisan and farmers market with more than 50 vendors, food trucks, plants, vintage clothing and décor, live musical performances, kids crafts and games. This is a free event. Pensacola Arts Market is set up 4-9 p.m. every first Friday of the month and 2-6 p.m. every third Sunday at Gary's Brewery & Biergarten, 208 Newman Ave.
PENSACOLA STATE COLLEGE VISUAL ARTS DEPARTMENT PRESENTS 2023 ANNUAL FACULTY EXHIBITION The exhibit, also known as Show and Tell, showcases artwork from PSC faculty of the Visual Arts Department. Artwork will be on display in the Switzer Gallery, 1000 College Boulevard, through Oct. 6. A welcoming event will be 6-7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 29 where artists will be introduced. All events are free to the public. More information at visualarts. pensacolastate.edu.
Three new exhibitions are on view at Artel Gallery, 223 S. Palafox St., through Aug. 25. In the main gallery is "Playlist," a showcase of music fused with art; in the vault is "Davmo," and in the award alcove is works from abstract artist Lynn Huber. The gallery is open 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Tuesday-Saturday. Visit artelgallery.org for details.
AL ARMIN Check out the work of Al Armin at Open Books, 1040 N. Guillemard St. Visit facebook. com/openbooksbookstore for more information.
THE LAST SURREALIST Featuring Art by davmo, "The Last Surrealist," is on view through Friday, Aug. 25 inside the Suzanne Robbert Vault at Artel Gallery, 223 S. Palafox St.
CHLOE BAILY ART Easy Going Gallery celebrates a new exhibit from artist Chloe Baily — "Kaleidoscopic Topic" at 701 N. V St. Visit facebook.com/easygoinggallery.
HANDS-ON PASTA CLASS Class is 6 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 24 at Bodacious, 407-D S. Palafox St. Tickets are available at bodaciousshops.com.
O'RILEY'S IRISH PUB'S BARTENDER CHAMPIONSHIP O'Riley's Irish Pub will bring back its bartender championship 2:30 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 27 at 321 S. Palafox St. Up to 12 bartenders will compete for the top prize. Each bartender will make a unique cocktail with a special ingredient. Tickets for attendees are $25 and include several samples of all cocktails prepared by the bartenders and sponsors. Free appetizers will be available to attendees for a limited time. Tickets can be purchased here and on orileyspub.com.
1920S MURDER MYSTERY SHOW Show is 7 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 27 at Garden and Grain, 50 E. Garden St. Tickets are $29 and available on Eventbrite. Cash bar will be available. No dress code but 1920s attire is highly encouraged.
OYSTER BASH PILS PARTY Enjoy oysters from Grayson Bay Oyster Co. and homemade sauces with special pilsners and live music from Jordan Richards 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 3 at Odd Colony, 260 N. Palafox St. Visit facebook. com/oddcolony for details.
SIPPIN' IN SUNDRESSES LADIES' NIGHT AT FELIX'S Pop-up shops, pink drink specials and live music is 5-8 p.m. Thursdays at Felix's Restaurant and Oyster Bar, 400 Quietwater Beach Drive.
JACKSON'S STEAKHOUSE FRIDAY LUNCH SERVICE Jackson's Steakhouse, 400 S. Palafox St., is now open for lunch service 11 a.m.2 p.m. Fridays. Chef Irv Miller has created a new lunch menu, which includes selections of appetizers, salads, sandwiches, featured plates and hand-selected steaks. Visit jacksonssteakhouse. com to see a full menu.
GAMER/JACKBOX NIGHT AT O'RILEY'S Gamers unite 5 p.m.-2 a.m. Mondays at O'Riley's Irish Pub, 321 S. Palafox St.. Visit orileyspub.com for details.
BINGO NIGHT AT CALVERT'S IN THE HEIGHTS Play a game (or two) of Bingo 6-8 p.m. Mondays at Calvert's in the Heights, 670 Scenic Highway. For more information, visit calvertsintheheights.com.
BAR BINGO AT O'RILEY'S Visit O'Riley's Irish Pub for Bar Bingo 8-10 p.m. Tuesdays at 321 S. Palafox St. Visit orileyspub.com for details.
SECOND TUESDAY THEMED TRIVIA Visit Perfect Plain Brewing Co. for themed trivia nights 7-9 p.m. the second Tuesday of the month at 50 E. Garden St. Visit facebook.com/perfectplainbrewingco for details.
TRIVIA AT O'RILEY'S Test your trivia knowledge 8-10 p.m. Wednesdays at O'Riley's Irish Pub, 321 S. Palafox St. Visit orileyspub.com for details.
Take part in trivia nights 6-8 p.m. Wednesdays at Calvert's in the Heights, 670 Scenic Highway. For more information, visit calvertsintheheights.com.
PITCHERS AND TAVERN TRIVIA O'Riley's Tavern hosts trivia 8 p.m.-midnight Thursdays at 3728 Creighton Road. Visit orileystavern. com for details.
TRIVIA AT WISTERIA Trivia is 6 p.m. Thursdays at Wisteria Tavern, 3808 N. 12th Ave. Visit wisteriatavern.com for details.
Gary's Brewery Trivia Night is back by popular demand 7-9 p.m. Thursdays. Test your trivia skills with a glass of beer or wine. Arrive early to grab a spot. Gary's Brewery is located at 208 Newman Ave. For more information, visit facebook.com/garysbrew.
TRIVIA AT SIR RICHARD'S Flex your trivia knowledge 8-10 p.m. Fridays at Sir Richard's Public House, 2719 E. Cervantes St. Visit sirrichardslounge.com for details.
FREE POOL AND BAR BINGO AT O'RILEY'S TAVERN Enjoy free pool and play bar bingo 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Sundays at O'Riley's Tavern, 3728 Creighton Road. Details at orileystavern.com.
BANDS ON THE BEACH Concerts are 7-9 p.m. Tuesdays at the Gulfside Pavilion on Pensacola Beach. On Tuesday, Aug. 29, Jay Williams Band performs. For details, visit visitpensacolabeach.com/whats-happeningbands-on-beach.
BLESSTHEFALL Show is 7 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 24 at Vinyl Music Hall, 2 S. Palafox St. Tickets are $25 and available at vinylmusichall.com.
STEELIN' PEACHES: AN ALLMAN BROTHERS REVUE Show is 7 p.m. Friday, Aug. 25 at Vinyl Music Hall, 2 S. Palafox St. Tickets are $20$30 and available at vinylmusichall.com.
ORPHIC, JUMPING THE GUN Show is 8 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 26 at Easy Going Gallery, 701 N. V St. Tickets are $10. Visit facebook.com/easygoinggallery for details.
KC AND THE SUNSHINE BAND Show is 7 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 27 at Saenger Theatre, 118 S. Palafox St. Tickets are $65-$105 and available at pensacolasaenger.com.
LADYFEST Various artists will perform for the 10th anniversary festival. The show starts at 7 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 31 at 309 Punk House, 309 N. 6th St. The festival continues 6 p.m. Friday, Sept. 1 at the Bugghouse, and 7 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 2 at The Handlebar, 319 N. Tarragona St. Visit facebook.com/ladyfestpensacola for details.
THE WAYMORES, THE VICTROLAS, DEVAN SEAN, D. SCOTT RIGGS Show is 7 p.m. Friday, Sept. 6 at The Handlebar, 319 N. Tarragona St. Tickets are $10 and available at thehandlebar850.com.
GASOLINA: REGGAETON PARTY Show is 9 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 2 at Vinyl Music Hall, 2 S. Palafox St. Tickets are $15-$40 and available at vinylmusichall.com.
STRANGE RANGER, CHANEL BEADS Show is 7 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 3 at The Handlebar, 319 N. Tarrgona St. Tickets are $10-$15 and available at thehandlebar850.com.
Visit Five Sisters, 421 W. Belmont St., for live music on select days.
•Tuesdays: Greg Bond from 5:30-8:30 p.m.
•Thursdays: John Wheeler from 6-8 p.m.
•Saturdays: Glenn Parker Band from 6:30-10 p.m.
•Sundays: Curt Bol Quintet from 11 a.m.-3 p.m.
ONY Music pickers of all levels are invited to play 7-9 p.m. every last Monday of the month at Odd Colony, 260 N. Palafox St. Bring your acoustic instrument and jam. Visit facebook. com/oddcolony for details.
QUARTER Seville Quarter and the Blues Society of Northwest Florida bring the "Blues" back to the Seville Quarter Entertainment District at 7 p.m. every Monday at 130 E. Government St. in End O' the Alley. For more information, visit sevillequarter.com.
QUARTER Enjoy smooth jazz with Melodious Allen and The Funk Heads every Tuesday night at Lili Marlene's in Seville Quarter, 130 E. Government St. Show starts at 6:30 p.m. Visit sevillequarter.com for more information.
KARAOKE AT O'RILEY'S UPTOWN Sing your heart out 8 p.m.-midnight Tuesdays at O'Riley's Uptown, 3728 Creighton Road. Visit orileystavern.com for details.
Open mic night is hosted by Renee Amelia at 6 p.m. every other Wednesday at Gary's Brewery & Biergarten, 208 Newman Ave. Visit facebook. com/garysbrew for details.
KARAOKE AT WISTERIA Wisteria Tavern, 3808 N. 12th Ave., hosts karaoke 7 p.m. Wednesdays. Details are at wisteriatavern.com.
WHISKEY WEDNESDAY KARAOKE Karaoke starts at 9 p.m. Wednesdays at Mugs and Jugs, 12080 Scenic Highway. Visit mugsjugsbar. com for details.
Bring your singing talents Monday and Thursday nights at Sir Richard's Public House, 2719 E. Cervantes St. Festivities are 9 p.m.-1 a.m. Visit sirrichardslounge.com for details.
EASY GOING DJ LAB Show is noon-4 p.m. Saturdays at Easy Going Gallery, 701 N. V St. Visit facebook.com/easygoinggallery for details.
for more listings visit inweekly.net
ARIES (MARCH 21-APRIL 19): None of the books I've written have appeared on the New York Times best-seller list. Even if my future books do well, I will never catch up with Aries writer James Patterson, who has had 260 books on the prestigious list. My sales will never rival his, either. He has earned more than $800 million from the 425 million copies his readers have bought. While I don't expect you Rams to ever boost your income to Patterson's level, either, I suspect the next nine months will bring you unprecedented opportunities to improve your financial situation. For best results, edge your way toward doing more of what you love to do.
TAURUS (APRIL 20-MAY 20): Addressing a lover, D. H. Lawrence said "having you near me" meant he would "never cease to be filled with newness." That is a sensational compliment. I wish all of us could have such an influence in our lives: a prod that helps arouse endless novelty. Here's the good news, Taurus: I suspect you may soon be blessed with a lively source of such stimulation, at least temporarily. Are you ready and eager to welcome an influx of freshness?
GEMINI (MAY 21-JUNE 20): Humans have been drinking beer for at least 13,000 years and eating bread for 14,500. We've enjoyed cheese for 7,500 years and popcorn for 6,500. Chances are good that at least some of these four are comfort foods for you. In the coming weeks, I suggest you get an ample share of them or any other delicious nourishments that make you feel well-grounded and deep-rooted. You need to give extra care to stabilizing your foundations. You have a mandate to cultivate security, stability and constancy. Here's your homework: Identify three things you can do to make you feel utterly at home in the world.
CANCER (JUNE 21-JULY 22): On Instagram, I posted a favorite quote from poet Muriel Rukeyser: "The world is made of stories, not atoms." I added my own thought: "You are made of stories, too." A reader didn't like this meme. He said it was "a nightmare for us anti-social people." I asked him why. He said, "Because stories only happen in a social setting. To tell
By Rob Brezsnyor hear a story is to be in a social interaction. If you're not inclined toward such activities, it's oppressive." Here's how I replied: "That's not true for me. Many of my stories happen while I'm alone with my inner world. My nightly dreams are some of my favorite stories." Anyway, Cancerian, I'm offering this exchange to you now because you are in a story-rich phase of your life. The tales coming your way, whether they occur in social settings or in the privacy of your own fantasies, will be extra interesting, educational and motivational. Gather them in with gusto. Celebrate them.
of fully loaded garbage trucks circling the earth 24 times. You and I can diminish our contributions to this mess, though we must overcome the temptation to think our personal efforts will be futile. Can we really help save the world by buying secondhand goods, shopping at farmer's markets and curbing our use of paper? Maybe a little. And here's the bonus: We enhance our mental health by reducing the waste we engender. Doing so gives us a more graceful and congenial relationship with life. The coming weeks will be an excellent time to meditate and act on this beautiful truth.
LEO (JULY 23-AUG. 22): Author Arthur Conan Doyle said, "It has long been my axiom that the little things are infinitely the most important." Spiritual teacher John Kabat-Zinn muses, "The little things? The little moments? They aren't little." Here's author Robert Brault's advice: "Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things." Ancient Chinese sage Lao-Tzu provides a further nuance: "To know you have enough is to be rich." Let's add one more clue, from author Alice Walker: "I try to teach my heart to want nothing it can't have."
VIRGO (AUG. 23-SEPT. 22): "I don't believe that in order to be interesting or meaningful, a relationship has to work out—in fiction or in real life." So says Virgo novelist Elizabeth Curtis Sittenfeld, and I agree. Just because a romantic bond didn't last forever doesn't mean it was a waste of energy. An intimate connection you once enjoyed but then broke off might have taught you lessons crucial to your destiny. In accordance with astrological omens, I invite you to acknowledge and celebrate these past experiences of togetherness. Interpret them not as failures but as gifts.
LIBRA (SEPT. 23-OCT. 22): The amount of rubbish produced by the modern world is staggering, more than 2 billion tons per year. To get a sense of how much that is, imagine a convoy
SCORPIO (OCT. 23-NOV. 21): I hope in the coming weeks, you will wash more dishes, do more laundry and scrub more floors than you ever have. Clean the bathrooms with extra fervor, too. Scour the oven and refrigerator. Make your bed with extreme precision. Got all that, Scorpio? Just kidding. Everything I just said was a lie. Now here's my authentic message: Avoid grunt work. Be as loose and playful and spontaneous as you have ever been. Seek record-breaking levels of fun and amusement. Experiment with the high arts of brilliant joy and profound pleasure.
SAGITTARIUS (NOV. 22-DEC. 21) : Dear Sagittarius the Archer: To be successful in the coming weeks, you don't have to hit the exact center of the bullseye every time—or even anytime. Merely shooting your arrows so they land somewhere inside the fourth or third concentric rings will be a very positive development. Same is true if you are engaged in a situation with metaphorical resemblances to a game of horseshoes. Even if you don't throw any ringers at all, just getting close could be enough to win the match. This is one time in your life when perfection isn't necessary to win.
CAPRICORN (DEC. 22-JAN. 19): I suspect you are about to escape the stuffy labyrinth. There may be a short adjustment period, but soon you run half-wild in a liberated zone where you won't have to dilute and censor yourself. I am not implying your exile in the enclosed space was purely oppressive. Not at all. You learned some cool magic in there, and it will serve you well in your expansive new setting. Here's your homework assignment: Identify three ways you will take advantage of your additional freedom.
AQUARIUS (JAN. 20-FEB. 18): Though my mother is a practical, sensible person with few mystical propensities, she sometimes talks about a supernatural vision she had. Her mother, my grandmother, had been disabled by a massive stroke. It left her barely able to do more than laugh and move her left arm. But months later, on the morning after grandma died, her spirit showed up in a pink ballerina dress doing ecstatic pirouettes next to my mother's bed. My mom saw it as a communication about how joyful she was to be free of her wounded body. I mention this gift of grace because I suspect you will have at least one comparable experience in the coming weeks. Be alert for messages from your departed ancestors.
PISCES (FEB. 19-MARCH 20): "Those who know the truth are not equal to those who love it," said the ancient Chinese sage Confucius. Amen! Seeking to understand reality with cold, unfeeling rationality is at best boring and at worst destructive. I go so far as to say it's impossible to deeply comprehend anything or anyone unless we love them—really! I'm not exaggerating or being poetic. In my philosophy, our quest to be awake and see truly requires us to summon an abundance of affectionate attention. I nominate you to be the champion practitioner of this approach to intelligence, Pisces. It's your birthright. And I hope you turn it up full blast in the coming weeks.
HERE'S THE HOMEWORK: Cross two relatively trivial wishes off your list so you can focus more on major wishes. {in}
© 2023 Rob BrezsnyAMERICANS ABROAD Sigh. Security guards at the Eiffel Tower in Paris discovered two American tourists sleeping near the top of the structure on Aug. 14 as they prepared to open to visitors, Yahoo! News reported. Paris prosecutors said the two dodged security the night before and "appear to have got stuck because of how drunk they were." Firefighters were dispatched to collect the men, who were questioned by police; Eiffel Tower management company Sete said it would file a criminal complaint, although the pair didn't "pose any apparent threat."
POLICE REPORT In more news from Paris, an "experienced climber" got to the top of the Eiffel Tower early on Aug. 17 and parachuted off before guards could stop him, The Guardian reported. The unnamed man landed safely after the leap from about 1,100 feet and was promptly arrested for endangering the lives of others. "This kind of irresponsible action puts people working at or near the tower in danger," scolded Sete, the tower's management company.
LEAST COMPETENT CRIMINAL Sure, Mountain Dew has been compared to battery acid, but one suspect thought a can of the stuff could save her from being fingered as a killer. Fox35-TV reported that on Aug. 5, Nichole Maks, 35, was charged with first-degree murder in the death of her 79-year-old roommate, Michael Cerasoli. Cerasoli was discovered beaten and stabbed in the home they shared in Daytona Beach, Florida, on July 1. Officers tracked down Maks around 3:30 the next morning at a Krystal's restaurant, where she had blood on the side of her leg and part of her shirt had been torn or cut away. As they approached, she dropped a knife and hammer she'd been carrying; she told officers she often carried such items. Police said that as they questioned her about her roommate, she became "agitated" and asked for a drink; they gave her a can of Diet Mountain Dew, which she poured over her body and hair, hoping to eliminate any evidence on her person. Unsurprisingly, that stunt didn't work, and her DNA was found on the knife used to kill Cerasoli. She currently resides at the Volusia County Jail.
TikTokker Michaela Witter was on Day 20 of a series she was posting about "100 solo dates"— activities like reading in the park or buying herself flowers. On Aug. 7, as she browsed in Barnes & Noble in Burbank, California, Witter inadvertently captured a stalker on video as he followed her, kneeled behind her and sniffed her (and another woman) repeatedly. Fox News reported that Witter's post unleashed a torrent of similar experiences—even with the same stalker. "Bro that same man was crouching behind me and following me thru Marshalls today," one commenter posted. "The same thing happened to me at Ralph's in Burbank," another said. One TikTokker had the
By the Editors at Andrews McMeelsame experience in the same bookstore. Glendale police arrested Calese Carron Crowder, 37, on Aug. 11, but a judge placed him on probation and released him on Aug. 15. Los Angeles County Jail records show Crowder has been booked there 41 times.
THE TECH REVOLUTION The California Public Utilities Commission voted in early August to allow Cruise and Waymo to offer paid driverless rides to customers during the day, The New York Times reported. On Aug. 15, as Paul Harvey, 74, looked on, a Cruise vehicle in San Francisco drove into a city paving project and became stuck in wet concrete. "I thought it was funny," Harvey said. "It illustrated how creepy and weird the whole thing is to me." Rachel Gordon with the San Francisco Department of Public Works noted that no one was hurt, but added, "That portion of the road has to be repaved at Cruise's expense." Paul Leonardi, a professor of technology management at the University of California, Santa Barbara, chalked up the experience to a teaching moment: "It needs to experience a diverse set of use cases so it can learn, and driving into wet concrete is one of those use cases."
CLOTHING OPTIONAL At Stoke Fruit Farm on Hayling Island in England, the sunflowers have been in full bloom for several weeks. The colorful fields offer a perfect background for photo shoots, but, the BBC reported, the farm has seen an "increase of reports of naked photography taking place" since July 28. "People are having fun and taking pictures for their Instagram but we just ask that they keep their clothes on," said Sam Wilson, who runs the site. In an Aug. 11 Facebook post, the attraction cautioned that "this must not happen during our public sessions please." One commenter said her son "got a right eyeful" after stumbling across a woman wearing just a thong. "Should have seen his face!"
IT'S (NOT) A MYSTERY When the European Space Agency shared a composite photo taken by the James Webb Telescope in late July, highlighting two actively forming stars, another shape in the photo caught the attention of Earth-bound gazers: an orange formation in the shape of a question mark. Kai Noeske, ESA communication program officer, explained to NPR what scientists think the shape is: "a group or a chance alignment of two or three galaxies. The upper part of the question mark looks like a distorted spiral galaxy, maybe merging with a second galaxy." Galaxy mergers result in "all kinds of beautiful shapes and structures," said Macarena Garcia Marin, a Webb project scientist. They are "a normal phase in the life and evolution of galaxies." {in}