InQuire Issue 12.12

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InQuire The University of Kent’s student newspaper

3 March 2017

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Issue 12.12

March 8 2017

Meetings Mondays at 6.15pm, Student Media Centre

Nintendo Switch

London Fashion Week

Entertainment Page 22

Culture Page 27

Oscars Review

Page 8 & 20

The truth behind Templeman Library renovation By Alex Miller Website Opinion Editor Continued on page 5


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Friday 3 March 2017 InQuire

News 2016/2017

Print and online editorial contacts: Editor-in-Chief

Tom Jones to play Congratulations in Canterbury to Kent Union By Kate Newling Writer




he ‘sex-bomb’ singer will be coming to Canterbury for the first time this summer. The tickets to see his show go on sale on Friday, March 3d. He has over 100 million record sales for hits such as Kiss, Delilah and It’s Not Unusual. When ITV’s The Voice Judge was asked

Newspaper Editor Camille Lalancette


Website Editor

Max Beckett

about his visit to Canterbury, he said “I am really looking forward to coming to the lovely cathedral city of Canterbury. I love doing outdoor shows and being able to perform at the Spitfire Ground is fantastic. It promises to be a great night so I hope everyone comes out to enjoy this show in this beautiful venue.” Tom Jones is due to perform on Saturday. July 8th.



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Photo by The University of Kent

By Jordi van Setten Writer


he University of Kent congratulated Kent Union last week, for achieving the 24th placement in the 2017 “The Sunday Times 100 Best Not-For-Profit Organisations to Work For in the UK”. The Kent Union has claimed this achievement for the eighth time, which emphasizes a great deal, as the standings are based on employee feedback regarding: leadership, wellbeing, personal growth, and “happiness” of the workforce. Other known institutions on the list include The Royal College of Nursing, National Trust, UNICEF UK, National Housing Federation and Sevenoaks District Council. To celebrate, The Sunday Times hosted an event in London where University’s Depute Vice-Chancellor

Education Professor April McMahon joined the members of Kent Union. The Professor said: “This is a tremendous achievement for Kent Union and one of which the whole University is proud. I am delighted for its highly dedicated and professional staff, many of whom are also our students, and all those who contribute to its many achievements both inside the University and with local communities”. The Kent Unions success may be credited to their mission statement which aims to ensure that students have a voice, fulfil their potential, and support their academic interests. This is no easy task to achieve, but is sought after by their 500 staff members and their five elected Full-Time Officers which is overseen by a Trustee Board. Together they represent more than 20,000 students.

TedxUniversityofKent is back By Maisie Ann Golding TedX Representative


he talented, dedicated volunteers that form the TEDxUniversityofKent team have leaped back into action to create another day of talks and activities that bring the Kent community together to form new connections and unearth undiscovered voices. ‘The Unexplored’ is this year’s theme, following the previous events focusing around ‘Milestones’ and ‘What is beneath the surface.’ After seeing a great turnout over the past two years, the team, which is mostly comprised of new members, is hoping to continue the growing TEDxUniversityofKent-legacy within the Kent community. The audience will be stepping into a world that will introduce them to new exciting and inspiring ideas that broaden one’s perspective and celebrates sharing knowledge. TED, a non – profit organisation, was formed in 1984 and has been devoted to spreading ideas in the form of powerful talks which usually last 18 minutes or less. A TEDx event is an independently

organised conference which a range of fields, includis licensed by TED; it’s about ing Digital Art, Multimecreating community connec- dia Technology and Design, tions while capturing the es- Drama and Theatre, English, sence of a TED event. As well Criminology and Event and as embodying TED’s core val- Experience Design, they are ues of creating a multidisci- aiming to create an event, plinary environment focused which celebrates the learning around rich storyand sharing aspect telling and sharof university life, ing big ideas while delightthat change ing and inattitudes. spiring their A TEDx audience. event e n Maisie c ou rA n n ages Goldundising, an covered, local voicaward-wines to come ning Kent forward and graduate and share perspecthe team’s newPhoto by tives. Along side ly recruited Event talks, visitors can Producer said “It’s expect a range of activities been such an exciting profocusing around the theme, ject to work on from the which they can partake in. word go. After putting toThe TEDxUniversityofKent gether our licence proposal team is formed of University in September 2016 and then of Kent students and alum- receiving an approval everyni from both Canterbury one has really pulled together and Medway campuses who, to make the event a reality.” alongside their degrees and The event organiser, fourth day jobs, are inspired by the year Digital Arts Student TEDx aims. Coming from Sophia Ppali, added “I am

extremely delighted that the event is going to take place at the University of Kent Canterbury Campus for the third time. We have a dedicated team of volunteers who have been working hard to bring this event to life and it is my pleasure to be able to work with such a diverse team.” The event, which is open to all members of the public, will take place on the 13th May 2017 at The Gulbenkian on the University of Kent Canterbury campus; tickets are now on sale for £15 each. TEDxUniversityofKent is a non-profit project and all funds raised from ticket sales goes to the cost of running the event and future TEDxUniversityofKent events. As well as being funded by ticket sales, the event has had support from a number of local institutions and the Kent Opportunity Fund Student Projects Grant Scheme at the University of Kent, which was established to increase opportunities for students at Kent, today and in the future. Kent Union has also supported the project through their Development Fund Scheme.


InQuire Friday 3 March 2017


Library Renovation Kent alumni Neal Purvis and Robert Wade script SS-GB behind schedule Continued



Templeman East and the remainder of Templeman freedom of information West in doubt and, “dependent request made to the on funding,” according to university by InQuire can a document found on the reveal that construction of University of Kent’s website. the Templeman Library at the The University’s own website University of Kent’s Canterbury now even states that the campus is set to be completed refurbished central part of the sixteen months behind schedule. library and its new entrances Originally due to be completed are not due to open until in January 2016, the deadline the summer of 2017 and for construction work on the that, “subject to funding”. Templeman Library, which first Refurbishment of Templeman began in 2013, has now been East along with the older parts moved to April of this year. of Templeman West will now The original total budget for not even begin until, “late 2017.” the construction and renovation With just £900,000 of the of both the East and West sides total budget for the renovation of the library was originally of the entirety of the library left, £27.6 million however, InQuire the university, and its students, can also reveal that the current are in doubt as to whether total spend on the Templeman these revised targets can be Library renovation is £26.7 met on time and if the library million leaving the as whole will even be completed refurbishment in time. For the foreseeable o f future, only the construction, and not the renovation of the Templeman Library, looks to be set for completion. So far, the university has spent the equivalent of 2,966 student’s annual tuition fees on the library with that number looking increasingly uncertain , alongside the final completion date for UKC’s Photo by The University of Kent new library.



fter a screen-writing career that includes the last six James Bond films, University of Kent alumni and honorary graduates Neal Purvis’ and Robert Wade’s latest project received its highly-anticipated prime-time airing during February 2017. Adapted from a Len Deighton novel, SS-GB is a counterfactual thriller that imagines life in Britain following a successful occupation by the Nazis in 1941. Purvis and Wade, described by The Times as ‘one of Britain’s most successful screenwriting partnerships’, were commissioned by the BBC to start work on the script back in November

Photo by The University of Kent

2014. The mini-series, which is comprised of five one-hour episodes, is broadcast on BBC1. Neal Purvis studied Film and Photographic Arts, while Robert Wade studied Film Theory and English at the University. Since then, they have forged a successful career writing screenplays together. Their first success was in 1991 with the screenplay of the controversial drama Let Him Have It. The critically-acclaimed film was screened for Parliament and played a part in Derek Bentley’s eventual posthumous pardon. They have worked in a variety of genres with screenplays such as the highwayman film Plunkett & MacLeane, the spy

comedy Johnny English and The Italian Job remake. As well as co-writing the James Bond films The World is Not Enough and Die Another Day, they wrote and co-produced the thriller Return to Sender as well as Stoned, the last days of Rolling Stone Brian Jones. For Bond-film Casino Royale, they received two BAFTA nominations as well as an EDGAR nomination from the Mystery Writers of America. They have since co-written the critically and commerciallyacclaimed Bond films Quantum of Solace, Skyfall and Spectre. In 2013, they each received receive honorary Doctor of Arts degrees from the University.

Handbag theft in Canterbury ERASMUS at Kent By Elliot Wright Writer


tudents are urged to be vigilant after a series of bag thefts in Canterbury, believed to have been carried out by the same couple. Since November there have been three accounts of a man and a woman stealing purses and handbags from pubs and restaurants in Canterbury. Police have linked the thefts after CCTV footage caught the two offenders on each occasion. The first incident reported was at the Dolphin pub in November. The following month a handbag was taken at the Bishops’ Finger pub, and in January a further

bag was taken from the Café Du Soleil in Pound Lane. Inspector Vicki Tyler said: “On all three occasions the victims have been enjoying a meal with friends when their bag or purse has been stolen by a man and a woman sitting close by”. Police have said that both the man and the woman are between 35 and 45. The woman has light coloured frizzy hair, red blotchy skin and chipped teeth. The man is

described as having a large belly and being bald. If you recognise the descriptions phone police on 01843 222289 and quote reference number ZY/6735/17.

By Jordi van Setten Writer


he British Council (UK’s National Agency for the Erasmus+ programme) has awarded Kent University with a top rating for its management, delivery and promotion of the Erasmus+ programme for the 2015-16 period. Erasmus+ is a programme used for education, training, youth, and sport for 20142020, organized by the European Union. The goal of this programme is to help participants pursue stimulating opportunities for learning and acquire valuable life-skills and international experience needed to succeed in today’s world. Universities can apply for this programme

and receive funding in order to run collaborative strategic partnerships to improve their provision for learners and share innovative practices. Being an active participant, Kent has managed to exchange approximately 600 students per year with over 100 European partner institutions. Kent was praised for its high participation rates, high satisfaction rates, summer school initiatives, positive outcomes, and its drive for continuous improvement. The assessment added “it is encouraging for the team involved in Erasmus+ to receive the high satisfaction rates i.e. inbound students 94%, staff outbound 98% and staff inbound 100%”


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Friday 3 March 2017 InQuire


Corbyn’s Labour party in crisis? By Matt Nuttall Writer

second race for the leadership. These are not good signs for Labour – divided parties rarely ritain has witnessed the win anything – and do nothing Labour Party go through so to restore hope that Labour many near-disasters that some may recover. may begin to wonder if crises So is there any good news for are simply a part of the cycle Labour? Well, as stated, history of the Labour Party. does show a precedent for Prior to this latest Labour coming back from the quandary, recent brink – in 1983 they lost an history shows us election by 14.8%, but that Labour has by 1997 they were already twice spent back in power. long periods in the Furthermore, political wilderness, their rivals are just to ultimately not closing the Photo by The New Yorker bounce back. Between gap – neither the 1951 and 1964, when they Liberal Demospent 13 years as the oppocrats nor UKIP sition, and between 1979 and are behind have polled within Photo by The Newstatesmen 1997, when Labour spent nearand falling. It is 10 points of Labour ly two decades playing second a long way to the since the general elecfiddle to the Conservatives – at next general election, tion. However, the gap between times just barely maintaining but Labour are going in the Labour and the Conservatives second place in election results. wrong direction – and have is wide, and Labour are not However, the trouble stormbeen doing for some time. currently closing it. Labour, ing around the party currently News coming from the party historically, is one of the two appears near unsolvable, and meanwhile simply makes major British parties. If they so it may be time again to ask Labour appear severely dividare not challenging the Conthe question - can Labour can ed. Since Corbyn was elected servatives, they are surely in a survive through this? leader, the party has seen a crisis. How severe said crisis Statistics do not read well for shadow cabinet exodus, disis, we will not know until the Labour. Since the EU Referenputes over campaigning on the general election of 2020 - but dum in the middle of last year, EU referendum, a vote of no these are certainly worrying Labour haven’t won a single confidence in Corbyn, and a times for the party.


By Bryony Jewell Newspaper Entertainment

poll, and what’s more they appear to be falling further and further back. The average Conservative in polling between the leave vote and the end of 2016 was 10.7% – since the start of the year, that average has risen to nearly 12.2%. The simple fact is that Labour


imply giving money to a charitable cause is not enough anymore. Although, it is commendable to donate, especially when at uni where we all know parting with money is hard, it’s time for us to become more active in our charity. To make a real impact on other people’s lives we all need

to start doing things: whether that be a book sale, bake sale or climbing Kilimanjaro. Okay, that might be a bit extreme. Something as simple as volunteering one morning a week in a local charity shop can

Affleck’s Oscar By Neal Keefer Writer


t is a question which has been discussed for centuries - should a person’s personal demeanor, acts and views deprive him of appreciation for his artistic merit? Should the flaws in one sphere of someone’s life affect all the other spheres? Casey Affleck’s oscar win was embedded with controversy, as a man who is accused of sexually assulting a co-worker on set is commended for his performance on screen by a woman who has actively campaigned for sexual assult victims. I argue that an artist’s work should not be judged based on his personality, but rather the work itself. Casey Affleck is a great actor, and deserved the award he received. If the allegations are true, yes he is a despicable man but he is still a great actor. Apply the old Hitler argument; Hitler was an absolutely spectacular artist, there is no doubt about it. His political views and actions do

not take anything away from that fact. Having Brie Larson present the award, however, was a major blunder on the part of the instituion. Affleck’s performance should be commended, but someone who campaigns against the alleged acts of men such as Casey Affleck should not have to swallow everything they believe. They shouldn’t be put in that position. Whilst Affleck is a great actor, his actions outside of his field cannot be commended, and must, instead, be investigated fully.

Photo by The Eonline

Do more for charity provide more help than simply throwing your spare coppers into a collection tin. Having said that, you can still make a difference by spending your money in a wiser way. For example, Caffe Nero recently took part in Wooly Hat Day which helped raise money for a London based homeless charity, St Mungo’s. Here in Canterbury we have the Catching Lives Bookshop which often has many set course texts at a fraction of the retailer price and all the money goes to helping local homeless people. By making wiser decisions: where you shop, being aware of what campaigns might be happening around you in major retailers, you can do more for charity

without even having to try too hard. Times are tough and it can be hard to schedule in the hours to spend helping others. Add to this a national skepticism surrounding charitable donations (that age old question of ‘where is my money actually going?) and it becomes easy to see why perhaps charity isn’t at the top of everybody’s list. This sentiment has only been furthered with the sadly, not-all-that-surprising news that so-called charitable giants such as JustGiving actually pocket up to 6% of donations received through their site - roughly £21million a year. That’s a lot of money not being received by causes in need. For profit charities should, by definiton, be an oxymore - and

Justgiving is no exception to this rule. However we’ve got to keep positive, despite this news. Yes, all that money did get caught up in business bureaucracy and never made it to the right destination, but over £440 million was raised on JustGiving last year and that surely made some difference. I think we can all agree that the world is a sad place right now and if giving up some time to help local charities or buying books secondhand will bring around even a slight bit of difference, then I’m willing to give it a try. Search for ways to make a difference around Canterbury, and it will not only be rewarding for the causes in question - but rewarding for yourself, too.


InQuire Friday 3 March 2017


Is a degree actually needed in today’s age? By Sibhekile Magagula Writer

give evidence of the skills we have acquired throughout our learning journey – whether a s the day of the degree dead? part time job, a paid/unpaid Alvin Toffler once noted that one or even an internship. This “the illiterate of the 21st centuis the section in which emry will not be those who cannot ployers are mostly interested read and write, but those who as it is through it that they get cannot learn, unlearn and reto understand the diversity of learn.” Now, learning is a broad skills you possess as a potenterm, not just about formal tial employee. If I were to be education. If skill application an employer, I too would vie was ever overlooked in favour for someone who has proof of knowledge, I’m afraid to anthat they nounce that the reverse is true can apply nowadays. themselves We all have an idea of what a to a job, CV looks like – how it should regardless be drawn up and what it should of the level contain. In a CV, your educaof qualifitional history and qualifications cation they normally go first, as if to get may be at. them out of the way because It is why the most essential part is the for many skills section. This is where we job thepage 09/02/2017 12:21 Page 1 124060_Kent_Remain European_Inquire_1-2 page_1/2


qualification needed is usually “any degree”, because the aim of getting a degree should be to widen one’s thinking scope, so that we are not limited to one type of job. A nice life problem of the 21st century is the constant invention of new technologies which ease jobs, but unfortunately also cease jobs. The message we humans should be getting from this is that flexibility is a ne-

cessity. We need to be evolving too, in pace with the inventions around us. It is not so clever to stand proudly saying you are qualified to practise law when your law skills can also be used in PR. Of course you cannot study law then practise medicine. However, I think university should focus more on the enhancement of essential skills, so that students graduate as rounded individuals. It should

produce teachers who can code and coders who can teach coding to others, as this is a vital skill in today’s climate. The acquiring of variable, relevant skills is one undeniable demand of today’s society. Knowing is not enough, we must apply. Knowledge will never stop being vital. It will always develop and will come in handy to advance the state of the individual.

Photo by Flickr | Tigwy

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Friday 3 March 2017 InQuire


The Westminister Diaries: Another Week By Alexander Dart Writer


hen I last wrote this column a few weeks ago, the fight for Copeland and Stoke on Trent was still raging. Now it’s over, Labour are licking their wounds but have survived. Holding stoke on Trent was vital for Corbyn’s leadership, losing such a stronghold could well have proved fatal. However losing Copeland has gone down badly with the already unsympathetic Labour MP’s. In Westminster, most Conservatives were quietly confident, with a win in Copeland expected, and a win in stoke a possibility. However, it was a widely held view that it would be good to win Copeland and lose Stoke, because winning both could lead to Corbyn’s demise from power, which in turn could mean Labour could again become electable. As I said in a previous article, the tide of public opinion can change very quickly- and if Corbyn was ousted it could be a matter of months until Labour could again lead the opinion polls under a new leader. I think

there is definitely a sense that both the Prime Minister and the Conservatives in general are trying to go easy on Corbyn, after all it’s in their best interests that he stays in place. There are whispers of numerous challengers, Clive Lewis the most prominent; I think Dan Jarvis is also a strong contender. A few for the future would be Sadiq Kahn and Andy Burnham, who I think are both trying to pull a Boris Johnson, use the Mayorship of London and Manchester to catapult them into the public eye and add a rocket to their leadership ambitions. I had a message come through last night, just as I was making some notes for this Column saying that the Labour MP for Manchester Gorton, Sir Gerald Kaufman had died, meaning there will be yet another

by-election, however I wouldn’t expect a shock result this time. Sir Gerald had a majority of 24,000 and Manchester voted strongly to remain, so the Tories stand little chance of a gain. I just wanted to finish with this quote, one which I feel is relevant for the general feel of parliament. I got this from my friend and Times newspaper columnist Daniel Finkelstein, when he was describing his mother who recently passed away. She survived the Nazi concentration camps and settled in Britain and when asked about surviving the holocaust said this: ‘I am a mother and a person first, and a survivor last’. So whatever happens in life, don’t let it make you lose sight of who you are.” These are the people to be revered.

Photo by Wikimedia

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The dangers of Trump and Russia By Karisma Indra Writer


ecently, there has been much fuss over Donald Trump; however, some have perhaps rightly been more threatened by the looming presence of Russia. Russia has been a concern for many of the Western powers, rightly so, after all, this is the nation that had a spy murdered in London, annexed Crimea and supported the Assad regime in Syria. But now the spidery tentacles of the Kremlin seem to have taken things a step further. It is perhaps a double-standard on the part of the US who were up in arms about the presence of Russia in their recent elections, especially given the US’ history meddling in the elections of other nations. Nevertheless, this does not give the Kremlin the right to hack into the Democrat’s system or manipulate things to such a degree that it is thought to have impacted a lot of early voters’ choice of President. It is

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truly concerning that a foreign nation can meddle in perhaps the world’s most important elections. Very recently Mike Flynn, Trump’s national security advisor was forced to resign because of his close ties to the Kremlin. This coupled with rumours that Russia may have blackmail material on the President, leads to worries that the US may become a Russian puppet nation. Although that may be a little over-dramatic. Furthermore, recently Channel 4 news found that the many fake news sites which have been cropping up internationally, have also been Russian funded. The problem being that many believe the fake news over the real news as they do not watch the latter, giving Russia a worrying amount of power over global reactions. Whatever the case, there is an element of legitimacy to these rumours, Russia is on the rise under Trump, and will continue to rise if Russia, as is reported, has a certain level of influence.


InQuire Friday 3 March 2017


Trump’s not going to (climate) change By Maisie Koeun Lee Writer

is to direct the Environmental Protection Agency to rewrite the 2015 regulation on limiting n November 2012, Dongreenhouse gas emission from ald Trump tweeted, “The existing power plants, and also concept of global warming is to raise an Interior Department created by and for the Chinese moratorium on federal coal in order to make U.S. manufac- leasing. This can be interpreted turing non-competitive”. Now, as a major setback to ‘The Clear in 2017 as he became the 45th Power Plan’ that was a part president of the United States, of president Obama’s climate he reigns as the first climate agenda. The previous initiative sceptic who dismisses the cliaimed to reduce carbon emismate and global warming issue sions from electricity sector by as ‘bullshit’ and a ‘Chinese 32 percent until 2030. Now, hoax’. His recent executive oras the government aims to ders to pursue greater econom- reinforce American energy inic activity through fossil-fuel dependence, it delivers a clear production alongside his plan message from President Trump to build a wall between the US to disregard the climate change and Mexico endangering the and global warming issue as a ecosystem, signify the priority, instead excessively attempt of Trump’s striving for industrial administration profits instead. The to practically second order, soreverse the called ‘The Waclimate ter Rule’, will and water establish the pollution revamping of policies set the 2015 ‘the out during Waters of the the ObaUnited States ma-era. Rule’ which has Two execgiven the federal Photo by theepochtimes utive orders government the were drafted out authority to monitor to mainly tackle the and restrict activities of existing climate and water major water bodies as well as policies. The first order, which some farming operations that


could result in the pollution of can be expounded as a gesture water. As President Trump has of the government neglecting promised during his presidensignificant environmental costs tial campaign, he anticipates the nations gets to pay. to undo the act and any other During the past decades, the measures that would curb ecoissue of climate change and nomic growth and industrial global warming has remained productivity. at the heart of internaAnother part of tional debate as the Trump’s maniworld summits have festo, building come up together a ‘great’ and acknowledging ‘beautiful’ the gravity of the wall along the matter. It has border of US been unanimousand Mexico, ly agreed upon is predicted the fact that world to threaten 111 climate is changing Photo by Flickr endangered animal drastically and the species in the area by ecosystem is clearly under the experts. The 1,000-mile danger from human activity barrier promised by President in modern days. America is at Trump envisions to surpass the center of industrial activifour wildlife reserves on the ty, producing greenhouse gas US side of the border and also emissions that, consequentialnumerous wildlife sites on the ly, trigger rapid climate change Mexican side. Species at risk leading to catastrophic weather include ocelots, bears, Bighorn and rising sea levels. However, sheep, the US’s last remaining just like any other sectors of wild jaguars, and the bald eagle American and international – the national bird of America. society which have been placed According to Dr. Shonil Bhagunder the sphere of being wat, a senior lecturer in Geogaffected by President Trump’s raphy in UK’s Open University, radical administrative agenda, the construction of a concrete economic growth will cast a wall that could essentially deshadow over the climate, therestroy natural habitats of animal by casting a shadow over the species would have “severe eco- entire world’s priorities. Say logical consequences” and thus goodbye to the climate.

Photo by Flickr

Alternative Facts: The euphemism that keeps on giving By Max Beckett Writer


n the latest of appalling blunders to have emerged from Donald Trump’s team, Kellyanne Conway’s comment on the non-existent “Bowling Green Massacre” has provided us with another example of the complete and utter inexperience that is currently littering Washington. It is not the first, and by far will not be the last error we see from the new government, so let’s take

a look right back at where it all started. A mere two weeks ago. Seems long already, doesn’t it? Trump has managed to sneak a circus into the White House. Through the eye of the media, we have privileged access to the live slip-ups and unbelievable press faux-pas on behalf of the petri dish of “advisors” he has surrounded himself with… and it’s fantastic for news outlets. Every PR disaster is another limb ripped off and fed to the lions’ pit of reporters. One of the first highly notable (and not

Photo by business insider

to be forgotten anytime soon) brain-farts was again from Trump’s beloved Kellyanne Conway who, in regards to the new government’s calamitous first press conference, where Sean Spicer outright lied (ahem…sorry, “uttered falsehoods”) about inauguration attendance numbers, said they were presenting “alternative facts” to the public. Live. In an interview. On NBC. Whoops. It caused an immediate and bemused reaction from interviewer Chuck Todd before the term proceeded to shoot around social media at lightning speed. Soon, everyone on the Internet was discussing “Alternative Facts”. Did it hold water? Do they exist? What about the deeper undertones here? And there certainly are some undertones; one no less exemplified by George Orwell as “doublethink”, which is to accept opposing viewpoints

at the same time. Comparisons with his famous novel Nineteen-Eighty-Four were soon flooding Twitter, and the Trump administration was likened to The Party innumerable times by innumerable people. However, in true social media fashion we soon found something else about Trump and his minions to be angry about. The resemblance had been worn down to the nub by the time of its death, but that is what’s expected of the left side of the Web. While it’s fun for us liberals to draw parallels to fictional dystopias whenever we notice something that angers us, it’s a very old trick and it hardly has any effect in the post-truth age we’re in. This didn’t stop the masses studying Mrs Conway’s remark, though. Not long after, we saw the stupidly-detailed investigation into the meaning of “Alternative Facts” on the tele-

vision (thanks, CNN), and the pre-agenda’d think-pieces linking it to everything under the sun that’s perceived as mildly inadequate. The uproar about it is completely understandable, and I fully empathise with the anger, but there reaches a stage where scrutiny just becomes analytic overkill. CNN does not need seven journalists sat on a panel on national television to express to us that “Alternative Facts” was an idiotic thing for a United States President’s Counselor to say to the country. Yes, it’s important to remember this quote, since it serves as a direct contradiction to anything a Trump spokesperson may say regarding “the truth” in the future, but we need to make sure that we do not dilute the potency of the term to a degree that it may soon become completely useless. And we don’t want that, because it’s absolutely hilarious.


Friday 3 March 2017 InQuire


Trouble with Tigers By Manon Charles Newspaper Lifestyle Editor


igers are in trouble. Over the last 80 years, three subspecies of tigers have become extinct, averaging around one every 20 years or so. These figures mean that, according to figures by WWF, wild tiger numbers have dropped by more than 95% in the past century. And some scientists have predicted that unless we do something about it now, the remaining six species could become extinct over the next 10 years. Unless we act now. With the help of sponsors, WWF estimates that they can double wild tiger numbers to over 6,000 by 2022. A big risk to tigers is deforestation. While they used to roam across most of Asia, now they only cover around 7% of what they used to, mainly found in isolated forests across 13 countries. In order to survive, tigers need water to drink, animals to hunt and vegetation in which to hide. However, with agricultural expansion, timber cutting and human settlement, their habitat is being threatened. Without this muchneeded wilderness, tigers simply will

not survive. Another threat faced by tigers is poaching for medicinal purposes. Tiger parts (including its teeth, bones and claws) are considered a delicacy in some Eastern countries and are regularly used in traditional medicines to treat all sorts of ailments, from fevers to leprosy to arthritis. In order to stop these atrocities from happening, both Western and Eastern governments need to do more. If this lucrative industry is shut down, tigers will have a much higher chance of survival. In order from tigers to thrive, not only do legislative actions need to be taken, but also there needs to be active prevention of tigers on the ground, protecting them against poachers and against deforestation. There is a need for enforcement officers and park rangers that are funded and trained. However, none of this can be done without our help. The protection of tigers is a costly business and if this is something you feel strongly about, check out WWF’s website for more information about sponsorship opportunities, and how to get involved in the fight to save the tigers.

Tiger Trivia


n Wednesday, 22nd of February, NASA held a very exciting conference to present their newest findings. During this short conference, (the presentation itself ran for exactly 18 minutes, and the Q&A stretched it to 38 minutes), NASA revealed that they have detected a record seven Earthsized planets orbiting a single star. As if this wasn’t enough, researchers announced that while all seven planets could potentially support liquid on the surface, three are actually within the conventional habitable zone where life is a possibility. The planets orbit the dim star, TRAPPIST-1, located 40 light-years away from earth. The cluster of planets mimics a miniature version of our own solar system. The planets, however, are so tightly packed that they can complete an orbit in between 1.5 and 13 days. Meaning that a year on these planets lasts less than two weeks. In the last 20 years, nearly 3,500 planets have been found beyond our own

solar system, but most discoveries don’t make headlines. So what’s so different about these? The excitement surrounding this latest discovery, detected using NASA’s Spitzer Space Telescope, is not merely because of the number and scale of the planets found, but because the star, Trappist-1, is especially small and dim, enabling astronomers to better study the planets without being dazzled. The next phase of research, the hunt for key gases like oxygen and methane, has already begun and this remote planetary system provides an excellent opportunity to study the atmospheric properties of the system. Co-author Prof Brice-Olivier Demory, from the University of Bern in Switzerland said, “the James Webb Space Telescope, Hubble’s successor, will have the possibility to detect the signature of ozone if this molecule is present in the atmosphere of one of these planets.” If this is so, “this could be an indicator for biological activity on the planet.”

What do you call a sleeping bull? A bull-dozer.

Photo by S Taheri | wikimedia

- Tiger stripes are like fingerprints. No two are the same. - At full running speed, tigers can reach up to 65 kilometres per hour. - Tigers have a white spot on the back of both ears, which looks like eyes. No one knows for sure why this is, but it could be because it tricks predators attacking from behind into thinking the tiger is looking at them. - Subspecies of the tiger include the Sumatran Tiger, Siberian Tiger, Bengal Tiger, South China Tiger, Malayan Tiger and Indochinese Tiger. - Rare white tigers carry a gene that is only present in around 1 in every 10000 tigers. - There are more tigers held privately as pets than there are in the wild.

Science and Technology By Scarlett Roberts Writer

Put a smile on your face

NASA Trivia: - Earth's longest mountain range is under the Arctic and Atlantic oceans. It is four times longer than the Andes, Rockies, and Himalayas combined. North America is moving west into the Pacific Ocean at about the same speed your fingernails grow. - It takes about eight minutes for sunlight from the sun to reach our planet. - Almost all of Earth's volcanoes are hidden under the oceans. - Earth is the only place in space we know of that has people, plants, animals and other living things. - The oceans cover 70 percent of the Earth's surface and contain 97 percent of the Earth's water. Canada has the longest coastline of any country -about 15 percent of the world's coastlines. - Our solar system formed about 4.6 billion years ago. - Our solar system is located in the Orion Arm of the Milky Way Galaxy. There are most likely billions of other solar systems in our galaxy. And there are billions of galaxies in the Universe. - The largest known volcano in the solar system is Olympus Mons, located on Mars It is bigger than any mountain on Earth.

Photo by Kaz| pixabay

What do you get from a pampered cow? Spoiled milk. How can you tell which rabbits are getting old? Look for the grey hares. Why are teddy bears never hungry? They are always stuffed! What fish only swims at night? A starfish! Why is a fish easy to weigh? Because it has its own scales! What is ‘out of bounds’? An exhausted kangaroo! What do you get if you cross a rabbit with an insect? Bugs bunny.

Photo by Mr Z | flickr

What dog is always on time? A watch dog! What do you call a dinosaur with no eyes? Doyouthinkysaraus


InQuire Friday 3 March 2017


International Women’s Day By Manon Charles Newspaper Lifestyle Editor

Trump cough), to blatant sexism in the entertainment industry, there has been more than one indicator that men in ednesday 8th of March, privileged positions can say and do what 2017, marks International they like towards women with no real Women’s Day. This day “is a global consequence. day celebrating the social, economic, In 2010, Casey Affleck was accused cultural and political achievements of sexually harassing two women of women.” And in this day and age, who worked alongside him during such a day has might be exactly what the making of I’m Still Here, but fast we need. Over the past few months, we forward a few years and he finds himself have been inundated with degrading being awarded on one of the most messages directed at women. From men prestigious stages, in front of millions. in the highest position of power (cough As if to make matters worse, the woman charged with presenting him with his award was none other than Brie Larson, an advocate for sexual assault survivors. She gracefully handed him his award and then stepped back and refused to applaud as he accepted it. This gesture did not go unnoticed and many praised her actions and questioned the Oscar’s decision to present him with an award at all. While Affleck’s win didn’t come as a surprise to most people (this was not the first time this award season that Larson has presented him with AD_122990_Student Awards_Inquire_v1_Layout 1 08/12/2016 15:02 Page 1 an award), it does confirm a worrying pattern found in the world today. It


shows that allegations of harassment, assault or abuse will not destroy a white man’s career. That these men experience such powerful privileges, that they are shielded from any negative repercussions or even failure. Casey Affleck isn’t even the first case of such a pattern; take for example, the continual success of Woody Allen and Roman Polanski. However, this trend doesn’t only apply to the entertainment industry. Even more worryingly, we also see that claims of abuse will not even affect a man’s quest for the American Presidency. Donald Trump has repeatedly objectified women and fielded an increasing number of sexual assault claims, yet this has not hindered his journey to the Oval Office. What kind of message does this send to young women? It feels as though women are being told over and over again that our safety and well-being is not something that warrants respect; that our sexual assault claims are not valid or worth listening to; that we are second-class citizens. However, luckily, women are not taking these acts an d comments in their stride. There is a new wave of action happening. And

there has never been a better time to stand up for equality. Whether it be a subtle yet powerful message, like the one Brie Larson sent during the Oscar’s, or participating in a Women’s March, both women and men are making their presence known in the fight for an equal world. So this International Women’s Day make a stand! #BeBoldForChange.


AWARDS 2017 Nominate someone amazing for a Kent Student Award Cash prizes up to £400 Closing date 26 February 2017 Terms and conditions apply

Photo by J Miller| Wikimedia


Friday 3 March 2017 InQuire


Betty Crocker Coke Cake

by Jenny Edwards Writer

Betty Crocker Coke Cake This devilishly decadent cake is the perfect recipe to bake if you’re looking to treat yourself! But maybe one to miss if you’re watching your waistline. This super simple recipe needs barely any ingredients (or effort) so there’s no excuse to miss out on this delicious treat! Ingredients Betty Crocker Devil’s Food Cake Mix Betty Crocker Chocolate Fudge Icing Can of Coke Things you need 2 Cake Tins Mixing Bowl Whisk

Photo by Jenny Edwards

Method Preheat oven to 180C (160C for fan assisted ovens) and grease both cake tins. Put cake mix in mixing bowl and add whole can of coke. Whisk until smooth. Pour half the cake mixture into each cake tin. Bake for double the time it says on the instructions (roughly 45 minutes) Once the cakes have fully baked (when you put a knife in, it should come out clean) put onto a wire rack and let cool. Once cooled, add on fudge icing and assemble one layer of the cake onto the other.

Betty’s Top Baking Tips: To test if your cake is properly baked, insert a blunt knife or a toothpick into the deepest part of the cake. If it comes out clean, the cake is ready to come out of the oven, and your wait is nearly over! You can adjust baking times to achieve the cookie texture you like best. A few minutes less in the oven produces chewier cookies, while leaving them in a little longer gives them a crispy finish. Decisions, decisions… For a smooth slice, run your knife under hot water and dry it before cutting into your cake. Your cakes can be frozen for up to 2 months in an air-tight container! (If decorated with icing, wait until the icing is firm before freezing). To defrost an iced cake, simply leave at room temperature for 2-3 hours. To defrost an iced cake for the next day, thaw overnight in the fridge before enjoying!

Photo by Jenny Edwards


InQuire Friday 3 March 2017


The Art of Decluttering By Millie Bruce-Watt Writer


veryone needs a sanctuary from ‘Stuffocation’, which means ‘being overwhelmed by the stuff one has bought or accumulated’. This is something we’re all familiar with. I’m sure we have all, at some point in our lives, felt stuffocated by our own clutter. We have been weighed down by the burden, been aware of our inefficient tidying techniques, and yet, continued to allow our floordrobe to grow, constantly adding to the problem. The overwhelming feeling of stress that comes with the thought of decluttering is often met with a mountain of excuses, along with the delusion that our 90’s trouser-skirts will, one day, have their second chance on the runway. De-cluttering simply means tough decisions, and tough decisions are easily demoted to the bottom of our to-do lists. However, the trauma of tidying has now been treated, as if by magic. Marie Kondo’s The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up has spent 113 weeks on the New York best seller’s list to date

and has introduced to the world an innovative way to sort out your clutter. The Japanese organising consultant focuses on the importance of being mindful and promotes the spirit of Zen, guiding you through a peaceful de-cluttering process. The KonMari Method eliminates stress in three simple steps. Step 1: Does This Spark Joy? Kondo forces you to cut your ties with superficial clothing, with shirts that will button once you’ve lost ten pounds and with items that no longer make you happy. By discarding these unwanted and unnecessary clothes, you will be left with a wardrobe that not only serves a purpose and brings you joy but will also allow you to rediscover your style. Step 2: Clear Clutter in Categories Resist your instinct to organise by room and decide to tidy by category; clothing, books and, finally, documents, leaving the sentimental items to last so as to avoid slipping into a nostalgic hole. Cleaning by categories will also prevent further clutter epidemics. Step 3: Forever Fold At first, you may deem this folding

method as the devil in disguise as mastering this fabric origami requires a certain level of concentration. The challenge, however, is a small price to pay as this vertical folding technique allows you to view every piece of clothing at once whilst maintaining neat rows. Kondo’s ingenious method is guaranteed to leave you stress-free - a medal is deserved! A tidy house is a tidy mind so while Kondo focuses on de-cluttering your home life, your mind and soul can rest easy in the safe hands of Oprah Winfrey. The Oprah Winfrey Show promoted Paul Walsh’s idea that a cluttered home creates cluttered thoughts. Simplifying your life, creating a vision and setting priorities is sure to tidy away your

Photo by unsplash | pexelbay

emotional burdens – and then, maybe you too will get a medal - everyone will get a medal! Both Kondo and Oprah transform the act of de-cluttering into an art, showing it to be simple yet pivotal to our physical and emotional well-being. These easy steps eradicate the pressure of those tough decisions and your goal of living a minimalistic paradise can finally be achieved. Follow these simple steps and finally gather the necessary motivation to begin the process. You’ll thank yourself in the long run!

How to: keep a friendship alive By Manon Charles Newspaper Lifestyle Editor


ccording to scientists, the key to keeping friendships alive differ depending on whether you are a man or a woman. The study revealed that for women, phone calls are enough to keep long-distance friendships going, but men need to meet face-to-face. The person behind the study, Professor Robing Dunbar, suggests that the reason behind this could be down to the different friendship styles between genders. As a University student, especially in a university with as many international students as Kent has, chances are you’ve met someone who lives far away from you. Whether that be in another British

city or halfway across the world, keeping the friendship going when you’re not around each other 24/7 can be just as hard as making a longdistance relationship work. But you’re in luck, researchers have uncovered the key to staying close – depending on your gender. For men, there is much more of a need to meet up face-to-face and bond over activities, while for female friendships, conversations over the phone can be enough to bridge the physical distance. I suppose this supports all the cliches of girls being more chatty! These different ways of keeping in contact can be explained by the fact, that female friendships between girls who made the effort to talk on the phone to each other, survived for longer than boys who tried the same thing. Just talking on the phone does not seem to be enough for male friendships, which are based more on doing activities together such as playing football or going for a drink. This interesting research was conducted by following thirty students in their final year of sixth form. These students were asked to compile a list of

all of their friends and how close they felt to each of them. 18 months after the initial assessments, after the students had left home for university, researchers met with them again to see the results. Professor Dunbar explains the results, saying, “this is about the idea that women clearly have much more intense close friendships,” he said. “They’re very intense, very like romantic relationships – in the sense if they break, they break catastrophically.” In contrast, however, men seem to have more casual friendships, “with guys it is out of sight out of mind. They just find four more guys to go drinking with.” So, here are some tips for keeping friendships alive over the holidays. Whether you’re male or female, communication is key. If you’re dedicated to keeping the friendship alive, keep in contact. And with every possible combination of friendship group having their own group chat, there’s no excuse! It may seem simple in this day and age, but sending a message every now and again ensures that you’re friendship doesn’t simply fizzle out. Another key tip is to make plans. (This

one is definitely easier if you live in the same country). Arrange to visit each other at home, or even Photo by Free Vectors| pixabay book a hotel and meet in a new city, this gives you all something to look forward to, especially for men, who need activities to keep a friendship alive. When you are going away to University there is always the risk of losing contact with school friends or meeting people from far away, but with a bit of work and dedication, there is no reason why you have to lose contact with both old and new friends. But remember, a friendship isn’t based on how often you see each other, or do things together, but on your ability to go back to normal when you’re eventually reunited! It’ll be like you were never separated in the first place.



Friday 3 March 2017 InQuire


InQuire Friday 3 March 2017

Editorial @inquirelive canterbury_media

I will always love you, Country music Bryony Jewell

Newspaper Entertainment Editor


ou’re probably listening to Country without even realising it. Whitney Houston’s ‘I will Always Love You’- originally a Dolly Parton song, 2010’s breakup ballad ‘Need You Now’ by Lady Antebelluma country song., not to mention THE drunk song- ‘’Man I Feel Like a Woman’ by Shania Twain. Country influences are everywhere; even Beyonce’s ‘Daddy Lessons’ could be called a Country song. None of us would sneer at these songs individually, so why look down upon a whole genre? Maybe I should clarify what I mean by “Country Music”. Yes, a majority of the genre still involves mandolin and whining vocals. However, there has been a quiet revolution in Nashville. Take Rhiannon Gid-

dens. She sings traditional songs but adapts them to her own folk inspired sound. The most interesting track on her album is the reworking of Dolly Parton’s classic “Don’t Let It Trouble Your Mind”. Dolly, of course, being a huge character of the South, plays an interesting role in where music is heading. The Queen of country still records classics like ‘Jolene’ but she also embraces collaboration with new artists; most recently Pentatonix. Country is fighting to reinvent its image and redefine its sound; the cheesy, “hey y’all” personality just isn’t selling. Look at new Country’s poster boy Chris Stapleton. Creating hits like ‘Tennessee Whiskey’, he knows how to balance con-

temporary sound with the expected mainstream. The artists understand a change is coming. Even Miranda Lambert, Country’s self-acclaimed bad girl, has adapted her style and released a concept album. ‘The Weight of These Wings’ is truly beautiful. Dare I even compare it to Lemonade? Listening to this will make you relive every breakup- but you’ll still manage to have some fun on the way. Country music covers the entire emotional spectrum. And yes, a large majority of the songs are sad… but then there’s the fun ones- almost anything Kacey Musgraves. ‘Follow Your Arrow’ and ‘Biscuits’ ingeniously make fun of the genre while

whole heartedly belonging to it. And if you’re really after a laugh, there’s Dolly Parton’s 1993 ‘Romeo’. If that video doesn’t make you smile I don’t know what will! Fight it all you like but country is becoming mainstream; Nashville could become the next New York. With it’s hip vibe and notoriety for excellent standards, Music Row is the most sought over location to record. Lady Gaga recorded ‘Joanne’ there. Even at the 2017 Grammy’s, two of the New Artist category nominees were Nashville stars.

Country royalty Tim McGraw and Faith Hill presented Adele her award for ‘Hello’- it doesn’t get more genre cross-over than that. And it’s not just America. Britain’s developing its own brand through Ward Thomas and The Shires. It’s merely a matter of time before we’ll be hearing their songs on Radio 1 too. I leave you with the words of poet Nikki Finney; ‘I love country, for the tender story, for the blazing heart, for the ache and sorrow sweetness’. Once you’ve sorted your Carrie’s from your Loretta’s and your Brad’s from your Jonny’s, Country is one of the most exciting genres out there. Give it a try- you won’t regret it; instead, you will find what you’ve been looking for - a range of rhymes, rhythms and melodies which result in your emotions reaching a level of tranquility that was previously unheard of.



Television By Claire Scholes Writer


he majority of us nowadays are guilty of a Netflix binge every now and again, be it a movie marathon or a tv series that you just have to watch back-to-back (and if you don’t know what i’m talking about you are definitely missing out my friend). To aid all you Netflickers in the upcoming month, I’m going to let you guys know what new releases to look out for on the popular streaming site in March 2017. If movies are your thing, there are certainly some exciting additions to look out for in the next month. The twelveyear-old me is particularly excited about the Disney exclusives that Netflix has managed to bag, specifically the 2016

Friday 3 March 2017 InQuire

Netflix: What to look out for in March 2017

adaptation of Roald Dahl’s The BFG, as well as the equally Disney-tastic 2016 film Pete’s Dragon. Similarly, we’ll see Kung Fu Panda (the first film of what seems like a dozen Kung Fu Pandas) on our search engines alongside these Disney gems. If you’re not one of those adults that never grows out of their childhood Disney phase (a bizarre concept to me) there is much more to look forward to film-wise. Sport dramas seem to be a hot topic this March with the likes of Impossible Dreamers (2017) - a documentary shot over three years following senior athletes, exploring the will power and strength of humanity alongside Million Dollar Baby (2004) - a film starring Clint Eastwood, Morgan Freeman, and Hilary Swank following

the struggle of a female boxer and the dark past of her boxing coach. Moving onto series (which, let’s be honest, is the ‘be all and end all’ when it comes to Netflix), there is A LOT to keep you occupied this March. In terms of Netflix Original series I can see potential in the form of Marvel’s Iron Fist (Season One) - because despite the ever-repeating background storyline who really gets tired of a good superhero series/film? The brilliantly hilarious Amy Schumer will also be hitting our screens with her new stand-up special Amy Schumer: The Leather Special (2017). Despite these promising new series, what I think we all want to know about is the well loved series that will fill the void they left us with as they finally return to our browsing devices. I’m mostly talking about the CW exclusive EARLY Netflix release of The Vampire Diaries (Season 8). Yes you heard me correctly, the Salvatore Brothers will be gracing us with their faces once again on the 18th March and you seriously don’t want to miss it. Though, despite the hype around the return of the Vampire Diaries, I must say the return I am most excited about is How To Get Away With Murder (Season 3) on the 23rd March. This series

follows a group of law students who begin to work for their law professor as her interns and find themselves caught up in a crime they can’t live with. The Season 2 finale left me screaming at the screen asking “TELL ME WHAT JUST HAPPENED?” and if you haven’t seen this series I would highly recommend it to anyone who likes mystery, drama, scandal, humour, and just a downright good plot.

Photo from MovieNewsNet

The 2017 Oscars were La La Loopy By Bryony Jewell Newspaper Entertainment Editor


ou can always trust Hollywood to serve up a monumental plot twist in the final second. Sunday nights Academy Awards definitely provided enough drama to earn themselves a spot in film history. With a few controversial wins behind them, the real entertainment came with the announcement of Best Picture… not the award you want to mess up with half the world watching. A cheer for La La Land, the one we all expected to win. As the film team gave their speeches it became clear something was array... especially when the men in headsets started scooting around behind the directors and cast. Alas, Moonlight was the real winner! Apparently a mix up in envelopes was to blame, meaning that Warren Beatty accidentally read out the wrong film before things could

Photo from eOnline

be fixed. However Emma Stone’s announcement that she had her Best Actress envelope with her, at her seat, the whole time means this suspicious screw up has most certainly got a few more answers to give. Either way this left many of us dreaming if only an envelope mix up could have happened at a few other mass televised events

of recent days. Before this mess up stole the limelight, there were some more heartwarming (and tear jerking) moments to be had. Let’s all agree that after that acceptance speech, Viola Davis has got to be crowned as one of the most gracious and eloquent women Hollywood has ever seen. Winning Best Supporting Actress for her role in

Fences, Viola got real deep real quick. Thanking playwright August Wilson for writing a play which “exhumed and exited the ordinary people” Davis made sure we all understood that artists are privileged because they get to tell stories which would otherwise have even forgotten. After thanking her family and other artists Viola rounded up saying; “I became an artist and thank god I did because we are the only profession that celebrates what it means to live a life.” A special mention has to go to Lin Manuel Miranda (nominated for Best Original Song) and Nev Patel (nominated for Best Supporting Actor) for their Oscar dates; their mums. They may not have won their categories but they definitely won everyone’s hearts by the end of the night. Intersect all this drama with Nicole Kidman’s meme worthy unique style of clapping, add some controversial opinions on Casey Affleck and you’ve got yourself a golden night in Hollywood. That’s a wrap on another year of movie magic!

InQuire Friday 3 March 2017


Canterbury University Film Festival 2017 T

he 3rd annual Canterbury University Film Festival (CUFF) will be held on 18th-19th March 2017. The festival will be showcasing 18 selected short films submitted by students from The University of Kent, Canterbury Christ Church and the University of Creative Arts, Canterbury. Screenings will be held at the Curzon Cinema in Canterbury, and other “Off-the-CUFF” events will also take place throughout the city. Canterbury University Film Festival not only celebrates the city’s talent, but the fringe events aim to encourage others to get involved with film while also providing them with knowledge about the industry. They include talks from working professionals, the opportunity for Q&As, interviews, a poetry slam, and finally an awards ceremony and an after party – both hosted at The Ballroom. A vibrant city like Canterbury boasts many creative students. CUFF is the only film festival open to all Canterbury universities, helping to inspire and diversify the connections available


ull disclosure, I went into this film thinking I wasn’t going to like it. I know my taste and this film was not it. But at the same time, I also had the hope that it would actually surprise me. So, which outcome did I get? Both. For those as unfamiliar with this film as I was, Fight Club is a 1999 drama starring Edward Norton, Brad Pitt and Helena Bonham Carter. Why do I mention that it was made in 1999? Because this film sure as hell does not let you forget it. The film is smothered in late 90’s/early 2000’s “edginess” from the dark colour scheme to the moody intro. The premise follows Norton as the nameless narrator, disillusioned with consumerist society, effectively rediscovering his humanity through a fight club he creates with mysterious new friend Tyler Durden (Pitt). So what’s the deal with the narrator? Well, he’s an everyman, the average conformist who has just recently started becoming self-aware. As a whole, he is relatively bland and Norton doesn’t really add anything special to the character, though the film doesn’t necessarily need him to. But it’s Pitt’s character I find to be genuinely lacking. He is set up to essentially be what

In Cinemas

Beauty and the Beast Emma Watson’s take on Belle- the intelligent girl taken prisoner by a Beast- arrives this month. With some magic, singing and luck hopefully this remake will be as good as Disney’s original.

to filmmakers. Student film crews are constantly creating new and innovative works which often go unseen by the public. CUFF gives them the opportunity to showcase their work. Entrance to the festival works on a pay as you can/feel system. Which. clearly is amazing- great creative work from talented, local students without a massive money commitment. What more could you ask for? Having already selected 18 films submitted by students across

Canterbury there is a wide variety of films avaliable to watch. Awards up for grabs over the weekend include; -Best Film (live action) & (animation) -Best Sound Effect -Best Screenplay -Best Editing -Best Cinematography Head to the CUFF website for more information and a full schedule of the event!

Throwback Film - Fight Club By Ellesse Cooke Writer


Norton wants to be. He is the key to him starting the fight club and finding meaning in his life. Even taking into account the film’s gritty, cynical tone,

Pitt just isn’t charismatic enough to pull a character like this off. Helena Bonham Carter plays Marla Singer, a similarly disillusioned woman who appears to play love interest to both characters. In contrast to Pitt, this is just the kind

of character Carter can just fall into playing. Though that in itself prevents the portrayal from being particularly impressive, especially when she’s having to share the odd, quirky pretentious act with Norton. A brief mention should also be made of the character Bob, an overweight testicular cancer sufferer who, being more aware than most of his own mortality, joins the fight club to find his own version of meaning. The character is somewhat mocked but honestly he’s quite endearing. Visually, the film is hit and miss. There is no doubt, the dated aesthetic is one of the films big weaknesses and is almost laughable at times, especially when members of the fight club begin trying to “fight the system”. But a lot of the cinematography still really holds up, one of the best shots simply being the view of Marla through the door as she walks away from the narrator’s house. There is also an albeit brief motif of flickering images appearing in a few scenes, an allegory that again, still holds up, if in a more mocking sense. Fight Club is a mystery to me. I honestly can’t decide if it’s a decent adaption of a genius novel or a great adaptation of a mediocre novel. Either way, the balance between dated pretence and intelligent commentary is too close to call this anymore than a middle of the road movie. 3 Stars.

Fifty Shades Darker Wounded Christian Grey tries to entice Ana back into his life. As they begin again shady characters from the past appear.

The Great Wall When a warrior (Matt Damon) is imprisoned within the Great Wall, he discovers the mystery behind one of the greatest wonders of the world.



Games to Look Out For

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Awaking after a 100 year sleep, Link hears a mysterious voice which guides him to defeat Calamity Ganon. Explore a new open-world environment in this launch title for Switch.

Mass Effect: Andromeda Highly anticipated fourth instalment in the series is set for release in March. Assume the role of Scott or Sara as they navigate the 22nd century and new Milky Way Galaxy.

Friday 3 March 2017 InQuire

Nintendo Switch- it’s finally here By Ethan Stone Writer


intendo Switch seems to be all we hear about at the moment, and rightly so. As March 3rd draws closer the anticipation to have a go on this console only grows; in fact by the time you’re reading this the Switch will be available to buy. Here’s a run down of what we know so far. Design Perhaps the most exciting thing about Switch is its quirky design. When docked to the TV the console appears pretty average. But it’s the “Joy-Con” controllers that suggest there’s more excitement to be had. Even when clicked into the mounting device they have an unusual shape but when the clip into the touchscreen thats when the game play really becomes special. Memory It’s rather limited, not big news to any Nintendo fan. Switch will only contain 32GB of internal memory and almost 4GB of this will be for the operating

system, meaning there won’t be too much memory to play with. However not to fear, you can always purchase a MicroSD for the new system which will solve those problems but add to the already pricey console cost. Games Designed with two or more players in mind, many of the Switch games won’t even require you to look at a screen- instead you’ll have to look at your opponant and rely on audio cues and vibrations from the controller; interesting right? Confirmed games already include Skylanders Imaginators and 1-2-Switch all set to be available as of March 3rd. Mario Kart 8 Delux and Pokemon Stars are promised for later in 2017.However, the Switch doesn’t actually come with any games included meaning not only do you have to buy the console,

Photo from Play-Asia

the memory card, the Pro Controller if you so wish, but also the basic games themselves. eShop Purchases So here’s the biggest problem. Although eShop purchases will be tied to your Nintendo account, rather than the specific hardware, this doesn’t mean you’ll be able to easily change between consoles. Even though you’ve bought the game, and it’s not linked to a specific console- your account will be. Obviously, this limits the ease of sharing games between friends but hopefully it’ll be reevaluated in the future.

Xbox: Celebrating Fable II By Miles Howell Writer


Halo Wars 2 Set in year 2559, this sequel to the 2009 game sees a return of the human crew aboard the warship Spirit of Fire and introduces a new alien faction known as the Banished.

Photo from Nintendo

he first game that I ever received for the Xbox 360 was the fantasy RPG Fable 2. Celebrating the original Xbox’s fifteenth anniversary has allowed me to rediscover my love for this game. Fable 2 first came out in 2008 as a sequel to the 2004 video game Fable, both having been created by the British developers Lionhead Studios led by Peter Molyneux. The main focus of the game is on choices; your character, either male or female is free to choose between good, evil or somewhere in between. The setting is the land of Albion, a place steeped in magic and monsters and yet also resembling our own world around the seventeenth or eighteenth century. Your character is tasked with protecting Albion from the nefarious designs of Lord Lucan by recruiting three other heroes to your cause. Help comes along the way from your ever faithful dog, and the mysterious seer Theresa who acts as your mentor and guide. While you go about the main storyline there are many side quests for you to undertake with varying degrees of morality, such as helping a group of bandits or instead choosing to fight them.You can join the Temple of Light and gain purity points by donating money or join the Temple of Shadows and sacrifice hapless victims. Depending on how you set your moral

Photo by Wikimedia

compass it will affect how other people react to you and even your physical appearance; kill too many civilians for instance and expect horns to start growing from your forehead. While learning new skills you can train up your character to work best with a sword, a gun, casting magic or a combination of all three. Other aspects of the game include the chance to become a property magnate or raising a family. Albion is an incredibly detailed land, from the peaceful farming village of Oakfield to the enchanted forest of

Brightwood to the cut-throat port of Bloodstone. While exploring the many locations look out for the Demon Doors, talking gateways that will open to you and give a reward if you complete a task such as playing music or teaching your dog some tricks. The various denizens of Albion include background characters who are interesting if you listen, and various monsters. Some of the numerous foes you encounter are Balverines, vicious wolf-like creatures; reanimated corpses known as Hollow Men, and Trolls, great lumbering giants that spring out from within the earth. The game is full of atmosphere. The very British sense of humour is seen in the duo of Max and Sam, two brothers whose many mishaps (such as accidently unleashing demons) you can help to sort out. It can also feel be quite frightening at times; I wouldn’t advise playing the segments set in Wraithmarsh, a swampland which encompasses a cursed village, at night! Fable 2 is not a game without its flaws; the world can feel rather small at times and it is not particularly difficult. It certainly lacks the finer detail of other games in the same vein that came later, such as Skyrim. Despite that, I cannot help but feel a sense of nostalgia for this well-designed and entertaining experience that I still remember fondly years after. Despite this, Fable 2 will always be remembered as one of the many greats of the Xbox era.

InQuire Friday 3 March 2017



Music News An Ode to Adele: The best in the business By Manon Charles Newspaper Lifestyle Editor


imes are tough. The world has gone crazy. The only ray of light during this difficult time is Adele. This woman brings a much-needed breath of fresh air to the music industry and her ability to keep it real has made her an icon around the world. Her status as not only a fantastic performer, but also a genuinely lovely human being, was confirmed during the 2017 Grammy’s. She was responsible for paying tribute to the late, great George Michael as this year’s ceremony, an honour bestowed upon her by the family, and she made sure she did him justice. After beginning the song, she soon stopped the performance. Looking visibly upset she said, “I know it’s live TV … I’m sorry for swearing, and I’m sorry for starting again. I can’t mess this

up for him.” She went on to perform a flawless rendition. This move endeared the already much loved start to a global audience. Many applauded this move and her dedication to performing her best is just one of the reasons she is a queen. Her most iconic moment of the night however came after the performance, when she was given the award for Best Album of the Year. During her acceptance speech, she paid tribute to Beyoncé, one of the other nominees, saying, “I can’t possibly accept this award … I’m very humbled and I’m very grateful … but my artist of my life is Beyoncé. And this album to me, the Lemonade album, is just so monumental.” Her tears brought tears to Queen Bey’s eyes, and the love felt between these two women epitomises that women do not need to tear each other down to reach the top!

But maybe the best thing about Adele? Her down to earth personality and humour. Her Carpool Karaoke with James Corden has over 149 million views on YouTube. And with the combination of her voice and her selfdeprecating humour, is there any wonder she’s such a modern day icon?

actions are legendary, after all, who else can reduce Beyoncé to tears? Do you agree? Want to write about your own musical inspiration? Email us, or come along to our Monday meeting!

Adele is a queen in her own right. Her

Photo from Billboard

The Brit Award’s Highlights By Bryony Jewell Newspaper Entertainment Editor


ow fully in the swing of awards season, Britain has finally had it’s chance to show off it’s talent and serve up judgement on the past years musical releases. Crammed with performances from the best in the business- shout out Bruno and Ed- The Brits are always guaranteed entertainment. Presented by Dermot O’Leary alongside Emma Willis, the night was as fabulous and funny as you’d expect. As the Champagne flowed the night only got more interesting. Here’s some top moments: Girl Power Little Mix dominated the opening slot performing everyones love to hate song; Shout Out To My Ex. Looking like fashionista-space explorers in their shiny silver costumes they showed the audience that four albums in four years plus a world tour doesn’t come without a talent for harmonies and hard work. Later they- finally- won a Brit for best single.

Photo from The Guardian

Katy gets Political Navigating through a tiny village of paper houses for her performance of ‘Chained to the Rhythm’ Katy Perry made a come back with a bang. Although performing the song on the Grammy’s recently, this time Katy got political. Throwing some subtle shadewell, as subtle as two gigantic puppets on stage with millions watching can be- we were all left thinking it’s got to be Donald and Theresa. Political

Unexpected Surprises Although winning an award, it was The 1975’s performance on the night that got everybody talking. As they played ‘The Sound’ something strange seemed to happen. Had the Brits been hacked? Did The 1975 know someone was displaying quotes dissing their music, e.g “pompous synth pop” and my personal favourite “I only heard chocolate once and I hated it” Those who have watched the video to this song would understand what was happening, but for those who haven’t… nicely played.

Photo from The Sun

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and all, the standout moment (and now meme) of the whole event has to be the moment one of the little houses tumbled off the stage. With flashbacks of Madonna’s fall last year, the internet went wild- sorry dancer, this is your life now. British Bake Through British Break Through went to Rag’n’Bone Man for ‘Human’. There was slight confusion at first as it was introduced as British Bake Through and everyone secretly hoped Mary Berry was going to shock us with a takeover of the stage, alas short-lived dreams. Goodbye George Coldplay’s Chris Martin took to the stage to honour George Michael with a beautiful rendition of ‘I Swear’. Introducing the song was Pepsi, Shirley and fellow Wham! member Andrew Ridgeley who had the auditorium in tears before a note was played. Towards the end of Chris Martin’s song, George’s own vocals were played and they had a little multi-media aided duet- there was no holding back the tears..

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Friday 3 March 2017 InQuire


The Gulbenkian Cinema listings Times T2 TRAINSPOTTING (18) Fri 3 Mar - Tue 7 Mar 2017 LION (PG) Sat 4 Mar - Wed 8 Mar 2017 20TH CENTURY WOMEN (15) Fri 10 Mar - Thu 16 Mar 2017 FENCES (12A) Fri 10 Mar - Tue 14 Mar 2017 CHRISTINE (15) Wed 15 Mar 2017 I, DANIEL BLAKE (15) Fri 17 Mar 2017 LOVING (12A) Fri 17 Mar - Sun 19 Mar 2017


his March, adaptations of three literary classics come to life on the Gulbenkian stage. With The Pantaloons’ witty adaptation of Pride and Prejudice having already delighted the Gulbenkian stage, let’s see what the remaining two have to offer. Will you prefer these to the originals? Heaven Eyes Award-winning touring theatre company Théâtre Sans Frontières will be performing its production Heaven Eyes by the celebrated children’s author David Almond on Wednesday 8 March at 7pm. Almond, author of Skellig (that book from our secondary school reading days) has adapted the story for the stage. Heaven Eyes is a poetic and gritty story about young people trying to find their way in the world. Running away from their care home, Erin, January and Mouse sail downriver on a makeshift raft. Washed up on the mudflats, they meet a strange girl, Heaven Eyes, and a man she calls Grampa, who digs for treasures in the mud. As Erin befriends Heaven Eyes and tensions begin to rise within the group, January’s suspicions

MOONLIGHT (15) Sat 18 Mar - Tue 21 Mar 2017 THE PERKS OF BEING A WALLFLOWER (12A) Thu 23 Mar 2017 HIDDEN FIGURES (PG) Fri 24 Mar - Sat 25 Mar 2017 HACKSAW RIDGE (15) Fri 24 Mar - Sat 25 Mar 2017 TONI ERDMANN (15) Sat 25 Mar 2017 BANFF MOUNTAIN FILM FESTIVAL WORLD TOUR (12A) Wed 29 Mar 2017 THE LEGO BATMAN MOVIE (U) Fri 31 Mar - Tue 4 Apr 2017

Prices Full - £8.50 GulbCard Member - £6.50 Senior - £7.50 Registered Disabled - £7.50 Student - £5.30 Student GulbCard Member - £4.30 Unemployed - £7.50

Photos by the Gulbenkian

New Takes

on Classic Stories

about the old man grow. What is the secret he’s hiding? Théâtre Sans Frontières brings its own inimitable style of storytelling to this spellbinding and other-worldly tale. Their first tour of Heaven Eyes, in 2014, was recommended by the British Theatre Guide as one of the Best Family Shows in the North-East during that year. Frankenstein Blackeyed Theatre mark the bicentenary of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein with a new stage adaptation of the gothic horror masterpiece. Geneva, 1816 – Victor Frankenstein obsesses in pursuit of nature’s secret, the elixir of life itself. But nothing can prepare him for what he creates. So begins a gripping life or death adventure taking him to the ends of the earth and beyond. Adapted by John Ginman, this production fuses bold ensemble storytelling, live music, puppetry and

stunning theatricality to create a fresh telling of what has become a landmark work of literature. An exciting new dimension has been added, with the use of a full size 6’4” Bunraku-style puppet, designed and built by Yvonne Stone (Warhorse, His Dark Materials) to portray The Creature. Ginman says, “Working on this has left me full of admiration for the achievement of the nineteen-year-old novice writer. This version seeks to provoke thought and discussion around many key issues that have renewed significance for us today, including the ethics of genetic experimentation, and the causes of violent behaviour in some marginalised social groups.” Heaven Eyes tickets are £8.00 for students and Frankenstein tickets are £8.50 for students. For information and tickets please visit www.thegulbenkian., or call 01227 769075.

TWELFTH NIGHT (12A) Thu 6 Apr 2017 Tamsin Greig is Malvolia in a new twist on Shakespeare’s classic comedy of mistaken identity. A ship is wrecked on the rocks. Viola is washed ashore but her twin brother Sebastian is lost. Determined to survive on her own, she steps out to explore a new land. So begins a whirlwind of mistaken identity and unrequited love. Where music is the food of love, and nobody is quite what they seem, anything proves possible. ROSENCRANTZ AND GUILDENSTERN ARE DEAD (12A) Thu 20 Apr 2017 Daniel Radcliffe (Harry Potter, The Woman in Black), Joshua McGuire (The Hour) and David Haig (Four Weddings and a Funeral) star in Tom Stoppard’s brilliantly funny situation comedy, broadcast live from The Old Vic Theatre

in London. Against the backdrop of Hamlet, two hapless minor characters, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, take centre stage. As the young double act stumble their way in and out of the action of Shakespeare’s iconic drama, they become increasingly out of their depth as their version of the story unfolds. ENCORE: PETER PAN (PG) Sat 10 Jun - Sun 11 Jun 2017 Captured live at the National Theatre, a recorded performance of JM Barrie’s much-loved tale screens in cinemas this summer. A delight for children and adults alike, Sally Cookson (NT Live: Jane Eyre) directs this wondrously inventive production, a coproduction with Bristol Old Vic theatre. ‘Spellbindingly imaginative. A dazzling production.’ Radio Times.

National Theatre Live at The Gulbenkian W

hile seeing top-end theatre productions may be out of reach for our poor student budgets, the Gulbenkian is screening many of the National Theatre’s shows for only £14 for students! Make sure to head to the Gulbenkian for your fix of theatrical magic. HEDDA GABLER (12A) Thu 9 Mar 2017 Just married. Bored already. Hedda longs to be free. Hedda and Tesman have just returned from their honeymoon and the relationship is already in trouble. Trapped but determined, Hedda tries to control those around her, only to see her own world unravel. Ruth Wilson plays the title role in a new version by Patrick Marber.

InQuire Friday 3 March 2017



In Memory of the Enviromentalist Mark Baumer By Sara Kilian Writer


n one of his video posts, drawing on the words of Noam Chomsky, the poet shouts in his characteristically clamorous and sardonic tone: ‘the human race is threatening to die off if we don’t do something so [...] come on let’s do something, so we don’t die off!’ In an honest effort to see whether he could save the earth, he decided to cross America barefoot in order to raise awareness of climate change, leaving Providence on the sunny morning of 13 October 2016. He walked on through the sun and the rain that distorted his vision, and through snow-storms, and on icy roads that made his feet swell. He became known for posting photos of the soles of his blackened and disfigured feet. On 21 January 2017, which also marked the 100th day of his trek, Mark Baumer was hit by a car that had steered out of its lane on a highway in Florida. He was active as a writer and

Photos by Mark Baumer/Instagram

environmental activist on what seems like every social media site, but the most interesting and most intimate to visit is perhaps his own website (; in the heading he plainly and truthfully introduces himself, stating: ‘I live in Providence Rhode Island. I work in a library.’ Here he regularly published new lines of poetry often to the background of photographs he had taken along the road. It would be futile to try to summarise Mark Baumer’s writing here

as it seems to evoke so many things and I don’t always understand it myself, so the reader will have to receive it for themselves; scrolling through the pages you will read beautiful fragments about curing loneliness, as well as seemingly nonsensical lines about a man walking down a street eating a papaya, so see for yourselves. As a temporary teacher of a fiction class at Brown University, where he graduated, the award-winning poet advocated what he referred to as ‘the art of subtle weirdness’ in an effort to get his students to write something interesting. Video recordings of his days and nights on the road are interesting documents of a polarised mankind, he encounters compassion and indifference. ‘I’ve had people tell me, what you’re doing isn’t gonna save anything’, he says, while on a different day, ‘at least five people have stopped and ask if I need shoes [and] someone just gave me an apple.’ Baumer’s barefoot walk across America was a one-man protest against a world where climate change is sadly

deemed fictitious (he names Trump). Despite this, he achieved a fantastic amount of support. Fundraising for the FANG Collective (an organisation fighting climate change that last year stood in solidarity with the indigenous people at the Standing Rock pipeline protest) he set a goal of $10,000. However, the money collected currently stands at $26,282 and rising. He has been able to spread environmental awareness and continues to broadcast it even in the wake of his death.



Poetry Corner In Beauty Bright In beauty-bright and such it was like Blake’s lily and though an angel he looked absurd dragging a lily out of a beauty-bright store wrapped in tissue with a petal drooping, nor was it useless—you who know it know how useful it is—and how he would be dead in a minute if he were to lose it though how do you lose a lily? His lily was white and he had a foolish smile there holding it up like a candelabrum in his right hand facing the mirror in the hall nor had the endless centuries started yet nor was there one thorn between his small house and the beauty-bright store. Gerald Stern If you would like you poetry featured in the paper email us at newspaper.culture@inquiremedia.

Friday 3 March 2017 InQuire

International Women’s Week:

Women in Literature By Karisma Indra Writer

Bones series. However, for every strong female character there are at least three or four male characters that fulfils the rowing up as a same criterion. While this bookworm means may have been generated you devour countless from a misogynistic tales of differing society, times are genres, but it is changing and more disheartening empowered female to see a distinct characters are hitting lack of admirable our shelves in their own female leads. This right. They are no longer has recently been just the sidekicks to the emphasised by male protagonists. a US studies in Books aimed at which six year-olds young girls, with this were asked whether new empowering stance, a book about a smart include Cinder Edna: the Photo by flominowa 2011-17 character was likely to story of a girl who prefers be a boy or a girl. Both genders loafers to glass slippers and saw the majority categorising the smart finds her happily ever after. character as male. This worrying trend Indeed, young school suggests that young girls see themselves children with the help as having less worth than their male of Jeanette Winterson counterparts even before reaching the re-wrote Cinderella’s ending: job markets where this is unfortunately “Cindy decides she and the also a trend. How can literature make prince won’t get married. the switch and empower girls and They become friends, and women? world famous explorers.” This is not to say that there are no Whilst having more strong female characters. Take for empowered female example Hermione Granger from the characters is admirable, Harry Potter series, Annabeth Chase there is nothing wrong from the Percy Jackson books or with leaving fairy-tales Temperance Brennan for Kathy Reich’s in their original, if

slightly male-centric form. The real problem does not stem from fairy-tales but rather in more modern works of fiction. Authors now have to make a concerted effort not to succumb to gender stereotypes and must aim to make their female characters proactive and not dependent on male characters. The empowerment of women and girls through literature is heading toward the right direction; however, it still has a ways to go in terms of giving women credible and strong female personalities. Literature is not the only stimuli that emphasises male dominance to a large degree. To truly overcome the stereotype of males being more capable, other media forms also have to subscribe to strong, leading ladies. Take for example television. More often than not male characters dominate the stronger roles and the roles higher in a situational hierarchy. It is not only young girls who feel that their male counterparts are more important or idolised but older women who also need a better representation in society. Perhaps, this is all a product of social culture, but we have to start somewhere and our bookshelves seem as good a place as any.

New York City Ballet, and text, the piece and is currently invites the audience one of the female to create their choreographers most own relationships in demand on the between what they international scene. hear and what they Hot Cuban passions, see. Following 20 sass and wit collate years performing in this performance in work by many of and it delves deep the UK’s celebrated into the path of dance makers, gender matters, Brighton-based sudden changes choreographer, in relationships, performer and stage rivalry and pleasure designer, Clinkard of being opponents has swiftly built and dissidents. To an an international eclectric soundtrack, reputation for the 17 company creating compelling dancers perform and visually arresting and captivate the dance. Photos by The Marlowe Theatre audience through Matria Etnocentra, Lopez Ochoa’s by the company’s trademark quirky style. resident choreographer and dancer The Listening Room, an exuberant and George Céspedes, sees 23 dancers experimental piece by Theo Clinkard. moving to a drill-like rhythm in this Set to Steve Reich’s driving score, it is a award-winning work: following its celebration of expressive and instinctive world premiere in Havana in 2015, dancing. As the 20 performers in Céspedes was awarded the Critique headphones respond to an alternate Villanueva Award 2015 by the Union soundtrack of wildly diverse music of Writers and Artists of Cuba for Best

Choreography. It is an exciting group work that portrays the tension between the fluidity of music and dance and the regimented nature of daily life in Cuba. Miguel Iglesias, Director of Danza Contemporánea de Cuba, said: “With thanks to an ongoing relationship with Dance Consortium and the kind welcome of the UK audiences, we are extremely pleased to return to England, Scotland and Wales with three UK premieres. We hope the 2017 tour helps to build on the exciting and evergrowing relationship between Cuba and the UK.” Danza Contemporánea de Cuba are at The Marlowe Theatre at 7.30pm on Fri 17 and Sat 18 March. Tickets, priced from £13 to £27 (concessions available; booking fee applies), are from the Box Office on


Cuban Company Waltzes into Canterbury


uba’s flagship contemporary dance company comes to The Marlowe Theatre this March. The Dance Consortium presents Danza Contemporánea de Cuba, bringing their unique hybrid and hothouse dance blend of African-Caribbean rhythms, jazzy American modernism and influences from classical European ballet. They have been evoking the sensual heart of the Cuban spirit through vigorous and highly physical contemporary dance. In this one show, the company presents three recently created works by three top choreographers: Belgian-Colombian Annabelle Lopez Ochoa; the UK’s Theo Clinkard; and the company’s very own Cuban wunderkind George Céspedes. Lopez Ochoa brings Reversible. Lopez Ochoa has created work for more than 40 dance companies across the world, including English National Ballet and

InQuire Friday 3 March 2017


London Fashion Week 2017

House of MEA By Bryony Jewell Newspaper Entertainment Editor


ouse of MEA celebrates diversity. Founded upon a desire to promote regional talent from the Middle East & Asia this seasons collections truly shone with difference and talent. Showcasing three designers, the AW17 show glistened from the first walk. Kajal Patel’s ‘Gold Collection’ bought

Photo by Eleanor Weaver

a variety of single and two piece fashion items to LFW; all of course, in gold. Although already having an established line of wedding couture, Patel really has created a work of art in her new collection. When the clothes were walked together it was breathtaking; the stunning interior of Freemasons’ Hall and high quality of fashion really created a beautiful mise-en-scene. There was a clear influence of the designers Indian heritage across the pieces including intricately beaded dresses and clean swooping cuts. All the glistens really was Gold in this opening collection. Next came Felix Bendish. Pulling inspiration from the natural world’s dwindling resources and then combining this with a vast range of textures, resulted in luxurious manmade pieces and a strong, quite frankly, fabulous collection. With a rich concoction of white, red and green Bendish fully utilised the beauty surrounding us resulting in surprising combinations such as pairing a red

Photo by Bryony Jewell

rose with glittery tassles. There was a vast mix of fabrics across the collection including velvet, leather and bejewelled wool gloves, which truly highlighted the diversity and fusion of styles across House of MEA’s show as a whole. Closing the show was Nivedita Saboo.



n Sun 19 Feb, Editors Bryony Jewell and Eleanor Weaver were lucky enough to see fashion shows at London Fashion Week. Here are their insights into the AW17 showcases. and dark greens with a splash of orange. Overall, a military feel but with opulence. The women’s dresses experimented with length, mixing fitted bodies with looser almost floaty ruffles. The mens suits sported drastic, swooping cuts, showcasing Saboo’s ability to make high quality tailoring still exciting high fashion. A motif of glass shards could be seen across the collection, adding dimension to the pieces and cleverly playing not only with shape and style but also with light and visual illusion. Nivedita Saboo has strongly revamped and redefined the definitions of the power suit for this season.

“The high quality of fashion really created a beautiful mise-en-scene” This years collection took tailored luxury to a whole new level. Creating pieces for both men and women the AW17 clothes were a mix of greys

Photo by Bryony Jewell

Alexis Carballosa By Eleanor Weaver Newspaper Culture Editor


lexis Carballosa’s AW17 collection was rich with gorgeous gossamer, vibrant colours and outstanding silhouettes for the audiences of his debut LFW show. Carballosa is of SpanishVenezuelan descent and his work reflects the unique combination of art, love of nature and determination to help preserve the environment. Influenced by his grandmother’s passion for design, his own brand became established in the US and has found huge success in the past few years across America and Europe. At present, the designer is focused on creating avant-garde pieces that are timeless and forever treasured by their owners across the world. However, his aspirations are focused even further in this show. “One of my primary goals when

designing this collection was to explore the balance between structure and fluidity while challenging the stereotypical idea of what a fall collection is supposed to be” – Alexis Carballosa. Inspired by the relationship between the depth of the exotic underwater and the limitless universe, his show “Unbound” was able to incorporate dramatic volume in the sleeves and trains of his impressive showpieces whilst still accentuating and flattering the female figure and waist. His collection aimed to immerse the viewer and wearer in the journey into the eternal expanse. With emphasis on the theme of the underwater world, the show was coloured with hues of blue, green and yellow with accents of the metallic to add another dimension of texture. The colouring itself with the hints of shimmering golds and

Photos by Eleanor Weaver

silvers stood out boldly as the most effective in invoking the emotional response that Carballosa hoped to achieve through his show. The initial blue outfits proved pleating to be a popular statement continuing into the season with asymmetrical construction and ruffling adding an edge to the otherwise fluid designs. The green pieces emphasised his signature use of gossamer that created soft and flowing silhouettes under the bright catwalk lights. However, the yellow streamlined

fashions demonstrated his versatile use of drapery which contrasted the season’s strong signature sleeves that were iridescent throughout the show. The finale look stood out dramatically as an amplified all-black gown made from gazer silk and organza which truly captured his ‘limitless universe’ in its stark density compared to the earlier designs.

“Immerse yourself in the journey into the eternal expanse” All of the accessories were handcreated by Carballosa using repurposed materials which he transformed into art. To become indistinguishable from their original form, his creations mirrored his belief in creating awareness of the environmental movement through his collection.


Friday 3 March 2017 InQuire


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InQuire Friday 3 March 2017


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Friday 3 March 2017 InQuire


England continues its winning streak By Jake Wallington Writer


ew could have predicted how the clash between England and Italy in this year’s Six Nations would play out, where the rugby union’s rulebook was brought into question in a match that could have a longlasting impact on how the game is played. Only the brave would have forecast anything but a dominant England victory, who seemed unable to lose on a run of 16 consecutive wins, only two games shy of the legendary New Zealand record of 18 consecutive wins. Much of the talk pre-game was not of who would win, but to the margin of England’s victory. England’s straight talking Head Coach Eddie Jones said to the media pre-match that England were aiming “to take Italy to the cleaners”, however, in reality, things were not that simple for Jones and his side, on the occasion of England talisman Owen Farrell’s 50th cap.

Spin Invaders

The Azzurri arrived with a game plan that left England lack lustre and out of ideas for much of the first half. Italy Head Coach Conor O’Shea along with Defence Coach Brendan Venter between them dreamt up a plan to disrupt England, with a tactic that has spawned “ruck-gate”, a point of much discussion following the match. The plan hinged around the rule that a ruck is only formed when a player from each side are in physical contact with each other following a tackle. If no ruck is formed, there is also no offside line which allowed the Italian defence to pour onto England’s side of the ball, completely disrupting England and not letting them exert their power onto the Italian underdogs. This is a tactic that has been employed sporadically in world rugby, however never on this scale and never causing so much disruption. The extent of the disruption led to England skipper Dylan Hartley and James Haskell having to speak to referee Romain Poite

The Beast

to clarify what they should do to counter the tactic that left England in disarray. While the two players took some criticism for seemingly not knowing the rules, this was a point of controversy; that England’s method to deal with the tactic was to drag Italian players into the tackle zone causing a ruck which has been used before to counter the tactic legally, which was deemed illegal by Poite. The Italians actions led to them coming in ahead 5-10 at half time, a score line nobody could have expected. Throughout the second half England began to expose the flaws in the Italian tactic by keeping the ball off the ground, deploying a simple approach powering up the pitch which the Italian tactic of minimal contact allowed. While the tactic is legal, some questioned the consistency of Poite’s policing of the law, sometimes allowing Italian players to come offside and disrupt England even though other Italian defenders had engaged in a ruck and were

competing for the ball. Others questioned the integrity of the game plan, including World Cup winner Matt Dawson, claiming Italy had “ruined” the match with unsportsmanlike behaviour and tactics, making a “farce” of the game, and even coining the hashtag #ShameOnYouConor, referring to Italy’s Head Coach. This also lead to England Coach Jones commenting after the game that “that wasn’t rugby”, as the tactic challenged the form and structure of the sport. By the final minute of the game, England had run in 6 tries to Italy’s 2 and a score line that would suggest a comfortable England victory, despite Italy’s best attempts to spoil the party of England’s 17th consecutive win. England’s victory has left them top of the table with two rounds to go of Six Nations, the only side unbeaten. What Italy have shown is what can be achieved when you flip the rule book on its head and refuse to play on the dominant sides terms – a lesson that translates

beyond just sport. This idea has even more significance given England’s next opponent, an in-form Scotland side desperate to upset the favourites in England’s own back yard. This weekend's scores: Scotland 29-13 Wales Ireland 19-9 France England 36-15 Italy

Games to come: Wales v Ireland Italy v France England v Scotland

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What Brexit means for sport When Brexit does happen, many aspects of everyday life will change, including the prerequisites for sports. There are pro’s and con’s with everything, including the outcomes for sports teams. The only indications we have to go on are the speculations of the leading figures of the sporting world. By George Dagless Writer


currently are to nonEU players. Thus it would still be easier for European players to join clubs in this country than those from elsewhere.”

here are few certainties about what will happen when Britain leaves the EU. What we can do is work off of what some leading figures in sport have said on the So Geey thinks a new, referendum to try and paint a different legislation may clearer picture. apply to Europeans; but Karren Brady, vice-chairman this may cause other issues. of West Ham was against The Guardian claim that: “A leaving the EU, emphasizing new legislation would raise the point that the UK would questions as to whether it no longer benefit from the would be discriminatory to free movement establish one set of rules for arrangement, and Europeans and other for top coaches and footballers from the rest players would of the world.” It has find it harder also been mooted that to enter the Premier League clubs country. would attempt to gain There are special dispensation obvious with their staff but drawbacks as The Guardian and rightly says: “In this advantages scenario of a new to this. legislation it A figure could become recently difficult to cited justify one in The rule for Guardian football clubs suggests and a different Photo from Pinterest that rule for other once the industries.” EU movement In my opinion, should agreement had been cancelled any new law come into place, it two-thirds of the European would have to be applied to all players in this country would occupations, not just football no longer meet the visa criteria and sport. Equally, as we have to allow them to stay. seen, it cannot discriminate This creates obvious against non-Europeans. We problems: Are clubs really would either have to make visas going to let some of their star for Europeans as stringent as players leave because of this? ones for non-Europeans or You might say they have no relax the process for everyone. choice, but the widely held view Food for thought for the law is that if this does come to pass makers. new visa rules will be devised to avoid such problems, not “Losing this only with sport but with all unhindered access to occupations. European talent would Daniel Geey of sports and put British clubs media law firm Sheridans told at a disadvantage The Independent discussing compared to football: continental sides.”

“I don’t think the same standards would be applied to players from the EU as they

Karren Brady comments. Certainly, Premier League could fall behind as it would be harder to get here.

Surely all club sports would find this an issue. All elite team sports in this era comprise of multinational squads from Premiership Rugby to County Cricket and beyond, let alone the amount of sports coaches in this country that come from abroad. Karren Brady says that Brexit would ‘damage English football’ What’s the upside of potential new visa laws then? Well Brian Monteith of the campaign gave a different view when he spoke to BBC about the matter:

“The freedom of movement for people in the EU comes at the price of heavy restrictions on visas for potential signings from Africa, the Caribbean, South America and Asia. Once we leave the EU, the UK will be free to treat footballers from all countries equally, which will broaden the pool of talent for our teams, not reduce it.” This is to say that leaving the EU might actually create a leveller playing field for those outside the EU to those in it. Clubs would actually have more

players to pick from because they would have to consider all the nationalities where before they might have just looked at the easier option of signing Europeans. Another advantage of leaving the EU, it has been argued, is that British sports stars would have more access to top level game-time, particularly in team sports. One of the main criticisms of The Premier League is that it does not feature enough stars from the country it is based in. If there are fewer foreign players in this country at the top level, then surely the British players that are at the top clubs will benefit more from getting extra minutes than they do otherwise. But again, this has a flipside. If British players are no longer exposed as much as they are to international players from international teams, surely our players would not be able to compete on the international stage? The experience top young British players like Dele Alli, Ross Barkley and John Stones gain from playing the David Silva’s and Santi Cazorla’s of the Premier League simply could not be replicated in a more British orientated league which, in turn, would lower their standard. As is the way with most things

in life, like it or not, money is a huge factor to consider. A hailstorm of events has been imagined that could lead to a Premier League far inferior to the one benefitting from EU membership. Fewer top European players join the Premier League clubs means that the league loses sponsorship and broadcast money as the best players no longer would play in this country to generate interest. This vacuum in income would mean the league couldn’t invest as much as it does now in community football and so we could see grassroots level coaching suffer. It is this model that can be applied to any elite level club sport and below in this country. There is a recurring theme throughout this piece and the discussion as a whole. Nothing is truly certain yet about Britain leaving the EU. Workers may face more stringent laws. British sport may be at an advantage of having more top level British players or it may suffer from not competing regularly with foreign ones. We cannot know any of this for sure. The only thing certain is that Brexit will be a momentous occasion in this country; let’s just hope it’s momentous for British sport in all the right ways.

Photo from Athina984



Falcons win match against Pythons!

by Saga Rad Website Lifestyle Editor


Photo from Ben Zeng

n Monday the 26th of February, the UKC American Football team, Kent Falcons, won the BUCs game against the Cambridge University Pythons! The weather conditions were favorable, with only a small backdrop of mist around the playing field. Both teams played very

enthusiastically and evenly throughout the first half, and did not seem to lose motivation in the second half. The Final score was 8-6 to the Falcons. The Falcons’ head coach, Jonty Newman, was very happy with the final result. The Falcons will now be moving on to the play-offs; the next level for American football championship. We wish them the best of luck!

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