Aquaculture & Seafood Ireland 2020

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‘the best of times, the worst of times’


Further information is available from your Veterinary Practitioner or MSD Animal Health, Red Oak North, South County Business Park, Leopardstown, Dublin 18, Ireland Tel: +353 (0)1 297 0220. E-Mail: Web: Copyright © 2019 Intervet International B.V., a subsidiary of Merck & Co, Inc, Whitehouse Station, NJ, USA. All rights reserved.

Údarás na Gaeltachta, Na Forbacha, Co. na Gaillimhe Teil:/Tel: (091) 503100 E:

ILBU-A-10-20 JUNE 2020

Providing healthcare solutions for improved performance and sustainability in fish farming.


CONTENTS Page 12 Contributions: Donal Maguire Karen Devereux Clodagh Crehan Aileen O’Sullivan Jamie Downes Neil Ruane John Connaughton: Chris Mitchell Colin Concannon Teresa Morrissey Ronan Cooney Annika Clements Kevin Killeen

Editor: Gery Flynn Aquaculture & Seafood Ireland Tel: +353 91 844 822 Mob +353 85 747 57 97 Email: Web: Advertisement: Roger Cole Tel: +353 1 285 91 11 Mob: +353 87 261 15 97 Email: Web: Design: Conleth Adamson ICON Graphic Services Tel: 01 831 8103 Mob: 087 673 7441 Email:

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Department of Agriculture, Food & the Marine (DAFM): Ireland’s aquaculture industry - reasons for optimism 4 Donal Maguire: ‘It was the best of times, it was the worst of times’ 6 Karen Devereux: Navigating Change – Bord Bia’s Response Plan to Covid-19 10 Clodagh Crehan: SAI explains what must be on fish labels and what it means? 14 Aileen O’Sullivan: SFPA introduces major new food legislation: Regulation 625/2017 18 Jamie Downes & Neil Ruane: Marine Institute’s new RAS system expands research options 20 Loughs Agency: Evidence-based fishery management to sustain oyster beds in Northern Ireland 22 John Connaughton: ITC Wexford offers targeted training course for seafood sector 24 Údarás na Gaeltachta: Gaeltacht ’Blue Economy’ receives boost from EU-funded research 26 Údarás na Gaeltachta: Seimineár Feamainn (Seawed Seminar) attracts widespread interest 28 PHARMAQ: Chris Mitchell puts the case for vaccination 30 JFC Marine: Colin Concannon on high performingmussel floats 31 Teresa Morrissey: IFA Aquaculture – a new perspective despite challenging times 32 Teresa Morrissey: IFA Aquaculture and the National Marine Planning Framework 34 Ronan Cooney: ECOAQUA project to boost freshwater fish production 36 Annika Clements: Seafish promotes local seafood and backs scallop enhancement project in Northern Ireland 38 BESNARD: Expanding product range to meet worldwide demand 40

Cover picture: Irish aquaculture – “the best of times, the worst of times” Photo courtesy of BIM

Kevin Killeen: Brexit negotiations impasse – a looming threat to Ireland’s seafood industry 41

Aquaculture & Seafood Ireland


Ireland’s aquaculture industry – reasons for optimism


he aquaculture industry in Ireland continues to make significant progress: BIM’s Aquaculture Report 2019 indicates that the overall production value of Irish aquaculture has seen a net gain from under €100 million in 2009 to €180 million in 2018. This value growth was made possible by steady increases in the unit value of product driven by a growing recognition of Irish product quality and provenance through the achievement of international certifications such as MSC, and Organic Labels. In 2018 the industry produced approximately 37,000 tonnes of high value seafood.

Independent Aquaculture Licensing Review Group

a complex licensing system in a transparent, environmentally appropriate and legally robust manner. Since receiving the Review Group’s report, DAFM has engaged in detailed consideration of its recommendations with a view to their implementation, having regard to the legislative, environmental, technical and public interest issues that arise. DAFM has also engaged closely with industry representatives and relevant State Agencies. The core reason for the Licensing Review Group was the need to address in a focused manner the aquaculture licensing backlog. In response, DAFM put in place a two-year programme to eliminate the backlog of shellfish licence applications. This programme envisaged the achievement of 300 licence

determinations in both 2018 and 2019. In fact, 305 licence determinations were achieved in 2018, and 324 licence determinations were achieved in 2019 (see graph).The Appropriate Assessments started to become available from 2011 which resulted in an increase in licence determinations under the new Appropriate Assessment-based system from 2012. Approximately 1,200 licence determinations have been made since 2012.

Aquaculture Industry ‘Game Changer’

The elimination of the shellfish licensing backlog is a game changer for the aquaculture industry, and provides the solid footing long demanded by its representatives. It also means that the shellfish

industry is now operating in full compliance with the EU Birds and Habitats Directives. In addition, DAFM has already commenced measures to reduce the finfish backlog, and these will intensify significantly during 2020. The seafood sector provides employment for over 14,000 around the Irish coast. In addition to the financial, economic and employment returns that the seafood sector provides for these communities, it also returns an important social dividend, and is, in many cases at the heart of the community. There are many reasons to be optimistic for the future of Ireland’s aquaculture industry, and DAFM wish all operators continued success as they continue to produce high quality Irish seafood.

An important development in recent years was the publication in May 2017 of the report of the Independent Aquaculture Licensing Review Group. The Review, which the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM) commissioned, was a detailed examination of the existing aquaculture licensing process. The Review Group undertook comprehensive stakeholder consultation and looked at comparative national and international consent systems to determine best practice for managing 4

Aquaculture & Seafood Ireland

Aquaculture & Seafood Ireland


The best of times and the worst of times Donal Maguire, Director of Seafood Technical Services, BIM


s I sat down to write this piece for Aquaculture & Seafood Ireland 2020, I was looking out over DĂşn Laoghaire Harbour and I had a number of things on my mind. Firstly, I wanted to tell the many people I know who work in the sector in Ireland that I will retire from BIM in mid-July, after nearly twenty-four challenging and exciting years in the aquaculture hot seat. The second thing I was thinking about, rather


whimsically I must admit, was how much the face of the industry had changed since I started fish farming thirty-eight years ago, back in the mists of time in far distant 1982. I was lucky enough to be taken on by Curraun Fisheries Ltd, in beautiful Co Mayo as a green young biologist eager to change the world for the better by farming fish in the ocean – a mad and unheard-of concept in those days. There have been many, many twists in the road since then!

These rather selfindulgent reflections were blown right out of the water by what happened next. Covid-19 and the Global Pandemic burst upon us, and like a surging tsunami it drove all before it. So now I am sitting at my dining room table in Wicklow with a heavier heart than when I started, trying to finish this piece, because more than just the view has changed for aquaculture in Ireland.

Market Lockdown I feel desperately sorry for those hardy and resourceful folks who have broken their backs for decades, building up their mussel and oyster farming enterprises, only to see the markets for their excellent products just disappear overnight. There was something of a nightmarish quality to the way things unfolded. The sheer speed at which events occurred was bewildering and nobody,

Aquaculture & Seafood Ireland



Environmental sustainable Safe The choice to establish production sites of best quality waters, away from major production areas as well as the geographic distribution of its 9 sites between the Channel, the Atlantic Ocean, and the Mediterranean Sea, allows Satmar to modulate and secure its production. The complementarity of Gatteville and Leucate hatcheries, located at more than 1000 km from each other, guarantees the safety of the product in case of any incident.

Satmar activity consists in the hatch and raise mainly of oysters, but also of clams. Satmar produces diploids and triploids oysters (GTS or by crossbreed), Japanese clams, in spats, pregrowing, and half-grown. The entreprise has 9 sites on the French coastline, selected for the quality of their waters: Gatteville-Phare, Lestre, Chausey on the Channel; Landéda, Ile-Tudy, Bouin, Saint-Philibert, Saint-Just-Luzac on the Atlantic Ocean; Leucate on the Mediterranean Sea. Crédits photos : Satmar -

Satmar is willing to preserve the essence of its products and to protect the biological balance of its production sites; therefore Satmar developed a production method without any antibiotics. This process is based on a sustainable production, less intensive than most hatcheries and on the geographic distribution of production sites. Satmar sites on Gatteville-Phare and Saint-Just-Luzac are certified AB Biological Agriculture.




no matter how forward thinking they were, could have anticipated the scale of this unprecedented crisis. Now, I know this dreadful virus kills people, and I fully accept that public health must be given its proper priority, but to see Asia, followed by the whole of Europe, plunged into lockdown and with that, virtually all of the markets for Irish oysters and mussels turned off like a light switch, was truly awful. To see years and years of hard work and dogged perseverance, the hallmark of the fish farmer, placed in jeopardy by an unknown and unknowing microbe must be very hard to deal with indeed. On behalf of my colleagues in BIM, I would like to extend our best wishes to all those so badly affected by this rogue virus. It is a desperately worrying time as there is no previous experience to fall back on, something, which makes the current situation even scarier. However, as the wise man said, ‘this too shall pass’ and there will come an end to this horrible episode. And if there is one thing I have come to learn after my years in BIM, it is that Ireland’s fish farmers are amongst the most resilient people in the world. Each part of the industry has faced its own existential threats in the past: diseases; plankton blooms; biotoxins; trade wars and many other scourges have whipped the sector, but it has always come through. 8

Weathering The Storm I have no doubt that Ireland’s oyster and mussel farmers will weather this storm and, bloodied but unbowed, they will carry on. After all, people will always have to eat, and the growing global demand for seafood will reassert

and hotels, even with social distancing, Irish shellfish will be needed in large volumes. I just hope that the financial and psychological trauma endured in the meantime is not too great, and that Irish shellfish farmers will be able to look back at 2020 in a little while and think of it as a bad year, but not a fatal one for

the happier and more humorous piece, I had in mind before this all kicked off, perhaps in next year’s edition. There are so many unlikely events, extraordinary people to remember and hilarious events to recall that I wanted to share and call to mind, but now was not the time for that I am sorry to say.

‘I feel desperately sorry for those hardy and resourceful folks who have broken their backs for decades, building up their mussel and oyster farming enterprises, only to see the markets for their excellent products just disappear overnight’. itself with renewed vigor as economies around the world reopen and trade starts to flow again. The basic proposition upon which our industry is based remains sound, if only we can see our way through the current crisis. From where I sit, an admittedly privileged position, tracking and reporting on the progress of this situation, I can see the beginnings of a recovery starting to take shape. Tiny green shoots of fresh demand are showing themselves in the Far East once again. As France, Spain and Italy begin to reopen their cafés, restaurants

their businesses. In fact, I hope that Aquaculture & Seafood Ireland will give me the opportunity to write

So, let us plan for the worst, hope for the best and remember the old saying, ‘we never died a winter yet!’

Donal Maguire will retire this Summer as Director of Seafood Services at BIM. He has agreed to join the editorial board of Aquaculture & Seafood Ireland which will benefit greatly from his knowledge and experience of the seafood sector. Throughout the many years he supported Aquaculture & Seafood Ireland Donal provided an enormous amount of help and expert advice. And on a personal note, he was always deeply committed to the growth and development of the Irish aquaculture and seafood sector. We look forward to working with Donal in the years ahead. Roger Cole & Gery Flynn Aquaculture & Seafood Ireland

Aquaculture & Seafood Ireland






We care for our seed’s health and quality every day, because the environment is as precious as the oysters we grow together. The commitment and expertise of the men and women who raise our oysters with the greatest care are ensuring that oyster farming remains sustainable. Together, we want to ensure that future generations will enjoy the taste of high quality oysters which have been raised with passion.

Stéphane Angeri Président of France Naissain

Polder des Champs - 85230 Bouin - FRANCE // Tel. + Aquaculture & Seafood Ireland //


Navigating Change – Bord Bia’s Response Plan to Covid-19 and services for the Irish seafood sector Karen Devereux, Seafood sector manager, Bord Bia


n response to the unprecedented challenges posed by Covid-19 to the Irish food and drinks industry, Bord Bia’s teams have been helping the Irish seafood sector to mitigate the impact and navigate change in the immediate term and in the months ahead. In March, Bord Bia introduced its Navigating Change response plan to COVID-19, designed to bring the most relevant and useful insights and services to its client companies. Navigating Change seeks to ensure that the insights and the services available to the Irish food and drinks industry are useful in the here and now where business continuity is top of everyone’s mind - and in the future, as businesses respond to the evolving environment, and recover and reset, ready to compete in a new and different post Covid-19 world. A key pillar of the Navigating Change strategic response is understanding the impact and implications of the Covid-19 pandemic for the Irish food and drinks industry. Bord Bia is drawing on the organisation’s research capabilities through its Thinking House and on the global perspective its international footprint gives it to gather the market 10

Covid-19 Coronavirus and sectoral intelligence that informs its evolving response, and that of its client companies who are navigating change on an unprecedented scale. This work allows Bord Bia to provide clients with exclusive access to a range of insights including biweekly research reports and a daily podcast to keep them abreast of the latest industry-specific news, issues and trends.

The Thinking House

This research and insights gathering work will be particularly important as the industry emerges from the Covid-19 crisis. Bord Bia’s overseas offices are located in countries that are at different points along the pandemic ‘curve’. These international perspectives help Bord Bia understand what recovering and

resetting may look like, and allows the organisation to plan ahead for a changed landscape. These reports are available and updated every Tuesday and Friday on Bord Bia’s Covid-19 Navigating Change Hub on covid Bord Bia continues to provide a series of Food Alerts with insight from around the world and from its teams. It also runs a daily podcast series which has been positively received by the Irish seafood sector. Some podcasts have looked at the recovery of the Chinese market; the lifting of restrictions in the French market; and the impact Covid-19 has had on the Middle Eastern market. The video podcasts leverage insights from Bord Bia’s network of 15 international

offices to look closer at what’s happening in each market and how it is coping with market disruption and supply chain demands during the pandemic. It also draws on the wealth of consumer insights and data Bord Bia has from experts within its Insights Centre, Bord Bia’s Thinking House. To address the specific challenges facing Irish food and drinks companies and assist businesses during this difficult economic period, Bord Bia is also offering a suite of bespoke supports informed by its extensive industry knowledge and global insight. As countries move through the Covid-19 crisis, each at different point on the pandemic curve, new obstacles will emerge, as will new opportunities and ambitions. Bord Bia

Aquaculture & Seafood Ireland

Diver Training Bord Iascaigh Mhara now provide commercial diver training courses based on international best practice at the National Fisheries & Diving College, Castletownbere Co. Cork. Divers working in Ireland are required to have appropriate training. Depending on the work they do, they must have either a Commercial Scuba or a Surface Supplied Diving qualification. For most commercial diving, the preferred method is Surface Supplied Diving (SSD), which provides greater protection for the diver, unlimited air supply, and a fully independent back-up supply. Divers with this qualification can work on all aquaculture sites as well as inshore civil engineering projects. To work in the offshore oil, gas and renewables sectors, a further top-up programme is required. The SSD course duration is four weeks full time and on successful completion candidates will receive a QQI Level 6 Certificate: Surface Supplied Diving (Inshore). The Commercial Scuba course is a prerequisite for SSD. Students learn how to use scuba equipment and simple communication systems in a commercial setting. Divers learn how to work underwater in a range of environments and how to use core tools underwater. The Commercial Scuba course is five weeks long and on completion candidates receive a QQI Level 6 Certificate: Commercial Scuba Diver. Both qualifications are recognised by the HSE UK ensuring international validity and employability.

For more information contact: NFCI Castletownbere Phone Mobile Mobile Email Website

027-71230 087-2897629 (Shane Begley) 087-2378471 (Brian Murphy)

Ireland’s EU Structural and Investment Funds Programmes 2014 - 2020 Co-funded by the Irish Government and the European Union

Aquaculture & Seafood Ireland

EUROPEAN UNION This measure is part-ďŹ nanced by the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund


are adopting to protect their insides and outsides, and the implications for food producers into the future.

will equip members with the required resources both to overcome these challenges, and compete in new and evolving economic circumstances.

Bord Bia also launched its ‘Future Proofing Toolkit’ designed to help Irish companies navigate a way through the changed reality of the marketplace. Created by Bord Bia’s Thinking House, this includes 15 indicators of dramatic changes in consumer and shopper behaviour; key measures or Validators that measure changing consumer behaviours; and Planners, a series of tools that will help you think through the implications for your business of Indicators and Validators.


This suite of resources available to client companies range from practical supports and training, to financial and promotional assistance. Some supports will be offered within existing Bord Bia programmes, such as Origin Green, whilst others are bespoke and specialised services aimed at addressing the specific issues presented by Covid-19, such as Covid Response Grants; tailored market intelligence reports and sector- specific training. Targeted supports include: • Capability Services • Navigating Change Supply Chain Mentoring • Lean Supports • Covid-19 Response Marketing Support Package • Promotional Activities • Quality Assurance & Origin Green • Rapid Response Insights & Market Intelligence • Lead Generation Bord Bia has been running a series of webinars since the start of the crisis focused on immediate, short and medium term supports. The webinar series has covered topics such as How to Sell on Line; Supply Chain & Logistics and Assessment of Shipping & Container Challenges on Global Trade routes. Bord Bia has provided extensive support to the Irish seafood sector since the start of the Covid-19 crisis, investing significantly in its promotional activities on the Irish market to try to 12

Neven Maguire’s ongoing social campaign across Facebook and Instagram in partnership with Bord Bia where he has been encouraging followers to cook along with him using Irish Seafood. His recent cook along series (3 videos) using Irish Brown Crab achieved over 70,000 views.

drive sales of Irish fish and shellfish and to encourage Irish consumers to support the sector. In early April, it ran a ‘Quality Comforts’ advertising campaign on national television aimed at driving sales of Irish hake and haddock. This was followed by a radio advert promoting hake and haddock and an extensive social media campaign fronted by popular chefs who provided recipe ideas, cooking tips and inspiration on how to prepare meals using quality Irish seafood. In May, Bord Bia ran a social media campaign

promoting Irish brown crab, and partnered with Neven Maguire who produced three fantastic recipes using Irish crab and promoted it across his social media platforms generating over 50,000 views In early April Bord Bia’s Thinking House began publishing a daily ‘think piece’ with early indicators on the postcrisis consumer and market realities. The focus of this work is identifying real and emerging shifts in consumer behaviour. These reports are aimed at highlighting new behaviours that consumers

Indicators have been validated in the Irish market and are now being researched in the US, the UK, Spain and France. This will enable Irish seafood companies to understand how consumer and shopper behaviour is changing in their main export markets both during- and postthe crisis to make the changes necessary to their marketing and channel strategies in order to succeed in the marketplace in the future. Bord Bia’s ‘Future Proofing Toolkit’ will assist them through this process, providing a series of tools to help think through these implications for individual businesses. Since March, 53 Irish seafood companies have availed of financial support through Bord Bia’s COVID Response Marketing Support Package. For further information about Bord Bia supports and services please contact Karen Devereux, Bord Bia Seafood Manager at Karen.

Aquaculture & Seafood Ireland

Aquaculture & Seafood Ireland


Fish Labelling – what information must be on fish labels and what does it all mean? Clodagh Crehan, Senior Technical Executive Regulatory Affairs, Food Safety Authority of Ireland any way. It is interesting to look at a range of food labels to see how consumers could be misled through pictures, graphics or even the way the information is presented.


repacked fish sold to consumers must be labelled with specific information. With so much to choose from in terms of fish varieties and the presentation provided by the retailer, food labels serve to provide consumers with information to help them make an informed choice.

The mandatory information on pre-packed fish under these rules, includes: the name of the food; a list of the ingredients that went into making the final product; allergens highlighted in the list of ingredients in such a way that they can be easily identified by the consumer; a weight declaration; a date up to when the food may be consumed, and this may be either a ‘use-by’ date or a ‘best before’ date.

The ‘use-by’ date would be declared on chilled fish products which are intended to be eaten within a short period of time. On the other hand, frozen fish would have a ‘best before’ declaration. The label will also provide instructions on storing the fish after purchasing it; how to cook it and the name and address of the food business responsible for the food manufacturer, distributor or a retailer. This allows consumers to make contact with the business should they have any questions or issues about the fish they bought.

Nutrition Table

Another piece of information that is required on the label is the nutrition table which provides consumers with the nutritional make-up of the fish product. This information provides the amount of calories, fat, carbohydrate, protein and salt in the food. And while this information must be given per 100g, it is also usually provided based on portion size. The likes of a breaded fish fillet would obviously have a totally different nutrition makeup to fish sold in a creamy sauce. Many fish labels may also provide additional voluntary

General Food Labelling Information

Food labelling or as it’s more recently known, food information to consumers is controlled by a European regulation (EC) 1169/2011 which sets down the mandatory information that must appear on food labels. This information must be clear, concise, and must not mislead the consumer in 14

Aquaculture & Seafood Ireland

Higher Diploma in Business

in AQUABUSINESS This course is designed to cater for those looking to enter management roles in Aquabusiness, Aquaeconomics, financial or regulatory roles in R&D or in a seafood processing company. The course may also appeal to those looking to start an Aquabusiness company or expand an existing company into new markets.


Developed in partnership with Board Iascaigh Mhara (BIM – Ireland’s Seafood Development Agency), this programme offers modules in: — Aquabusiness Environment* — Law and Regulation for Aquabusiness* — Strategic and Innovation Management* — Financial Management and Planning* — Marketing Management in Aquabusiness* — Work Placement or Work Based Project *Available as individual module certificates at Level 8 at a cost of €450 each.

COURSE FEES 2020-2021

Open to candidates from the SEAFOOD INDUSTRY including fisheries, aquaculture & seafood processing Supported by: • Irish South and East Fish Producers Organisation (ISEFPO) • Irish South and West Fish Producers Organisation (IS&WFPO) • Women in Fisheries Network (WIFN)

€2,500, however fees could be reduced if paid in full before September and if candidates are successful in securing fundings assists.

For information on course content and applications please contact:

Applications are invited on the BIM grants portal for European Maritime Fisheries Fund (EMFF) assistance towards the cost of this programme. Grant aid of 50% of course fees and learner support costs are available for individuals in the sector at

Brian O’Loan BIM Email: Mobile: 087 2626578


— NFQ Level 7 or level 8 Award or equivalent in a related discipline. — Candidates who do not have a Level 7 or higher award but have other relevant industry experience may be eligible for the programme through RPL. Candidates may be required to attend an interview.

Dr Janette Davies Deputy Head Wexford Campus IT Carlow Email: Phone: 053 9185808


This course will take place every fortnight on Fridays and on Saturdays from 10-4pm over the academic year.This is subject to change in line with national developments in light of the Covid 19 pandemic. Location: Institute of Technology Carlow, Wexford Campus, Summerhill Road, Wexford Course Start: September 2020 Closing date for applications: Friday, 21st August 2020 Ireland’s EU Structural and Investment Funds Programmes 2014 - 2020 Co-funded by the Irish Government and the European Union

Aquaculture & Seafood Ireland

“I recommend anyone working in the Aquaculture industry in management to engage with this programme, it is very comprehensive, relevant and practical. I will encourage all future employees to do this course if they do not have a business background.” Mag Kirwan – Goatsbridge Trout Farm

EUROPEAN UNION This measure is part-financed by the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund

information by way of a ‘claim’. It may be either a nutrition claim highlighting the nutritional properties of a food such as ‘rich in omega-3 fatty acids’(EPA or DHA) or a health claim highlighting a relationship between the food and health e.g. ‘EPA and DHA contribute to the normal function of the heart’. To be able to use such claims on a food label, food businesses must comply with another specific EU regulation (EC) 1924/2006. The European Commission maintains a register of all of the health claims permitted for use on food labels and their conditions of use. If the health claim is not authorised, it may not be used on any food label. Nutrition claims are a little simpler, the specific legislation lists the only

permitted nutrition claims and again, their definitions and conditions of use. Typical nutrition claims include ’high protein’ and ‘low fat’.

Specific Fish Labelling Information

In addition to the general labelling information and possible claims, fish labels must also comply with what’s known as the CMO rules (Common organisation of the markets in fishery and aquaculture products). This applies to fresh, chilled, frozen fish, brined or smoked fish, crustaceans and molluscs amongst others. These rules require the following additional information to be made

available to consumers on pre-packed fish labels: • Commercial and scientific name of the species: The commercial designation for salmon, for example, is ‘Atlantic Salmon’ and the scientific name is Salmo salar. Both names must be declared on the fish label. • Production method: This refers to whether the fish was caught or farmed and must be declared using the terms “…caught…” or “…caught in freshwater…” or “… farmed…”. Where mixed batches of the same species with different production methods are sold in the one unit, the production method for each batch must be declared on the label.

Subscription Rate including Post & Packing

➤ For fishery products

caught at sea, the name, in writing, of the specific fishing area, along with the name of the zone, expressed in terms understandable by consumers, or a map or pictogram showing that zone should be labelled. ➤ For fishery products

Ireland: €20 International: €25 Contact: Tel: Email:


Roger Cole + 353 (1) 2859111

• The category of fishing gear used: There are many different types of fishing gear permitted for use, and this must be declared on the label as consumer information. Examples include hook and lines, trawls, gillnets and other similar nets. • Whether the product has been defrosted: Consumers must be made aware of this information.

• The area where the product was caught or farmed: The specific area in which the fish was either caught or farmed must also be provided:


or stayed for more than half of the rearing period or, in the case of shellfish, underwent a final rearing or cultivation time of at least 6 months must be labelled.

caught in freshwater, a reference to the body of water of origin in a Member State or Third Country of provenance of the product will be labelled.

What About Fish Sold Loose in Shops?

The only mandatory information under the general labelling rules that must be provided for fish sold loose is the allergen information. Consumers must be able to identify the allergens contained. However, the specific fish labelling rules apply in full to fish sold loose, and so this information as per the CMO rules described above should be made available to consumers using billboards, posters or whiteboards or other means.

FSAI Resources

All of the labelling legislation is available on the FSAI website on www.

➤ For aquaculture

products, a reference to the Member State or Third Country that the fish reached more than half of its final weight

Consumers concerned about the accuracy of the labelling of a fish product can complete our Make-aComplaint form where the matter will be followed-up.

Aquaculture & Seafood Ireland

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SAFE SUSTAINABLE SEAFOOD The Sea-Fisheries Protection Authority (SFPA) is the independent statutory body, legally charged with the State’s sea-fisheries law enforcement functions. The Authority enforces the EU Common Fisheries Policy and seafisheries law generally and food safety law relating to fish and fishery products.

The SFPA is strongly committed to playing its part in ensuring a strong future for the Irish fishing industry, working in consultation with all stakeholders. Ireland has a safe, innovative fishing industry that is recognised and respected worldwide, while its fish products are acknowledged globally as healthy and nutritious foods. Robust confidence in an effective regulatory service plays a key role in maintaining that reputation and in ensuring fair and sustainable usage of a shared marine resource for which many compete. Good regulation is required to protect it and ensure fish for future generations as well as ensuring consumers worldwide can enjoy Irish seafood safely.

Telephone: +353 (0)23 8859300 Confidential Line: 1890 767676

Aquaculture & Seafood Ireland



Official Controls Regulation 625/2017 Aileen O’Sullivan, Sea-Fisheries Protection Authority


he publication in December of Regulation 625/2017 (OCR 625) was the most significant development in EU food legislation since the “Hygiene Package” in 2000, which saw a major overhaul of EU food law. This new piece of food legislation applies to official controls and other official activities performed to ensure the application of food and feed law, rules on animal health and welfare, plant health and plant protection products. It comprises a comprehensive framework setting down new rules on official controls and other official control activities, replacing Regulations 854/2004 and 882/2004. Further detailed rules on official controls in specific areas are set down in Tertiary legislation in the



form of Implementing and Delegated Acts (five in total).

including processing and distribution.

The new OCR has implications for the Competent Authorities in Ireland charged with enforcing the Regulations as well as for Food Business Operators across the whole food chain. The Sea-Fisheries Protection Authority (SFPA) is responsible for the implementation and enforcement of national and EU legislation that deals with health conditions for the production and placing on the market of fish, shellfish and fisheries products through a service contract with the Food Safety Authority of Ireland.

While OCR 625 has a number of key features, the most important change is a considerable expansion of the scope of the Official Controls Regulation. Previously, only food and feed law were covered. Now, almost the entire agrifood sector is included as the new Regulation covers official controls to verify compliance with food and feed law, animal health and welfare, plant health and animal by-products rules.

In the aquaculture sector, the SFPA carries out official controls in classified production areas and along the chain

The extension of the scope to also cover plant health and animal by-products introduces a more harmonised and coherent approach to official controls and relevant enforcement actions along the entire agri-food chain.

controls The risk-based approach to official controls by Competent Authorities is maintained. A new provision clarifies that they must be performed in a manner that minimises the administrative burden on businesses. When planning official controls, Competent Authorities must take account of the location of the food establishment, the Food Business Operator’s past record of compliance and the reliability of operator’s own checks.

The need to eliminate food fraud, which has become more prevalent in recent years, is also recognised in OCR 625. When planning risk-based official controls, Competent Authorities must now take into account the likelihood of fraudulent and deceptive behaviours when

Aquaculture & Seafood Ireland

There are two new key requirements in the aquaculture sector: (1) Sanitary Surveys

Competent Authorities must carry out a sanitary survey in all classified production areas, unless previously carried out. The SFPA has a comprehensive programme in place for conducting such sanitary surveys.

(2) Decisions After Monitoring Classified Production Areas

SFPA Measuring Lobster

deciding the appropriate frequency of controls. To deter fraudulent behaviours and foster fair competition among food business, the Regulation also introduces more stringent rules for financial penalties imposed by Member States.

Operators must also ensure that Competent Authorities are provided with updated details with regards to their business and their activities including those undertaken by means of distance communication (i.e. through the internet).

In addition, new provisions enhance the transparency of official controls and increase Competent Authorities’ accountability to consumers and Food Business Operators. Under the new Regulation, there is an increased focus on unannounced inspections by the Inspectorate on Food Business Operators. Competent Authorities will have to charge Food Business Operators mandatory fees for certain official control activities. These fees have not yet been introduced in Ireland.

There are new provisions too around official controls of animals and goods offered for sale by means of distance communication. These include increased powers when taking samples of such goods by Competent Authorities.

OCR 625 reiterates the obligations of Food Business Operators during official controls to assist and co-operate with staff of the Competent Authority. More specifically, it states that Food Business Operators must give access to equipment, means of transport, premises, computers, documents and animals and goods under their control. Food Business

The new Regulation also introduces a set of general rules in order to create a uniform and harmonised framework for official certification across Member States. Furthermore, Commission Implementing Regulation 627/2019 lays down uniform practical arrangements for the performance of official controls on products of animal origin intended for human consumption. This Implementing Act is of relevance to the aquaculture sector as it sets down specific requirements concerning Live Bivalve Molluscs from Classified Production and Relaying Areas.

Aquaculture & Seafood Ireland

When the results of microbiological monitoring (E. coli) show that the standards for Live Bivalve Molluscs are not met, Competent Authorities (i.e. the SFPA in the case of Ireland) may, on the basis of risk assessment and only on a temporary and non-recurring basis, permit continued harvesting without closure or reclassification subject to certain conditions. The classified production area concerned and all approved establishments receiving live bivalve molluscs must be under the same Competent Authority. The live bivalves concerned must be subjected to appropriate restrictive measures such as purification, relaying and/or processing. In addition, the accompanying registration document must include additional information to reflect these applicable conditions. The Statutory Instrument in Ireland transposing the new OCR Regulation is European Union (Food and Feed Hygiene) Regulations 2020, S.I. No. 22 of 2020.

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New Recirculating Aquaculture System boosts Marine Institute research The Marine Institute’s Newport Research Facility. Photo provided by the Marine Institute.

Jamie Downes and Neil Ruane, Marine Institute


he installation of a new state-ofthe-art freshwater Recirculating Aquaculture System (RAS) at the Marine Institute Catchment Research Facility, Newport, Co Mayo, has improved existing fish rearing facilities and also supports a range of funded research projects that address the needs of Ireland’s aquaculture sector. By linking up with the Lehanagh Pool Marine Research site at Beirtreach Buí Bay near Cárna, Co Galway, the Marine Institute now has the capacity to perform multidisciplinary research on both the freshwater and marine phases of Atlantic salmon production. The RAS consists of eight 5.5m3


tanks with a capacity of 44,000 litres and capable of producing up to 12,000 Atlantic salmon presmolts. RAS is a proven technology increasingly employed in the freshwater

phase of Atlantic salmon production. The system enables the fish farmer to completely control parameters such as water temperature, oxygen levels, light, providing

more stable and optimal conditions for the fish. Potential advantages include reduced stress and thus better welfare and more optimal growth. The new RAS at the Newport

Icelandic eggs for the SALMSON project. Photo provided by Marine Institute.

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Research Facility was designed in conjunction with the Danish Centre for Wild Salmon (Danmarks Center for Vildlaks), who have been working with wild Atlantic salmon restocking and recirculation systems since 2000.

Two Projects

The RAS is utilised currently in two major research projects: SALMSON smolt is a fouryear project investigating the potential of RAS technology to produce larger Atlantic salmon presmolts than conventional flow-through systems. The aim is to produce smolts that are more robust and also reduce the grow-out time at sea to one year. The SALMSON Project is funded under the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund Knowledge Gateway Programme, and is administered by Bord Iascaigh Mhara (BIM). HYDRO-fish investigates the production of highquality bioactive products from fisheries bycatch as a feed additive to boost the salmon immune system. The RAS will be utilised to grow the salmon smolts, fed protein hydrolysates, and monitored for improved performance.

The new Rrecirculating Aquaculture System (RAS) at the Marine Institute’s Newport Research Facility

HYDRO-Fish is a three-year collaborative project with the Marine Institute, NUI Galway, Teagasc, and BioMarine Ingredients Ireland. The project is funded through the Department of Business, Enterprise and Innovation’s Disruptive Technologies Fund. Multi-species Aquaculture research is an important element of the work carried out at the Marine Institute’s Newport Research Facility. Research at the facility focuses on a wide range of topics including fish ecology, genetics, population

The Aquaculture Toolbox An Aquaculture Toolbox has been developed as part of the European Union H2020-funded project, TAPAS - Tools for Assessment and Planning of Aquaculture Sustainability. The Marine Institute was one of 15 European partners involved in the four-year project which examined aquaculture licensing and suggested improved approaches to support transparent and efficient licensing, supported by cost-effective management tools and practices.

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dynamics and advice for a broad range of species including salmon, sea trout, eel, sea bass, blue fin tuna, pollack and stickleback. As well as adding to the range of freshwater salmon fish rearing facilities already in operation at the Newport Research Facility, the installation of the RAS will contribute to achieving the goals set out in Ireland’s National Marine Research & Innovation Strategy 2017 - 2021 and Food Harvest 2020. The Marine Institute’s Newport Research Facility

and the Lehanagh Pool Marine Research Site will provide an opportunity for collaboration on a variety of potential research projects and form an integral component of a marine research cluster involving third-level institutes, BIM, Údarás na Gaeltachta and the aquaculture industry. Building on existing EU-funded projects, these facilities will be used to leverage funding and further develop collaborations with BIM through the new European Maritime Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund (EMFAF).

The Aquaculture Toolbox provides information and guidance to support the planning and licensing of aquaculture in Europe. It can be used by planners to guide the sustainable development of the aquaculture industry in European nations. License applicants in the industry will benefit from modelling tools and guidance that will support their licensing application and guide them in developing their activities to operate within environmental boundaries. The Aquaculture Toolbox is available at https://


Loughs Agency uses evidence-based fishery management techniques to sustain oyster beds


ough Foyle has one of the last remaining native oyster fisheries in Europe and sustains a commercial fishery on a seasonal basis. It is nationally and internationally important. The earliest documented reference to oyster fishing in Lough Foyle is in 1832 government papers when a closed season, minimum landing size and coastguard were introduced. The oyster beds in Lough Foyle likely suffered from the same overfishing in the late 19th century that was widespread throughout the United Kingdom and Ireland. The huge demand for oysters as a plentiful and cheap foodstuff helped fuel the working classes during the Industrial Revolution. There is little evidence of any significant fishery taking place in Lough Foyle for much of the 20th century, and it wasn’t until the 1980’s that fishing effort increased to current levels with over 100 vessels.

Oyster Boats Fishing

the almost 100% removal of market-sized oysters each season. There was a general consensus amongst stakeholders at this time that regulation and control of the fishery was imperative for its survival. Loughs Agency introduced regulations to the fishery in 2008 following significant public consultation. This included prescribing a

defined season; a licence fee; restrictive vessel licensing; limits on daily fishing effort to a maximum of 12 hours per day; a minimum landing size; and limits on the number and size of dredges that can be used. The regulations also provided Loughs Agency with the ability to suspend fishing activity for a set period in the interests of stocks conservation.

Fishery protection efforts were significant in the fishery during the period immediately after the introduction of regulations which were rigidly enforced. An annual scientific monitoring programme was developed in tandem with the implementation of regulations on the fishery to help develop the evidence base needed to ensure sustainable management of the fishery.

Baseline Survey

Landings from the fishery, exhibit a boomand-bust cycle common in sedentary marine bivalve fisheries in inshore waters. In 2006, Loughs Agency commissioned an independent baseline survey conducted by an internationally-respected fisheries research body. The survey concluded that native oyster beds showed signs of overfishing, with recruitment into the fishery low due to 22

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There has been a continuous improvement in the population structure since regulation of the fishery in 2008. Prior to regulation it was uncommon for larger older oysters to be recorded during the post-fishery surveys within Lough Foyle. However, this has now become commonplace and resulted in an improvement in the proportion of spawning stock remaining within the population for the Summer breeding season.

Future Sustainability

Loughs Agency has been managing the fishery since 2014 based on Total Allowable Catch. This has resulted in a gradual increase in the proportion of the stock at spawning size and above (60mm). Spawnng stock biomass has been protected year-on-year based on the landings from the fishery

and the spawning activity observed each Summer. Poor spawning returns were recorded between 2015-2017 and this led to a continued restriction of the fishing effort and a larger carry over of spawning stock than had been the case.. By 2018, there was almost 500 tonnes of oysters in the spawning stock and a widespread and very intense spat settlement was observed, the largest on record. Loughs Agency is working with partners throughout Europe to identify the best methods to sustain, and where possible, restore native oyster beds. The Agency has identified several different pathways such as habitat enhancement projects and broodstock management

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Oysters on seaweed

that are being investigated to build on the success that the introduction of regulations has had on the population. Sustaining small scale inshore shellfisheries such as the Lough Foyle’s has been demonstrated to be a difficult task.

Loughs Agency is committed to ensuring that through the use of real-time evidencebased management, informed by empirical scientific surveys and with effective fishery protection efforts, the Foyle oyster fishery will be sustained for generations to come.


Unique course offers targeted training for seafood sector John Connaughton, Training Services Manager, BIM ITC Wexford Campus offers a modular Higher Diploma in Aquabusiness following a survey of industry in 2015 and recommendations of the Expert Group on Future Skills Needs in the Marine Sector. Developed in partnership with Bord Iascaigh Mhara (BIM) - Ireland’s Seafood Development Agency - in conjunction with IFA Aquaculture, the programme offers opportunities for those with a passion for the seafood industry. The programme is supported by the Irish South and East Fish Producers Organisation (ISEFPO); the Irish South & West Fish Producers Organisation (IS&WFPO); and the Women in Fisheries Network (WIFN).

It is aimed at those wishing to enter the sector and is designed to cater for those looking to enter management, financial, research and development or regulatory roles in fisheries, aquaculture, seafood processing and related fields. This innovative course may also appeal to those looking to start an Aquabusiness company or expand an existing company into new markets. The programme offers opportunities for personal development to explore new insights in strategic thinking and to enhance presentation skills for supervisory roles in emerging growth areas for Fisheries, Aquaculture and Seafood Processing.


modules To date over twenty learners have signed up for the programme which offers certificate modules in Business Environment (Economics); Strategic and Innovation Management; Financial Management and Planning; Strategic and Innovation Management; and Law and Regulation in Aquabusiness. There is a specific focus on seafood across all modules and learners visit the National Seafood Centre in Clonakilty, Co Cork to learn from experienced practitioners on EU Regulations; EU Common Fisheries Policy; Food Business Operator (FBO) legislation and aquaculture licensing.

Graduates have acquired the ability, through project work and assignments, to prepare business plans (relating to fisheries, aquaculture and seafood processing) to extend a product range and develop export markets. A strong focal point is the opportunity to work on a relevant work-related project in a seafood business. The programme is part-time and the Finance Module will be available soon through ‘Blended Learning’. The top student on the 2019/2020 programme was Abdon Ryan of MOWI Ireland, a leading producer of organic salmon, who said that the course had been hugely beneficial. “I did a business degree in Scotland

Front L-R - Gary McCoy (Mayo); Abdon Ryan (Cork); Dr Janette Davies (Deputy Head, Wexford Campus and Director, Aquabusiness Course); Dr Karen Hennessey (Head, Wexford Campus); Paul Downes (Dublin) and John Hickey (Wexford). Back L-R - Patricia and John Power; John Doyle; Malachy Murrin; Dr Joseph Collins (Head, Life-long Learning, Carlow Institute of Technology); Dr Clare Power; Dr Patricia Mulcahy (President, Carlow Institute of Technology); Frances Cross; Aidan Mahon; David Denieffe (Registrar, Carlow Institute of Technology); Brian O’Loan; Carol O’Kelly and Dick Bates.


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course by BIM especially helpful. The Aquaculture Steering Group, chaired by BIM’s Brian O’Loan, a former recipient of Graduate of the Year at Level 8 at Wexford Campus, is continually promoting the benefits of this accredited programme and hope that aspiring managers of seafood business units on vessels, fish farms or in seafood processing companies will engage with the course in 2020/2021 and avail of the individual certificate modules on offer.

years ago but this one was way better, the standard of lecturing was really good,” he said. Ocean Leaves, operated by Mary Meyler, who

recently graduated from the course, is another company that has grown its business supplying seaweed products to over a hundred and seventy garden centres in Ireland. Mary

was delighted to be able to complete the modules through Lifelong Learning in a single academic year, and found the European Maritime Fisheries Fund (EMFF) 50% funding of the

The group intends to progress the development of further options at NFQ Level 6 and Level 7 to ensure that learners across the industry can upskill at their own pace in a flexible manner on a unique programme targeted at those in the sector.

Orka Oyster seeds Black mantle White nacre

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Boosting the Blue Economy through european research in Gaeltacht Communities Údarás na Gaeltachta through its Research and Sectoral Development Department is involved in several European projects relating to the ‘Blue’ Economy. Strategically, Údarás na Gaeltachta has a specific focus on the sustainable development of our natural and coastal resources to promote further economic growth through new enterprise formation and enterprise development, and an increase in employment and investment. Research and development and innovation in the sector is central to achieving these aims. SAFER, EMPORIA4KT, SW-GROW and ACCESS2SEA aim to develop new products and processes, encourage transnational learning, collaboration and synergies in order to boost the Blue Economy in our coastal Gaeltacht communities.

SAFER, or Smart Atlantic Seafood Clusters, is a transnational innovation project co-funded by the Interreg Atlantic Area Programme running from September 2017 to September 2020. The 26

project aims to improve the innovation performance of the seafood industry by increasing technology adoption and transnational cooperation. Údarás na Gaeltachta is progressing two pilot projects through SAFER partners: Foodintech; and Wireless Sensor and Applied Research Lab (WiSAR) to bring new technologies to companies in the North West of Ireland.

The first pilot involves Irish Fish Canners – Próiseáil (An Clochán Liath) Teoranta, the largest and only fish canning facility in Ireland. Irish Fish Canners currently stocktake manually with spreadsheets. This is an arduous task which can lead to errors in recording data with no access to live information. This pilot takes as a basis the software technology of Portuguese partner Foodintech tailored to the requirements of Irish Fish Canners.. Foodintech, Irish Fish Canners and Údarás na Gaeltachta have been working on this for several months remotely but also through face-toface meetings and visiting companies in Portugal running similar solutions.

empowering researchers to transfer their knowledge outputs and innovations to different sectors.

WiSAR Gateway The second pilot involves MOWI, one of the largest seafood companies in the world and the world’s largest producer of Atlantic salmon. The pilot with MOWI and WiSAR will replace the production Quality Assurance paperwork with an app tablet helping to ease the paper-heavy quality control system which currently requires visual checks and handwritten forms.

EMPORIA4KT aims to ‘Empower Academia for Knowledge Transfer for Value Creation in the Atlantic Area’ and is co-funded by Interreg Atlantic Area and the European Regional Development Fund running from March 2019 until February 2022. EMPORIA4KT will improve transnational cooperation and synergies between the triple helix players of academia, business and government, to foster innovation and competitiveness in support of the Blue Economy in the Atlantic Area. The project consortium will do so by

Údarás na Gaeltachta invited the project consortium partners to attend an event hosted in Galway in early 2020, where the day-to-day of the organisation and current stance in relation to the Marine Sector and the supports available to the sector and companies based within the Gaeltacht areas of Ireland were outlined to the consortium. They were also introduced to and briefed by representatives and researchers on the overall strategic goals of organisations such as, the Marine Institute and Bord Iascaigh Mhara (BIM). Údarás na Gaeltachta also organised a Boot Camp in its Head Office in Galway, where they invited stakeholders from the Triple Helix to discuss, evaluate and assess investment in Research and Development and Innovation (R&D&I); industry needs in the Blue Economy and national R&D&I capacity to support development of the Blue Economy. In the coming months EMPORIA4KT will improve transnational cooperation and synergies between the triple helix players of academia, business and government, to

Aquaculture & Seafood Ireland

foster innovation and competitiveness in support of the Blue Economy in the Atlantic Area. The project will do so by empowering researchers to transfer their knowledge outputs and innovations to different sectors.

SW-GROW is an EU project co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the Northern Periphery & Arctic (NPA) Programme 2014-2020. The project runs from August 2019 to July 2021. The aim of the project is to improve and add value to seaweed products by creating a quality brand through undertaking DNA and other tests to ensure that the seaweed product is of high quality. Branding will also include cultural and historical information. This in turn will enable SMEs in the NPA region to compete with competitors in the Far East. Údarás na Gaeltachta recently hosted an extremely successful and well attended seaweed seminar. The event gathered key players in the seaweed industry to discuss developments, improvements and routes to market in the industry. The conference also examined the potential for growth for the seaweed sector along the west coast. During the project, techniques in cultivation, waste reduction and renewable energy in the industry will also be examined. The project will identify common issues throughout the NPA Region and provide access to high-level R&D links within academic partners across regional and national borders to pilot solutions that can

be adopted throughout the industry - thus developing solutions that enable technology transfer across the Programme area - in particular benefiting SMEs. This will result in higher levels of innovation and competitiveness in remote and sparsely populated areas by transfer and development of models and solutions that facilitate technology transfer to, and across, the Programme area.

Access2Sea was created to identify new opportunities for a more competitive and sustainable blue growth in the Atlantic area, through the development of sustainable aquaculture. The project is taking steps to improve the attractiveness of the Atlantic shore for aquaculture SMEs by enabling new business opportunities and providing sustainable and easier access.

development of SMEs intervening in: • Generic productive investment in small and medium-sized enterprises

Access2Sea integrates a market approach for the

Aquaculture & Seafood Ireland

Údarás na Gaeltachta recognises that the seas and oceans are drivers for coastal economies and have great potential for innovation and growth and the creation of important employment opportunities and wealth creation in some of our most rural locations. These European projects support our strategy as an organisation to harness our natural resources in a sustainable way and afford us the opportunity to conduct pilot projects and incorporate international best practice which will help sustain our existing client companies and encourage the formation of new innovative enterprises and partnerships in the Blue Economy.

• Technology transferring and university enterprise cooperation benefiting SMEs • SME business development • Support to social enterprises Among the project’s major points of focus are social acceptability, spatial planning, experimentation and pilot projects and business models. The consortium stretches geographically north-south from Gaoth Dobhair to Cádiz, comprising of ten partners and associate partners in Spain, Portugal, the UK, France and Ireland. Work


This consortium’s stated objective is to strengthen the transfer of innovation results to facilitate the emergence of new products, services and processes in aquaculture. Interreg Atlantic Area and the European Regional Development Fund are cofinancing the project which is running from March 2019 until April 2022. Despite a wealth of resources on the Atlantic seaboard, aquaculture is relatively underdeveloped in the project zone. Output from the EU aquaculture industry has remained stagnant in the past twenty years while global output on the other hand has increased by roughly seven per cent annually over the same period.

packages in Ireland are being managed by two project participants, Údarás na Gaeltachta and WestBIC.

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Údarás na Gaeltachta’s seaweed seminar attracts widespread interest Údarás Na Gaeltachta hosted a “Seimineár Feamainn” (Seaweed Seminar) in the Connemara Coast Hotel in January. An tÚdarás has always recognised the importance of the marine resource to the creation of sustainable local and regional economic development opportunities. This event was a key initiative under the SWGrow EU project funded by The Northern Periphery and Arctic 2014-2020 Programme of which Údarás is a project partner. SW-Grow’s objective is to increase economic

opportunities in the seaweed industry by developing innovative working practices that can be widely adopted by the related SMEs in the NPA region. The event was opened by Cliodhna Ní Ghríofa, project officer for SW-Grow, who, alongside her project partner Dr Ronan Sulpice of NUI Galway, described the work involved and the expected outcomes. Other expert speakers included Dr Mark White, Údarás na Gaeltachta; Freddie O’ Mahony, Carton Point Shellfish; Dr Maria Hayes, Teagasc; Dr Julie

Maguire, BMRS; James Burke and Jim Keogh, Arramara Teo; Wayne Murphy, Hatch; John Quinlan, Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine; and Teresa Morrissey, IFA Aquaculture. It is evident that there is a strong interest in the seaweed industry - 120 people were in attendance from start-ups to welldeveloped companies such as Ross Campbell from CyberCollids Ltd, and state agencies such as Bord Bia. Detailed information was shared on past developments within the industry such as Teagasc’s

developments in bioactive peptides from seaweed to promote heart health, the efficient use of the proteins found in seaweed and their functional applications in the food industry, to current projects in BMRS that are examining the best native Irish seaweeds demonstrating antimethanogenic properties.

Development Innovation


Alongside the technical developments in the industry, the seminar also outlined how companies can access the retail industry and export markets. Wayne Murphy

Back (L-R): Máire Ní Éinniú, Údarás na Gaeltachta; Jim Keogh, Arramara Teo; Wayne Murphy, Hatch; Dr Maria Hayes, Teagasc; Dr Ronan Sulpice, NUI Galway; Teresa Morrissey, IFA Aquaculture; John Quinlan, DAFM; Cliodhna Ní Ghríofa, Údarás na Gaeltachta; Front (L-R): Dr Julie Maguire, BMRS; Freddie O’Mahony, Carton Point Shellfish; Dr Mark White, Údarás na Gaeltachta; James Burke of James Burke Associates.


Aquaculture & Seafood Ireland

a younger generation into seaweed harvesting, and how to inform the public of the benefits of seaweed for health, cosmetic and from an agricultural perspective.

described how HATCH Blue advises, connects and finds contacts in some of the largest companies in the world for their start-ups. The open forum panel discussion included businesswoman and founder of RĂ­ na Mara, Deirdre UĂ­ Cathmhaoil who

outlined how her business went from concept to successfully selling products. Questions were raised about the sustainability of wild harvesting and how best to manage the natural resource. Questions also focused on how to attract

Aquaculture & Seafood Ireland

Certainly there is capacity and interest within this industry to further develop and innovate and become world leaders of high quality seaweed addedvalue products. And with the proposed Marine Innovation Development Centre at PĂĄirc na Mara, this ambition is becoming more realistic. It is envisaged that the development of marinerelated facilities and the supporting infrastructure will support the expansion and development of the

marine resource in West Connemara, and will become a key enabler for the development of the overall marine industry locally, regionally and nationally. Expressions of Interest received to date, include seaweed at the core of activities with over 70% of the employment figures in biotechnology and bioproducts. All in all, the event was a success and the beginning of many similar workshops expected to take place this year. For further information on the SW-GROW project please contact Cliodhna at


WHY VACCINATE? Chris Mitchell, PHARMAQ Ltd Aquaculture & Seafood Ireland readers will have seen this question raised within the context of human healthcare, particularly in relation to children. Over the past two decades, there has been an alarming fall in the number of children, in Ireland and the UK, being vaccinated against serious illnesses such as measles and mumps. Whilst this article does not seek to address the pseudoscience that has led to this state of affairs, the outcomes of it are nevertheless both interesting and relevant to the health of animals as well as humans, particularly from a group perspective. The spread of infection in any population of individuals is influenced by a number of factors including the transmissibility of the pathogen, and the density of the host population. Of additional importance is the immunity of individuals within the population, to the infection. Where natural immunity in the population is low and vaccination absent, as is currently the case with the Corona virus, the infective agent is free to replicate in, and move between, hosts with ease. 30



In a naïve and susceptible population the measure used to describe the movement or spread of infection is referred to as R0, the ‘basic reproductive number’. If R0 is > 1 then each primary case will produce, on average, more than one secondary case. Generally speaking, the higher the R0 value the harder it is to control an epidemic. Examples of R0 values in human health range from Ebola (R0 2); SARS (R0 4); through to measles (R0 18). The impact of R0 for any infectious agent can be modified through vaccination programmes which is why this intervention is so important as a mechanism of disease control both in human and animal populations. This modification is mediated through the concept of herd immunity which refers to the number of individuals in a population that must be immune or resistant to the disease in order to prevent it spreading. There are mathematical models that describe this which combine R0 with vaccine efficacy. Thus, based upon an estimated R0 between 1.3 and 2.5 for Infectious Salmon Anaemia

(ISA), for herd immunity to be achieved, at least 75% of a population must be vaccinated (Mardones et al 2011) There are actually relatively few R0 values known in fish disease. In the case of Furunculosis (albeit in Chinook salmon) an R0 of 3.25 has been estimated, higher it seems than the R0 estimated for ISA (Ogut et al. 2004) Of course, furunculosis is a disease which can be treated successfully with the use of antibiotic under prescription from a vet. Nowadays though, this should be necessary only in affected fish that are too small to vaccinate.



Gone are the days of the late 1980s where Oxytetracycline and Oxolinic acid were routinely used in great quantities to treat harvestsized salmon in the sea. This practice has been rendered entirely unnecessary following the introduction of efficacious vaccines in the early 90s. Indeed, it has been one of the major success stories in modern salmonid aquaculture in the Northern Hemisphere where escalating production

has been matched by plummeting use of antimicrobial compounds. Today, producers of animal protein are under intense pressure to keep the use of antibiotic to an absolute minimum, and rightly so. Fortunately, the vaccination of Atlantic salmon against furunculosis has been shown to be a highly effective alternative, one which everyone should deploy in order to keep fish healthy and to help prevent the transmission of this disease and others such as Infectious Pancreatic Necrosis (IPN) and Salmon Pancreas Disease (SPD) which cannot be treated.


Ogut, H., Reno, P.W., Sampson, D. A deterministic model for the dynamics of furunculosis in Chinook salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 62: 57-64 2004 Gudding, R., Lillehaug, A., Evensen, Ø., Fish Vaccination 2014 Mardones, F.O., Perez, A.M., Valdes-Donso, P. and Carpenter, T.E. 2011. Farm-level reproduction number during an epidemic of infectious salmon anaemia virus in southern Chile in 2007-2009. Prev Vet Med 102 175-84

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JFC Marine Superior Performance Mussel Floats Colin Concannon, JFC Marine Sales Manager


ith over 30 years’ experience our solutions are derived from customer understanding, innovative design and expert engineering. We believe in pushing boundaries in research and in using the latest technology to deliver the most innovative products in the market. We supply a range of product solutions for the Aquaculture sector. Our product offering includes Purification Tanks, Hatchery Tanks, and Shrimp Grader Trays. In addition, we supply a complete range of navigation aids

for the safe marking of aquaculture farms. We also manufacture and supply a range of superior performance mussel floats which are designed and manufactured for the most demanding conditions. Ideal for inshore and offshore locations, they are proven in the most exposed conditions of the Atlantic Ocean. In order to help grow your mussel crop, our floats offer several distinct advantages. The float has been specifically designed to withstand the pressures of high waves and sit steadily on the water, even when loaded with a full crop of mussels. A unique

Aquaculture & Seafood Ireland

patented fin design reduces the movement of the float in the water making the line more stable even in rough sea conditions. The oval shape design reduces the impact on the float from the ocean during rough seas, which in turn reduces the loss of crop from the lines. Float handles are offset from the centre so that the head line will be submerged using only 25% of the float’s floatation compared to others amounting up to 50% of the float’s floatation. For ease of handling, the mooring eyes are strong

and durable with both a long and wide opening. This increases the lashing area for the head line and reduces the risk of wear and tear on head line ropes. Manufactured in a marine grey colour reduces the visual impact on the surrounding environment, and the polyethylene is fortified with UV stabilisers designed especially for marine applications. All of these factors culminate in significantly increased yields over a shorter time period for the mussel farmer. For further information see 31

IFA Aquaculture a new perspective despite challenging times Teresa Morrissey, IFA Aquaculture

Irish Aquaculture and Covid-19

Irish aquaculture is experiencing severe and unexpected impacts due to the COVID-19 pandemic, with market closures and disturbances causing unprecedented levels of disruption. Such negative impacts are potentially devastating for the industry and were already visible just a few weeks after the crisis began, with impediments to normal production activity; a drastic reduction in market demand; and difficulties receiving supplies and distributing product due to rising transport costs, particularly airfreight. IFA Aquaculture lobbied successfully at EU level for amendments to the rules of the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) that would allow the introduction of support measures for the aquaculture sector. This enabled the EMFF to grant financial compensation to producers and processors for a temporary suspension of production and a reduction in sales, as well as the additional storage costs they will incur between February 1st and December 31st 2020 as a consequence of COVID-19. 32


IFA Aquaculture continues to work with the Department of Agriculture Food and the Marine (DAFM) regarding the adoption of these urgent, powerful and extraordinary measures in order to prevent the COVID-19 emergency having irreversible negative impacts on the normal operation of Irish aquaculture. Implementation of the recommendations of the Independent Aquaculture Licensing Review Group continues to be a key policy objective for IFA Aquaculture. We are seeking a commitment from the Minister for an implementation plan that prioritises and sets out clear timelines for each of the Review’s recommendations. As part of moving the process forward, IFA Aquaculture has established quarterly meetings with DAFM officials to enable discussion on aquaculture licensing. In addition, the ‘Strategic Guidelines for the sustainable development of EU aquaculture’ are currently being drafted by DG MARE. The updated guidelines aim to inform Member States as they update National Strategic

Plans for Sustainable Aquaculture. IFA Aquaculture has also been working with the EU Aquaculture Advisory Council (AAC) over the past few months preparing recommendations for the EU Commission on these guidelines, which will shortly be followed by a public consultation process in Summer 2020. Despite the current challenges, there are great opportunities ahead for the aquaculture industry. Aquaculture has proven itself multiple times over the years to be a very resilient industry. The Covid-19 crisis is forcing us all to find new ways to adapt to the implications of a changing world, and the Irish Aquaculture sector is once again adapting to the continued challenges it faces.

European Green Deal

Despite the lack of state financial support, licensing issues, disease outbreaks, stock losses and the public perception of aquaculture as one of the main challenges currently facing the industry, aquaculture has still managed to make some progress - against all the odds. Food production has never been more important, and the

Covid-19 crisis has shown the value of sustainable food production systems. There is now a significant opportunity for aquaculture in light of the increasing global demand for seafood, more sustainable food sources, and carbon-efficient food production. These growing demands along with the recently announced ‘European Green Deal’, provide a real opportunity for the aquaculture sector to position itself as part of the solution to these growing demands and acknowledging the role aquaculture has to play in sustainable food production and the Covid-19 recovery plan. EU Commission President, Ursula von der Leyen announcing the European Green Deal, confirmed that “the Commission will work with Member States to develop the potential of seafood as a source of low-carbon food”. Aquaculture is already well positioned in this regard. However, a functioning aquaculture licensing system continues to be a key priority to unlocking any future potential of the Irish aquaculture industry. Development opportunities for Irish aquaculture must be facilitated through appropriate legislative

Aquaculture & Seafood Ireland

Teresa Morrissey, IFA Aquaculture with (left) Michael Mulloy, Chair, IFA Aquaculture Committee; (right) Joe Healy, IFA President (2016-20)

reform. It is widely acknowledged that the Irish aquaculture sector needs the support of policy to allow for sustainable development of the industry. NOW is the time to ensure that Irish aquaculture doesn’t miss the biggest opportunity, during a time of the greatest need for sustainable food production, for the development of sustainable Irish aquaculture. Sign up for the IFA Aquaculture newsletter -

IFA Aquaculture Submissions & Public Consultation participation 2019-20 EU Animal Health Law – delegated acts

Contributed to public consultation process

Strategic Guidelines for Sustainable EU Aquaculture Contributed to AAC recommendation submitted to DG MARE Climate Change Adaptation Plan

Contributed to public consultation process

Agri-Food Strategy 2030

Contributed to public consultation process

Marine Planning Policy Statement

IFA Aquaculture submission submitted

Draft National Marine Planning Framework

IFA Aquaculture submission submitted

Marine Strategy Framework Directive (2008/56/EC) - Article 17

IFA Aquaculture submission submitted

Seafood Development Programme 2021-2027 (Review of EMFF & Priorities for next EMFAF)

IFA Aquaculture submission submitted

Brexit – feedback to DAFM High-level Implementation group

Presentation by Seafood Sector, Ag House 5th Sept 2019

Aquaculture & Seafood Ireland


Aquaculture and the National Marine Planning Framework Teresa Morrissey, IFA Aquaculture IFA Aquaculture is represented on the National Marine Spatial Planning Stakeholder Advisory Group and is actively engaged with the ongoing process of marine spatial planning – having already prepared a submission to the Marine Planning Policy Statement, and participated in the public consultation process on the Draft National Marine Planning Framework. In broad terms the policies and principles of Ireland’s Marine planning system address some of the recommendations outlined in the ‘Independent Aquaculture Licensing Review Group’, which concluded that the aquaculture licensing system is in ‘urgent need of reform’. The Aquaculture objectives outlined in the draft National Marine Planning Framework (currently undergoing public consultation) address some key aspects that could aid reform of the current aquaculture licensing system. These include: • Support for a diverse, compliant and growing aquaculture sector through a modern licensing and enforcement system • Maintain a ‘best practice’ aquaculture licensing system that supports the future potential of aquaculture • E nhance the aquaculture licensing system with 34

the aid of legislative, administrative and scientific expertise that will promote trust in the regulatory system • Develop enforcement strategies that support a compliant aquaculture industry


dividend The realisation of such objectives would provide clarity for decision makers (e.g. those issuing licences); clarity for local businesses wanting to invest in new or existing ventures; and probably most importantly, clarity for local communities regarding the aquaculture developments planned for their area. As aquaculture provides an important social dividend to rural, coastal and island communities through employment from the sustainable production of high-quality food, the sector’s contribution to sustaining vitality and

viability cannot be ignored. IFA Aquaculture notes however that the functions of the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, are excluded from the scope of the Marine Planning and Development Bill. It would appear that as a function of this department, aquaculture is not included in the very legislative framework that underpins the marine planning system. In other words, the policies, principles and objectives of the National Marine Planning Framework means little with regard to the aquaculture sector if they are not underpinned by appropriate legislation.


lost Any legislative framework related to the marine planning system must include the aquaculture sector – in order to succeed in enabling a better

integrated marine management. Ireland’s marine planning system and legislative framework must apply to all sectors, including aquaculture; Ireland’s aquaculture sector needs the support of policy that will allow it to develop sustainably.IFA Aquaculture supports the development of an integrated marine planning system which is aligned with the landplanning system, with a clear timeframe for every step of the decisionmaking process from the outset, through screening, consultation, decision making and appeals. Such measures would meet the implementation requirement of a number of the recommendations outlined in the ‘Review of the Aquaculture Licensing Process’. These would also address the priorities for the development of sustainable aquaculture as identified in Government policy documents such as the ‘National Strategic Plan for Sustainable Aquaculture’ and the current ‘Programme for Partnership Government’. Given the number of policy documents calling for reform of the aquaculture regulatory system, serious questions must be asked about the wisdom of deciding to exempt the aquaculture sector from the legislative process for reformative policy for the marine space. Surely, it’s an opportunity to embrace change?

Aquaculture & Seafood Ireland

W & J Knox has seen much success in the last year with net pens made from Sapphire SealPro netting developed and produced by their Indian partner, Garware Technical Fibres Ltd. The specialised construction of this HDPE netting deters predator access to the cage and the netting is now widely used in the Scottish market. Contact Finlay Oman or Dave Hutchens if you’d like to find out more. W & J Knox Ltd, Mill Road, Kilbirnie, Ayrshire, Scotland KA25 7DZ Tel: +44 1505 682511

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Even Morefish

Ronan Cooney

An aerial photograph of the perch hatchery (MOREFISH)


he MOREFISH group was established in 2015 to support the research needs of the Irish freshwater aquaculture sector under the 2014 research call from the Department of Agriculture Food and the Marine (DAFM). Since then the team has been involved in a variety of different projects most, recently ECOAQUA . During this project, the team carried out and analysed over 100 river spot samples; collected over 140 24hour composite samples assessing water-in and - out of sites which on average produce 57% of Irelands freshwater aquaculture sector. The final report of the ECOAQUA project is


currently out for review and consultation.

Improve Production

ECOAQUA was funded by the European Maritime Fisheries Fund (EMFF), and administered by Bord Iascaigh Mhara through the Knowledge Gateway Scheme. The project aimed to improve production efficiencies at several freshwater sites across the country by researching new methods, trialling new technologies and generating new datasets which could inform policy.Biological and environmental monitoring was carried out at all partner sites. For the FT sites parameters such as flow, hydromorphology,

Q-values and plant indices were monitored. Monitoring of water-in and water-out of the farms over a year showed there was a high level of compliance with discharge licenses at all partner sites. Interestingly, many parameters (nutrient concentrations and suspended sediments) increased the further from the farm the samples were taken, indicating that there were other contributors to changes in water quality. The monitoring captured approximately 8 - 9% of annual water use and nutrient emissions. One of the more interesting results was that the trout site was acting as a sedimentation

basin for the river, with sediment concentrations lower in the discharged waters. Water use per tonne of fish produced was also investigated. On average, one tonne of salmon smolts used half the water required to produce a tonne of trout. This difference was likely due to differences in site design and target weights (hatchery vs grow-out).

Energy Recovery Sludge from two sites was analysed to determine the likely yield of methane which could be used to generate biogas using anaerobic digestion. The results indicate that the energy potential of this waste product could

Aquaculture & Seafood Ireland

Invertebrate species collected during monitoring: (left) the stonefly, Perla bipunctata; (right) the white-clawed crayfish, Austropotamobius pallipes. (R. Cooney)

be enough to produce 18 – 25% of the energy demand of the sites and could offset approximately 8 - 19% of the sites CO2 emissions. The results demonstrate the opportunity for the valorisation of aquaculture waste streams. Energy

recovery from discharged waters was modelled, and indicated that using a technology in development at NUI Galway, which has a hydraulic efficiency of 0.75 (i.e. able to recover 75% of energy); 4 – 31% of annual energy could be recovered while reducing CO2

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emissions by 3 - 25%. This wide range in potential savings is dependent on the energy requirements of the site and the available flow. Installation of such devices on low energy demand FT sites with high velocities could contribute to

further reducing carbon footprints and allow further promotion of aquaculture products as a low carbon alternative to other protein sources. For more information on MOREFISH, please visit

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Promoting local seafood consumption in Northern Ireland Dr Annika Clements, Seafish Northern Ireland


he seafood industry has faced huge challenges in the wake of Covid-19, so encouraging people to eat more locallycaught fish and shellfish has never been timelier. In the UK, market data has shown a positive rise in seafood sales. This reached a peak with a 60% increase in multiple retail sales volume for the week ending March 21st, mostly made up of increased sales of frozen and canned produce. Retail sales have remained buoyant during the lockdown period – well above the usual sales levels. However, the closure of dining out options during lockdown has had an enormous impact on foodservice seafood sales. Furthermore, lockdown in many key export destination countries has had an enormous impact on Northern Ireland seafood producers. During this period, a number of initiatives have supported the industry by encouraging increased domestic consumption:

‘Sea For Yourself’

Seafish and the Department of Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (Defra) launched a new consumer marketing campaign in March 2020, just as the Covid-19 situation began to bite. The campaign aims to get more consumers to eat more of the delicious seafood caught in UK waters. 38

It focuses on families and the over 55s, reaching them via print publications, social media and radio. The campaign focuses on promoting fish and shellfish found in UK waters including: • Shellfish: mussels; oysters; crabs; lobsters • Oily Fish: mackerel; herring; rainbow trout • White Fish: hake; coley; monkfish; and lemon sole The campaign is supported by the Seafish consumer website Fish is the Dish, with tips and recipes to show consumers how they can cook these species, as well as information on where to buy local fish and shellfish. Northern Ireland’s fishmongers have shown great entrepreneurship in diversifying to ‘home delivery’ and ‘drive through’ options to enable ongoing service during the Covid-19 pandemic. Furthermore, many fishermen have begun ‘direct selling’ to the public; delivering freshly landed fish and shellfish across much of Northern Ireland. These businesses are listed and updated on the Fish is the Dish website; https://www. To enable businesses to engage with the campaign and amplify its key messages about local sourcing, Seafish has made a range of campaign assets available for business to download for free from its online asset

bank. In Northern Ireland, recipe booklets and cards have been distributed to seafood businesses to include with their fish boxes or home deliveries, with input from local chefs who have been great supporters of increasing local seafood consumption.

Digital Workshops

Free digital workshops for the seafood industry – with additional ‘clinic’ time for personalised advice – were started to support diversifying seafood businesses during Covid-19, especially those fishermen starting to sell directly to the public. The workshops offer fishermen, merchants, fishmongers, fishing family members, and processors the chance to establish a strong social media presence in order to boost sales.

‘Fish on Friday’ Rapid Response Grants

The Fishmongers’ Company and Seafarers UK ran a

Covid-19 Rapid Response grant programme to offer financial support for projects or initiatives by seafood businesses that aimed to: • deliver diversification opportunities for seafood and fisheries businesses • promote and/or facilitate consumption or sale of local seafood • provide community meals using seafood Within Northern Ireland, Mourne Seafood Bar were successful in their application to set up a ‘drive through’ fish shop in Belfast, and to provide a ‘Mourne@ Home’ cookery experience where customers purchase ready-to-cook ingredients for one of their classic dishes, with online videos provided to guide cooking. The fish shop initiative has been an enormous success, with sales of £5- 7,000 per weekend, and with the business buying £4- 5,000 of locally-landed and farmed seafood each week.

Aquaculture & Seafood Ireland


Industry-led Northern Ireland scallop enhancement By Dr Annika Clements, Seafish Northern Ireland

Lisa McBride with a Mourne Fishbox at Kilkeel Harbour.

Mourne Fishbox in Kilkeel, who already ran a successful web-based home delivery business with free delivery across the UK and Ireland, has seen a huge growth in demand for home deliveries in response to the Covid-19 pandemic. The business, a subsidiary of Mourne Seafoods, which had a significant restaurant trade that was immediately impacted by the pandemic, has seen the demand for home-delivered, high quality seafood increase seven-fold within a month of lockdown. Mourne Fishbox focus on providing as much locallylanded and farmed seafood as possible, which is then filleted and prepared before being vacuum packed to make it as accessible and easy to cook as possible.

There has been a King scallop (Pecten maximus) fishery in Northern Ireland since the 1930s, and in the last five years UK-registered vessels have landed between a 1,000 and 2,300 tonnes of scallop annually worth between £2.3 and £3.5 million into Northern Ireland. Today, with 40 to 75 vessels reporting annual landings, scallop is the joint second most valuable sea fishery in Northern Ireland. The Northern Ireland Scallop Fishermen’s Association recognised the need to be proactive in securing the longterm sustainability of local scallop stocks, and following a re-seeding trial in 1999, they were keen to explore the viability of some type of scallop enhancement.

Seafish was asked to fund a study to identify potential sites around the Northern Ireland coast for scallop enhancement or reseeding, which was completed by the AgriFood and Biosciences Institute (AFBI) in 2017. The study identified suitable habitat for juvenile scallops to grow on by analysing sea temperature, salinity, food availability, predator distribution, seabed currents and sediment data, with scallop enhancement sites selected from the area of suitable habitat by discussing options with the NI Scallop Fishermen’s Association and using their local knowledge. This process resulted in four potential sites along the

“We have seen a surge in orders with many new customers, many from further afield such as London, and many repeat orders from the new customers, which is fantastic for business” says Lisa McBride, Marketing Manager. The Mourne Fishbox team are working with their courier and packaging suppliers to meet demand and adapt a delivery schedule that is realistic in the Covid-19 situation. Recipes and cooking guidance leaflets are sent out in the fish boxes, and customers can access them on the website and via social media. Lisa’s passionate commitment to providing the best available products has paid off with excellent feedback from customers. She also encourages customers to try less commonly eaten seafood, such as oysters (locally grown in Carlingford Lough) and crab claws, as well as supplying her favourites to customers.

Aquaculture & Seafood Ireland


retention on the site, once laid. Ongoing research uses hydrodynamic modelling to identify larval dispersal from the scallop enhancement sites to the commercial scallop fishing grounds. The results will be reported in the Summer and used to further inform how the sites are best utilised. DAERA expects to consult on the closure of the scallop enhancement sites by Autumn 2020. A fisheriesscience partnership will be developed also to monitor and manage the sites and keep the NI Scallop Fishermen’s Association at the heart of the entire process.

County Antrim and County Down coast being put forward (see map). The Northern Ireland Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA) agreed via the Inshore Fisheries Partnership Group to progress closure of the identified sites to mobile fishing gear and to hand collection (diving) of scallops - effectively treating them as Marine Protected Areas. In order to bring this to public consultation, further information was required on how the sites would be managed and monitored. Seafish funded a follow-on study in 2019 by the AFBI to undertake a global review of scallop enhancement initiatives, and to see how these might be appropriate 40

to the Northern Ireland sites. Examples from Northern Ireland, Isle of Man, England, Scotland, Ireland, Japan, China, France, America, Canada and New Zealand were reviewed, including cases of closed areas, reseeding and sea-ranching.

the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) and the Scottish, Welsh and Northern Irish devolved administrations. Using our unique, noncompetitive position, we work in partnership with businesses, Government and organisations to overcome challenges and seize opportunities.

Seafish is here to give the UK seafood sector the support it needs to thrive.

Funded by a levy on the first sale of seafood in the UK, our work makes a huge difference. It keeps fishermen safe, supports sustainable sourcing, helps businesses work efficiently and boosts the nation’s health. We tackle everything from research to campaigns, insights to training – whatever we can do to give our industry the support it needs.

We’re a non-departmental public body (NDPB) set up by the Fisheries Act 1981. Our sponsors are

Visit our website www. or follow us on Twitter @seafishUK and LinkedIn.

After that, it was recommended first to monitor natural scallop recruitment at each of the sites with the potential for natural spat collection and/ or reseeding at some sites then trialled. Natural spat collection is preferred, as sourcing seed elsewhere - from a hatchery, spat collection at a nearby site, or from further afield – can be problematic from a genetics perspective, and due to survival of seed during transport and

Aquaculture & Seafood Ireland




BESNARD – delivering innovative design and reliability to the shellfish industry Besnard, producers of a wide range of specialist made-tomeasure equipment for the shellfish sector has reported another successful year in 2019. Established in 1965 as a metal works in the Pays-deLoire region of north-western France, Besnard Père et Fils expanded quickly and began working with the shellfish farming industry in 1976. Almost a half-a-century later, the Besnard name is a byword for innovative design and reliability. The company reputation is founded on its ability to design, manufacture and install customised equipment of quality and durability for the highly specialised sectors of shellfish and asparagus farming. 2019 proved to be another very successful year for Besnard’s product range – with mussel producers in particular. Myti Roll, a new mussel washing machine with its cylinder and weight sensors which regulate input has been particularly well received as a welcome addition for producers who have been experiencing unusually high barnacle loadings over the past two years.

Besnard also unveiled a new generation oyster grader. As well as being programmable to suit location, this grader incorporates 3-d vision technology, and is equipped with a very user-friendly panel interface that leads to reliable and even grading of shellfish.

Worldwide Reputation

Besnard has also redesigned its original packaging turntable first developed by Germain Besnard in 1979. The new design of this highly reliable equipment simplifies the entire process of packing oysters and provides a safe and comfortable workstation. With four operatives: one at the washing machine; two at the table; and one on sealer, the turntable is capable of processing up to 650kg/hour!

Oyster grader

equipment throughout Europe and in the USA, priding itself on attention to detail and its determination to provide site-specific solutions from its expanding catalogue. After the initial consultation Besnard’s technical and sales staff take each project on its merits to ensure that they will be able to provide exactly the product type requested.

Conveyor belts are always made to measure. Besnard has grown its exceptional in-house experience over three generations, and guarantees to put the customer first always. Don’t hesitate to visit our new website: or email Morgane at

The Besnard range of shellfish processing machines are already well known and respected in Ireland where it has provided submerged oyster sorting machines to shellfish producers in Counties Donegal, Sligo, Mayo, Cork, Kerry and Louth. The company has designed and installed its innovative

Myti Roll

Aquaculture & Seafood Ireland


Eeighing and bagging


Brexit negotiations impasse a looming threat to the Irish seafood industry Kevin Killeen

in their locations and much of the stocks are in the British EEZ. Limiting access to either of these would be disastrous.


he Covid-19 Pandemic that hit Ireland this year has understandably consumed public attention and has had massive implications for how people work and live. Emergency measures have wrought economic havoc which will have long-lasting impacts on practically every sector. If Covid-19 could be compared to a societal volcano, it has led to a de-focusing on the earthquake that has been rumbling in the background since 2016 – Brexit. Almost unnoticed, Britain left the EU in January this year; the divorce has happened. A year-long transition period is now underway during which Britain remains subject to EU trade rules and regulations, and was meant to be utilized to arrive at a settlement as to how the EU and Britain will interact in future. This is an extraordinarily complex set of issues entailing a re-examination of 40 years of regulation and agreements painstakingly negotiated and covering a vast swathe of complex areas from citizen’s rights; product standards; trade arrangements; labour markets; and notably, fisheries and seafood.


Most informed commentators agree that concluding such mindboggling negotiations properly would take years, but the UK Government is insistent that no extension 42

Brexit ‘Crunch Point’

will be allowed to let this happen. The best that can be done, if even that is achievable, is some sort of framework in which the pieces would be coloured in subsequently. But even that is looking unlikely right now. Michel Barnier, Head of Task Force for Relations with the United Kingdom, has recently expressed deep frustration at the lack of progress, and many now suspect that Britain is intent on ‘crashing out’ and taking its chances at the end of the transition period. A huge emotional and psychological plank in the Brexiteers case to leave the EU was that it would “reclaim its waters” and manage its fisheries resources more to the benefit of its fishing industry. On the other hand, the EU is sticking to its insistence that there must be a continuation of some sort of Common Fisheries Policy type sharing of access and resources on a reciprocal basis.

Mackerel Fishery

The EU has gone so far as to

insist that if no satisfactory agreement is reached on fisheries, there will be no free-trade deal at all with the UK. In fairness, this position has held despite enormous pressures, and it is a testament to the determination of the Irish government – and of Michel Barnier - to adhere to the commitments given to the Irish fishing industry that this remains the case. If the UK crashes out, access to UK waters for Irish and other EU fishermen will be by grace-and-favour of the UK. This could hugely limit access for Irish fishers to the enormously important mackerel fishery northwest of Scotland from which Irish vessels and processors secure 60% of their supplies of raw material. It would have similar effects on access to prawn stocks, now vital to Ireland’s demersal fisheries. While mackerel is a migratory species and the location of the fish west of Scotland is a question of optimum fat content (and market value) at particular times, prawns are very geographically specific

The effects of a wider failure to secure existing trade arrangements will have disproportionate effects on Ireland as Britain’s nearest neighbour and our largest trading partner. The uncertainty and complexity of trade with and through Britain for perishable Irish seafood exports - and indeed substantial imports - will not be as seamless as some in the British establishment blithely predict. Ireland is fortunate although many are not very appreciative– to have a very experienced, able team of officials and capable politicians who play a totally disproportionate role in shaping and maintaining the EU line in dealing with Brexit. To date, the government has kept faith with the assurances given to the sector some years ago, and the EU has likewise done so. The question is: can this hold and can we prevail? All this against a Covid-19 backdrop which will cause massive economic fallout for the next few years. We have now arrived at the real Brexit crunch-point which will have enormous and lasting implications for the Irish seafood sector: for vessels; for aquaculture; and for processors and traders. The economic earthquake may well outlast the public health volcano.

Aquaculture & Seafood Ireland

Producers T: Telephone

M: Mobile

F: Fax

Abalone Spp. Abalone Chonamara Te Aille Barna Co. Galway T: 087 9051956 E: C: Cindy O’Brien

Seaweed Bere Island Aquaculture Group Lowneys Bere Island Co. Cork T: 861064363 E: Thelaughingoysterseaweed@ C: David Andrews Dingle Bay Seaweed Oakmount Castletownbere Co. Cork T: 086 2607991 E: C: Michael Murphy Roaringwater Bay Seaweed Co-op Society Ltd. Cunnamore Point Skibbereen Co. Cork T: 086 2606473 C: Stephen Casey Niall O’Boyle Knockbreaga Newport Co. Mayo T: 087 2255440 C: Niall O’Boyle

Juvenile Bivalves Cartron Point Shellfish Ltd. New Quay Burrin Co. Clare T: 087 9772069 T: 065 7078189 E: C: Iarlaith Connellan Boet Mor Seafoods Ltd. Claddaghduff Clifden Co. Galway T: 087 2631641 E: C: Jean Le Dorven Tralee Bay Hatchery Ltd. The Ponds, Kilshannig Castlegregory Co. Kerry T: 086 8070774 E: C: Dara Moriarity

E: Email

W: Web

C: Contact

Lissadell Shellfish Co. Ltd. Lissadell Sligo Town Co. Sligo T: 086 8313123 E: C: Kevin O’Kelly

Atlantic Salmon Mowi Ireland Ltd. Rinmore Letterkenny Co. Donegal T: 7491921101 E: C: Catherine McManus Curraun Fisheries Ltd Mulranny Westport Co. Mayo T: 087 2858758 E: C: Thomas Doherty Bradan Beo Teoranta Lettermullen Co Galway H91 X4T1 T: 876328941 E: C: Robert Kerr Mannin BaySalmon Co. Drinagh, Errislannan Clifden Co. Galway T: 087 6165860 E: C: Gerry Donohue

Inland Fisheries Ireland Cong Salmon Hatchery Cong Co. Galway T: 879100534 E: C: Matt Varley Bifand Ltd. Errislannan Clifden Co. Galway T: 087 6165860 E: C: Gerard O’Donoghue Santa Cruise Salmon Ltd. Carrigahorig Nenagh Co. Tipperary T: 087 6890301 E: petergibbs.santacruise@gmail. com C: Peter Gibbs Seastream Ltd Gorrtdrum Monard Co. Tipperary T: 087 2858758 E: C: Thomas Doherty

Perch Keywater Fisheries Ltd Caradeen Maple Drive Boyle, F52 A094 Co. Roscomman T: 879957613 E: C: Paul Kearney

Rainbow Trout

Ocean Farm Ltd Donegal Road Killybegs F94YF61 County Donegal, F94 YF61. T: 074 97 31004 E: C: Paul McCrudden

Aquamona Mountlucas Windfarm Daingean Co. Ofally T: 087 2261301 E: C: Pawel Wisniewski

Mowi Ireland Ltd. Procklis Falcarragh Co. Donegal T: 872573029 E: C: Hugh Mc Ginley

IDAS Trout Ltd IDAS Trout Farm Woodenbridge Co. Wicklow T: 086 1914187 E: C: Stephen Murphy O’Sullivan

Derrylea Holdings Ltd. 2 Railway Avenue Clifden Co. Galway T: (091) 574004 T: 087 2405045 E: C: Paul Sommerville

Araglen Trout Farm Ltd. Araglen Kilworth Co. Cork T: 087 8562073 E: C: John Hayden

Douglas Valley Hatchery Ltd. Kilclough Kilworth Co. Cork T: 086 3162397 E: C: Michael Walsh

Goatsbridge Trout Farm Jerpoint Thomastown Co. Kilkenny T: 086 2544906 E: E: C: Ger Kirwan

Aquaculture & Seafood Ireland

Raford Fish Farm ltd. Raford Kiltulla Athenry Co. Galway T: (091) 848137 C: Francis Burke

Blue Mussel Crescent Seafoods ltd Mytilus Ballagha Blube Curracloe Co. Wexford T: 087 2933616 E: C: Simon Dingemans Caragh Clams Ltd Stookisland Cromane Killorglin T: 087 6608569 E: C: Paul O’Sullivan Carlingford Lough Shellfish Cooperative Society Ltd. MillGrange Greenore Co. Louth T: 086 1740860 E: C: Bryan Hyland Cloughmore Shellfish Ltd. 111 Greencastle Pier Road Co. Down BT344LR T: 0044 7900113336 E: E: C: Brian Cunningham Lenger Seafoods Irl. Ltd. 16B The Harbour Kilkeel Co. Down BT344LR T: 07900 113336 E: C: Brian Cunningham Down Mussels Ltd. 84 Northumberland Road Ballsbridge, DO4 PY9 Dublin 4 T: 0031 622526687 E: C: Julien Barbe Conor Blake 3 Chapel Road Rathmullan Co. Donegal T: 085 2638101 T: 087 6186334 E: C: Conor Blake Crescent Seafoods Ltd. Mytilus Ballagha Blube Curracloe Co. Wexford T: 087 2933616 E: C: Simon Dingemans


Cromane Point Oysters Ltd. Cromane Lower Killorglin Co. Kerry T: 087 6937028 E: C: Gerald O’Reilly

River Bank Mussels Ltd. Clonard Business Park Whitemill Ind. Estate Co. Wexford T: 087 2722413 E: C: Michael Crowley

William Casey Group Cromane Cross Killorglin Co. Kerry T: 087 7709147 E: C: William Casey

Dingle Bay Shellfish Ltd. Cromane Lower Killorglin Co. Kerry T: 087 7827502 E: C: Stephen Foley

N&A Scallan Mussel Suppliers 29 William Street Wexford Town Co. Wexford T: 087 6253759 E: C: Martin Scallan

Loch Garman Harbour Mussels Ltd. 84 Nortumberland Road D04 PY94 Dublin T: 31622526687 E: C: Julien Barbé

Emerald Mussels Ltd. Carrowholly, Westport Co. Mayo T: 086 1740860 E: C: Bryan Hyland

Scannell Michael Douglas Killorglin Co. Kerry T: 087 7632435 E: E: C: Mike Scannell

Moville Mussels Ltd. Seacrest Derry Road Moville Co. Donegal T: 0862889079 T: 0861004285 E: C: Liam/Raymond McGuinness

Frank McCarthy Lonart Cromane Upper Killorglin Co. Kerry T: 087 6432562 E: C: Frank McCarthy Griffin- Reilly Group Cromane Lower Killorglin Co. Kerry T: 086 6094346 C: John-Joe O’Reilly Jerry Costello Cromane Killorglin Co. Kerry T: 087 7696731 C: Jerremiah Costello Liam And Geno O’Connor Tullig, Cromane Co. Kerry T: 087 6107590 C: Geno O’Connor Moroney Michael Glosha, Cromane Killorglin Co. Kerry T: 087 6040092 C: Michael Scannell O’Sullivan/McCarthy Mussel Development Ltd. Cromane, Killorglin Co. Kerry T: 087 2119955 E: C: Arthur McCarthy Owen And Paul Teahan Shellfish Ltd. 1 Ballinamona Castlemaine Co. Kerry T: 087 2737825 E: C: Paul Teahan Patrick T O’Sullivan Cromane Lower Killorglin Co. Kerry T: 087 2198157 E: C: Michael Sugrue


Sugrue Group Cromane Lower Killorglin Co. Kerry T: 087 9862453 E: C: Michael Moroney Fresco Seafoods Ltd. The Pier Greencastle Co. Donegal T: 086 2516603 E: C: Gerard Kelly Teahan Partners Cromane Lower Killorglin Co. Kerry T: 087 2654681 E: C: Michael Teahan

Carl Daly Drombohilly Tousist Co. Kerry T: 087 6598367 T: 064 66 84289 E: C: Carl Daly Denis Hourican Hillside House Glengarriff Co. Cork T: 086 3353618 C: Denis Hourican

Ardgroom Shellfish Ltd. Inward Ardgroom Beara Co. Cork T: 087 2408366 E: C: John-Gerard Sullivan

Dolphin Seafarms Ltd. 41 Gleniha Ennis Co. Clare T: 086 6021704 C: Eamonn Chesser

Black Pearl Shellfish Ltd Lettergesh East Renvyle Co. Galway T: 087 2074738 C: Kieran Kane Bruckless Bouchot Mussels Ltd. PO. Box 109 Dunkineely Co. Donegal T: 087 6013798 E: C: Anthony Neveu

TLS Group Merchants Ltd StookIsland Cromane Killorglin Co. Kerry T: 087 9696883 E: C: Tony O’Sullivan

Casheen Bay Seafood Ltd. Na Fabhrai Maoile Barna Co. Galway C: Coleman McDonagh

Wexford Mussels Ltd. Rockfield Ivy Lane Coolcotts Wexford T: 087 2219077 E: C: Sean Ryan

Michael Crowley Ardralla Church Cross Skibbereen Co. Cork T: 086 2681278 C: Michael Crowley

Adrigole Mussels Ltd. Bawn Adrigole Co. Cork E: C: Dan O’Shea

Crescent/TL Mussels Ltd. Mytilus, Ballagha Blube Curracloe Co. Wexford T: 087 2933616 E: C: Simon Dingemans

Tully Shellfish Ltd Tullyally Redcastle Co. Donegal T: 085 7313725 E: C: Michael Havlin

Organic Shellfish Ltd. Reenmore Cottage Pier Road Kenmare Co. Kerry T: 087 6465417 E: C: Wesley Meyboom

Saltspray Mussels Ltd. Gortalassa Bantry Co. Cork T: 086 2782434 E: C: Brian Murnane

Collins & Minihane Ltd. Hollyhill Aughadown Skibbereen Co. Cork T: 087 2134623 E: C: Sean Collins Cormorant Mussel Ltd. 25 The Meadows Classis Lake Ovens Co. Cork T: 087 2784819 E: C: William Murphy

Raymond Duggan Kilkilleen Church Cross Skibbereen Co. Cork T: 086 8798942 C: Raymond Duggan

Dunmanus Mussels Ltd. Coomhola Bantry Co. Cork T: 086 2782434 E: C: Brian Murnane Eddie Nee Jr. Feenone Carrowniskey P.O. Westport Co. Mayo T: 087 7410859 C: Eddie Nee (Jr.) Fastnet Mussels Ltd. Gearhies Bantry Co. Cork T: 086 2440573 E: C: John Murphy

Aquaculture & Seafood Ireland

Fundy Shellfish Ltd. Dunbeacon, Durrus Co. Cork T: 086 1661943 C: John Hutchinson

Declan Sullivan Collarus, Lauragh Co. Kerry E: C: Declan Sullivan

G&B Barge Ltd. Ballinakilla Bere Island Co. Cork T: 086 8350820 E: C: Brendan O’Sullivan

Killary Fishfarmers Coop. Kilsallagh, Westport Co. Mayo T: 087 2376700 C: John Kilcoyne

Greenline Shellfish Ltd Sherkin Island Skibbereen Co. Cork T: 086 8304231 E: C: Richard Collins Paddy Hanley Pouleen, Ardgroom Beara Co. Cork T: 087 9149052 T: 027 74232 C: Paddy Hanley

Killary Fjord Shellfish Ltd. Bunowen Leenane Co. Galway T: 087 6227542 E: C: Simon kennedy Rainer Krause Dungora, Nuns Orchard Kinvara Co. Galway T: 091 638813 T: 091 637104 T: 091 637232 C: 091 Rainer Krause

Iasc Sliogach Uisce Leathan Teo. Cashel Kindrum P.O. Letterkenny Co. Donegal T: 086 8041451 E: C: Martin Coll

Kush Seafarms Ltd. O’Shea’s House New Road Kenmare Co. Kerry T: 087 1958227 T: 064 6641714 E: C: Julie Baptiste

Jean-Yves Letanneur Ankail, Tahilla Sneem Co. Kerry T: 086 3623634 E: C: Jean-Yves Letanneur

Liam & Michael Laffey Lettergesh East Renvyle Co. Galway T: 086 8222447 T: 086 0832828 C: Liam & Michael Laffey

Jim O’Malley Long Street Louiseburgh Co. Mayo T: 087 6854886 C: Jim O’Malley

Patrick J. & Peter Leonard 7 Donegal West Reengaroga Baltimore Co. Cork T: 086 8818266 C: Patrick Leonard

John Coyne Glassilaun, Renvyle Co. Galway C: John Coyne Kelly Paul 18 Henry Street Kenmare Co. Kerry T: 085 1644329 E: E: C: Paul Kelly Kevin & Michael Lydon Cluggam Maam Co. Galway T: 087 6783725 E: C: Kevin Lydon Kieran Lyons Eyeries, Beara Co. Cork T: 086 3637784 E: C: Kieran Lyons

Mannin Bay Seafoods Ltd. Church Cross Skibbereen Co. Cork T: 085 1141574 C: Michael O’ Neill Eddie NeeSnr Cleggaun Maam Co. Galway E: C: Michael Lydon Michael O’Malley Cleggan Co. Galway T: 087 2852460 E: C: Michael O’Malley Mulroy Bay Mussels Ltd. Drim, Cranford Co. Donegal T: 087 2935852 E: C: Hugh Wilhare

Aquaculture & Seafood Ireland

Murphy Daniel Glenvale Lodge Mardyke Skibbereen Co. Cork C: Daniel Murphy Murphy Patrick Lissygriffin Goleen Co. Cork T: 086 8569301 T: 086 2360001 C: Patrick Murphy Muskerry Seafoods(Kerry) Ltd. Kilquane Hedford Killarney Co. Kerry T: 087 4140837 E: C: Finbar & Eileen Daly O’Shea John Cleandra Ardgroom Co. Cork T: 086 8328288 C: John O’ Shea O’Malley Bartley Loughta Louisburgh Co. Mayo T: 087 9242126 C: Bartley O’Malley Ocean Run Ltd. Ballylinch Baltimore Co. Cork T: 086 2483863 E: C: Colin Whooley Rodeen Fish Farm Ltd. Droum South Castletownbere Co. Cork T: 087 9456047 E: E: C: Ryan Murphy Ross Shellfish Ltd. 1 Reenkilla Lauragh Co. Kerry T: 087 2508803 E: E: C: Ray Ross Seal Harbour Ltd. Seal Harbour Glengarriff Bantry Co. Cork T: 087 2599002 E: C: Tim Green Shamrock Shellfish Ltd. Limestone House Killowen Kenmare Co. Kerry T: 087 2592209 E: C: Sean McCarthy

Sneem Fishermen’s Cooperative Society Ltd. Tahilla Sneem Co. Kerry T: 086 3623634 E: C: Jean-Yves Letanneur Turk Head Enterprises Ltd. & Michael Casey. Collatrum Church Cross Skibbereen Co. Cork T: 086 2606473 E: C: Stephen Casey Westpoint Shellfish Ltd. Drombeg Ardgroom Co. Cork T: 086 3845377 E: C: Ger Lynch Bantry Harbour Mussels Ltd. Gurteenalomane Bantry Co. Cork T: 851729177 E: C: Finian O’Sullivan Blackshell Farm Ltd Unti 15 Westport Industrial Park Newport Road Westport Co Mayo. F28 RK38 T: 086 8417303 E: C: Barbara Strutt Pallas Fish Farm Ltd. 110 Rathfarnham Wood Rathfarnham Dublin 14 T: 087 9484020 E: C: John O’Reilly Purple Spade Ltd. Lettergesh West Renvyle Co. Galway T: O86 6078508 E: C: Catherine Nee Southward Ltd. Church Road Bantry Co. Cork T: 086 6073569 E: C: Brendan O’Sullivan

Gigas oyster ASK Oysters Ltd. Leenan Kiel Clonmany Co. Donegal T: 086 1966203 T: 086 0733501 E: C: Anthony Kearney


Achill Oysters Ltd. Quin Road Ind Est Quin Road, Ennis County Clare T: 098 37017 E: C: Hugh O’Maley Bere Island Aquaculture Group Lowneys, Bere Island Co. Cork T: 861064363 E: Thelaughingoysterseaweed@ C: David Andrews Celtic Kerber Ltd. Unit 9E, Northwest Business Park Collooney Co. Sligo T: +33 2 99 89 56 86 E: C: Loïc Devismes Fota Oyster Farm Ltd. Rossleague Cobh Co. Cork P24FX79 T: +33 2 99 89 56 86 E: C: Loïc Devismes Irish Premium Oysters Ltd. Drimlaghdruid, Lettermacaward Co. Donegal T: 00353 86 6044478 E: C: Edward Gallagher Natura Mussels Ltd. Darney, Bruckless Co. Donegal T: 087 4041537 E: anthony.neveu@ C: Anthony Neveu Special Bannow Bay Shellfish Ltd. Danecastle Carrig-on-Bannow Co. Wexford T: 086 0622542 E: anthony.neveu@ C: Anthony Neveu Sliogiasc Inisheane Teo. Maghery Dungloe Co. Donegal T: 086 8375430 E: C: Conal Hunter Sofi Shellfish Ltd. Knockmanus Newport Co. Mayo T: 08 71 86 86 57 E: anthony.neveu@ C: Anthony Neveu Trabay Ltd. Meenagowan Lettermacaward Co. Donegal T: 087 6013798 E: anthony.neveu@ C: Anthony Neveu


Corbett Seamus Corner House Gweedore Co. Donegal T: 087 2029909 C: Seamus Corbett Adrigole Oysters Adrigole Beara Co. Cork C: Dan O’Shea Anthony Coyne Derrylough Renvyle Galway T: 087 2700672 C: Anthony Coyne

Barron Thomas & David Cullinane Mullinahorna Ring Dungarvan Co. Waterford T: 087 3113748 C: Thomas Barron C: Michael Burke Jr.

Conor Blake 3 Chapel Road Rathmullan Co. Donegal T: 085 2638101 T: 087 6186334 E: C: Conor Blake

BC Shellfish Ltd. Unit 8 Carhan Lower Reenrushen Caherciveen Co. Kerry T: 0033 546859785 E: C: Maryse Crine

Cooley Oysters Ltd. Muchgrange Greenore Co. Louth T: 087 6486162 E: C: Donal Ferguson

Ardcost Oysters Ltd. Ardcost Portmagee Co. Kerry T: 087 2342171 E: C: Daniel O’Mahony

Bells Isle Seafood Ltd. Tullyearl Donegal Town Co. Donegal T: 087 6536781 E: E: C: Des Moore

Armada Shellfish Co. Ltd. Old Farm Buildings Lissadell Co. Sligo T: 087 2360364 E: C: Paul Leydon

Bia Mara (Deise) Teo 7 Bishopscourt Lawn Bishopstown Co. Cork T: 086 890 9329 E: C: Sean Burke

Atlantic Clams Ltd. Tullyhill Rathcormac Co. Sligo T: 087 6739051 E: E: C: Charles Kelly

Boet Mor Seafoods Ltd. Claddaghduff Clifden Co. Galway T: 087 2631641 E: C: Jean Le Dorven

Atlantic Shellfish Ltd Rossmore Carrigtwohill Co. Cork T: +44 1736 810867 E: C: Tristan Hugh-Jones Baile Mhic Coda Teo. 3 Harbour Row Cobh Co. Cork T: 068 2881791 E: C: Damien Perdriel Ballylawn Shellfish Ltd. Ballylawn Redcastle Co. Donegal T: 086 2902462 C: Danny McDermot Ballyteighue Oyster Co. Lacken Duncormick Co. Wexford T: 086 8265367 C: Noel Roche Barr Michael Foyle Water View Ballymacarthur Greencastle Co. Donegal C: Michael Barr

Crocknagee Oysters Ltd. Crocknagee Roxtown Clonmany Co. Donegal T: 086 8609114 E: C: Derek Diver Cromane Point Oysters Ltd. Cromane Killorglin Co. Kerry T: 087 6937028 E: C: Gerald O’Reilly Cromane Seafoods Ltd. Cromane Lower Killorglin Co. Kerry T: 087 2921205 C: Ben Cronier Deise Premium Aquaculture Ltd. Ballyhack Arthurstown New Ross Co. Wexford T: 087 2712150 E: C: William Dwyer

Boyle John Ballymanus Kincasslagh Co. Donegal C: John Boyle Carlingford Oyster Company Ltd. Mullatee Carlingford Co. Louth T: 042 9373800 T: 087 6244879 E: C: Kian louet-Feisser Charlie O’Malley Apt 15 The Kiln James Street Westport Co. Mayo T: 087 2682036 C: Charlie O’Malley CK Oysters Ltd. Knoickeen Power Ring Dungarvan Co. Waterford T: 058 46448 C: Criostoir Kinneally Coney Island Shellfish Ltd. The Lodge Strandhill Sligo T: 087 7489384 E: C: Noel Carter

Doherty Charlie Roshine South Dungloe Co. Donegal T: 07495 21815 C: Charlie Doherty Doherty James Termon Maghery Dungloe Co. Donegal T: 086 6097574 T: 087 9483266 (John Doherty) C: James Doherty Sliogeisc Ba Tragheanna Teo Terhillion Termon Letterkenny Co. Donegal T: 086 8460933 E: C: Eamonn McCahill Saddlerock Fisheries Ltd. Slievebawn Malin Head Co. Donegal T: 086 8727268 C: Philip Doherty

Aquaculture & Seafood Ireland

Dolphin Seafarms Ltd. 41 Gleniha Ennis Co. Clare T: 086 6021704 C: Eamonn Chesser Donegal Oceandeep Ltd. Rossylongan Donegal Town Co. Donegal T: 087 6388843 E: C: Conor Reid Donegal Oysters Ltd. Rossylongan Donegal Town Co. Donegal T: 087 2845420 E: E: C: Damien Reid Dooriel Fisheries Ltd. Dooriel Ballycroy Westport Co. Mayo T: 872807959.00 E: C: Shane Ginty Doorus Point Shellfish Ltd. Moy Road Kinvara Co. Galway T: 085 8248847 E: C: Thomas Connolly Douglas Strand Ltd. Douglas Killorglin Co. Kerry T: 066 9761457 T: 087 2662728 E: C: Pat Costello Dungarvan Shellfish Ltd. Hillcrest Gortnadiha Ring Co. Waterford T: 086 8238299 E: C: Joe Harty Feirm Sliogeisc Mara Teoranta Ring Dungarvan Co. Waterford T: 087 6836035 C: Gabriel Kinneally Fitzpatrick Eugene Tallaught Saltmills Co. Wexford T: 087 6660829 C: Eugene Fitzpatrick Frank Dwyer Church Cross, Skibbereen, Co. Cork T: 086 8390678 C: Frank Dwyer

Frank McCarthy Group Lonart Cromane Upper Killorglin Co. Kerry T: 087 6432562 E: C: Frank McCarthy

Huitre du Conemara Ltd. Galway Collon Drogheda Co. Louth T: 087 9186997 E: C: David Keane

Rainer Krause Dungora, Nuns Orchard Kinvara Co. Galway T: 091 638813 T: 091 637104 T: 091 637233 C: RainerKrause

Gallagher James Maghery Dungloe Co. Donegal T: 087 7541308 E: C: David Gallagher

James Ball Middletown Malin Head Co. Donegal T: 086 8678476 E: C: James Ball

Liam O’Connor Tullig, Killorglin Co. Kerry T: 087 2935960 C: Liam O’Connor

Galway Oysters Ltd. Ballinderreen Kilcolgan Galway T: 087 6444882 E: C: Gary Harty

Haven Shellfish Ltd. Waterside Ballinaclashet Oysterhaven Co. Cork T: 087 2557429 E: E: C: Jamie Dwyer

Shannon Oysters Ltd. Claremount ClarecastleEnnis Co. Clare T: 086 3840806 E: C: Brendan Garvey Green Oysters Ltd. Gilrain Gortnadiha Ring Co. Waterford T: 087 3298714 E: C: Ray Harty Griffin- Reilly Group Cromane Lower Killorglin Co. Kerry T: 086 6094343 C: John-Joe O’Reilly Harty Jimmy Ballinacurry Ring, Dungarvan Co. Waterford T: 058 46215 E: C: James Harty Hayes Aquaculture Ltd. Cromane Killorglin Co. Kerry T: 087 9366742 E: C: Thomas Hayes Heraghty Patrick & Shiels Michael Ballyar Kerrymeel P.O. Letterkenny Co. Donegal T: 086 8781081 C: Michael Shields Hook Head Shellfish Ltd. Ramstown Fethard-on-Sea New Ross Co. Wexford T: 051 397492 E: C: Jodie Hickey

Aquaculture & Seafood Ireland

Jasconius Ltd. T/A Redbank Shellfish New Quay Burrin Co. Clare T: 087 9772069 E: C: Iarfhlaith Connellan Jean-Yves Letanneur Ankail Tahilla Sneem Co. Kerry T: 086 3603634 E: C: Jean-Yves Lettanneur Peter Mc Manamon Knockmanus Newport Co. Mayo T: 087 9586878 C: Peter McManamon John McManamon Sandyhill Carrowbeg Tiernaur Newport Co. Mayo T: 087 8411069 C: John McManamon John Munnelly Ross Killala Co. Mayo T: 096-32056 T: 087-2858358 C: John Munelly Keenan Oysters Ltd. The Harbour Carlingford Lough Co. Louth T: 086 3691222 E: C: Tom Keenan KOS Ltd. Ballynaclaset Creek Oysterhaven Co. Cork T: 0033 546859785 E: C: Maryse Crine

Thomas Muldoon Murrivaugh, Mulranny, Co. Mayo T: 086 0695077 E: C: Thomas Muldoon Maitias Burke Fahy, Westport, Co. Mayo T: 087 2489101 E: C: Maitias Burke Malin Head Oysters Ltd. Sheskin, Bree Malin Head Co. Donegal T: 086 8625984 E: C: Bill Coffee Mannin Bay Oysters Ltd. Derrygimla, Ballyconneely Co. Galway T: 087 0969730 C: Josie King Martin Riordan Tullig Beg Killorglin Co. Kerry T: 087 7820851 E: C: Martin Riordan Mattie Larkin Killeenaran Kilcolgan Co. Galway T: 087 2831980 E: C: Mattie Larkin McDermott, Danny Balleighan East Greencastle Co. Donegal T: 086 8053693 E: C: Danny McDermott McGlinchy Alan Kiltown Killygordon Co. Donegal T: 086 8163553 E: C: Alan McGlinchy McGrath Tony Pulothomas, Ballina Co. Mayo T: 087 2220622 E: C: Tony Mc Grath


CSV Shellfish Ltd. Main Street, Ardara Co. Donegal T: 087 6691648 E: C: Stephen Robins

Moyasta Oysters Ltd. Moyasta, Kilrush Co. Clare T: 087 6613097 E: C: Thomas Galvin

McHugh Charles & Gavigan Vincent Leconell Ard na Ratha Loughras Beg Co. Donegal T: 087 9857461 E: C: Charles McHugh

Murray Denis & McSweeney James G Roshine Acres Burtonport Co. Donegal T: 07495 42962 C: Denis Murray

McLoughlin Michael Keenaglug Carndonagh Co. Donegal T: 087 6035549 E: C: Eunan McLoughlin McMahon Michael Ballynote East Kilrush Co. Clare T: 087 2605796 C: Michael McMahon McNulty Oyster Farms Ltd. Knockloughra Newport Co. Mayo T: 087 2920281 E: C: Gerard McNulty Mestre Jean Paul 2 Fairy Hill Monkstown Co. Cork T: 087 2456074 C: Jean-Paul Mestre Michael G Kilbane Dooagh Achill Island Co. Mayo T: 086 2200165 T: 098 43969 E: C: Michael Kilbane Michael O’Malley Cleggan Co. Galway T: 087 2852460 E: C: Michael O’Malley Michael. Kelly (Shellfish) Ltd. Tyrone Kilcolgan Co. Galway T: 091 796120 E: C: Diarmuid Kelly Mikey Moroney Cromane Killorglin Co. Kerry T: 087 6040092 C: Mike Moroney Pat Moran The Mount, Cheekpoint Co. Waterford T: 051 382672 C: Pat Moran


Sean O’Grady Murrisknaboll Murrisk Westport Co. Mayo T: 087 9882522 E: C: Sean O’Grady Neil Kilbane Owenduff Tonragee Achill Westport Co. Mayo T: 087 2039604 E: C: Neil Kilbane Nigel Sheahan Cromane Killorglin Co. Kerry C: Nigel Sheehan Noel Foley Cromane Killorglin Co. Kerry C: Noel Foley North Shore Oysters (Jim Walsh) Ltd. Ballyliffen Clonmany Co. Donegal T: 086 6057819 E: C: Jim Walsh Oceanic Organic Ltd. Harbour view Greencastle Co. Donegal T: 086 3331906 C: John McKinney O’Mahony Alan Moveen West Kilkee Co. Clare C: Alan O’Mahony Ostre’an Teoranta An Sean Tech Gweedore Road Dungloe Co. Donegal F94 X4YX T: 086 8404945 E: C: John P Monaghan Owen Teahan Ballinamona Castlemaine Co. Kerry T: 087 2041403 E: C: Paul Teahan

Padraic Gannon T/A Croagh Patrick Seafoods Ltd. Roslaher Newport Co. Mayo T: 087 2497570 E: C: Padraic Gannon Patrick Gavin Clynish Island Kilmeena Westport Co. Mayo T: 098-26724 T: 087-2339253 E: C: Patrick Gavin

Cromane Bay Shellfish Ltd. Cromane Lower Killorglin Co. Kerry T: 087 2198157 E: E: C: Patrick T. O’Sullivan

Peter Tighe 1 Glenmore Grove Ballinorig Road, Tralee, Co. Kerry T: 087 7870034 E: C: Peter Tighe PKA Ltd Ring Dungarvan Co. Waterford T: 0033 546859785 E: C: Maryse Crine PKC Ltd. Ballynaclaset Creek Oysterhaven Co. Cork T: 0033 546859785 E: C: Maryse Crine PKM Ltd. Killala Co. Mayo T: 0033 546859785 E: C: Maryse Crine PKO Ltd. Cromane Killorglin Co. Kerry T: 0033 546859785 E: C: Maryse Crine

Poulnasherry Oysters Ltd. Breaffa Kilkee Co. Clare T: 086 8579472 E: C: Hugh Sheehy Quay Oyster Company Ltd. Ballinacourty Clarinbridge Co. Galway T: 091 794724 C: John Kelly

Caragh Clams Ltd Stookisland Cromane Killorglin Co. Kerry T: 087 6608569 E: C: Paul O’Sullivan

Paul Bennet Commons Road Dunmore East Co. Waterford T: 087 7859140 C: Paul Bennett

Pouldoody Aquaculture Ltd. New Quay Burrin Co. Clare T: 087 9787033 E: C: Fergal Langley

Racoo Shellfish Ltd. Tullyearl Donegal Town Co. Donegal T: 087 2206696 E: C: Willie Britton Realt Na Mara Shellfish Ltd. Cromane Lower Killorglin Co. Kerry T: 087 9241211 T: 087 7465707 E: E: C: Emmet Casey / Michael Sugrue Rosmoney Shellfish Ltd. Rosmoney Westport Co. Mayo T: 098 25843 E: C: Stephen Fitzgerald Scannell Michael Douglas Killorglin Co. Kerry T: 087 7632435 E: E: C: Mike Scannell Sciana Mara Teo School Rodd Dooagh Achill Co. Mayo T: 087 2495433 E: C: JJ McNamara Sea Lyons Seafood Ltd. Pier Rodd Carrigaholt Co. Clare T: 087 6149537 C: James Lyons Seacrest Seafoods Ltd Seacrest Derry Road Moville Co. Donegal T: 086 2889079 E: C: Liam McGuinness

Aquaculture & Seafood Ireland

Seamus O’Hayes Ballinagaul An Rinn Dungarbhan Co. Waterford C: Seamus O’Hayes Sean Haran Raughley Cloughbolly Co. Sligo T: 071 9163622 C: Sean Haran Shannon estuary oysters limited Kilmeena Westport Co. Mayo T: 087 6245181 E: C: Karl Gautier Shannon Shellfish Ltd./ Alan O’ Sullivan Glenleary Ramelton Co. Donegal T: 087 0699437 E: C: Alan O’Sullivan Sherkin Oysters Ltd. Sherkin Island Baltimore Skibbereen Co. Cork T: 087 2029898 E: C: Michael Murphy Skibbereen Shellfish Ltd 3 Harbour Row Cobh Co. Cork T: 068 2881791 E: C: Damien Perdriel Sliogeisc Gaoth Beara Teoranta Ballykilduff Portnoo Co. Donegal T: 087 9488044 C: Paddy Boyle Tadhg Ó Maoileoin Teoranta Cnocán an Phaoraigh An Rinn Dungarvan Co. Waterford T: 087 8132235 E: C: Tadhg ÓMaoileoin Teahan Partners Ltd. Cromane Lower Killorglin Co. Kerry T: 087 2654681 E: C: Michael Teahan

The Oystermens Ltd. Seecrin Bush, Riverstown Dundalk Co. Louth T: 087 7504888 T: 085 8562206 E: C: Charm Louet-Feisser

Woodstown Bay Shellfish Ltd. The Harbour Dunmore East Co. Waterford T: 087 2565549 E: C: Naomi Barlow

North Mayo Oyster Development Cooperative Society Ltd. Tallagh Belmullet Co. Mayo T: 087 6926919 E: C: Eddie O’Toole

Thomas Bluinne Station House Kilrush Co. Clare T: 087 7604230 C: Tom Bluinnie

Native Oyster

Tralee Oyster Fishermen’s Society Ltd. The Pier Fenit Tralee Co. Kerry T: 087 2599237 E: C: Denis O’Shea

Thomas Henry Belfarsad Achill Co. Mayo T: 863771648.00 E: C: Thomas Henry Oisri Teo. StookIsland, Cromane Killorglin Co. kerry T: 087 9696883 E: C: Tony O’Sullivan Aishling O’Leary Treanbeg Newport Mayo T: 087 9873070 E: C: Fergal Guilfoyle Philip Walsh Ballyvoreen Rosstuss Woodstown Co. Waterford T: 087 4120291 E: philipwalshoysterfarmer@ C: Philip Walsh Waterford Oysters Ltd. Newline, Abbeyside Dungarvan Co. Waterford T: 086 3546062 T: 058 42320 C: Pat Cullen West Bank Oysters Ltd. 4 Mount Avenue Cheekpoint Co. Waterford T: 087 2125997 C: Anthony Fortune West Coast Shellfish Ltd. Cromane Cross Killorglin Co. Kerry T: 086 2337215 E: C: Liam Casey

Atlantic Shellfish Ltd. Rossmore Carrigtwohill Co. Cork T: +44 7887 575747 E: C: Tristan Hugh-Jones Clarinbridge Oyster Co-operative Society Ltd. Cave Clarenbridge Co. Galway T: 087 2581104 C: Michael Egan Clew Bay Oyster Co-operative Society Ltd. The Boathouse Newport Co. Mayo T: 087 9882522 E: C: Sean O’Grady Comharchumann Sliogeisc Chonamara Teo Tir Ni, Lettermore Co. Galway T: 087 0699437 E: C: Alan O’Sullivan Lough Foyle Oyster Co-op. Whiskey Rock Ltd Co. Derry E: C: Liam Farren, (Ciaran McGonigle Loughs Agency) Lough Swilly Oyster Fishermens Co-operative Society St Johnston Lifford Co. Donegal T: 086 3186845 C: Alec Carlan Malin Head Fishermen’s Cooperative Society Ltd. Malin Head Inishowen Co. Donegal T: 086 2694320 C: Charles O’Donnell

Scallop Comharchumann Sliogeisc Chonamara Teo Tir Ni Lettermore Co. Galway T: 095 33489 E: C: Alan O’Sullivan North West Shellfish Ltd. Upper Carrick Carrigart Letterkenny Co. Donegal T: 07491 55195 E: C: Jerry JGallagher Sneem Fishermen’s Cooperative Society Ltd. Tahilla Sneem Co. Kerry T: 064 6645270 E: C: Jean-Yves Letanneur Valentia Harbour Fisheries Society Ltd. Knightstown Valentia Island Co. Kerry T: 066 9476263 C: Peadar Houlihan Whiddy Island Scallops Ltd. 72 Reenrour East Bantry Co. Cork T: 086 1936247 E: C: Danny O’Leary

Michael Kelly Shellfish Ltd. Tyrone Kilcolgan Co. Galway T: 091 796120 E: C: Diarmuid Kelly

Every effort is made to ensure accuracy. We would appreciate if you would email any corrections or additions to:

Aquaculture & Seafood Ireland


Fish Processors T: Telephone

M: Mobile

F: Fax

General Albatross Seafoods Ltd. Carricknamohill, Killybegs Co Donegal T: (74) 97 31674 / 32891 / 32318 E: C: Mr John Boyle Allen Seafoods Old Court Lane, Tallaght, Dublin 24 T: 086 1094873 E: davidcarroll_oldcourtentr C: Mr Dave Carroll Atlantic Catch Ltd Glounbrack, Reenascreena, Rosscarbery, Co. Cork T: 023 8845354 Ballycarbery Fine Foods Unit 4, Caherciveen Business Park, Caherciveen, Co. Kerry T: 066 9473974 E: C: Ms Darina Healy/Linda Macauley BD Trading Commerical Centre, Sion Road, Co. Kilkenny Beaumont Fish Sales 29 Millenium Business Park, Blanchardstown, Dublin 11 T: 01 8649977 E: C: Mr Paddy Donegan Belvelly Smokehouse Belvelly, Cobh, Co. Cork T: (021) 4811089 E: C: Mr Frank Hederman Bertie Glancy Seafoods Ltd Galway Road, Tuam, Co. Galway Beshoffs of Howth 17-18 West Pier, Howth, Co. Dublin T: (01) 839 7555 E: C: Mr Alan Beshoff Billy Burke Fish & Poultry 50 Ballybricken, Co. Waterford


E: Email

W: Web

C: Contact

Burren Seafoods Ballyveelehan, Burren, Co. Clare C: Mr Gerard Sweeney Carr & Sons Seafoods Ltd Blackpool, Curraglass, Mallow, Co. Cork T: 058 56216 E: C: Raymond Carr Cavistons Food Emporium/Seatang Ltd. 59 Glasthule Road, Sandycove, Co. Dublin T: 01 2809120 E: C: Mr Peter Caviston Chefs Choice Fish Company Total Produce, Fyffes Building, Ballybane Industrial Estate, Galway T: 091 760685 T: 086 1940846 E: C: Mary Carrick Clarke Fish Exports Ltd. O’Rahilly and Connolly Streets, Ballina, Co Mayo T: 096 21022 E: C: Mr Kevin Clarke Coastguard Seafoods Ltd. Harbour Road, Annagassan, Co. Louth T: 042 9372527 C: Mr Terry Butterly Connemara Fisheries Ltd. Cornamona, Connemara, Co. Galway T: 094 9548193 E: C: Mr Pat Somerville Coral Seafoods Unit 2 Churchfield Business Park, Churchfield T23A478, Co. Cork T: 021 4221741 C: Kathleen, Finbarr Horgan CS Fish 3 Turnpike Road, Clonroad Beg, Ennis, Co. Clare T: 065 905 5078 E: Daly’s Seafood’s Ltd. Kimego, Caherciveen, Co. Kerry T: 066 9472082 E: C: Mr Michael Daly

De Brun Iasc Teo. Baile na Buaile, Dingle, Co. Kerry T: 66 9151933 E: C: Mr John Browne

Foyle Fishermen’s Co-op Society The Pier, Greencastle, Moville, Co. Donegal T: 74 9381170 E: C: Mr John O’Kane

Dorans on the Pier 7-8 West Pier, Howth, Co Dublin T: 01 8392 419 E: C: Mr Sean Doran

Gallagher Bros. (Fish Merchants) Ltd. Donegal Road, Killybegs, Co. Donegal T: 74 9731004 E: C: Mr Michael Gallagher

Dundalk Bay Seafoods Ltd. Drogheda Road Clogherhead Co Louth T: 41 9822736 E: C: Mr Paddy Lynch Dunn’s Seafare Ltd.(Oceanpath) Jamestown Business Park, Finglas, Dublin11 T: 01 864 3100 E: C: Mr Ken Ecock

Gannet Fishmongers Ltd. 5-6 Royal Rock, Ballybane, Galway T: 091 440168 E: C: Stephane Griesbach

East Coast Inshore Fishing Co. Ltd. Unit 28, Millenium Business Park, Cappagh Road, Dublin 11 T: (01) 8649233 E: C: Mr Brian O’Callaghan Fastnet Catch Harbour Drive, Baltimore, Co. Cork T: 087 0966342 E: C: Mr John Kearney Finfish Seafoods Fastnet Industrial Estate, Marsh Road, Skibbereen, Co. Cork Fish Ahoy Arthurstown, New Ross, Co. Wexford T: 051 389369 E: C: Mr Michael Walsh Fishman’s Market Unit 16B, 16 Hebron Business Park, Co. Kilkenny 056 7793929 E: C: Mr John Hoyne Four Leaf Clover 67 Henry Street, Galway City, Co. Galway T: 091 860000 E: C: Mr Ali Jalivandi

Galway & Aran Fishermen’s Co-op. The Pier, Rossaveal, Co. Galway T: 091 572161 E: E: C: Mr Sean Griffin

Garrihy Seafoods Ltd. Doolin, Co. Clare T: 065 7074075 C: Mr Joe Garrihy Glenmar Shellfish Ltd. Main Street, Union Hall, Skibbereen Co. Cork T: 028 33818 T: 087 2573301 E: E: C: Mr Diarmaid O’Donovan Green Isle Foods Ltd. Ballymote, Gurteen, Co. Sligo T: 071 9182095 E: C: Mr Declan Kelly H J Nolan (Dublin) Ltd Rathdown Road, Dublin 7 T: 01 8680066 E: C: George Nolan Hanlon Ltd. 75/78 Cork Street, Dublin 8 T: 01 4737425 E: C: Mr Mark Hanlon Harvest Moon Fish Sales Kilmore Quay, Co. Wexford T: 86 8114040 C: Mr Eugene Sinnott Howth Cuisine 62a Grange Close, Baldoyle Ind. Est., Baldoyle, Dublin 15 T: 086 0471189 E: C: Nicole Dunne

Aquaculture & Seafood Ireland

Howth Fish Sales Ltd T/A Dublin Wholesale Fish Market Auction Hall West Pier, Howth, Co. Dublin T: (01) 8321986 C: Aishling, Mark Wright

Kish Fish Co. Ltd. Malahide Road Ind. Est., Dublin 7 T: 01 8543900 E: E: C: Ms Grainne Kyne

Iasc Mara Teo Ros a Mhil, Co.Galway C: Mr CathalGroonell

Kish Fish Co. Ltd. West Pier, Howth, Dublin T: 01 8543900 E: E: C: Ms Grainne Kyne

Iasc Ui Mathuna Ballyhea, An Daingean, Co. Kerry C: Paddy O’Mahony Irish Seaspray Ltd. Tir An Fhia, Leitir Moir, Co. Galway T: 091 551222 E: C: Mr Sean Gavin Joe Garvin Fish Sales 3 Nephin View, Ardagh, Ballina, Co. Mayo T: 096 71564 C: Mr Joe Garvin Kay O’Connell Fish Merchants The English Market, Cork, Co. Cork T: 021 4276380 C: Paul & Pat O’Connell Keem Bay Fish Products Ltd. Pollagh, Keel, Achill Island. Co. Mayo T: 098 43265 E: C: Mr Gerry Hassett Keohane Seafoods Ltd. Unit 25 Kinsale Road Ind. Estate Kinsale Road, Co. Cork T: 021 4322059 E: E: C: Mr Coleman Keohane Kieran Heffernan Fish Handling & Distribution Dock Road, Dunmore East, Co. Wexford

LME Fisheries Ltd. The Fishery, Killorglin, Co. Kerry C: Mr Billy Dodd M.J. Flanagan Unit 603, Northern Extension Industrial Park, Co. Waterford T: 051 874926 E: C: Mr John Whittle Marine Healthfoods Ltd (Fish Out of Water Ltd) Coatsbridge, Aughrim Co. Wicklow T: 0402 29315 E: Meylers Fish Merchants Common Quay Street, The Bullring, Wexford T: 053 9122339 C: Mr James Meyler Moonfish Moorepark West, Fermoy, Co. Cork T: 025 34545 E: Morgans Oceanfresh Ltd. Ardaghy, Omeath T: 042 9375128 E: C: Mr Brian McCullagh Nicholas Lynch Ltd. 13 Ashbourne Manufacturing Park, Ashbourne, Co. Meath T: 01 8353666 E: C: Mr Nicholas Lynch North Cape Seafoods Ltd Lower Drumaweir, Greencastle Co. Donegal T: (074) 9325815 C: Peter McCormick O’Connell Seafoods Ltd Unit 4, Cloch Mac Simon Industrial Estate, Bandon, Co. Cork

Kingfisher Fresh Ltd. Kerlogue Industrial Estate, Rosslare Road, Co. Wexford T: 053 9144704 E: C: Mr Brian Everard

Ocean Marine Ltd. 25A Monkstown Farm, Monkstown, Co. Dublin T: 01 280 2842 T: 01 280 2913 E: C: Mr Darren Rogerson

Kirwan Fish Merchants Strand Street, Clogherhead, Co. Louth T: 041 9830622 E: C: Mr Patrick Kirwan

Oceanpath Ltd. Claremont Industrial Estate West Pier, Howth, Co Dublin T: 01 8398900, 01 8398930 E: E: C: Mr Ken Ecock

Aquaculture & Seafood Ireland

Port Ronn Fish Ltd Porturlin, Ballina, Co Mayo C: Mr Cathal O’Donnell Rathcreedon Ltd T/A Sushi King 39 Grand Canal Street, Dublin 4 T: 01 8750066 E: C: Audrey Gargan Rene Cusack Ltd. Raheen Ind. Est., Co. Limerick T: 061 317566 E: C: Mr Paul Cusack Scibeen Foods Ltd. Abington, Murroe, Co. Limerick T: 061 386005 Mr Michael O’Callaghan Seatrade Leperstown, Dunmore East Co. Wexford Select Seafoods Ltd. Butterly Business Park, Kilmore Road, Artane, Dublin 5 T: 01 8486839 E: C: Mr Brendan Boylan Silver Darlings Seafoods Ltd Unit 4, Ballyhoura Food Centre, Hospital, Co. Limerick C: Ms KirstiO’Kelly Sofrimar Ltd. Kilmore Quay, Co. Wexford T: 053 9129660 E: C: Mr Lorcan Barden Spa Seafoods The Spa, Tralee, Co. Kerry T: 066 7136901 E: C: Mr Brendan Walsh Stella Maris Foods Ltd. Kerlogue Ind. Est., Rosslare Road, Co. Wexford T: 53 9143609 E: C: Ms Michelle Scallan Thomas Mulloy Ltd. 3 West Pier, Howth, Co. Dublin T: 01 6611222 E: C: Mr Thomas Mulloy Tuskar Seafoods Neamstown, Kilmore Quay Wrights of Marino 21 Marino Mart, Marino Dublin 3 T: 01 8390044 / 01 8333636 E: C: Mr John Wright

Pelagics Bia Mara An Atlantaigh Fhiain Teo. Burtonport, Co. Donegal T: 086 1516638 E: C: Mr John Boyle Island Seafoods Ltd. Carricknamohill, Killybegs, Co. Donegal T: 749731216 E: C: Mr Mick O’Donnell Kerry Fish (Irl) Ltd. Renard Point, Caherciveen, Co. Kerry T: 066 9472177 E: C: Mr Liam Quinlan Killybegs Seafoods Ltd. Conlin Road, Killybegs, Co. Donegal T: 00353 749731028 E: C: Mr John McGuinness Premier Fish Products Kincasslagh, Dungloe, Co. Donegal T: 74 9741556 E: C: Mr Martin Meehan Sean Ward (Fish Exports) Ltd. Roshine Road, Killybegs, Co. Donegal T: 074 973 1613 E: C: Mr Sean Ward

Pelagics, Whitefish Norfish Ltd. The Glebe, Killybegs Co. Donegal T: 74 973 1146 E: C: Mr Tony Byrne O’Cathain Iasc Teo The Quay, Dingle, Co. Kerry T: 066 9151322 E: C: Mr Ricky Keane

Salmonids Araglen Valley Trout Farm Araglen, Kilworth, Co. Cork T: 087 8562073 E: E: C: Mr John Haydon Burren Smokehouse Ltd. Kincora Road, Lisdoonvarna, Co. Clare T: 065 7074432 T: 053 9158693 E: C: Ms Teresa Carey


Connemara Smokehouse Ltd. Bunowen Pier, Aillebrack, Ballyconeely, Co. Galway T: 095 23739 E: C: Mr Graham Roberts

Ummera Smoked Products Ltd. Ummera House, Inchybridge, Timoleague, Co. Cork T: 023 8846644 E: C: Mr Anthony Creswell

Galway Bay Seafoods New Docks, Galway City, Co. Galway T: 091 563011 E: C: Mr Noel Holland

Union Hall Smoked Fish Ltd. Union Hall, Co. Cork T: 028 33125 E: C: Mr Sean Nolan

Goatsbridge Trout Farm Goatsbridge, Thomastown, Co. Kilkenny T: 086 2544906 E: C: Ms Mags & Ger Kirwan IDAS Trout Limited Aughrim Road, Woodenbridge, Co. Wicklow T: 0402 35233 E: E: C: Margaret Kirwan Irish Oak Fine Foods Ltd. T/A Old Mill Bank Smoke House Willow Pond, Summer Park, Buttevant Co. Cork T: 0(22) 23299 E: C: Ms Geraldine Bass Kenmare Salmon Co. Ltd. Kilmurry, Kenmare Co Kerry C: Mr Cyprian Benoit Kilkerrin Salmon/ISPG Ltd. Cill Chiarain, Connemara, Co. Galway T: 087 2830641 E: C: Mr Liam Roche Lyreen Smokehouse Tom Cottage, Lyreen, Araglin Co Cork T: 058 50872 E: C: Ms SusanParsons Millstream Ltd. Kiltrea, Enniscorthy, Co. Wexford T: 053 9234282 E: C: Mr Bryan Rothwell Mowi (Irl) Ltd Rinmore, Fanad, Letterkenny Co. Donegal T: 74 9192120 E: C: Mr Pat Connors Star Seafoods Ltd. Dauros, Kenmare, Co. Kerry T: 064 41427 E: C: Mr Danny McCarthy


Wrights of Howth 14 West Pier, Howth T: 01 531 2256 T: 01 8323937 E: C: Mr Mark Wright

Salmonids, Pelagics Arctic Fish Processing Ltd. Roshine Road, Killybegs, Co. Donegal T: 74 9731225 E: C: Mr Karl McHugh

Atlantic Fish Ireland Ltd. Units 11 & 12, Udaras Ind. Est, Bunbeg, Co. Donegal T: 74 9532083 E: C: Ms Laura Carson

Crabster Seafoods Unit 1A, N11 Southpoint Business Park, Charvey Lane, Rathnew

Bantry Bay Mussels T/A Bantry Bay Premium Seafoods Gortalassa, Bantry, Co. Cork T: 027 50977 C: Ms Orla D’Arcy Breizon Teo Dalriada Mina, Inverin, Rossaveal, Co. Galway T: 091 572157 E: C: Mr Guenael Trahan Burtonport Fishermans Co-op Soc Ltd. Burtonport, Co. Donegal T: 74 9542046 E: E: C: Mr Noreen Ward

Croagh Patrick Seafoods Roslaher, Newport, Co. Mayo T: 087 2497570 E: padraic@ C: Mr Padraig Gannon Dunany Crab Port Oriel, Clogherhead, Co. Louth T: 87 2681168 C: Noel/James Matthews Ennis Shellfish Ltd Rathroe, Kilbride, Duncannon, New Ross C: Managing Director

Byrne Seafoods Ltd Beaugh, Malin, Co. Donegal T: 074 9370638 E: C: Mr John Byrne

Errigal Bay Ltd. Meenaneary, Carrick F94EN83, Co. Donegal T: 074 9739023 T: 01 908 8100 E: C: Mr Aodh O’Donnell

Carlingford Oyster Company Ltd Mullatee, Carlingford, Co. Louth T: 087 6244879 E: kian@carlingford C: Mr Kian Louet-Feisser

Glenbeigh Shellfish Keelnabrack Lower, Glenbeigh, Co. Kerry T: 66 9768373 E: C: Mr Noel Riordan

Woodcock Smokery Gortbrack, Castletownsend, Skibbereen, Co. Cork T: (028) 36232 C: Ms Sally Barnes

Cleggan Lobster Fisheries Ltd. Dock Road, Cleggan, Co. Galway T: 095 44664 E: E: C: Mr John Fouere

Haven Shellfish Ltd. Ballinaclashet, Oysterhaven, Co. Cork T: 21 4770664 E: C: Mr Jamie Dwyer

Nicky’s Plaice Ltd. Store F, West Pier, Howth, Co. Dublin T: 01 8326415 E: smokehouse.nickysplaice E: C: Mr Martin McLoughlin

Comharchumann Iascairi Gaillimh agus Arainn (Auction Hall)

Irfish Ltd The Harbour, Dunmore East, Co. Waterford T: 51 383233 E: Andrew Verwijs

Ocean Farm Ltd Donegal Road, Killybegs, Co. Donegal T: 74 9731004 E:

Salmonids, Whitefish

Shellfish Abalone Chonamara Teo Aille, Barna, Co. Galway T: 087 9051956 E: C: Ms Cindy O’Brien Atlanfish Ltd. Malin Road, Carndonagh, Inisowen Co. Donegal T: 074 93 74285 E: C: Mr Gareth Gallagher

Connemara Seafoods Frozen Ltd. Kilmeena, Westport, Co Mayo T: 98 41000 E: ammulloy@ C: Mr Andy Mulloy Cooked Shellfish Ltd. Fastnet Ind. Est., Marsh Road, Skibbereen, Co. Cork T: 028 23246 E: C: Mr Javier Pernas Castromil Cooley Oysters Ld Muchgrange, Greenore, Co. Louth T: 087 6486162 E: C: Donal Ferguson

Kenmare Bay Seafoods Tuosist, Kenmare, Co. Kerry E: C: Ms Angela Daly Kerry Coast Shellfish (T/A/ Kush Seafarms) O’Shea House, New Road, Kenmare, Co Kerry T: 64 664174 E: C: Mr John Harrington Killary Fjord Shellfish Ltd Bunowen, Leenane, Co. Galway T: 087 6227542 E: C: Mr Simon Kennedy

Aquaculture & Seafood Ireland

King Crab Ballyteigue, Kilmore Quay, Co. Wexford C: Managing Director Lambay Crab & Lobster Lett Doran & Co Ltd Malbay Shellfish Ballard Road, Milltown Malbay, Co. Clare T: 065 84888, 2915 E: C: Mr Joe Garrihy Michael Kelly Shellfish Ltd. Tyrone, Kilcolgan, Co. Galway T: 091 796120 E: C: Mr Michael Kelly Mullaghmore Sea Farm Mullaghmore, Co. Sligo T: 71 9166115 E: C: Dathi O’Dowd/Frances O’Dowd Mulroy Bay Mussels Ltd Devlinmore, Carrigart, Letterkenny, F92 KD89, Co. Donegal T: 087 293 5852 Ocean Dragon Ltd Unit 9, Cookestown Square, Cookestown industrial Estate, Tallaght, Dublin 24 T: 01 462 2002 E: Ocean Fresh Shellfish Ltd Ballyvoile, Stradbally, Co. Waterford C: Mr Ronan Forde Ocean Run Ballylynch, Baltimore, Co. Cork T: 086 2483863 C: Colin Whooley Purple Spade Ltd Lettergesh West, Renvyle, Co Galway T: 086 6078508 E: C: Ms Catherine Nee Redbank Food Company Newquay, Burren, Co. Clare T: 086 254 9837 T: 086 3718684 E: C: Gerry and Ciara Hanrahan Redbank Food Company New Quay, Burren, Co. Clare C: Gerry O’Halloran

Rosslare Crab 5 Ard na Mara, Rosslare Harbour, Co. Wexford T: 087 1236109 E: C: James Walsh Sealyons Seafood Ltd. Castle Pier, Carrigaholt, Co. Clare T: 065 905 8222 E: C: Mr Gearoid Lyons Shannon Shellfish Ltd 103 Ballymacool Wood, Letterkenny, Co. Donegal T: 087 0699437 E: C: Alan O’Sullivan Shellfish De La Mer Ltd. Dinish Island, Castletownbere, Co. Cork T: 027 70461 E: C: Mr Richard Murphy Sliogeisc na Rossan (T/A Irish Premium Oysters) Tragheanna Bay, Drinlaghdruid, Lettermacaward, Co. Donegal T: 086 6022288 T: 086 6044478 E: C: Mr Edward Gallagher Tradalai Eisc Ui Hannagain Teo Mullaghdearg, Annagry, Co. Donegal T: 074 9741590 E: E: C: Eugene Hannigan Yawl Bay Seafoods Unit 2, Foxhole Industrial Estate, Youghal, Co. Cork T: 087 617990 T: 024 922 90 E: E: C: Mr Francois Garcia Jack Gold Foods Ltd The Red Letter Box, Glenvera Carpark, Wellington Road, Cork Fastnet Mussels High Street, Bantry, Co. Cork T: 027 61276 E: john.murphy@ E: C: Mr John Murphy

Normandy Ireland Ltd. The Pier, Schull, Co. Cork T: 028 28599 E: C: Mr Xavier Legrix

Duncannon Fish Co. Ltd. New Ross, Co. Wexford T: 051 421364 E: C: Mr Kai Ronan


Dunmore East Fishermens Co-op Ltd. Dunmore East, Co. Waterford T: 051 383377 E: C: Mr Maurice Glody

Atlantis Seafoods Wexford Ltd. Unit F1, Strandfield Business Park, Rosslare Road, Co. Wexford T: 053 9123309 E: C: John Kenny/Mark O’Connor Good Fish Processing Ltd. Carrigaline Industrial Park, Crosshaven Road, Carrigaline, Co. Cork (021) 4373917 E: C: Mr DenisGood Ireland West Seafare The Pier, Killala, Ballina Co. Mayo T: 096 32717 C: Mr Niall Byrne Molloy’s Fish (Killybegs) Ltd Stragar, Killybegs, Co. Donegal T: 074 9731297, 9731523 E: E: C: Mr Conal Mulloy Murrin Fisheries Ltd. Roshine Road, Killybegs, Co. Donegal T: 0 74 973 1362 C: Mr James Murrin Paul King Kilchile, Arthurstown, New Ross, Co. Wexford T: 087 2227281 E: C: Paul King Saltees Fish Kilmore Quay, Co Wexford T: 053 9129870 E: E: C: Mr Michael O’Flaherty Spillane Seafoods Lockabane, Killarney, Co Kerry T: 064 31320 E: C: Mr Paudie Spillane

Shellfish, Whitefish

Whitefish, Salmonids

Flemings Seafood Old Coastguard Station, Ros a Mhil, Co. Galway T: 091 572088 E: C: Ms Freda Fleming

Ballycotton Seafoods Ltd. Processing Plant, Garryvoe, Co. Cork T: 021 4646522 E: C: Mr Adrian Walsh

Aquaculture & Seafood Ireland

Whitefish, Pelagics Castletownbere Fishermen’s Co-op Society Ltd. Dinish Island Castletownbere, Co. Cork T: 027 70045 E: E: C: Mr John Nolan Donegal Fish Ltd. Roshine Road, Glebe, Killybegs, Co. Donegal T: 074 973 1164 E: C: Mr Charlie McAleavy

Whitefish, Shellfish Clogherhead Fishermans Co-op Port Oriel, Clogherhead, Co. Louth T: 041 9881403 E: C: Mr Paul Boyd Egans Ocean Fresh Ltd. 14/15, Finglas Business Park, Tolka Valley Road, Finglas South, Dublin 11 T: 0864 2873 T: 087 934 4340 E: C: Tony Gunnery Eiranova Fisheries Dinish Island, Castletownbere, Co. Cork T: 027 70249 / 70250 E: C: Mr Brendan Minehane Rockabill Seafoods Ltd. Stephenstown Industrial Estate, Balbriggan, Co. Dublin T: 01 841 7874 E: E: C: Mr Bill Price Seafood Cuisine Ltd. Fastnet Industrial Estate, Marsh Road, Skibbereen, Co. Cork T: 028 21869 E: E: Mr Padraigh O’Donovan Starcrest Seafoods Ltd. The Mullins, Old Laghey Road, Donegal Town, Co. Donegal T: 074 9721092 E: C: Mr Alister McClay


Suppliers to the Aquaculture Industry T: Telephone

M: Mobile

F: Fax

CONSULTANTS Aquafact International Ltd. 12 Kilkerrin Park, Liosbaun, Tuam Road, Galway C: Brendan O’Connor T: (091) 756812 / 756813 F: (091) 7556888 E: Aqua Consultant Ballinahallia, Moycullen, Galway C: Mr. Diarmaid Mulcahy M: 087 2266472 E: AquaTT Ltd Unit 3, Olympic House, Pleasants Street, Dublin 8 C: David Murphy T: (01) 6449008 F: (01) 6449009 E: Atlantic Fare Kilkieran, Connemara, Galway C: Valerie Cooke T: (095) 33300 F: (095) 33453 M: 087 6502645 E: IDF Monitoring Unit 3, Killaoe Industrial Est., Killaloe, Co. Clare C: Dr John Wallace T: 061-375180 E: Jennings & O’Donnovan Finisklin Industrial Estate, Sligo C: Colm Jennings T: (071) 9161416 F: (071) 9161080 W: Watermark Aqua-Environmental Ballywaltrim, Killarney Road, Bray, Co. Wicklow C: Dr. Neil Bass T: 286200 M: 087 2481581 E:

E: Email

W: Web

C: Contact

Hensey Glan-Uisce Teo Coismeigmore, Furbo, Galway C: Mary Hensey T: (091) 592174 M: 087 2860845 E: info@glan-uisce.i

GENERAL Air Products Ireland Ltd Unit 950 Western Industrial Est., Kileen Road, Dublin 12 T: 01 4659650 Akva Group 36F Shore Road, Inverness IVI INF, Scotland T: 0044 146322 1444 F: 0044 146322 3535 W: Alnamaritec Ltd Workspace Quay Road, Blyth Northumberland NE24 IPX, UK T: 0044 1670 338475 E: Alltech Ireland Summerhill Road, Sarney, Dunboyne, Co Meath T: 8252244 Aquabeam BTB Innovation 357 Dysart Road, Grantham, Lincolnshire, NG31 7NB, UK C: David R Holt T: 0044 1476 576280 F: 0044 1476 561557 E: Sarl Besnard P&F La Masseliere, 72200 Bazouges/Loir, France T: 00(0) 2 43 940982 E:


Bonnar Engineering Neil T Blaney Road, Letterkenny, Donegal C: Pat Bonnar T: (074) 9122256 F: (074) 9124877 E:

Aqua-Fact International Services Ltd. 12 Kilkerrin Park, Liosbaun, Tuam Road, Galway T: (091) 756812 / 756813 F: (091) 756888 E:

C H Marine Marsh Road, Skibbereen, Cork C: Nicholas Bendon T: (028) 23190 E: W:


Cochon 11 Rue Belles Ezines-BP2, 17680 Le Gua, France C: Christophe Pierre T: 00 33 546228214 / 2983 F: 00 33 546228719 Delta Valves and Plastics West Link Business Park, Kilnap, Old Mallow Road, Cork C: Peter Harrington T: (021) 4 399377/021-4399388 F: (021) 439 9388 E: Depur Systems Ltd Moneycarragh Fishfarm, 62 Dromara Road, Dundrum, Co. Down, Northern Ireland C: John Smyth T: 048 43751860 E: Dryden Aqua Ltd Butlerfield Ind. Est, Bonnyrigg, EH I 9 3JQ, Midlothian, Scotland UK C: Howard Dryden T: 00 44 1875822222 F: 00 44 1875822229 E: DSM Industriholmen 59, 2650, Hvidovre, Denmark T: 0045 43208981 Dundrum Bay Oyster Fishery 24 Main Street, Dundrum, Newcastle, Down, Northern Ireland UK C: Robert Graham T: (048) 43751810 F: (048) 43751610 Eddie Carr and Co. Ltd Colga. Calry, Sligo, Rep. of Ireland C: Eddie Carr T: (071) 9147180 M: 087 2544217 F: (071) 9147182 E: France Naissain Polder des Champs, 85230 Bouin, France T: 00 33 299 8989 89r E: Fishtechnic Fredelslomh Gmbh 37186 Moringen, Germany T: 0049 5555 99300 E:

Fusion Marine Marine Resource Centre, Barcaldine, Oban, Argyll PA37 15E, Scotland UK T: 0044 1631 720730 F: 0044 1631 720731 E: Gael Force Marine Ltd. 136 Anderson Street, Inverness, IV3 8OH, Scotland UK T: 0044 1463 229400 E: Gem Plastics Regaskin, Co. Cavan C: James King T: 049 43 31077 F: 049 43 61157 E: JFC Manufacturing Co Ltd Weir Road, Tuam, Co Galway T: (093) 24066 E: W: JF Moulds / Eco Tanks Portnason, Ballyshannon, Donegal C: John Fenton T: (071) 9851025 E: J T Electric Kambsdalur, Faroe Islands T: 00298 47 4444 F: 00258 47 4445 E: J & W Stuart (Ire) Ltd Castletownbere, Co. Cork C: Michael Murphy T: 027 71663 F: 027 70973 M: 086 2667991 Kingspan/Aerobord Ltd. Askeaton, Limerick C: John Blessing T: (061) 604600 F: (061) 604601 E: Ksteel Garrafrauns, Dunmore, Tuam, Co Galway T: (093) 38677 E: Liftup Akua AS N-5640 Eikelandsosen, Norway C: Jorgin Gunnarsson T: 0047 56582711 E:

Aquaculture & Seafood Ireland

Marketech The Pier, Ballycotton, Cork C: Peter McKeown T: (021) 4646134 M: (086) 8100113 F: (021) 4646756 E: Marinove SAS Le Terrain Neuf 9570 L’Epine France T: 0033 228 129520 E: W: MSD Animal Health Red Oak North, South County Business Park, Dublin 18 T: 01 237 0220 Mulot SAS ZA des Brassons 17390 La Tremblade, France C: Patrice Godeau T: 0033 6 13 223232 Maintenance and aftersales service Skyport Engineering T: 098 56414 E: Organic Trust Ltd. Vernon Avenue, Clontarf, Dublin 3 T: 01 853 0271 Ocea Aquaculture Ltd Torrangorm Industrial Est Unit 1A, PA34 4PA Scotland T: 0044 7511 114500 T: 0047 5538 5000 W: Satmar Gatteville-Phare, France C: Stephane Duval T: 00 33 (0) 233448036 F: 00 33 (0) 233231255 E: Sterner AquaTech 1 Longman Drive, Inverness, Scotland UK C: Mark Farquhar T: 00441463 250275 F: 0044 1463 250275 E: Sotra Anchor & Chain Videnes, 5363 Aagotnes, Norway T: 0047 56326852 E: Storvik As Kilmory Industrial Estate, Lochgilphead, Argyll PA 31RR, Scotland C: Lorraine Campbell T: 0044 1 546603989 0044 188077070

Techworks Marine The Pottery Enterprise Zone Potttery Road, Dún Laoghaire, Co Dublin T: 01 2365900 Triskell Seafood Ltd. Unit 9E, North West Business Park Collooneey, Co Sligo Ireland T: +353 (0) 71 9115886 M: +353 (0) 87 2451558 +353 (0) 89 4631003 +353 (0) 87 6050281 (Sales) E: W: Tropical Marine Centre TCM Bristol Cribbs Causeway Centre Bristol BS10777 T: 0044 117 958 1150 E: commercial@ Tyson’s (Ship Riggers) Ltd Unit 4, Omega Business Park, Grimsby, North East Lincolnshire, UK T: 0044 1472 347065 Vaki Akralind, No. 4, 201 Kopauogur, Iceland C: David Jarron T: 00 354 5953000 E: Veolia Water Ireland Ltd Kilkenny Industrial & Business Park, Purcellsinch, Dublin Road, Kilkenny T: (056) 7763950 E: Wire Ropes Ltd. North Quay, Wicklow C: Mr Clyde Wynne T: (0404) 67375 F: (0404) 67053

EXHIBITIONS Aquaculture UK 2020 5M Publishing, 8 Smythywood Drive, Sheffield, SC51QN, UK, T: 0044 1142 46 4799 E: Aquanor 2021 Nor Fishing Foundation N 7030Trondheim, Norway T: 0047 90841124 E:

FINFISH FEED Aller Aqua (Ireland) Ltd. Allervej 130, DK 6070, Christianfeld, Denmark T: 00 45 7022 1910 W:

Aquaculture & Seafood Ireland

BioMar Ltd North Shore Road, Grangemouth FK38UL, Scotland T: 0044 1324665585 Le Gouessant Aquaculture Zi Les Noes 22 400 St Aaron Lamballe France C: Francois Ferrand T: 0033 (0)2 96307474 F: 0033 (0)2 96307432 E: W: Coppens International bv 15 Swindon Road, Redlands Highworth, Wiltshire SN6 7SL C: Matthew French T: 0044 778 6083485 E: Skrettring Wincham, Northwich, Cheshire, CW9 6DF, T: 0044 1606 561090 E: W: Triskell Seafood Ltd. Unit 9E, North West Business Park Collooneey Co Sligo Ireland T: +353 (0) 71 9115886 M: +353 (0) 87 2451558 +353 (0) 89 4631003 +353 (0) 87 6050281 (Sales) E: W: C: Marie Aude Danguy United Fish Industries Killybegs, Donegal C: John Healy T: (074) 97 41800 F: (074) 97 41847

FINFISH STOCK Landcatch Natural Selection A Hendrix Genetics Company Ormsary, Loghgilpheard, Argyll, Scotland Pa31 8PE, UK T: 0044 1880 770720 E: MOWI Kindrum, Fanad, Letterkenny, Co. Donegal C: Jan Fennstra T: (074) 9192820 E: Stofnfiskur SF Iceland Stadarberg 2-4, P O Box 24, 222 Hafnarfjordur, Iceland C: Jonas Jonasson T: (354) 564 63 00 F: (354) 564 63 01 E:

INSURANCE MCM Insurance Brokers Wellworth Buildings, Bridge Street, Ballina, Co. Mayo T: 096 72977 Suderland Marine Aquaculture Risk (Management) Ltd The Quayside, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE13DU, England, UK C: Robert Ferguson T: 0044 191 232 5221 F: 0044 191 261 0540 E: robert.ferguson@

MAPS LaTene Maps Station House, Shankill, Co. Dublin C: John Coleman T: (01) 2823688 E: W:

NETS Aqualine AS Post Boks 2200 7412 Trondheim, Norway C: Hans Olav Ruo T: 0047 73809932 E: Cavanagh Nets Ltd. Drumaweir House, Greencastle, Donegal C: Mr. Lawrence Cavanagh T: (074) 9381178 F: (074) 9381014 Coastal Cages Ballymoon, Kilcar, Donegal C: Martin Carr T: (074) 9738406 F: (074) 9738406 Morenet Teo Tiernee Industrial Estate, Lettermore, Co Galway T: (091) 551144 Swan Net Gundry Ltd Roshine, Killybegs, Co. Donegal C: Martin Howley T: (074) 97 31180 W and J Knox Ltd. Kilbirnie, KA25 7DY, Scotland UK C: Ms. Julie McDonald T: 00 44 1505 682511 F: 00 44 1505 682980 E:




Aquaphoto Picture Library Claggan, Kilmeena, Westport, Co. Mayo C: Shay Fennelly M: +353 (0)83 4658374 E:

Navalu Port du Bec Fr. 85230 Bouine France T: + 33(0)251 490 647 W:

SECURITY SYSTEMS Barry Electronics Ltd. St. Catherines Road, Killybegs, Donegal C: Donal Haughey T: (074) 97 31215 E:

SHELLFISH STOCK Guernsey Sea Farms Parc Lane, Vale, GY3 SEQ, Guernsey, Channel Islands C: Mark Dravers T: 00 44 1481 247480 F: 00 44 1481 248994 E: Marinove SAS Le Terrain Neuf 9570 L’Epine France T: 0033 228 129520 E: W: Morecambe Bay Oysters Old Gravel Works, South Walney Island, Barrow-In-Furness, Cumbria, LA14 3YQ C: Kelsey Thompson T: 0044 1229 474158 F: 0044 1229 474500 E: Redbank Oyster Hatchery. Ltd. New Quay, Burrin, Clare C: Mr. Jarlaith Connellan T: (065) 70 78189 F: (065) 70 78055 Satmar Gatteville-Phare, France C: Stephane Duval T: 00 33(0) 2 33448036 E: Tralee Bay Hatchery The Ponds, Kilshanning, Castlegregory, Co. Kerry C: Darragh Moriarity T: 353 66713909 M: 00353863966566 E:



Santa Cruise Salmon Ltd. Carrigahorig, Nenagh, Tipperary C: Peter Gibbs T: (090) 9747122

Inshore Ireland Publishing Ltd Athenry, Co. Galway H65 FR59 The Skipper Maramedia Annagry, Letterkenny, Donegal C: Hugh Bonner T: (074) 9548935 F: (074) 9548940 E:

Seven Springs Trout Hatchery Ballyhampton Road North, Larne, Antrim, Northern Ireland UK C: David Baird T: (048) 28260977

Ballinderry River Enhancement Association Orritor, Cookstown, BT80 9ND, Tyrone, Northern Ireland UK C: Alan Keys T: (048) 86751201

Sperrin Mountain Spring Hatchery 109 Fergarron Road, Cookstown BT80 9QL, Tyrone, Northern Ireland UK C: Wilfred Mitchell T: (048) 81659700

Carrigadrohid Smolts Ltd. Carridadrohid Hatchery, Macroom, Cork T: (026) 48132 M: 087 9080521 F: (026) 48054 E:


Connemara Fishfarms Doorus, Corr na Mona, Galway C: Paul Sommerville T: (094) 95 48193 F: (094) 95 48194 Douglas Valley Hatchery Ltd. Kilclough, Kilworth, Cork C: Michael Walsh T: (025) 27337 F: (025) 27635 Eir Nor Teoranta (Laschinger Aqua Group) Ballyhea, Dingle, Kerry C: Gerald Hofmaier, T: (066) 9151139 T: (066) 9150008/9 F: (066) 9151133

Aquaculture Development Centre University College Cork, Lee Maltings, Prospect Row, Cork C: Gavin Burnell T: +353 (0)21 4904590 M: +353 (0)86 8206464 F: +353 (0)21 4904593 E: W: Aquaculture & Seafood Ireland Dalkey Business Centre, 17 Castle Street, Dalkey. Co. Dublin, Ireland A96AH57 C: Roger Cole T: +353 (0) 2859111 E: W: aquacultureand W: www.aquacultureand

ESB Hatchery (Ballyshannon) Knather Road, Ballyshannon, Donegal C: John Gallagher T: (071) 9851712 F: (071) 9852318

Fish Farmer Magazine 496 Ferry Road Edinburgh EH52DL, Scotland T: 00 44 1315511000 W:

Marine Institute Salmon Management Division Furnace, Newport, Mayo C: Deirdre Cotter T: (098) 42300

Fish Farming International Nexus Place, 25 Farringdon Street, London EC4A 4AD, UK C: Ratchel Mutter T: 00 44 2070295714

Millbrook Hatcheries Drumcavney, Trenta, Letterkenny, Donegal C: John O’Boyle T: (074) 9737474

Institute of Aquaculture University of Stirling, Stirling, FK9 4LA, Scotland UK T: 00 44 1786 467874 F: 00 44 1786 472133 E:

Northern Salmon Company Glenarm Hatchery, Glenarm, Antrim, Northern Ireland, UK C: John Russel T: (048) 2841691

Ocean Focus C: Gery Flynn T: +353 91 844 822 T: +353 85 747 57 97 W:

Marine Times Cranny Road Inver, Co. Donegal C: Mark McCarthy T: (074) 97 36899 F: (074) 97 32635 E: W: Sparsholt College Hampshire, Winchester, S021 2NF, England UK T: 00 44 1962776411 F: 00 44 1962776587 E:

VETERINARY Aquatic Veterinary Group BioResearch Ireland, National Diagnostics Centre, University College Galway, Galway C: Ms. Margaret Ruttledge/ C: Ms. Evelyn Collins T: (091) 524098 F: (091) 586570 Kaycee Veterinary Products 14 Enterprise Park Lewes Road Lindfield West Sussex RH162LH, UK T: 0044 1444482888 E: W: MSD Animal Health Red Oak North, South County Business Park, Dublin 18 T: 01 237 0220 Pharmaq Unit 15 Sandleheath Ind. Est. Fordingbridge Hampshire SP61PA, UK T: 01 237 0220 E: W: Vet-Aqua International Unit 7B Oranmore Business Park, Oranmore, Galway C: Hamish Rodger T: (091) 792997 E:

Aquaculture & Seafood Ireland

Irish Seafood Exporters T: Telphone

F: Fax

SHELLFISH Atlanfish Limited Malin Road Carndonagh Donegal Ireland C: Gareth Gallagher Managing Director T: +353 74 937 4285 +44 777 486 4900 F: +353 74 937 4685 E: W: Bantry Bay Seafoods Gortalassa Bantry Co. Cork Ireland T: +353 27 50 977 F: +353 27 50 943 E: W: Bell’s Isle Seafoods Tullyearl Co. Donegal Ireland C: Des Moore Managing Director T: +353 74 97 22 791 F: +353 74 97 23 858 M: +353 8 76 53 67 81 Breizon Limited Dalriada Mina Inverin Rossaveal Co. Galway Ireland C: Loic Guenael Managing Director T: +353 91 572 157 F: +353 91 572 246 E: Clogherhead Fishermen’s Co-Op Clogherhead Co. Louth Ireland C: Paul Boyd General Manager T: +353 41 988 1403 F: +353 41 988 1405 E: Connemara Seafoods Seafood House Kilmeena Westport Co. Mayo Ireland C: Ann-Marie Mulloy Business Development Manager T: +353 98 41000 +353 98 41328 +353 98 41772 F: +353 98 41666 E: ammulloy@connemara W:

M: Mobile

E: Email

Emerald Mussels Limited Carrowholly Westport, Mayo Ireland C: George Golden Managing Director T: +353 98 26376 F: +353 98 26431 E: Errigal Bay Seafood Parkview House, Beech Hill Office Campus, Clonskeagh, Dublin 14 D04X7Z Ireland C: Margaret Daly T: +353 1 908 8100 E: Fastnet Mussels Gearhies Bantry Co. Cork Ireland C: John Murphy Managing Director T: +353 27 61276 M: +353 86 244 0573 F: +353 27 61264 E: john.murphy@ W: Galway and Aran Co-Op The Pier Rossaveal Co. Galway Ireland C: Sean Griffin General Manager T: +353 91 572 161 F: +353 91 572 134 E: Glenmar Shellfish Limited Main Street Union Hall Co. Cork Ireland C: Mel Bendon Managing Director T: +353 28 33818 F: +353 28 33099 E: W: Hannigan Fish Trading Limited Fintra Road Killybegs Co. Donegal Ireland C: Jimmy White General Manager T: +353 74 973 2134 F: +353 74 975 3622 E: W:

Aquaculture & Seafood Ireland

W: Web

C: Contact

Kush Shelfish O’Sheas Buildings Kenmare Co. Kerry Ireland C: John Harrington Managing Director T: +353 64 664 1714 F: +353 64 664 1751 E: W:

Wrights of Howth 14 West Pier, Howth Co. Dublin Ireland C: Mark Wright Managing Director T: +353 1 832 3937 F: +353 1 832 0201 E: W:

Michael Kelly (Shelfish) Limited Tyrone Kilcolgan Co. Galway Ireland C: Diarmuid Kelly General Manager T: +353 91 796 120 F: +353 91 796 720 E: W:


Rockabill Shellfish Stephenstown Industrial Estate, Balbriggan Co. Dublin Ireland C: Alan Price Sales & Marketing Consultant T: +353 1 841 7874 F: +353 1 841 7876 E: W: Shellfish De La Mer Dinish Island Castletownbere Co. Cork, Ireland C: Damian Connolly Export Manager T: +353 27 70461 F: +353 27 70333 M: +353 87 950 6599 E: W: Sofrimar Limited Kilmore Quay Co. Wexford Ireland C: Yohann Pierard Sales & Marketing Manager T: +353 53 912 9660 F: +353 53 912 9699 E: W: Triskell Seafood Ltd. Unit 9E, North West Business Park Collooneey Co Sligo Ireland T: +353 (0) 71 9115886 M: +353 (0) 87 2451558 +353 (0) 89 4631003 +353 (0) 87 6050281 (Sales) E: W: C: Marie Aude Danguy

Burren Smokehouse Limited Kincora Road Lisdoonvarna Co. Clare, Ireland C: Birgitta Curtin Managing Director T: +353 65 707 4432 F: +353 65 707 4303 E: W: Connemara Fisheries Limited Cornamona Connemara Co. Galway Ireland C: Kathleen Nee Sales & Marketing Manager T: +353 94 954 8193 F: +353 94 954 8194 E: W: Irish Seafood Producers Group Limited Kilkieran, Connemara, Co. Galway, Ireland C: Valerie Cooke Export Sales Manager T: +353 95 33300 F: +353 95 33454 E: W: Irish Seaspray Tir An Fhia Lettermore, Co. Galway, Ireland C: Sean Gavin Managing Director T: +353 91 551 222 F: +353 91 551 234 E: W: Kenmare Select 84 Rue du Cherche Midi Paris 75006, France C: Cyprien Benoit Director, Business Development T: +33 61 637 1534 F: +353 1 4222 0206 E: cyprien.benoit@kenmare-select. com W:


Kinvara Smoked Salmon Limited Kinvara, Co. Galway, Ireland C: Declan Droney Managing Director T: +353 91 637 489 F: +353 91 638 193 E: Declan@kinvarasmokedsalmon. com W: Marine Harvest Ireland Rinmore Fanad, Letterkenny, Co. Donegal, Ireland C: Pat Connors Sales Director T: +353 74 919 2820 F: +353 74 919 2825 E: pat.connors@marineharvest. com W: Oceanpath/Dunns of Dublin West Pier, Howth, Co. Dublin, Ireland C: Ken Ecock Managing Director T: +353 1 839 8900 F: +353 1 839 8930 E: W: William Carr & Sons Limited Curraglass Mallow, Co. Cork, Ireland C: Billy Carr Managing Director T: +353 58 56216 F: +353 58 56434 E: W: Wrights of Howth 14 West Pier Howth, Co. Dublin, Ireland C: Mark Wright Managing Director T: +353 1 832 3937 F: +353 1 832 0201 E: W: BORD BIA - Irish Food Board Clanwilliam Court Lower Mount Street, Dublin 2, Ireland C: Director Markets Michael Murphy C: International Markets Manager - Breiffine Kennedy T: +353 1 668 5155 F: +353 1 6687521 E: W:


Seaweed producers T: Telphone

F: Fax

M: Mobile

E: Email

W: Web

C: Contact

Algaran Seaweed Malinmore Glencolmcille Ireland C: Rosaria Piseri T: 353(0) 9730773 E: W:

Cartron Point Shellfish New Quay, Burrin Co. Clare Ireland C: Iarfhlaith Connellan T: +353 (0) 657078189 E:

Erris Seaweed & Shellfish No. 6, Inver, Barr na Tra, Ballina, Co. Mayo Ireland C: Gerard Heneghan T: +353 97 84976

Arramara Teoranta Kilkieran Connemara Co. Galway Ireland C: Maura Flaherty T: +353 95 33404 F: +353 95 33494 E: W:

Celtic Seaweed Baths Products Ltd. Finisklin Business Park Co. Sligo Ireland T: + 353 7191 61872 E: W:

Feamainn Fiain Teoranta Kylebroughlan, Moycullen Co. Galway Ireland C: Michael Beatty T: +353 87 1376476 E:

BioAtlanti Clash Industrial Estate Tralee, Co. Kerry Ireland C: John T. O’Sullivan T: +353 66 7118477 F: +353 66 7119802 E: W: Blath na Mara Eoghnacht, Inis Mor, Aran Islands Co. Galway Ireland C: Máirtín O’Conceanainn T: +353 99 61411 E: W: Bord Iascaigh Mhara New Docks Co. Galway Ireland C: Máirtín Walsh T: +353 91 539364 F: +354 91 568569 E: W: Brandon Bioscience Centre Point Tralee, Co. Kerry Ireland C: Paul Mullins T: +353 66 7181160 F: +353 66 7181161 E: W: Carraig Fhada Seaweed Ltd Cabra, Rathlee, Easkey Co. Sligo Ireland C: Betty Melvin T: +353 96 49042 F: +353 96 49042 E:

Cleggan Seaweed Company Dock Road Cleggan, Co. Galway Ireland C: John King T: +353 95 44649 E: Connemara Organic Irish Seaweed Company Rossaveal Co. Galway Ireland T: + 353 (0) 91506848 E: noel@connemaraseaweed Cybercolloids Limited Site 13, Unit 4A, Carrigaline Industrial Estate Carrigaline Co. Cork Ireland C: Ross Campbell T: +353 21 4375773 E: W: Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government (Marine Planning/Foreshore) Newtown Road Wexford Co. Wexford Ireland C: Bernard Nolan T: +353 53 9117367 E: W: Dingle Bay Seaweed Ltd Oakmount Castletownbere Co. Cork, Ireland C: Mike Murphy T: +353 86 2607991 C: Liz O’Leary T: +353 87 9192397

Feamainn Organach Chonamara Teoranta Ros a’ Mhil Co. Galway Ireland C: Noel Lee T: + 353 87 2830809 E: W: Healthyyou 7 Lyndon Crescent, Donnybrook, Douglas Co. Cork Ireland C: Dermot Twomey T: +353 21 4892726 E: W: Indigo Rock Marine Research Station Gearhies Bantry, Co. Cork Ireland C: Julie Maguire T: +353 27 61276 F: +353 27 61264 E: W: Institute of Technology, Sligo Ash Lane Sligo Co. Sligo Ireland C: John Bartlett T: +353 71 9155314 W: Irish Seaweed Conultancy Clybaun Road, Knocknacarra Galway Co. Galway Ireland C: Anna Soler T: +353 87 7208191 E: W:

Aquaculture & Seafood Ireland

Irish Seaweed Processors Limited Rossmore Quay, Woodford Portumna Co. Galway Ireland C: Tony Barrett T: +353 909 749071 F: +353 909 749255 E: W: Irish Seaweed Research Group Ryan Institute, National University of Ireland Galway University Road Co. Galway Ireland T: +353 91 492377 W: K & M Aquatic Plant Enterprises Thornville Killinick Co. Wexford Ireland C: Mary Meyler T: + 353 53 9175995 F: + 353 53 9175995 E: W: Lo-tide Fine Foods Limited Moyna, Kilmeena, Westport Co. Mayo Ireland C: Seamus Moran T: +353 98 42616 F: +353 98 42616 E: W: Marigot Limited Strand Farm, Currabinny Carrigaline Co. Cork Ireland C: Michael Ryan T: +353 21 4378377 F: +353 21 4378466 E: W:

Marine Institute Rinville Oranmore Co. Galway Ireland C: Francis O’Beirne T: +353 91 387250 E: W: Ocean Harvest Technology Limited Mausrevagh, Kilcoona, Headford Co. Galway Ireland C: Stefan Kraan T: +353 93 51807 E: W: Oilean Glas Teoranta Ballymoon Industrial Estate Kilcar Co. Donegal Ireland C: Declan Gallagher T: +353 74 9738860 F: +353 74 9738854 E: W: Quality Sea Vegetables Cloughglass Burtonport Co. Donegal Ireland C: Manus MacGonagle T: +353 74 9542159 F: +353 74 9542159 E: W: Rí na Mara Teoranta Seannagurrain Spiddal Co. Galway Ireland C: Seamas MacCathmhaoil T: +353 91 553047 F: +353 91 553047 E: W:

Roaring Water Sea Vegetable Company East End, Ash Tree Cottage, Dunbeacon, Durrus Co. Cork Ireland C: Paul Cobb T: +353 86 7870657 W: Seahorse Atlantic Oakmount Castletownebere Co. Cork Ireland C: Sarah Jane O’Sullivan T: +353 27 71663 E: W: Seamus O’Grady Fahamore Castlegregory Co. Kerry Ireland C: Seamus O’Grady T: +353 87 6737701 E: Seavite Bodycare Limited 26 Maunsells Road Taylors Hill Co. Galway Ireland C: Kaye Mulrooney T: +353 91 521351 F: +353 91 527701 E: W:

Sea Nymph Mountain Road Moycullen Co. Galway, Ireland C: Philip Casburn T: +353 91 556239 F: +353 91 556239 E: W: Sherkin Island Marine Station Sherkin Island Co. Cork Ireland C: Matt Murphy T: +353 28 20187 F: +353 28 20407 E: W: Waterford Sea Vegetables Ballinagaul, Ring Dungarvan Co. Waterford Ireland C: Nicholas Paul T: +353 58 46168 E: Wild Irish Sea Vegetables Caherush Quilty Co. Clare Ireland C: Gerard Talty T: +353 87 0922555 E: W:

Seaweed Limited Kylebroughlan, Moycullen Co. Galway Ireland C: Graham Casburn T: +353 91 773370 F: +353 91 773371 E:

Every effort is made to ensure accuracy. We would appreciate if you would email any corrections or additions to:

Aquaculture & Seafood Ireland


Fish Farms in Northern Ireland T: Telphone

F: Fax

Freshwater Glenariffe Trout Farm 5 Glen Road Glenariff Co. Antrim BT 44 ORF E: T: 028 21772155 C: Hugh Delargy Glenoak Fisheries 1 Nutts Corner Road Crumlin Co. Antrim N. Ireland E: T: 02894452975 C: Raymond Mairs Northern Salmon Company Castle Demesne, Glenarm Co. Antrim BT440BD E: john@glenarmorganic T: 02828841691 C: John Russell Otterburn Farm 31 Caddy Road, Randalstown Co. Antrim BT41 3 DL N. Ireland E: T: 028 9447 2002 C: Lee Beverland Seven Springs Hatchery Ballyhampton Road Larne Co. Antrim N. Ireland E: T: 028 28260977 C: Brian Johnston Silverstream Fisheries Ltd Old Corby Mill, Limnavallaghan Road Clough, Martinstown Co. Antrim N. Ireland E: T: 028 21758655 C: Hugh Delargy Straid Trout Fisheries 21 Castletown Road, Ballynure Ballyclare Co. Antrim BT39 9PU N. Ireland C: Marcus Malley Movanagher Fish Farm DCAL 152 Vow Road, Kilrea Ballymoney Co. Antrim N. Ireland T: 048 29540533


M: Mobile

E: Email

W: Web

C: Contact

Moneycarragh Fish Farm 60 Dromara Road Dundrum Co. Down E: moneycarraghfishfarm@ C: John Smyth

Rectory Lodge Fishery 10 Rectory Road, Cookstown Co. Tyrone N. Ireland E: C: Maurice Lyttle

Charlie Morgan 26 Wrack Road, Ballymartin Kilkeel Co. Down BT34 4NT C: Charllie Morgan

Tommy Marshall 314 Coalisland Road Dungannon Co. Tyrone BT71 6ET N. Ireland T: 02887740649 C: Tommy Marshall

EMEC Ltd 126 Marble Arch Road, Killesher Florencecourt Co. Fermanagh E: T: 048 66349974 C: Paul Kearney BREA Orritor Hatchery, Orritor Road Cookstown Co. Tyrone BT80 9ND C: Alan Keys Judestream Fish Farm Scotchtown Lane, Balindery Bridge Coagh Co. Tyrone C: Tommy Devlin Blue Valley Fish Farm 14 Upper Kildress Rd Cookstown Co. Tyrone BT80 9RS E: T: 02887740649 C: Mark McAlister Pluckmill Fish Farm 37, Cadian Road, Egllish Dungannon Co. Tyrone C: Cathal Quinn Rocks Lodge Trout Farm 24 Bunderg Rd, Lisnatunny, Newtownstewart Co. Tyrone E: T: 028 2826 0977 C: Brian Johnston Sperrin Mountain Spring Hatchery 22 Loughfea Road, Cookstown Co. Tyrone E: T: +44 (0)7920085460 C: Wilfred Mitchell Orritor Fish Farm 266 Orritor Road, Cookstown Co. Tyrone BT80 9 NE E: T: 028 86751201 C: Alan McKewon

Ballyarton Hatchery Lower Ballyarton Road Co Derry E: C: Ian Gamble

Oysters Paddys Point Oysters Ltd 20 Blackstaff Road Clough Co. Down BT30 8SW N. Ireland E: C: Damien Perdriel Killough Oysters Ltd 20 Blackstaff Road Clough Co. Down BT30 8SW N. Ireland E: T: +44 (0) 7834120795 C: Patrice Bonnargent Killowen Shellfish Ltd 31 Stewarts Road Annalong Co.Down BT34 4UE N. Ireland killowenshellfish@ E: T: +44 (0) 7742931211 C: Darren Cunningham DOMA(NI) 24 Main Street Dundrum Co. Down BT31 0LX N. Ireland E: T: 0033299894816 C: Michael Charrit Henning Bros Ltd The Harbour Kilkeel Co.Down BT34 4AX N. Ireland E: T: 02841762335 C: Harold Henning

Sardini Ltd 225 New Lodge Road BT 15 2BY Belfast N. Ireland T: +44782 8699929 Greencastle Oysters 27A Fair Road Greencastle Co.Down BT34 4LS N. Ireland greencastleoystersltd@ E: T: 0330546859785 C: Jean-Marie Alfonso Foylemore Oysters Coney Road Culmore Co. Derry BT48 8JP foylemore_oysters@ E: T: +44 (0) 7795600327 C: Willie Lynch Cuan SeaFisheries Ltd Flat 25 89 Frances Street N/Townards Co Down BT23 6SQ michel.mousset@ E: T: +44 (0)7899756650 C: Michel Mousset Stephen O’Hare 40 Leestone Road Kilkeel Co. Down BT34 4NW N. Ireland E: C: Stephen O’Hare Millbay Oysters The Harbour Kilkeel Co. Down BT34 4AX E: T: 048 4176 3071 C: John Rooney

Other Species John Greene 103 Leestone Road, Kilkeel Co. Down BT34 4 NW E: C: +44 (0)7740987577 Islander Kelp Church Bay Rathlin Island Ballycastle Co. Antrim BT54 6RT E: C: Kate Burns

Aquaculture & Seafood Ireland

Northern Ireland Seafood Companies T: Telphone

F: Fax

Anglo North Irish Fish Producers Organisation The Harbour Kilkeel Co. Down BT34 4AX Northern Ireland T: +44 (0) 28 41762855 F: +44 (0) 28 4176 4904 E: W: Cloughmore Shellfish 3 The Harbour Kilkeel Co. Down BT34 4AX Northern Ireland T: 44 (0) 28 4176 9208 C & N Chambers The Harbour Kilkeel Co. Down Northern Ireland BT34 4AX T: +44 (0) 28 417 65100 F: +44 (0) 28 417 64245 E: W: C: Mr. Charles Chambers M: 07074465100 C: Mr. Norman Chambers M: 07074663212 C& O Milligan Downpatrick Road Ardglass Downpatrick Co. Down BT30 7SF Northern Ireland T: +44 (028) 4484 1098 C: Comgall Milligan Denholm Fish Selling Ltd. Coastguard Cottages Harbour Road Portavogie Co. Down BT22 1EA Northern Ireland T: +44 (028) 4277 1429 E: W: C: Sam Mawhinney Donegal Prime Fish Skeoge Industrial Estate Beraghmore Road Co. Londonderry BT48 8SE Northern Ireland T: +44 (028) 7135 0059 E: C: Dorothy Ryan East Coast Seafoods Old Boiler House Killard Drive Downpatrick Co. Down BT30 7PW Northern Ireland T: 44 (028) 44 841196 E:

M: Mobile

E: Email

Ewing’s Seafoods 6 Kendal Street Belfast BT13 2JR Northern Ireland T: 44 (028) 9032 5534 W: C: Walter Ewing Glenarm Organic Salmon 8 Castle Demesne Glenarm Co. Antrim BT44 0AD Northern Ireland T: +44 (0) 28 288 41691 E: info@glenarmorganicsalmon. com W: Henning Bros. Fishing Co. Ltd. The Harbour Kilkeel Co. Down BT34 4AX Northern Ireland T: +44 (0) 28 4176 2335 F: +44 (0) 28 4176 2335 M: +44 (0) 78 0881 2188 / 079 2186 5833 W: E: Keenan Seafood Limited Blackstaff Road Kennedy Way Belfast BT11 9DT Northern Ireland C: Gerry Keenan T: +44 (028) 9061 8088 F: +44 (028) 9043 1096 E: Kennedy’s Direct Catch Down Business Park 46 Belfast Road Downpatrick County Down BT30 9UP Northern Ireland C: Kenny Kennedy T: +44 (028) 4461 7277 W: Kilhorne Bay Seafoods Limited Moneydarragh Road Annalong County Down BT34 4TZ Northern Ireland T: +44 (028) 43 768261 F: +44 (028) 43 768900 W: Kilkeel Kippering Company The Harbour Kilkeel Co. Down BT34 4AX Northern Ireland T: 44 (028) 4176 3164 C: Cecil McCullough E:

Aquaculture & Seafood Ireland

W: Web

C: Contact

Kilkeel Seafoods Ltd The Harbour Kilkeel Co. Down Northern Ireland BT34 4AX Northern Ireland T: +44 (028) 41762649 E: W: McKeown’s Fish & Poultry Shop 14 High Street Bangor Co. Down BT20 5AY Northern Ireland T: +44 (0) 28 9127 1141 M: +44 (0)7793641422 W: McMullan Shellfish The Lobster Ponds 5 Glenariffe Road Glenariffe Co. Antrim BT44 0QY Northern Ireland T: +44 (0) 28 2177 1032 C: Alex McMullan Mortons Fishmongers 22 Bayview Road Ballycastle Co. Antrim BT54 6BT Northern Ireland T: +44 (0) 28 2076 2348 C: Patrick McLernon Mourne Seafood Bar Fishmongers 34-36 Bank Street Belfast BT1 1HL Northern Ireland T: +44 (028) 90 24 8544 Still Waters Fishing Unit 1 Princess Anne Road Portavogie Co. Down BT22 1DT Northern Ireland T: +44 (0) 28 4277 1316 E: W:

Rooney Fish The Harbour Kilkeel County Down BT34 4AX Northern Ireland T: +44 (0) 28 4176 3071 F: +44 (0) 28 4176 2188 E: W: C: John Rooney S & P Milligan 20 Downpatrick Road Ardglass Downpatrick Co. Down BT30 7SF Northern Ireland T: +44 (0) 28 44 841595 C: Seamus Milligan Sea Source The Harbour Kilkeel Co. Down BT34 4AX Northern Ireland T: +44 (0) 28 4176 2855 F: +44 (0) 28 4176 4904 W: Something Fishy N.I. Ltd. 1 The Tides Portavogie Co. Down Northern Ireland T: + 44 (0) 7769 152244 C: Alan Coffey T.H. Nicholson The Harbour Kilkeel Co. Down BT34 4AX Northern Ireland T: +44 (0) 28 417 64919 E:

Rathlin Island Lobster & Crab Cleggan Cottage Rathlin Island Co. Antrim BT54 6RT Northern Ireland T: 44 (0) 28 2076 3948 C: Liam & Benji McFaul


Aquaculture & Seafood Agencies T: Telphone

F: Fax

M: Mobile

Aquaculture Initiative EEIG 12B Innovation House, Down Business Centre, 46 Belfast Road, Downpatrick, Co. Down BT3094P, Northern Ireland T: 048 44619660 E: W: Aquaculture Licences Appeals Board Kilminchy Court, Portlaoise, Co. Laois, T: 05786 67857 E: W:

E: Email

NI Department of Environment & Rural Affairs Rathkeltair House Market Street Downpatrick Northern Ireland BT306AJ T: 048 44618059 W: Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine Agriculture House, Kildare Street, Dublin 2. T: 1890 200 510 +353 238859500 E: W:

Aquaculture and Fisheries Development Centre University College Cork, Cooperage Building, North Mall, Cork T: 021 4904541 W:

Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine Coastal Zone Management Division Sea Fisheries Administration Seafood Policy & Development West Cork Technology Park, Clonakilty, Co Cork T: 1890 25 27 41

AquaTT Ltd. Unit 3, Olympic House, Pleasants Street, Dublin 8, Ireland T: 353 1 6449008 C: David Murphy E: W:

Enterprise Ireland The Plaza, Eastpoint Business Park, Dublin 3 T: 01 727200 W:

Bantry Marine Research Station Gearhies Bantry P75 AX07 Co. Cork, Ireland T: 353 27 29181 E:

European Maritime Affairs & Fisheries Directorate General European Commission Rue de La Loi Wetstraat 200 B-1049 Brussels W:

Bord Bía Clanwilliam Court Lower Mount Street, Dublin 2, Ireland T: 01 668 5155 F: 01 668 7521 E: W: BIM Ireland’s Seafood Developemnt Agency Crofton Road, Dun Laoghaire, Co. Dublin. T: 01 214 4100 F: 01 284 1123 W:

European Aquaculture Society Slijkensesteenweg 4, 8400 Oostende, Belgium C: Alistair Lane T: 0032-59 323859 F: 0032-59321005 E: W: Food Safety Authority Abbey Court Lower Abbey Street, Dublin 1 T: 01 8171300 W:

W: Web

C: Contact

IFPEA Irish Fish Processors & Exporters Association T: +353(0) 876299522 E: C: Lorcán Ó Cinnéide

Nutra Mara Teagasc, Food Research Centre Ashtown, Dublin 15 T: 01 8059955 W:

IFPO 8 Anville Court, Killybegs, Co Donegal T: 074 9741468 E:

Salmon Research Agency of Ireland (Marine Institute) Furnace, Newport, Co. Mayo. T: 098 41107 W:

Inland Fisheries Ireland (HQ) Swords Business Campus, Swords, Co Dublin T:: +353 1 8842 600 F: +353 1 8360 060 E:

Sea-Fisheries Protection Authority Park Road, Clogheen, Clonakilty, Co Cork T: 023 885 93 00 E:

IFA Aquaculture Irish Farm Centre, Bluebell, Naas Road, Dublin 12. T: 01 4508755 M: 087 795 4728 F: 01 4551043 E: C: Teresa Morrissey W:

Seascapes A weekly programme covering maritime matters broadcast on RTE Radio 1 on Friday at 22.30, presented by Fergal Keane. W:

Irish Seaweed Industry Association Ryan Institute, Orbsen Building, University College Galway. T: 091 493548 F: 091 495515 E: Loughs Agency 22 Victoria Road, L’Derry, Northern Ireland T: 028-71342100 T: 048-71342100 (RofI) E: Marine Institute & Marine Data Centre Rinville, Oranmore, Co. Galway T: 091 387200 W:

This Island Nation Maritime radio programme reporting on marine culture, history, tradition and development is broadcast by 10 local community stations around Ireland and Podcast nationally and internationally Soundcloud and Mixcloud. E: FB: THISISLANDNATION C: Tom MacSweeney Údaras na Gaeltachta Na Forbacha, Furbo, Gaillimh T: 091 503100 F: 091 592037 W: E:

Every effort is made to ensure accuracy. We would appreciate if you would email any corrections or additions to:


Aquaculture & Seafood Ireland


The annual meeting of the European Aquaculture Society

For more info on the TRADESHOW: For more info on the CONFERENCE:

Dedicated to Improving Business Performance in the Irish Seafood Sector

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