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Seaweed Producers
Kinvara Smoked Salmon Limited
Kinvara, Co. Galway, Ireland C: Declan Droney -
Managing Director T: +353 91 637 489 F: +353 91 638 193 E: Declan@kinvarasmokedsalmon. com W: kinvarasmokedsalmon.com
Marine Harvest Ireland
Rinmore Fanad, Letterkenny, Co. Donegal, Ireland C: Pat Connors -
Sales Director T: +353 74 919 2820 F: +353 74 919 2825 E: pat.connors@marineharvest. com W: marineharvest.com donegalsilver.ie theorganicsalmoncompany.ie
Oceanpath/Dunns of Dublin
West Pier, Howth, Co. Dublin, Ireland C: Ken Ecock -
Managing Director T: +353 1 839 8900 F: +353 1 839 8930 E: ken@oceanpath.ie W: dunns.ie
William Carr & Sons Limited
Curraglass Mallow, Co. Cork, Ireland C: Billy Carr -
Managing Director T: +353 58 56216 F: +353 58 56434 E: billy.carr@carrshellfish.com W: wmcarr.com
Wrights of Howth
14 West Pier Howth, Co. Dublin, Ireland C: Mark Wright -
Managing Director T: +353 1 832 3937 F: +353 1 832 0201 E: mark@wrightsofhowth.com W: wrightsofhowth.com
BORD BIA - Irish Food Board
Clanwilliam Court Lower Mount Street, Dublin 2, Ireland C: Director Markets -
Michael Murphy C: International Markets Manager - Breiffine Kennedy T: +353 1 668 5155 F: +353 1 6687521 E: info@bordbia.ie W: bordbia.ie
T: Telephone M: Mobile F: Fax E: Email W: Web C: Contact
Algaran Seaweed
Malinmore Glencolmcille Ireland C: Rosaria Piseri T: 353(0) 9730773 E: rosaria@algaran.com W: seaweedproducts.ie
Arramara Teoranta
Kilkieran Connemara Co. Galway Ireland C: Maura Flaherty T: +353 95 33404 F: +353 95 33494 E: info2@arramara.ie W: arramara.ie
Clash Industrial Estate Tralee, Co. Kerry Ireland C: John T. O’Sullivan T: +353 66 7118477 F: +353 66 7119802 E: info@bioatlantis.com W: bioatlantis.com
Blath na Mara
Eoghnacht, Inis Mor, Aran Islands Co. Galway Ireland C: Máirtín O’Conceanainn T: +353 99 61411 E: blathnamara@eircom.net W: blathnamara.com
Bord Iascaigh Mhara
New Docks Co. Galway Ireland C: Máirtín Walsh T: +353 91 539364 F: +354 91 568569 E: walshm@bim.ie W: bim.ie
Brandon Bioscience
Centre Point Tralee, Co. Kerry Ireland C: Paul Mullins T: +353 66 7181160 F: +353 66 7181161 E: brandon@brandonproducts.com W: brandonproducts.com
Carraig Fhada Seaweed Ltd
Cabra, Rathlee, Easkey Co. Sligo Ireland C: Betty Melvin T: +353 96 49042 F: +353 96 49042 E: carraigseaweed@eircom.net
Cartron Point Shellfish
New Quay, Burrin Co. Clare Ireland C: Iarfhlaith Connellan T: +353 (0) 657078189 E: freddieomahony@eircom.net
Celtic Seaweed Baths Products Ltd.
Finisklin Business Park Co. Sligo Ireland T: + 353 7191 61872 E: info@voya.ie W: voya.ie
Cleggan Seaweed Company
Dock Road Cleggan, Co. Galway Ireland C: John King T: +353 95 44649 E: fisherking9@gmail.com
Connemara Organic Irish Seaweed Company
Rossaveal Co. Galway Ireland T: + 353 (0) 91506848 E: noel@connemaraseaweed company.ie
Cybercolloids Limited
Site 13, Unit 4A, Carrigaline Industrial Estate Carrigaline Co. Cork Ireland C: Ross Campbell T: +353 21 4375773 E: info@cybercolloids.net W: cybercolloids.net
Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government (Marine Planning/Foreshore)
Newtown Road Wexford Co. Wexford Ireland C: Bernard Nolan T: +353 53 9117367 E: bernard.nolan@environ.ie W: environ.ie
Dingle Bay Seaweed Ltd
Oakmount Castletownbere Co. Cork, Ireland C: Mike Murphy T: +353 86 2607991 C: Liz O’Leary T: +353 87 9192397
Erris Seaweed & Shellfish
No. 6, Inver, Barr na Tra, Ballina, Co. Mayo Ireland C: Gerard Heneghan T: +353 97 84976
Feamainn Fiain Teoranta
Kylebroughlan, Moycullen Co. Galway Ireland C: Michael Beatty T: +353 87 1376476 E: mtbeatt@gmail.com
Feamainn Organach Chonamara Teoranta
Ros a’ Mhil Co. Galway Ireland C: Noel Lee T: + 353 87 2830809 E: noel@kelpireland.com W: kelpireland.com
7 Lyndon Crescent, Donnybrook, Douglas Co. Cork Ireland C: Dermot Twomey T: +353 21 4892726 E: dermot@seaweedsalads.ie W: seaweedsalads.ie
Indigo Rock Marine Research Station
Gearhies Bantry, Co. Cork Ireland C: Julie Maguire T: +353 27 61276 F: +353 27 61264 E: julie.maguire@dommrc.com W: indigorock.org
Institute of Technology, Sligo
Ash Lane Sligo Co. Sligo Ireland C: John Bartlett T: +353 71 9155314 W: bartlett.john@itsligo.ie
Irish Seaweed Conultancy
Clybaun Road, Knocknacarra Galway Co. Galway Ireland C: Anna Soler T: +353 87 7208191 E: anna.soler@irishseaweed.com W: irishseaweedconsultancy.com
Irish Seaweed Processors Limited
Rossmore Quay, Woodford Portumna Co. Galway Ireland C: Tony Barrett T: +353 909 749071 F: +353 909 749255 E: tbarrett@irishalgae.com W: irishalgae.com
Irish Seaweed Research Group
Ryan Institute, National University of Ireland Galway University Road Co. Galway Ireland T: +353 91 492377 W: irishseaweed.com
K & M Aquatic Plant Enterprises
Thornville Killinick Co. Wexford Ireland C: Mary Meyler T: + 353 53 9175995 F: + 353 53 9175995 E: info@oceanleaves.ie W: oceanleaves.ie
Lo-tide Fine Foods Limited
Moyna, Kilmeena, Westport Co. Mayo Ireland C: Seamus Moran T: +353 98 42616 F: +353 98 42616 E: info@lo-tide.com W: lo-tide.com
Marigot Limited
Strand Farm, Currabinny Carrigaline Co. Cork Ireland C: Michael Ryan T: +353 21 4378377 F: +353 21 4378466 E: celticsm@indigo.ie W: celticseaminerals.com
Marine Institute
Rinville Oranmore Co. Galway Ireland C: Francis O’Beirne T: +353 91 387250 E: francis.obeirn@marine.ie W: marine.ie
Ocean Harvest Technology Limited
Mausrevagh, Kilcoona, Headford Co. Galway Ireland C: Stefan Kraan T: +353 93 51807 E: stefan@oceanharvest.ie W: oceanharvest.com
Oilean Glas Teoranta
Ballymoon Industrial Estate Kilcar Co. Donegal Ireland C: Declan Gallagher T: +353 74 9738860 F: +353 74 9738854 E: declan@ogt.ie W: ogt.ie
Quality Sea Vegetables
Cloughglass Burtonport Co. Donegal Ireland C: Manus MacGonagle T: +353 74 9542159 F: +353 74 9542159 E: qualityseaveg@eircom.net W: qualityseaveg.ie
Rí na Mara Teoranta
Seannagurrain Spiddal Co. Galway Ireland C: Seamas MacCathmhaoil T: +353 91 553047 F: +353 91 553047 E: info@rinamara.com W: rinamara.com
Roaring Water Sea Vegetable Company
East End, Ash Tree Cottage, Dunbeacon, Durrus Co. Cork Ireland C: Paul Cobb T: +353 86 7870657 W: roaringwatervegetables.ie
Seahorse Atlantic
Oakmount Castletownebere Co. Cork Ireland C: Sarah Jane O’Sullivan T: +353 27 71663 E: info@seahorseatlantic.ie W: seahorseatlantic.ie
Seamus O’Grady
Fahamore Castlegregory Co. Kerry Ireland C: Seamus O’Grady T: +353 87 6737701 E: jimmycian@gmail.com
Seavite Bodycare Limited
26 Maunsells Road Taylors Hill Co. Galway Ireland C: Kaye Mulrooney T: +353 91 521351 F: +353 91 527701 E: contact@seavite.ie W: seavite.ie
Seaweed Limited
Kylebroughlan, Moycullen Co. Galway Ireland C: Graham Casburn T: +353 91 773370 F: +353 91 773371 E: info@carabay.ie
Sea Nymph
Mountain Road Moycullen Co. Galway, Ireland C: Philip Casburn T: +353 91 556239 F: +353 91 556239 E: philip@sea-nymph-ireland.com W: sea-nymph-ireland.com
Sherkin Island Marine Station
Sherkin Island Co. Cork Ireland C: Matt Murphy T: +353 28 20187 F: +353 28 20407 E: sherkinmarine@eircom.net W: sherkinmarine.ie
Waterford Sea Vegetables
Ballinagaul, Ring Dungarvan Co. Waterford Ireland C: Nicholas Paul T: +353 58 46168 E: info@glasraimara.ie
Wild Irish Sea Vegetables
Caherush Quilty Co. Clare Ireland C: Gerard Talty T: +353 87 0922555 E: info@wildirishseaveg.com W: wildirishseaveg.com