Inside Columbia magazine March/April 2022

Page 31






ecently, I rode my bicycle

“Backyards and Beyond” glamping tent

down the Katy Trail and

package ready to rent.

stopped at one legendary gathering place. At the

The entire property sits along the

longest nonstop canoe race. Kayaks and pleasure boats remain rare sights between Kansas City and St.

Katy Trail and the magnificent Missouri

Louis. Other states have successfully

bottom of Boone County, between

River, the longest river on the continent,

turned the river into a playground,

Rocheport and Hartsburg, Cooper's

which means you can get there by bike

even as they siphon water and sell it off.

Landing serves the Missouri River as

or boat. But most people take the easy

Missouri has been slow to engage the

country store, campground, music

drive to this beautiful spot.

river’s recreational potential.

venue and marina. What a great setting to bring family

From a food truck, I received a hearty helping of the world's best river fare.

But hold onto your paddle. Years ago, before I became Missouri

and friends: a bonfire; great music

I sat on a picnic bench and listened to

tourism director, then-U.S. Secretary

from the bandstand; plenty of picnic

live music, performed by disciples of

of the Interior Bruce Babbitt stood on

tables; your favorite beverages and

Jerome Wheeler, the dearly departed

the banks of the Missouri River and

snacks served from the open window

Missouri River muse. A solitary pleasure

shared his vision for a Missouri River

of the store; easy parking and plenty

boat arrived at the marina. Then a

trail. He was concerned about the river’s

of campsites for tents and RVs. They

kayak appeared from the west. If it were

future. I trusted Babbitt because of his

even offer glamping, the glamorous

summer, I’d guess she was a contestant

open frankness. To wit, as a presidential

camping alternative, with a brand new

in the Missouri River 340, the world's

candidate he faced the question: INSIDE COLUMBIA MARCH/APRIL 2022 31

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