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Clinics in Buckley & Liverpool
Trus ted a e st h e ti c s co m pa ny d e li ve ri n g scientifically p rove n sig n atu re t reat m e n ts , to supp o r t o ur pati e nts o n t h e ir j ou rn ey to a ch i eve ou tco m e s that a re co n sis te ntl y re su l ts d ri ve n a n d pe rs o n ce nt re d
Amanda Azzopardi is an Advanced Nurse Practitioner and Prescriber in Aesthetic Medicine, specialising in addressing the changes that occur as we age. Not only does she hold a Masters degree in Advanced Clinical Practice but she has also completed advanced aesthetic training at the prestigious Harley Academy in Harley Street, London, as well as at Derma Medical Academy, a level 7 accredited training facility.
We o er a professional, independently audited, safe aesthetic ser vice, regulated by the CQC . Our sta maintain extremely high standards of training to carr y out procedures, treatments and aftercare, ensuring high safety and professionalism throughout the patient journey with us.
After a full medical consultation a personalised plan of care is created. All concerns are listened to and valued, patients are encouraged to express their views. We are an e ec tive clinic focussed on health promotion with for ward thinking and fully- trained sta in all areas to ensure consistent excellent clinical outcomes
With welcoming smiles, our sta are on-site to guide you into the clinic , provide you with tea or co ee and have a relaxing chat or consultation prior to your treatment We o er appointment only bookings to ensure patient privacy and dignity at all times
Ad va n ce d t reat m e nts with p roven re su l t s Clinics in Buckley & Liverpool
Call: 07818 323730 | 07444 938248 | 0151 5580742
E: amanda@ama n daaz zo pa rdi .co.u k
W: amandaazzopardi.co.uk