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We understand the importance of education. In 2019, your cooperative awarded $37,500 in scholarships to 14 local students. These funds will be used for them to continue their education in trade schools, two-year or fouryear college programs. The cooperative also provided financial donations and assistance of over $10,000 to schools served by the cooperative.
Cooperatives not only supply millions of homes across the country with electricity, they are also a source of employment for many across the nation and right here at home. Your cooperative is actively involved with schools in our area and often participates in career fairs to teach students about the many employment opportunities available at cooperatives. Our career fair program offers hands on learning opportunities for the students to wear the gear our lineworkers wear while attempting to maneuver tools and equipment. We also spend many hours educating our youth and others in the community about the importance of electrical safety. In 2019, we reached more than 2,400 students through these programs.
Students reached through career programs
Scholarships given to students in our service area
Educators trained at EMPOWER energy education workshop
Energy Programs Our energy auditor performed a total of 94 residential and commercial energy audits in 2019. In addition, your cooperative shared valuable energy saving tips, information regarding loan and rebate programs, and distributed 231 energy efficient electric water heaters.
Our employees understand the importance of giving back to the community. Each year, we participate in a variety of projects that help enhance the lives of others in our area. One of the largest events we help organize and provide volunteers for is 12’s Day of Giving and the Summer Fund and Food Drive, co-sponsored by WSFA-TV. These drives benefit local charities such as Christmas Clearinghouse, the Montgomery Area Food Bank, and Toys for Tots. Since their inception, we have raised over $650,000 in monetary donations and collected an additional 62,000 toys and 165,000 pounds of food to assist our neighbors in need. Employees also adopt families at Christmas through local organizations and prepare almost 300 fruit baskets annually to be delivered to elderly members of the community. These are just a few examples of the many ways your cooperative is committed to the communities we serve.